- ----- ---- ------- -- ---- ------- - ---- 28 OctoL,,t-r 1953 Chipf Teclinicul Br,-tich Conference witil 22 September 1953. 2 woo 000)-,nrritive L,,tit rriicii lc,,;s witli our prob thin 14ns nitlier 2. ..-es tentatively (lotibtful tliiit &;P (extra- sensory perception) would,prove of use. 3. lie - doubted that a post-hyl)notic qijgC,@-stion could 1-@o posi- tively depenried ui,,on to corip(-l a lintioti,-,ed subjnct to cil i,ry out an activity towar@ whicii that aubject, @then in an unhyrnotiz(,,d condition, was unalterably opposed. 4 2 -Ilorr-nofr Association Trst's lie tliouCIit tlitji, ttin old K(.nt usefuln,@ss linci not 14ords r,?lo-iont, to nn intcrror@a- :.tion-wera to be inter olated end the subject's reactions oboarved. 2 Such a modification was once reportqd froi-i tli- (ilowevor, I looked into this type of oclified Kent- @'of f seversl years ok,o in connection ,rltll suspr@c-@,od, mnlinf-,crin(,-,: a, non-coop-rrtivo, siibjt3lct could too fi3i.ly tlirow oft' tlio Interi,o- ng3,) gator and vitiate tiif-, fliidi 4t '-I 4-