7 II---ch IF51- FOR TtC- FC-A-,! I M dt-straved the alibleat of with crui_ -t .1 ti2m i@m foil @te= --o die- this datej, at v -assods 7he definition or maspczal,,% tn brip-r. ww mu-:erstood too mium 12* proiddlng of a fn el " i tv to keep the 2 I'd-.elmaedg per&= La secr@ty until- t&s kn=ledge of la OPerat'OZS 4@5 in no Ion,-or ckf value to the -enemy* t@ 7hose people V4-11 consist ofs (1) MXMM &9=ts 2 agmts. -DifficUt d@fecto- -S vbo nay viab to reda.,Poot. Defectors Crm va@-imo ti,,-,=!*.-training prognm. c. Chief, menti=ed t.-.e. in consider-gna a soluti= to tbix pmblemo the 5-doa of lsolatim of t@-zve pwple in amy cm pla-.e or tbay in a m=bar *f places vue difrimatp In tt-.at comer or 2ater vo-ad rebel and preamt c2omplex problem. It In his desire that in a way that aWi=evtdZ-.to mm metbod of treatLV such people v,-ald cause o=i-pe--zanent far a partod or approximtelv one 7 0 74@",4 of druza for this Frarpose. CepA 74. 2. ad the above irf vr4-tb t@.9 that a Co.-ma-l- rgquee. would be ou'tz-.i-tt--d b2v to lwvu OWL-. abco,-dari-@e with '3. It !La reacmeri-led tz-.at tl,.:La mall.--r be vdth the Chiefj, goacal Mv:ielotj with t@-a Ch!efg U-,d-Ioal rd2v-g..sion - L--@ th possibly vdt.h consultant axe also vi T-4&aarch Dewlopzent DistrR-buti=t Cy' I sa@eat Flu 0 Cy 2 -@@---egiatz7 C@7 3 Chmno File