To: Files Subject: SI and 11 Experimentations, 9 August 1951 (Rooms 20', 3, 8-- 6:oo to 9:oo Pii). On Thursday, 9 August 1951,,Messrs and the writer conducted exde-oieqts j@rL oI and 6:oo-and : 00 P14 wit 2 as subjects and as olFilirv6r. his was only the second effort in the fl experiment, ngement, attempted to secure SI control Of@b' a very slow relaxing technique. This attempt a co successful and both subjects were placed in a medium trance state. After, some si2mple tests for depth, both subjects were returned to an awake state. Both subjects had good memory of all events and no attempts were made to produce amnesia. The next test--againrun b d the subjects in a deeper trance state very rapiA;,. time both subjects were given simple movements and some conversation. Both were instructed to have c2omplete amnesia for this test and after awakening, both subjects had an almost complete amnesia. 'ru r The last test, i by placed both subjects in a deep trance very quickly. .,uosequefitly, both were instructed to open their eyes, move about, and act "normally". Both sub- s w o d on 1these tests and showed strong progress. ter giving protection instructions, awakened u e ts. ot had total amnesia. Corrurients: Conditioning of s progressing very well. It is believ#tth@awt ry extensive move- ments with both on next test.