Office I'demorai@a'um o UNITED STATES TO DATE: Via FROM SUBJECT: Reference is made to your info2rmal memorani comments relative the possible use of nection with the Artichoke rogram. p u of course know,, has ii 2 16 t6d"@ tea In this connection T a conipleted the course, that telligent, a good lecturer, appa-rently well of ol r oh and both psychological and police inte 2 s also of the impression that@ he u ome Artichoke interrqgation methods. 3. For our informati at oresen He also eac 2 an i very active in that community in and in c vie associations. The investigation onW, tirely clear., In view of the fact that empl@ act2ivities would undoubtedly consume a lar b propo it is seriously doubted if he could be prevailed u himself with the Artichoke program as a full -timl_ ever rms me that he-believes ar future agaiwin2struct in 11 ilff in t hi if the writer,.re(Taests9 that'@i iew in reg'ard to the Artichoke from him operating 2information, names of individu recommend in this connection, and any other advic offer at t The writer, and his associat lieve th,%t may have ver valuable infor choke line nd a rity to cut fully ears entirely orthwh e. program app w