To: File Subject: SI and H Fxperiinentation, 6 I-lay l@53 6 ii 19 cibnctuct 3 -I T@dl"-W Since this was in a sense still an exploratory operation all subjqcts were tested on hand levitation. As a rule this was2 not too successful. Tlierea-fter, all subjects were run by various operators on a slow,, straight induction and awakening. j@fter a poi,iod of discussion, the ,-iVe. gain run on a slow induction method with the exceut,ion Oi' W 0 was not liandled in view of the fact2 that time was running-sm o=r In general, this session was not too successful in the opinion of the writer and there-vsre @oo mahy people working in too small an area which produced tinu.-uq-1 curiosity and a cert,-tin amount of corLLugion in carrying out instructions. In addition, the inductiorr, as 4 a rule were run too slowly with a great deil of wasted talk and motion and far too much explanation to be productive of good results.