To: The Files Subject: SI ai-id 11 Lxj)crimentabi.on, 23 Oil 'fite-cl- 23 "@ai-ch SI Ind II i-ra3 cari,ied otit it, Du', 2 us-Lil,c: th follOiiiWbiect 1-'isscs The sassion i-ias opeiin:,d by slow inductions 2to s 4t@ Llie sta-c for a e -@mc ri t ti . .. ., a,bion to be carried oil 'file er. a slow inclttction. r spon ed. @-alr did not2 obtaiii prp-a.b depth. Tile concluding experitneiit of tile even-Ll '13 e 2 bject parbici. @d Tile f oiio sit patl oi-12:ng the u- sual procedtire 2au omatic n(;, ject was instructed upoii Llie of a pencil in their hand to irrite arid in each iiistance the j-,ztdj. "ct -pat-@ng, 2 yl_uil partici wrote a cry-ptic messa@;P,. All m@ssage,-,@ F-,xcep s were sub- sequently traiislatp-d under deep liypi-iosis by tile E;Lt@)jects 2 themselves a@id i-ritliout exception., these proved to be of an interesting and personal. nature. -tecl-in@qllf-,S for the above iicre as follows: 2 The subject iias placed in deep If s-talle, her fiand war, dissociated and instructed wlicii penci.1 was placed in lii-nd. -To-Li'lcl wril@e. -2In (,,.icli inst@@uire, Llie hand did write a cryp-G:Lc messif-,e. Tile sitbjects .,rere then placed ii-i a d6,.-r) II state aiid told -Lo oren Llicir eyes and write undei,n^ 2t lie ci--y-1)@i c messace a essa.7c. All e-%Cer)t @01 Of i@ll-,Lz;2 n ere a le -ion i-iis e 0 t-ai)le to do so. itiilg POSL extr Pie. alid ficr i2nes@'T c apperentl,,r was so confused that the iqrititi,,-,s could ilot be tr,-:uiz3lated, although no E@reat ef.Corb i.iaz3 Pi,.acle to brinr, this 2 -bli inessiec to tim siirface. ilf'er eadii sill)ioct had tr,-uislatcd eir u 2 @@,ssage, the mossit,,es 4. aken from biieni alii oril,, sliot.,ii to ti-,e sul)jccts aflcr Lhe,,,- liad asl,-ed to see tlieri. Lacii su,)'-iecl -@.ias @ii-lazed 2 4310maumd@, - - I . aii(.1 o-barllpd at i,iliat she liid written. Tn the opiiii(@)i 2 1 7 sz;'ul no -ii-id bl-ie Tit,il;er, -tile activity w@is dn-birely siicce and -,.ias izC 2 sense a"lfaled" opcr,-,,-Lion,])y the subjects tileiic3clvcs. In -vie,,,i of !-,lie personal nature of tlip, iiiessa@fes, they @,rill iiot be.included in tilis log. 2 The mat-t,(-@r of auboniatic iiritiiii-- wliicii ttiay o t have .iii r miy ii O intellj.l,,Pnce i.iilarest will be ttk2cii up -Ulic TL]eSdly, since tile, wri.tet, will. 1,(, c)iit of toi-i 11 s 1:@, lt,,ircli ll,)I;ll session will ),,(, coiiducle( ()y prob@ibly vritt: as aii'observer.