.AK& 01, 74Y ,:Iilli AS I!, lw 18 November 1952 (Tuesday) On. 18 November 1952, SI and H exp ntati n,wao ---- car in _@prime Li g.4 o n 2 nd@@ n@@ Neither ttend i s7wse-s s i on. In view of the success of the experiment of 28 October 1952 in which the su'djects maintained a deep hypnotic state, carried out ex- m t etc. for.L5 2minutes, it was decided to tes r x operation. a geeeral a were given a routine induction test a ive I ore deeper test imedi- ately If ollowing. The second and more important test of the evening was them ex- he writer r2an both subjects into a deep hypnotic state with r sent. After the deep state had been reached NNW the room and the writer had both subjects open their ct in a normal manner while in a deep trance state. The w i ad Dreriously told the subjects were going to meet a n awakening, introduce 2 subjects a -and instructed the subjects lu d -7"e -Mov(irn.-OThe writer then left th s the e room. By agre-emef@i hen a oth subjects go to the ladies room, put on thpir an coats, sign out and get into his2 automobile iter __,,.I@e w r followed the subjects (still in a deep trance) an and all proceded to the.writer's apartment. The w@ t his car, eft 1'.1 entered the apartment and closed the door. 2 nstructe-d- .-X the subjects to g(; t'o the apartment where th met by a gentleman..they had never seen before. The subjects entered the writer's apartment and a pre-arranged c'onversation took place with the subjects in a deep sleep state. Thereafter, the writer instructed both sub- jects to go into-the bedroom and lie down upon 2 one of the twin beds. Each 6ubject-did this and on instruction when they reached the bed "III 4 J'- S s theX.Igetnt LL leep. Thereafter the subjects were fully awake.ned ir ... ... reactionswere noted id@there ach c were 2extremely startled, particularly so of Ot-4 t who had previously visited the writer's apart- menE'-,_althq@ih startled, had some'idea that.the place was familiar to,, her. e u S e ha ge no knowled she was or how 2 she. ar Kere. stated tha- ad partially' a had retu e a deeper sleep, wakened du ing the rn -'of the exper iment. state.to enable him to,carry out-the rest, 4 AV I In general, the experiment may,@e arded as success, et results were achieved and pa ticularly as never been a good hypno ic su ect. For matter as the first in a series of experiment alorg these.l-- 2 the--reactions of hypnotic individuals over considerable.8p@ and a*dtaehow much outside interference can be felt withoul the subjects from a deep sleep state. Furthermore, these are designed to see how "normal" individuals in a deep slee can appear while 8A:ctin in a routine manner or in a state social conduct.