Chief. Conta6ct Division 7 reb,rli.-ry 196.2 FOR cm ef case czocodiieran r)SAAin',r 1. We bALve appxmcbed the prubleii of pic);2:iag U,3, a TangauXk= crocoaleon &all bIA&kr r-@cn @-vo 1)ointo of yil-v. The first :Ls to 'have cme of OLLrIalll=buddieim in Tar@ganyikz t- etincemte a zmtive crocodile on the gpct and thea tr 2 captuxe sm4i y to ship its ViU.blagder &War other poison.,>aa T:!zcera to the United StALt" in a condition vhich VM p--rndt an&13,-sds of the pcdxa= contalino&. 'Me 2a-cond alternative vould be to acr-iire a cimcodile on t]@e spot 'wmganytka through &'3.leensed c*13.eetc>r and ship the -live &nl-jal to the United Stat@es tbrough the 2 Dmpmr"-Amt of r-mrpetolo-3y.- 2. WAMMI@@ri m4 tee- idtb of rL--rpe@.ology 46 , c-nd disc!&Elgke -t a live crocoa -of the Ni I variety ii Sh.,Lppiz),z the ani=&l to the woo. Dr. VIM V info tbmi&ht -1-t-voild -f be possible to 34ck up a zedizm size f YDa @Lw43enyike throagh a licensed col-lector. The cost of aicb an ami---txl %'Irild be in tb-- nei&bor-hocg3- of two In@d doilmm. An adilt aniza _1, veighing -ap to tbree handmd po=ds v6A@IA be iL2 'little inore eXWnAlTe. r@r.Ilin= Xee3o that the czay au.= vay of cettz4Lng t:ne gan to t'--so United StALtes intact in in tbme live c.-ck--od-l le,, since t=,L-i-crature " cli=tic conditicms Ox v2e3-1 as Bbily4lijo@- 4delavs uyjder poor ref--Iueraticr-- conditions VM13A zi%im :Et a2=a,,. lnpossible to de'livl-r the bile Or gaLU '@l-AAA r in an unchanged conatlcm. --Dr. fMlffjMPPL.@- 13. be bnlppy to aLrz-a.@e for the pambase of a crocodilc@ he @;etx the Zo 5.1- f@pa us 3- d di@@cusse t7ac intter ac@ gettinc t 2 be ZLii immards directly fx Tan,-.amvm - bait V31itte a foz=er contact of in afries -we @to a rozmr 2 w-e both now Im TansanylkiL. -.Ule-axe la, T4lt4.4 an pzvmide us k-It-n the &--tall& cocch me t6chni ques ezmlo--vd joy the vit--b -Soctor in pre :@- irlilmw. Ai@Alibo'ED III ILUAM 4UN 1978 41 - --- --- --- ',IWO /VI C41A 0 Crocc.&L3.* Ca-u kInz6or the pois=. I IL- w%d Vill PrObvbly be elble t@o col =ore diLtiL co=a _Iect 2f i OLber xvptiles and/6r Yttal'o' v* aslwd the r&ocestaxy info Mmmwto develop runation 0 !Lrptmc. any Bpecial Pmpk----atic>23 of the an blaw-cr _v--ior to 2 one or t-bc =Rin difficu-It.06 of Z:etting the ea-U IInddjmr andlo.r cf*.bar 'rital org&aa to the Urited States is that 12,je ohipL..)ent T.-., t px@oc"d fa--am lndep@--nd--nt Tam,-mnyl-IGr- thmagl-2- lir-itisb c*ntmlll-d Keziya. Bri@,jiLh colonial 'Izv foxbids tlieh&-idl-tx;g of taxcid ra-Leria-Is fierr-ved frm sick TaDZaroikan er-ocodl-las cr;' tic Kilo -4;Ariety. 5- -1@erhaps ve can t2be =R:Acr;_ai -t --Iak!e Vne-sommeawm@@ so= ff mi - - :it. BbO'ald be ablli 't@o- duvelop. an accep' @r -.4@ @'L '4tC 0 vA str JF Nl .4 jr POP