"liat A.TR 2 Tarmary .1954 Chlof Fr i 02 to-f of Subject: GenE@-.o-l- - p e r.- t 1,-! @7 "Pecifle @ --I-q,.raest al AsslztzLnce dis atch is P ocneerned primarily VI th an urzont reluest for action, "but.becau3e of the nat-.we-of the reguz:st It WOUM be a Las2to of ti-.* to rcuto It directly to Ml IN Instead It Is re 'nos t ed that the@@a,6rropriaU Officer d:L3CMSS tlo ;robfea.- (r s and that they tov 2 e 2-equcst for.action 20 Lhis st-:1,@@ion is c a;@roach Is t'b a most probably 2 productive of -obtal,7,-,334 :Ln@ ar4d activ-ltles vitally Lffr-.ct.1 ngniw natl-- oi=ltyo,' -,ie IL-.ve -ccoi-iiniply placo-2d a great emphasis tlvit:tes- ar,4 station L;@ 'beea oc seven of @the eight stirr zembe.-S 'Of @apendine t,7 -If thsir'tl= an 7he Chief Of the la"o also devot--s a Li,- ,propqrtlon.of his tl=& to 'he efrectivene3s of no2rease t OZLII "Jo are aware from diacu@-sions W ors i7om !eatrqma@t@e,--a and @tlmr statioxis that probablv- -=ique In devotin,2&, so largo a proportion -17 --Pf O- ts and we d,.-aire .4,o move ahc-,ad as ra-uld3.y as posalblii In' to ther@ -.*@,not our. decisions has "beezi wlso-I orderlmatermine who' -Readquarters as Ue lying 30 arprecin-te the Zuidawe n sund -,,6&zAent-d to enL-ourage direct dofecti,@n app2roar_nuzs w IA and Lmder no circumstances vl.U we fora Is:-tl de @ce i. an of a @o' -ajar p we: ;',F ...bL--21eve, -ho--eve 2 defect" r. that a @-=cezsfull f a targ-st of opi-DortwA it s -A t iif our te:ci advanta ztg go a sudden3-v ari3esl 'of courr!a2, OIW, extensive erag - - = in an czaeuent position to learn -ut-. to exploit tA"m effectively wben 'th time do 2 time ilovev.%r --4a b63.lc've tl,.at ve CaZL'stage effect vely non-derection W ons w4-.ll'-- wilike our r sent t JUN 1978 2 Ito 2 7rAf leant- ay", al' Cence .,if or activlt 3 In not f@urt--,er "apar!,tion-a-lw-lzLfOrm-,tion'. A by ro h v^uld !:ee!m to to the use of far tl-.e -ort rro-i-@ing a;@p_ ae .2: drizcs desirned to lnftce EW to answc-7 q7-ie-etio2r-s v!,Ich they vould @)ct otherwise answer, h3s discu-qsedthe ure of such dru t'h 4,0 in Readquarters last A:-Til arA i vizited arA at 'both ti=s $,,Ivan, t 2o an ort If de--onstrate that ta@bly "-rioevere Into locatit-Ing eontrolledi- persom-le easonable 2crigth no the @h of time VIiile t in2 esence,of any o4, er unfrlendlly bodiest. tl-IZ ia-.@r-ditlon-has now en ze@tbeyond all que!-.tion. @7- rAs lnf(>=ed us -t-at the Chemic :.7- ele- as a -eady d-!ve'lop@d drugs or -o=e p,-ovezz -talug in attairAmC the result've dasire. We@-urZentz:ILY renuost -4,hat vhat. 7= drugs mav lv @ raw ave3.abl,e 4 @@ as noon as F c' rousible, together vit2b In:-:tructions :=.d Bui@nce@fo:- we, 6* It -@haLM apain'be entrbasized t@6@t.l§MMW is -rot In the zame posi. I-r tl= in'-oga-rd to s are ota,.er ctatliins; ve have col-pete:lt ---.7-,Parsow-.ol vith-a vTdo@va:riet7 of @@ ta:LVts and experioneal -have "operatto r inrormation prob@-Ably- unequailed IA qu=tlt7 and In -=Op: 177 aniy otber nt*tiong v'.'@Ich can enrble us to ar-ar""ain wi th .6ortainty (by the ure of test !:tions) the quo ef,"eotiveness on t.Ne 2ubj@--at of the drup, beinp, -acedt wO tan rro_ 3r one of @@a -due$ an e ri='ber n probably 4-.zntrol-l@d a as I:oc-ntinamm@with no other-per t our ovn -nationals Trow long tlas extremel2r e sltu,-tlon can be main2tained Is ndt certaln and rfo=pt action ;Ls@'r,-quested. 'h= anxious to c-io erate in are mo@.-a L -Ing @032tacts 2ar t A in ilrira"eing our -Adsl:7*, ex can ellearettes 'in es quainll __.Les ni 'bramdy and 1-ier. At 2east ene ve bave reason to ma@i ct . that Mill '!,-teht be ano after time cooperates t6o, a@'extant--of-Z-rlnki= - emueh to =ake ILi-m dof int-tely lift-@xibilt434 vith --Mi-;doped drirks@@ ------------------ - OEM= 3 7* ful2y mi!ers t*re u3. 6evelop an easily, ad=i tl-ln3te ObJe@ctive of is to nist,@-red arug v.*deb vill canse the,2 vie..im to resp,-,nd to gx-.'Ostlc= and t.-l'On C,-@me out of the effco& of the ..&rug'v:it@.%out romemberint anything '--ut v h's done, I..;s 'o request ab, hat 2be - vmad like 1. .2 however, that 1111M Operations -r-ot ba dolW-4 Itmti3. simb a l@iracle frug is perlected* It trA' the vict3-M =av- not -b Is LDtirelY sure ,A=t .a @-aid oven tbouO be imcna -he-' tzM:inC- 3.oosely vas ior even tbrx,&. As remain -a -mre of 'b,-vine made the An we2-2: be. di& that be -.ma -..certain 2 @provided that bo not be drucged:fbut mcrely 12tink that. :it V= tbg -r r-It Of thi alcobo3.). - :rt is not neceszaz7 th-"t ve U certain-' ar that t@ro 'driig ir-q 1'1 Tz@odwe triejdlul ,p_nsvers # f or We e in a zlticn to ch-@c3r t:-dl ro in ,Zreat detail lDy re;a.-.on-@of -cxlr 13rese2nt, a r-k@3.CEI;E !;Oeo U.- ad-oised gf 'tbe -e :in r-eting j@-v ogre-..", -t--zQ 1-iillfm this ::t in o.-dcr that t-o mny be ace'urate'ly,,E'Zlde-A in di--velopizg our ecntrol3le(! social contacts vitb lil--ely vic4@-i=, NONE= -33. X)ece=be lit, /V@