28 October 1952 (Tuesday,) On Tuesday, 28 October 1952, SI and H ex erimentati rried P, .4s@ ca on B misse and by Mes all 2of the above' subjects were experienced and Misse an ng regarded as excellent subjects, advanced experim -0 wasleguwn at aIRcLept. This took the form of producing quickly a 'deep hv pnosis in all subjects and holding the control for a previously'de- termined length of time. In each case, all subjects were kept under 2 control for 45 minutes and were moved about Building, 13 in a natural manner, placed in various rooms, anil tested YMAL22Nkm2ntALigLf.Or depth of hypnosis. In addition, both Messr o@ , np ,,attempted a a@ 2 @ slat to drive horwto the greatest possible exten ne n the sub jects for their activities for the preceding 45-minuteso AU subjects, as mentioned above, held a deep hypnotic condition for 45 minutes and after awakening, all subjects had an almost perfect f amnesia for their activities during d of hypnosis.2 This is o are capable of musch particularly true of deeper hypnosis thad- ter of recbrd, however, it should be ted ree that this was the deepest tha d obtained ork to date. These experiments ware-regarce r-essful and pointed the way to future e9xperimentation involving long-range activity of this type. After a brief discussion, the session was concluded at approxi- mately 9:00 PM.