.@october 196() MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT Implementation Program igeneyi It is suggested that since several elements of the J are involved in the @@ dual program of laboratory-field experimenta2tion, a firm work program naght wenbe advanced by theWStaff. TSD. as you know, to most insistent on the point that, although they will assume full responsibility for guidance of labora- tory experimentation$ they count onlwtaff operations guid.a=e on field experimentation. 2. Although several cases in several areas of the world exist 2 be explored through this techniques we have which might profitably borne in mind the follo-.ving factors affecting the immediate useabi-lity of the operator: A. Most, If not all, of the operator's prior.. -ience with has b-cn with exper B. The only foreign language in which the opera- 2 tor lu-&s equivalent native fluency is more par- ticularly C. Despite the over-all sensitivity of the '*Program, the rather extensive.screening of phys types of 3=argLual intelligence significance has probably left themwith a pool of essentially low-level. low sensitivity rejections. This could be a useful2 vineyard for our first labors. As you have suggested, whatever we do in D. the @@field should be, in view of the urgency of 31 40 7 2 4&W moor ice to them rather than an arbitrary their task# a serv Jr facilities for experimentation. use of the ake the first experiments on herefore. to m -In order without intruding on problems, The Committee onarshould, if eeting with the operator be convinced as to the desirability of fiel experimentation, request the Office of Security to arrange for subjects for experimentation through the @@is suggested because both WaEhington @aid are to some e:itenf unsuitable for the parpose. It should be noted in Lli]Ls 2 ty connection that--the Office of Securi has previously conducted the c criments in collaboration with and also that thit p p operator on a purely unofficial basis has engaged in similar experiments with the These experiments, it is suggested. should be co;trived so that designated representatives of the Committee and of the chief of the rograrn might clandestinely view th em. (The chief of icated that his chief is most anxious to oe a demonstratt of the tec ique prior to giving his approval to use 0, their rejected assets. 4. It must be noted. at least with2in the WStaff, that what we 1:5- hope to prove through these techniques will not be proven or even con- vincingly demonstrated through the experiment outlined above. As you know. what we hope to prove. or disprove, through intensi*e laboratory- field experimentation is: A. Hypnosis can be induced extremely rapidly in an unwilling subject. B. Hypnosis having b2een induced, durable amnesia can be implanted. C. Hypnosis having been induced. durable and useful post-hypnotic suggestion can be implanted. The demonstration experiment using criminal subjects can only hope to bring forward evidence in support of the first point above. The other two points en--not on the face of- it be a subject of experimentation with criminal subjects. nor. in our opinion. should t2hey be the subject of O'. bft nP n ;a a od a 2 0 04&a 0) g "0 0Is4, 2 ia.n "cr 90r6 2 0* O ats lb .Ck0 ts n O"0 2 n i+ ;J f*aa. a ts 0 2 tr .0+ .0+ pn MO O-O 2 a0 0 tr0 0 2 Pn :;gl ts0n 0 2 n na ri ts 2 e CL 04 toa4 nC6M 2 @-ft0 cr aq ntja 0 2 904 a.010 04 npia n r. O ea e. a 040 2 M n 0 V3 2 aq to C, z O." Oa 2 cq pi 0, f+ o n 2 tr toanM tj n123.O n0n :J %O0 2 V. C)% 60 1+ C6 2 0 PoX :01 n 2 0 0 10 0CL n 0 4 - 540 0 2 oq tr a C) 2 n OO (D " -a I. I n 2 0 atrn Mcr M 2 Po P) @4 0 n cr 2 40 IV O- ts40 2 OQa-O n 2 ts En 0A'0 2 (O -0 :J, "% O O 0 0aq 2 r@ r,0cr :r 2 co M n lu cn 0 2 .0 En aq 9 M aup .......... . ....