- - - - ------- To: Files xperimentation, 11 September 1951 Subject:. SI and 11 L (Building 13, Room 5) Supplementing repo@t e 'he writer accoinpanie 00 2 and,!t Building 13. A -,UUlng conducted the first part of this experimen wi er 1951, it was desirous that we comp effort Wi@, Avoiding all previous discussion of what experiment we were attempting to@c2m 2 h subjects were induced into a deep state Red&- plete, bot of SI or@aini ce)ntrol of both subjects, began to 'create, y i positive hallucination con- sisting of severa item s in still under SI, that upon direction, bo s and lempa""W 2 would be g@ in another location attending a socia thering. They ould ex' perience all the pleasures such as an orchestra, dancing, and fraternizing fully. This hallucinatio @kced successfully and progressed according to plan unti as instructed that she was hearing an 2LGJI@a@in the backgroun(l. For some reason or other yet unknown, s-uudenly awakened and stated very sini- ply@ "I don't hear any rwisicli. She was again quickly induced into a deed stat of 51 and instructed to remain qiiiet. Addressing '-he Sam instructions were given her. -Fd sta2ted "I don't hear it eitherlt.,@ was again induced into a deep state and both her a were awakened. Feeling that the techniques used may have been in error, it was decided that the same attempt would be made iridiv-idually. Both Su ' cts were again induced in2to -nv-ite o Room 8 while still under SI iri'-6rder--to se p MTbjeWcts. The writer again attempted to disasso ciat with her surroundings and attempted to have her expe ame soci 2 ig as before. This progressed according to plan unti.L as again asked to comment on the music she heard from an 'adjo ning room-.-w@Dw....Iw-gji..phe d s.tated 11 I still don It hear it" A a ere re- quested to return to Ro ubjects were subsequently 0 awakened. As usual, the subjects were then acquainted with the ex- perience in its entirety and told exactly what we were attempting to accomplish. Since we had hoped to, beable to have the subjects tLn I r_r4-1 4-5 ti) ct 2 .,q d) CL) U) 4-1 4-'l ::s C.) Cd 2 0CL) r-:io Cid r-q r-A td r-4 C-4 10 0 ::$0la 2 t.. 1 ' 0 0a 043 :i 2 - - -- @c0 4-'J (L)0cr, -C 2 U) 0) cn U) Er) co@ d0 L) CL) 4-1 2 tr) IL4 0r-i 4-' 4-4 Cd 4-" 4-> (L) 4-:1 4-'@ (1) 2 4-3 Q) trj -r4 $-# -t@, 4-3 @C 0 2 4-1 > CH ty) a) 004-1 0 1-40V) 2 . @@l+ . . - - . . i% .@. Cd 4-" 0. to 4-1 U) CZ C2d (d rz 0 r_ 0t-4 -r-4 U) 0 -ri (t -rq CdC S@4 4-) 2 0:i 43 00 co Q) 0 4.) C@4 (1) @r 2 Q) toat-4 41 Cd s. -r4 Ctl :3 0) (L) U) 2 u) (L) -14 -0 t)p r-I E U) -14 0) 0co S-4 co ::$ E) 4 #0 IZ 4-01-.0 (L) 0 E- V) r-I 0Cd