IV I A: DISPATCH NO. srtclrv AIR ON St& POUCH 3. .17 FEmutrt7i 'I 553 TO Chief Of T E FRom 67- SUBJECT: GENERAL- Tac2intical CUipcrt s@Ecific- -re- -h is a li.-t of 4-natruction3 'thci-use of -chloral hydr to tot conr,--rniTio. a,, '.L-he desk of tl,.eve I'ag:ta h-=v42=,@, n4-n--ty@-on3- :@-ped to the address.* k attention.-:' of 7@o are imable to ts &.9 to t.h 9 r a tions of 2. "Lbe pro.@--ur W. 07eat de-A rL in p erts 2 pcr.-o.-r.- be tpprec:i,-ted If as d be-forr,-xdod with t:ro re to VP Dist: Addressee Orig & 2 6- 2 ELEASING OFFICER COORDINATING OFFICE* TICATINO arricen spa as-22249 --CEWC-WICATION ratic too. I, 49 JU A,@