20 TO.@' FILES SUI@J@: SI and 11 Experimentation., 27 January 1953 14 On 27 January 1953,, h-a@dogli 2 t iied to go ;io nfortunately., -thr -p f circumstances and -w h,.Aaq#es o re unable2 to atten W6- For"matter of record, it sliould be noted tha- is -i, as of February lst by C o the work has been absolutely 2 outstanding and her leaving is regarded as extremely unfortunate from the point of view of this experimentation. S j. nc ad never previou3l"' a d one of tlicse experiment sess ons, it was decided between i ie writer that we would discuss the experimentation 2 wit d ri a few simple tests with lier and try and dcter ne "be a good future sub ect. Accordingly, the writer bri in i the manner that all previous volunteers have been I)r ere- s 2 after she was al standard tests for su[,,r.,estibility. In these tests icated by sti,ong reactions that-she v;as a good subject ct li was tried and it was found on three attempts that ronded-vcry well. on the basis of this work, it is f L 8 y be a very good suhject with proper developrient. ,it Ili i 4