To: Files Subject: SI and H Experimentation, February 1952 on Wednesday, 6 February 1952, in Buil Room'.LO d H e ri-ments -.wer@q,,ga&rie .g.i&g,Fith Mis y 2 Since-l@ hed been,agftrgd b e 't that the development of the caAd@.i-ties Of b,6F@ nd in the hypnotic techniques was ssentivai, it was deci d f siiile tggts n arL ort,--to Droduce deeier tra e states in both 2 .."@4nd us r demon- a a ion purposes. Accordiiigly, the entire evening's work was, spent conducting simple induc aki t JR for depth with simple post-hypntotics t-Jons -aDd m -. n&--es with both nd 2 -b ,.Ln this -.onnec th girls showea noticeabe ent in the opinion Ul nd the-writer and appear to be approaching a more comple'te 'g-r"agsp@'o@@@hese techniques and a much more successful ability toparticipate in t e 9 h experiments.