to: 'File Subje@ct: SI and H Experimentation,, 13 May 1953 On 13 May 1953, Wednesdav. SI and,,@ e -ion and conducted by4 resen 0 @ths, writer irCItoom 20, 7iL2ilding 13. W.4 t e- @L-f oil Since this was merely t@e thrid session for the above r@entioned subjects, the first part of the evening was devoted to a general relaxation period---@.n bjects participated. Nothin2g unusual was noted except appeared to reach a much better statp than she had prev-iousiz@. -Tbarg@@ifter, a short zg2Ls,-a.Qa_was hold by al I hands 11 . low induction 2 en han a very s d about 35 minutes u:nsdin age. SOF=U"6 io, gu and onded fairly well. ,...Eallowing th's th slow induction technique 2 to4 ho succee ng a medium sleep state. This in ried out slowly consuming approximately 30 miriutes All of tim d llqwing ppl-ied azlp@r- iL,@n technique 1. gig to n.." wh 0 air results pears to be an indefinite subject and contilmally resists suggest d ,ie d,mo Since the four tests mention e -ab-o- session of -work.. no work was done wit 0 e a good subject was here in the wh r b 0 ai-=iLaas. arver and n role of 3, as absent last2 time, was not re- quired to participate in any way. In general, it may be said the work,,.. was reasonably successfulg but the induction time was too slow but in training now subjects, Slow ez;sential. For matter of cord, the writer dise v-ere s hard of hearing which compli- 4 cates her inductiorle fferod to drop out of the work but the writer advised that nue for at least two more sessions to see if her inability to hear interferes with her ability to suggestion. lm!M Pip I