April,1958 I&E&oRa.NDUM FOR THE RECOJU Ifeeting on SUBJ7ECT: -ARE% I . Tn e below-listed individuals -e@t at 0900 this date m for the purpose of discussing the cp-se: 2 as= - A made---a-deg' 'I d b:lograph*al--xe@i@o@ PI@Tne repor@t:'&,c@itainedto t@_6]:E@g R@ zr@paxed,@by.-:-D =any new GetgCils vhich -were-no-t p-reviously brought 2to light. This detailed3L-bi7(5.-report can be used Ps a ma3.n -@asis for a final outline.@@f Subject's background. The report may be combined with- specific Information on names- P-nd-.Eddresses_,. now-being obtained b ical--repor 2 estioned the cry o rrent paranoid condition. He pointed out that escape risk and the risk of suicide done unex-Dectedly and impulsively is a real one. di:ng:,o-ve r--a- period-',ofarsevea@al:-A onthq,t2 it'-wa,sv -ropinion that any informatlon y Subje-ct-will be quesl@ionable and may be mis- .Lurnisbed b leading. He =ay be giving any answers simply to please the interrogators. He continually 3nis-identifies people,, he errs In the estimate of distances; for exahple, his estimate of the distance f rom the 2@saf ehouse - to.:.T-ashingtoq was some 400 miles which Is roughl y 300 miles off base. He suffers ces.in the .Lrom delusions. His story about his experien 4 ostensible house of prostitution has changed at least a halt a dozen times, 2-nd the true angle of this incident is 3 1978 f 14. elieves that unless electric-,- ry. still a.Tyste -Wt7-df t-:Cs- a ani:in jecta r. i-C' or' c>tbe -.@.tr 4@iEi!mt 2 ..:.shock e paranoid condition will be progressing. Dr. suggests A that @-g6diilm-l@iantofhal@.be administered in order to f out wbetber he is malingering his mental illness. It is hoped to determine his true situation by the proposed tests this wee'k-end. During the period be is under treatment an obportunity ma be taken to ask certain sensitive questions perhaps in the @-I d. For this pu:rpose it is sueqested that a competent ' speaker accompany Dr -somommout be li@afebous& thisa e 5i-turday the 26tb. -of taf f'@ suggested a ad previ2ous experience in t ield and would A vidual to use on a c>ne-time basis. It was generally agreed that It would be@-undesirable to use someone who may have to continue working with in further debriefings. 3. In order to have another mep-iis of-app-@roaching Subject, it was suggested that couple o2f days with It[OEE= namely 7aursday and Frida th 2md 25th of April. r M-ii7-@urpose,: voul'd--beF-@tb---try--"to-@ el .--informa&'Ion.. riendly, disciitsi!Un-sl Arrancem-nts -rill be made Ea:ke an to 2 the sp-febouse-o ednesday the 23rd. fwpr -" t- ii;@r an '@mised,@@"6=coWme up witV-:Lts req-u'i ments, wbidh can be covered on Thursday and FriAy by the 12SY- interrogator. 4. in -order to receive St2 f fl apt)rovj&l 2 for the utilization and adminis@Fx--ationmo: ro tR. ested to prepare an6-appro ate memorandum. stated that Subject s-eems to have fallen ujder much greater mental pressure since the introduction of tpsychoa-n@klys:i-@-L He pointed out that upon 2 Subject's arrival at the he did certain irrational things such as swimming at 5 otclock in the morning, driving tractors into sr he did not begin to pace the floor-* all night ditches; ho-weve ining O:f until the begir '-bsycTo@al-n@; Dr. pointed;l o7ut that had been acting as a paranoid right from the D114 first day OfT3.svdefection and it was not brought on by curren@.-. #=psyeboamp ief