---- --------- law o TO: Files Subject: 'al and if Experimentation, 21 May 1951 (Room 20, Building 13) On Monday) 21 Ma3r 1951, 2 an on c ed ex- rime s in Si I etw 2 :3 A- iii" s volunteer sub ec s. Since this was their initial experiment and test, they were very thoroughly briefed on the nature of the work, the methods, and, to a certain extent, the ultimate aims of the D problem. Ail present were 2 cautioned as to the secrecy necessary for these experiments. a fjimlkax. -,discuSSinn -t n men "W a the "fall back" est. Sh; rea ve and f@'i'l@back to 2the point of being caught. er tes also successfully, in the same manpe -the hand-arm rising" test and 4NOWw again WErespon ea quite rapidly. Haamatt@-ntion at this point was e 'If cussin 2 ied the hand rising test on bot -rom across the room w t re uit @a n was excel- s neg ive. At this.point ied the 'Ir t. After.about 10-15 minutes, bot eached a 2very light sleep. However fted the hand of. each subject. Both an stated they could remember almost all Ps had a sleepy, "going off" fee reca le moving their hands once whereas in f--.. moved twice. 0 Both subjects are considered good material--very intelligent, highly interested and cooperative..@ Since both girls seemed perfectly awake after further general discussion, tests were concluded at about 6:30 P@t. "4 It, Mks-&