it I-M, To: Files Subject: SI and if Experimentation, 18 Se 9 (Operations-Room-and office o On Tuesday, 18 September 19 nd the writer c,an- S ents betw 9:00 Fl,'i wi"- n as subjects. For some time now, Dliiebird has '@,een interested-i4i experiments on the outsid(3 with SI inducted over the tcl@,plione. The writer's experiments along these lines have been universaliy successful and interesting results have been obtained, but testing along agency 2 lines, of-6ourse, was impossible for security reasons. It was, therefore, decided to begin a spr exl)eri and because of.the advanced Qapacities o -it was decided that they would be first used or this type of work. .Before--the actual exl)eritnents were begun, 'bot.--,,- and. I efed concerning the virious p6s3 5 re I-ri p:rese in e use of teleplione administered ')'I control. The discussion also involved the essential work of atileml)ting to obtain linormal" appearance for operation activi2ty. After considerable discussion, the following tests were run off: To determine basically whether or not a ii Uld be placed in the state of deen ')I @.nd th c one lirior@-nial manner, both girls were sent to the room of Extension@@ Each girl in turn was 2 called on the t lephone an placed in a deep trance state with instructions to maintain "normal" appearance. In each cas-, ftit- oth-?r girl acted as an observer, sitting opposite the girl receiving the telephone call. 'Each girl was then called on the telephone and placed in a deep trance state and instucted to maintain "normal"appearance, each was instructed to return to the Operations Room, bringing the other girl with them. Poth girls complied precisely and based upon their own observatipn r:po their manner a-nd apl)carance ,ias very iter li-stening on tiie tele- 2 nearly Inorlytal" CLLI" ULL@ r We ons and were able to detect only a very phonn during the fid@ @i- slight loss of volume in the voice of the subject during the pro- ceadings; otlierwi,-te, there was no apparent cliange in the conver- a4atioti. This test was regarded as successful. The second test involved a more complex method as follows: Each girl was placed In a deep 51 state in the Operations Rooiii. While under this control, ttiey were told that after they were iwake-,ned, tllfy would r)l,occ.(Ie t and from there they woi.ild receive ,i t,-!lc,,)honc cill from an in(iividual who would be a friend of theirs (fictitious nnties, of course., were used at this oint). This individi.til wou.Lci carry on a normal cori- p versat.Lon with t.h(- girl and intro(luci a cocie -,joT,d during the coti- versatioil. At this point, the subject -,4ou'.1.,J then piss frorti an 'laiak,@@" state to a stati 2of deep SI without Cilanging expression and ip!)Qarilig at Rll time@'3perfectl.y "nor-iial". Ther,--after, the girls wer,-- instructed to return to the I)t)er-itions Room and upon seatin[, t,heinselves on the so@at to immediately go into a complete sleep state. Again, in each case, each girl acted as an observer for the other girl.-4 This t,(,'sb was completely successful, The girls were called on the teleplion,! by the fictitious person and carried on a conversation. During the conversation, the code word was mentioned aiid, in each case, the girl receiving the telephone call, 2passed from an "awake" state to a complete deep traice rtate, maintaining their eyes ol)en and ap- pi-,aring "normal" tilrou@,rhout the conversation. 17;i.cli girl re-p-orted iinlir de- that the transition wa:-, cornpletely 2perfect ind would ci@rt, ceive anyone unless thgt. person was specificilly observinr, the c ch@in-es as the trince stat- wa.-, ind,.iced. Poth i @@t i-o n r minut and the writer again detected a minute chang? in the voll e"@t the voice of the subject receivinf7 th@@ call, but no in- terruption whitsoever to the general converoatioii @ias noticed. The girls were watched as they moved froilli rooi-.l t,o t-iie their wilkinr,,, f2iciai Operations Room and, for a matter of record, expression, etc. was perfectly norinii. Each girl, in turn, upon completion of the test and returning the the O@e rations Pooin, im- mediately passed in@o a deep state of sleep. The test has consider- abl!@-operational value since anyone-using th2e code worri or code could take control of a thoroughly ST conditioned suliject. Fur- thermore, to the casual observer or individuals about the subject being so induced ' it would be impossible to note that a transition had taken place. In conniction with the above, and t.o lay groundwork for tli@2-, evenin n t ,nf! C53ary to i3ccrtain wh,!t,her or not under coinplet@,SI coiitrol, co@ild memori4e a safe coribin@ition go to a saf-@, open same, and return to Operations Itoom under S control. This test was then tried with each subject. who has had considerable experience in opening our three-way ,3,3-fe3, open(-d 'Llfie safe with- ou izid coiiiplet(-d thr-, exp-ririi@,nt wii,hout difficulty. -mw.@ - 2 however, only being instruct,ed a few (lays prc!