To: Files Subject: SI and H Experimentation, 9 May 1951 (Room 20 - Building 13) onducted 1951, mes On Wednesday, 9 May PM 2 :30 PM an :30 t H between expe n &L-and a oil wit 'e- e bj cts test in a continuous Since this was the initial ex2periment or es, all subjects were very thoroughly briefed on the nature of seri ertain extent, the ultimate aims the work, the methods, andy to a c of the B problem. All present were cautioned as to the secrecy necessary for the experiments. Since Pa2nd indicated a will- ingness to on f:-t-e'.tl.@ the" initial br n , a series of tests were begun to determine the suggestability and capacity of each sub- 4ect. Details follow: ie tests by lt4 n"l ti ng. the "fall back" 2 started ti -t e Sim" nd bo Thiswtesrwas tried twice b rather than feet fdli baCK towar lwtsway was not too strong. There t@e "hand clasp" test2 and although her han e- )mewliau Lucked, the clasp was not strong. The general impression of subject is that she is possible only and may be timid or reserved because of fairly recent operation. ttemped the tests next. On the "fi __.bbaacclk,"', test esp2onded quickly and contoletel t -r,3.ons some conver-qatiL!i@@@ @-VIlim instruc hen"@g itarm rising" test the roved to be an ex- t subject--raised her arm ing test reached an al- most completely induced state. She was very slow returning from her states o f concentration after the test and stated she was some- what nervous although this condition passed off quickly. General impression- Wappeirs to.b(-- an excellent 2 subject and should be cap le of complete u ism and ',.,vanced experiment-a.QtJ.Qji. In this cas i,,,.agree that sint@@ ad reache nearly a trance in the "arm rising she shoul have been at that point induced into a complete trance. 9 AA$ on the "fall back-" test given by swayed qui.@ have fallen completely except she move er feet. After a discus ion, -t ed the "liand raising" test g from a chair on s a,rp ed well to this test bu in t aepth After some dis- cussio tated she c no u e @e r@- -. h an d raised rm and stated she f 1 t near- ness had something to do with the plienome a. en moved across the room and produced again an exc 1 en m a dis- tance of about 8-10 f eet. General Impression- s re-aarded as a possible sub- ject and if her interest can e ge ted may be very good material. -2-