To: Files Subject: 31 and II 1--,xperimentation, 19 September 1951 (Operations Room) On Wednesday, 19 September 1951,. d the writer 66nduc er m een 6:00 PM and9:Qp Pl,l with an 2 s subjects. Imam Since nd dos 1-0 Lng for the third time only, it was decided to coiitinue the general"Irelaxing" experiments before other efforts of a more'complex nature were beg@in. The first @a slow relaxing experiment designed 2 to reacquaint a vi-f.h t.hp apnprn I t.pp ue f relax n s case, bo 0 tftained alight degree of hloagti-c leep with obviously going deeper tha The second experiment was a repetition of the first experi ment with both subjects again attaining a light hy-pnotic trance state.. At the conclusion, both subjects were given a post li sug- gestion that when the writer tapped'on the arfn of the chair in 'which he was sitting with a pencil, both subjects would imniedi ately revert into their former sleep state. After awakening the -il 122345 method and giftp-r some discussion, subjects with the usu, the wri t EZd n,,the arm of his chair three times witti a pen- _.2 a appeared to go to sleep. lloweveroplw w o was s ing up with her arms on her knees and with 2 ne rm supporting her head, remained in a motionless state with 6pen. Since the writer could not determine whether tiad gone into a sleep state or not, he proceded to s r for three or four minutes...During this period, id not move and her expression did not chanrt-e. !Preafter, e 2 r placed his fingers on the bridge of s nose and told her to close her eyes and lean back o go to sleep) Wllic did. After the girls were aw kened from this'experl stated th2at when the writor rapped three tined for the post H suggestion, she fou.-)d hersel-r unable to more eit-her way and had a sensation oA' going to -- 1 p w i '-, e r e3-es open and as -far a3 she was able to I-ell, she had entered i-nto a trance 3iqtev -erect w4 th her2 e.Tes the vri ter. j; After a brief discus@sion, each girl was then induced into a sleep state while reclining on the couch using the "fixation''- technique. In eacii cise, the subject, after being placed in as deer) a state as possible, was told to sit iir) and then stand up Ind while standing to extend both arms in a rigid iTi;3nner and then to seat themselves again. All of this wis gone with their eyes closed and in a sleep state. Thereafter, each subject was told to open their eyes and remain deep asleep, which both subjects did. Each sub'ject tried this experiment individually with the other subject as an'ob.server. Both-were returned to the awake state ly the usual 2 12345 method. Tn rn-wiecl,ion with the abov it is the belief of nd the writer tha reached a.resson@ibly and tru ic formance. However, in the-c-a= nd the writer are agreed that 2 as 7o-@ notic performance, but Ulue to aCocleMr?a."i-@n extent one of lay acting". Althoufrh "P performed all of the tests in the same way as did -- t was nevertheless felt that her reactions were hypnotic type, although in spots it appeared 2 not "play acting", but was in fact in a h e. After this experiment, a final experiment was undertaken again using the standard technila.Aag.Lg@h, girls were.instructed to go to sleep and-were told b who was conducting 2 y the experiment, that when he tou7@@'d h"is@ie' as a post H comnand, they igd o to sleep and both girls complied. -,n ,qtel bo As ,,We, seemed perfectly genuine al2l was still of a dubious quality. In nnection with th bg omments concterli'Ll 10 wor tha' ork is of a genuine na ure, bu is r ally a acting". the next 0experiuien eting, tests will be run to see in ork'is of a genuine nature. %