To i Files Subject:%' SI and H Experimentation, 5 March 19@2 On Wednesday, 5 March 1952, in L@uilding 13 20 SI and H nts rq..-gv .ried on .. 42@LA@i-9@@ It shoula"be noted at this ti at has withdrawn froyrf%-t'he experimental personal reas6n,%. explanation was requested of eaving since'our work is on a voluntary basis. He is regrettable since she was developing into an excellent subject. e a@quainted with the general work, ine motion ictu-res, an2d the motion pictures were shown to them with a discussion of the good and bad points in both the tech- nique and the film. This consumed the major poxltioa he night. ut in order to make certain that b th n igr 0 "re gtill 1 of v 'operating effectively from a hypnot c point ieMw,'@6t@ were run through a series of simple hypnotic control tests and both responded excellently. L mm= mom