- viously tnd only liavinp,, opened a safe two or tilrc,-@ tirties before, w.i!3 unable Lo open' tllr- ,3afe. fler movcment,3 iridi.cated howcvf'.r, that, if trainftd to open ttie safe, she could have1 easily op,.,@iied it without difficulty. -2- For a of recol-d handled t.hp- s-af'o so smoot.lily -iiid q St e q C h-ir ipi-.)eirincF,@ -4,is -co "riorriial." t, J, 2the fac t th t, i wa, und r SI control would halie bepri impossible to df-,tect l@ In ad- y ogIM&uw- dition, it should be remembered that some tipte 2 PxD ain under complete 61 control, took apart a i,odak 35 irl 'J 1 s oliei-ation t,o the writer. 'Ouhspqtlently, t-jhf-,n aw,-ikene 6enied every tiivinc,,2 touched a Ko(-Jak 15. So i- remem- @ered that manual dexterity can be successfuily taugtit so ttiat ri:tssonal-ly complex movements are as simple under SI as they are in @fle awa-ke state. The final 2 experiment of the eveningi whic@i was desiftied to show operational value of this type of work, was.set up as follows: Poth- ?n ere -aLaced---in a.deed SI state in t e 0,,)erations Room Thereaf wa5--i nstructed post hypnotically as follows: 3 was told that slip would t the small room contiiiiinp, wi@w T'o e and seat herself at@.@@i@-c@iesk. She was Civen the 2 co ination of the safe. She was totd tliai-I she would receive t telephone call from an individual who wotild te a. friend of hers Ind who would, during the conversation, mention a code wnrd to lier and shq was instructed that upon h2earing the code word and --Lftcr the telephone.conver3ation was normally ended, she would procede to the safe, open it, search the safe, and find a given Top Secret document with a specific 'I'S number, extract, *,he document from the 2 safe and conceal- it on her person nnd procede t,o the ladies roo - where she would wait for another girl. to ipproach her when ttius given the code word which the firl woiil(t st'ite7-o' e@r,2@' would give the document to the other girl, leave the ladies room, -ind return to thp Operations Room and then revert to a coml)lete SI state upon sitting on the sofa. at this sarie tiinp-, wis then instructed, 2 while un ate, that wi-ipn she awakened, she would pro- cede to 's room, she would wait, on tp-.lephone Exten- sion until she received a trlpphone call. This telephone call would be from a friend of hers. This fri2pnd would en@ar,,e tier in normal conversalion and diirinr, this conversat,ion, this friend woui(i give her a code word, at which time, would pass from an "awake" state to a deep SI trance state, bijt woiild ,naintain a completely "normal" apr2earance. She wi@, in7,tricted that this indiv-!(Iual woiild give her a code word. She was so instructed that when the conversation was over, shewould hang up the telephone and precede in a deel) si state to the li.die5 room, 7 where she would find atic)ilher girl. She wag to a@)proich the @,irl and mention to.her the code word. At which time, the girl would take from her person the Top Seers--t, document ;in(] give it t and qhr-, was instructed to conceal-it oTi h,-,r person and leave the ladies room and procede at o to the (iarkrooin of t,h(-- 1-,qboi-pitoi-y, %4hicii she wotild -take th--- Top Secretl.,L@2]Lt she had ol)tiineri in the ladie:3 room and d.--liver sapie t from tlienc,!, rh5@ -4ar, in.3tructed to procede to the Operations Room, sit 6n the sofa, and go imnedi- ately into a'do--ep 31 state. This experimin-t was repeated iinmediatf--ly upon,coinple2tion of tti4:first run usin,a, the girls in opposite roles, i.isinr,- 4ifferent names, different code words, etc. The ibove experiplent was car 'thout llitch, without giiidancp,,, aid, or assistance from or the writ'--r. Poth girls acting post 11 as instructed, mo2ved throucrhaitt in a "normal" easy manner. The dociiment was taken froni the safe, c@irriee to tkic appolnted pla red to the other indivictual, and subseqli-ntly ce,_delive deliv,7!red t In each cas,-- the @:irls, upon completion of the expe ii-nen oassed into a deep-,S-r state on the sofi. l@'or a inatter of record, it should be noted ttiat in botti cas-@7@, ]-,oth .gtibjitts had a (@oinf)lo--tp, a:!iticsia for the po3t ii part of t,@ii.3 ex- Pe ment and a partiai amnesia for the awak@-, 2or cirl art of tiie experinient. In the opinion of nd the writer, tills tnst ha3 a very positive ol)t-,rational It couid, of coiirse be carried on at long ranee witti rendezvous between the pa'rticipants arranged, many miles from.wh6re the subject's a.etivity would take place. It is mos2t important to note that each girl pr@--form(-,d in tli,! opposite role in a perfect manner hesitation. Furt.lierinore, it is worthy to note that 'hot nd the irriter were observing the tests from concealed ositions and felt that the appearance of the particpating suhjects was completely normal and their activities were routine, easy,2 and rhe results of tlit--s,-- experiments,- sf-,t out above, indi.cate the necessity for continuing ttiis typ--, of work, I)oth within 1-1h@- labor-,- tar-y and i@d-tside over long range. These projects wili 'be taknn up 1-n the near future in a wider manner and 4wi-11. be repeated using other subjects. -4- MEN