To: File Subject: SI and H experimentation, 23 February 1954. @On Tuesday, 23 F,bruar-y 1954, SI 3nd H exl,--r n t t'O ,wLL -r-qrriecl,out in Room 20, Building 13 b@, l@lessrs, aLd 2 fhllowi I;Iiss and In'view of the ea acity of tlic, volunteers present, p adv-,3.nccd tests were conducted and were conipletely sue-cessful. Complex movrinents were carried out, telephone h5-pnosis was2 obtained and subjects'executed succossfi.illy certain instructions which involved various types of.a.ctivilies including conversa- tions witti the guard and other individuals who were present in the building -t the sane titr@- i4-itliout the knowled,7e of. tticsc individuals that the subjects we3re acting under full hypnotic control. All subject.9-also re-gponded to various typos of Pil suggestions. The session was'coi-icluded dt appro-.Kimately 9:00 Ell.