To: Files Subject: SI and li Experimentation (24 Septeriber 1951) On'24 September 1951 in Puilding 13, R oom 20 1 Ind_ the writer engaged in SI experimentation with An SI state was itid2uced in and while under she complained that it was chilly in t e room. n attempt was made to @ereate the hallucination that it was becoming very warm in the room. This attemdt failed partially in that the subject was wipe perspiration from her forehead on several occasioris. However,- 2 when aske mate analysis, regarding the temperature of ti ie room till mentioned that she was not-,@4arm enough. IN order to pro his subject to the degree of unrestrained normal movement and speech under SI condition, the subject was told to sit, open her ey2es, and go get her coat. The subject coinplied with these-directions. The subject's movements were ct)nipletely nomal in all respects with the excer@tion that they were a trifle slower than ordinarily would be expected. A post hyunotic suggestion was given to the subject th2at ach and every tim(-, ttie writer touched the knot of h@Ls tie, the e subject would immediately go into a deep sleep. This post hypnotic Was attempted with complete success several't:imes. Each and every time the subject'going into a deep SI state. To test for hallucinations, the 2 subject was iiistructed on tw-o different occasions that (1) her right foot would be stuck to the floor and she would be unable to move it and (2) that she '-would be unable to draw her hands from her coat pockets. Both of these hallucinations we2re very successful in that the subject was completely unable to move her foot or withdraw her hands from her co at pockets*' An at em t pt was made to induce an SI state in the subject with her eyes.completely open. This attempt4-,' proved only p-artially successrul,in that the subject. became drowsy -.4itti her eyes open but'did not ao into a complate,@l state until ,3titz- was told to close her. OY(!S In an effort to test for directahility in movement wiiils-, under SI, tho sulject w;.ts directed to stn(l, w,)llc -Lcro,,,s th(, roorii, become rigid, to frll while in a rigid state, to rettirn to 'rier seit iinnd upon 8ittiiig down to go immediately to sleep. The subject per- 6 formed all of the above with considerable proficiency.