@ECPEF D.UFT Fa- TL-V--,DL'f Jo .17 r@Lr@ 1955; Dr. a 10 OM-@, nor Ar@IL'rt cf V7--Ifi*'qu=&-i4c6x t@hir-h h. 2 GI= stated that tba had &-yelopedat to p&7chic- breakdmn. if enozgh.t The volzuacer el'UBP-d to d&to ;ould that av=309, goim -C- b 2 *hauler the inoiati= th a ba of tiZW r&qaired 'e'. IZHIlTi&al amd In t237o UL=S4&d. stated the u@St TJPM Of =1 -ab*r@ the PM-l-od before the kw"=u 'L* @gutod that a ' -@Otbor type of OW4==t mch an CA* 0 =tar tw* .0 niat prod=* apm=d=tely the am* =Iditia= mit2it be.j::bre appiicabis to fjaad cojmditi=x. 2* -.Them wax a O=sldmrable anol@mt of, of BoTUts of a='13 roms to break &sii@n the- =d =ki'' thm su=eptibla to brain-washimig, st2ated that s=h inoiation e-ixtorts the indirl&allx Piet=* of and r*ault In inteme desire to oc===J..' *at* with follow mu in ard= to the &=so of id=tit MIS @;vgain io4r5z P=S that the Emiam k=w about X)r, 4EM experlmmtn at C, and subvwp=tly b=an bolngso vas Aa@ -dUe r MVL-"tlznod that t; Oa, @d fil L-. tOP P=81&n 2 bad vuited ,,,tch a brain operatio% In @h4eb the abnitt to e,,izalute b t =e=ry demo trated.- PqviolccLwts saw somethim WrInstalutirm a pze==P-blr i9O3Ated fts-4 Mm= 222f . @of 2an axticis In which 6com tndi*atl= 4of the N=k,. Tim e=Der Mda VMS fj d b b"= Urnl"tfd'L;" 47 twi" t4&Uau= the ri=t Mdtad Statft IA n= =Cag*d At the end 3* at'he w=ted to util4@g: -%4cb wofa:td lf a a pprovvdp P02Tdt czt to -atnizo 'Dr. am= 84@X2TIMSir=lioding hU uedima me= tary and psychoicgit. ER= stated that h* had bad a talk earlier In the vask with =ddmtifiod lndivit-,a3 In as Be wmia prafa@ atv-, tO mk* &17 arz=gements with the bc*awe he bol 2 av;xopri*U am. .loves our Agenz7 is.tba. on 3.7 Zarob tel&ph=ed to &&r:Lse that an hU wiW ba*k "xUrdar arternoon,, hail a@"4L I h"-Co ttle erriier this week lngshad been-,with ilad his Z #4 4 -C 7- 4f z .0 3r t-t@l-r -_nA C7. It in' -nt on 2cn r-ub@c-jt r.' , b .-cttld z:ti jo dc b @o d t!a- -.Id rlot r.-.nt c=p- ro-vc@d--t4'1-, cu=crr-rrl4, 2 thin' it4E t-, d at' h-3 cis ae-m@=* to bcoo@-i@f, I=olvcd b.-L,--t bia C= there. d-@tt-4- tc hid -ojcct lizpc-.r "4- c@.-nd it tli2z@ou&h t-ho tro-ald b-o c ff e -.rt to Calef r-t ,Aw 7 7 0 PM