i4 ;22 1953 Ccatalct-Division I-:!=o Ito -'693 argic &cid &i!athya3--ida IZD Dr. 'References T railtiont I-[ r@,.-ptember 1953i C---se ELtion vitb@ ion lazese =2u a2re -in end -ULielr CCMIDIneEL exl@erience covers tb2 -tion lDf-@@--rZOt'Z;Uga tbrou& :its p-p2lication in the f ield of prOdUL nedicim. 2 of tb-- 870ove m--n corclucl-- that lM-e5 is a danz;ercus ne@eri 'A"hose aspects are r.=e und tbst itbas & potential as a CW and IRT agent- tbjj.,6, tily bali n(4. t,@,ought &b, Ur interest in tbs su'bjezt :Nr ut pric:r to c nlrziay. A-, tbis.,>oint their en'V--.uniam is ru@-l@ hi& ezd they am se the reseamh.to a conclurgion. Twy prcpose ve_ r interested ln.l;-ax-graing d 2 that -the foiloving 6dbjecto ob--uld'be i=vestigrtois maw v i7 .4 4M2@ '!,:mo ro. 893 'h on Alkaloids of 7-'rgot' (13-:L-yZerrLC,- glnd dietby-'I--ide LSD -25) 22 C-epte=l@er 1--3 IL* Vrq VMIIL Buy' C6=try 1,.o_m lnter--ste& in obtai ni n large quant:il@.:Iailof ergot or Its der:LN-ativest Oita q7aestion .:La predicated on the fact that exclusive of ercot deriv- atives used In obs@@etrics,,' dru,-,s c;btaineel by s@-nthesis :in un3.imited quantities proiluce con,@-ro3.led effects %.-hicla bette- than thos' obtained by ergat derivatives. There- are for* if arW counl@ry-or group of countries are ]procuring quantities of ergot a2nd/or its derivatives it must be for uses -yet it-iv-ncrn -uo US L-zwentigations. 'I=-2.5 in a potentiz:L eanti-,anxiCA.-Y r-@7ent an ind:Lcated by ---terto conductea. In Rural* See rts 3873 and 2 -In viev of tbis, viiat vmad be tb@-- effects of zt--Bs -.gLppLicaticm to a populace or troops in tems of el Ivii defense or offensive actionat 2t vould'be well -to &termina We2cion pryenit Teactiow -:Ln humam beiyts and to. develop a posol-Die -C. It sbcmlcl'be definitely aetermiztiff@v@L"at qua--tities of ergot deri-mt:L-vas (LSD-2,5) vmld be-ide-eded to 'eff2ectively C=- -La=imeue food and -Ater supplies. 6. 've he'-ve 'been assured"by tb@ Mascientiex that they V:Lu cooperate fully- in anything -.-@ r-uggest. In tb@l a connection -we vou:L& adq@tsrters I wag: 'be2 ustd to steer the a-Wreciate be _;estions vhich could exp--riments e3.on& lin--s vlost useful to CIA aLnd/or other govery,@- t -in no ir.-. R-late ca3.1 for funds froo CZA as Dr ag@--neies. 7asm - 2 C, and rstocialtes@are Interested enoug@2 to mrrceed on available 3melical schoo3. ftmds.,.-'Y@mda v:LU be neede& later vben bu=L-n subjectx are bired (wl. approri=&1.421Y VS$l Per balr) for eyp--ri=nts. -The -f igu--e of Ti4l -jzgested as r--zez,, tun&. Ve4VM'P-pprocip-te YIMW tbousand'is a rea:tions and rua.=estions'regarding tbia.proposal. 004so 8 2 - TE