71L To: Files Subject: SI and H-Expe "ment tion, 11 September 1951 ri a (Operations Room and Room 3) On Tuesday 11 September 1951, MessrsO SL-4-md..,H Mae, 2 t 0 r @m_e U12 ob 0 P14 the wri er c ,gTww"e e" 3 with the W- subjects& 2 Since ig on whe d exp th ec 0 t was v-i 0 ec e= ntime the-third-experi- mb er 2 o=87erp)T"@e"- in Room 3 while the writELLc2.ndu relax ngle hniques and discussions with llowe fore--the-E_prk K4,s_split UP., it wa3 decided to re- 2 rls several an o show the other gi qiies simplep eri e This was accomplished and there- @ _ZILE, _ i,. 4 , 2 afte- IL I-atig-u- nd conducted a continuati t ith and A& er §,oge relaxing technique was given dis-cussLi&L th to an and all three girls attained 2 a -siate- and re ood a ned in a thoroughly relaxed state for approximately ten m:Lnutes when they were awakened by the 12345 method. It was decided then, after a discussion, to reoeat the test using a somewhat faster technique 2 and t ain complete... relaxation was reached, particularly in., s case, who I..". relaxed to such a point she fell over sideways, on the sofa and remained throughout the test in a recumbent position. Tliereafter, all the girls were awakened using the standard 12345 method in 2 The girls had full memory of t@ie writer's voice, but each case. each qgreed that w ith the continuance of the test, they had ob tained a.deeper relaxation than they had at any time previously.. t Point@-j and 2 #,.Iu U-rned erations- li!oom", lav ted the an a gene s sion w ag @A@til owing pos t If test8 with and or,the benefit of the other -girls. 7 -"enaia@. @ilssion relaxation test was run on d,,again-,the results were,, Al CL C-t- C+ (D @- '' 2 11 F@ 0 n 0 2 C+ -r 9 2 Co Zs (A C+ C+ rL 2 (D (D (D (D EO n;l CD 2 qq 41) 2 :3 0 r.L uq CD I :5 2 0 0 m 0 Cl) 06) It 2 C+. 0 0 @CL (,I zr 2 :3 0 0 co HI C+, 11P En P.0 @!Q 2 it C+- 0 Mr r_ (D (A 2 Su CA 0 0 C+. ,R F@ H-Z 2 o (D :3 2 CF " (A 0) C+, zr 2 C+. 03 (D CD H. (rq (A 2 o Al C+, rA 2 C+ C+. 0 ::r 2 (D (D C+ C+- 2 (D U) 2 C+ + C,+, 2 0 to tr (D 2 C+, c+ to 0 (D 2 0 CD 2 Cltl C+, 4El) all