ZD To: Fi@le oubject- 51 an5i 11 Experimenta-Lioii, 30 September 1,0-')3 irr:L On 30 September 1 I and H ex-nei-imenta c, e-I b on d@@_ap(i flessrs. 2 ls3.ng S SLtuject Sin on the li fi3.iri, tiils. was stio-dii al:,ain at the sta"rwtwo@f-t-he ses.-inti. @3ijice tliet-e were only two s'ubjects, ecided he iqoula not stay. @iten incluc_d a trance ir n@i n lier in this state proceeded ta trance a sitting position incl, s in a pi on wa then left and a deeper is obtnilli tile somnambulistic stage was obtai.ned. itall<, talk and move ab,)tii-, th tees. Slie was ien awi@-2,eiiei -itid filirtliei- work l,ne -ir _U, was done wit.0 w@is induced ,ii)d sevF-,i-,-l 3eii.,5oiy tests werr.-, succ il d@ef--r) trance w-i.,5 iiot ichieved but never- 2 han'heretofore. theless itiore. pi-otrress was noted t en tcl)@@nd after disciiss.Lori @-n(I preliminary sti LO e (ILlir- IY inf(lwucc,,d i cleei-) trance I)y tlin@ ri@-thod of -isci.noti,eii -irette li;@liter. The subj-ct roriai,ked she f, us, nr,- his cif,, "di-dn't know i-iiiqt hith un,7]er sci quicll(iy, '%*iias re- to assured and awa)(sned. lien taiked wit@m, determine her reactions for future u4se.