To! File SU40ject: 31 and H Experimentation, 29 3epteinber 1953. On 29 September 1953, SI nt in Buildiii I-loom 20, iritli 2 -The first part of.the evening all girls ,.rere riven @u..-:restil)ilit.,f tests, iiicl.ii(iinfr, the falling back and the pendulum a tests. All tests were satisf'ctOr7- 2 T I i,-- n, using the prorressive relayatioil teclinique took all the u jects and before airakeiiinf,, tliein rr,-ive tli(.-m a Pi[ s@-restton of fallixip,, asleen. T;.To F,,irls iinmer.iiatp-12-Y followed the PH suggestion and the others @ollowed suit. I' x o II( lii.1 tclied. IlLce(-l thers were 2 le lieli vioric(id on ,Iieii i-i nt o AgqgWajid nrodi-iced s ge where -LI@e(I @.irid t2@iliced itith lier eyes slic. wi- one ptit her back anci ai-tal@eiied lier. At t I(IL, nt b7@cl< f2')Il)id th,@t slif-- iias iiot r:l tlici- e, perfectl,r rel ri ul)seqtielitfly (i 0 r) hVT)i and sensor,,T tests were successful-.@" re@r but @is tir .-in(i be!-,,-in fu'rt)iei- sui:,f-,estions with ne Vil'i 5 i late,,__4f-,@-xikpnr--d the latter two girls. In the rleantlme too ci woi-lcgd @rith her in achievint!, a lirlit traii e. Th-is gir -Ls still exliibiting some resistance. 2 t( A-. Also at the same tl-ne, ]Tld 1-7,13 able to r)bt,-t'Ln a succ(-% 11 e. 2 II(,-cb t rti@,)ects it 'lip, 1-ii-p-serit or elor)e(I iiitc) one. st in @mkno qu all i '.A-A..L.L.LCUlt sub,jo6ct. I'tk