In view of your association with our work and actual participation in experiments, it would be appreciated if you would reduce to writing in detail the following items: 1. Do you,,now believe that the H techniquep coupled with the use of certain chemicalsp ia an effective intelligence weapon? 2. Do you feel thatthe technique can t-@e improved? How? 3. Have y2ou any additional ideas that would tend to improve our techniques arid,, set them out in detail. 4. You felt in June of this year that 45-60 minutes was possibly the longest time that good results could be obtained under the chemical-H technique. Coul!d this be extended? For instance, by continued conditioning of the subject or by repeating the control every day, pe2rhaps twice a day? 5. Could we, after thorough conditioning, transfer by a given code word or some designated means control to an experienced case officer? Would he then be able to continue successful questioning? 6. Since there is always a chance for some fantasy to enter into talk under R, how can , we cut this to the absolute minimum? 7. Please set out in detail the best methods that y2ou can devise for the obtaining of control of a subject, whether willing or not, using the chemical-H method? 8. Do you believe thatyou could detect through H whether or not an individual has been given a PH suggestion or was at that time under H? 9. Do you feel that an totally conditioned by H so that be would be physically or mentally unable to ac2cept H f rom another individual? 10. Will you set out in detail any technique that you can think of, that would convert an individual's entire thought processes. For instance., from being pro-Soviet to being pro-American. Can you estimate how long a process like this might take? Would chemicals help in this situation? ii. Since it is our intention to recruit spe2cialists in foreign languages.for overseas work along these lines we are interested in., it is essential for us to make certain that they are grounded in the H techniques. Wwill you please write up a akp, for p -&ut long it would t 'you to b ndiv:ldual up to apo:Lnt-of-being able to c mselves. 12. Do you feel that it would be essential that you personally would have to screen any applicants.chosen? Would any previous experience hdlp? 13. Do you believe you could teach individuals of other nationalities? 14. AS3UMing that you give these individuals a very intense wofkout, could it be done in two or three weeks? 152. would it be of any benefit to you if we taught these individuals basic H befoi:e sending them to you or would you prefer to ap- proach them from.,the very start? 16. Since one of our main problems has to do with mental and physical control of individuals, It is essential thatwe have your views in detail on these subjecti. Please cover this fully and give us 2 your best opinion as to whether or not we can successfully control the activities of individuals with the H technique and, if so, to what extent? Can individuals travel while under full H'? Have you worked experiments along these lines? In this connection and in connection with all.of the thoughts above, please set out in full detail experiments that you feel should be tried in the fiel2d of H in connection with our work. What has been the duration of the longest you have ever kept the subject under H in operation? 17. What has been the longest time you have ever worked a PH? 18. What is the most cociplex operation that you have ever undertaken with subjects under H? 19. Please set out In detail what methods you regard as the quickest, 2 surest and safest ways of inudcing H? 20. What are,the best tests to indicate whether or not the subject is under H? What tests do you'regard-as best for determining depth of H? 21. @3ihee you are aware of the nature of some of our work, it is essential that you give-considerable thought to wtiether or not' we can force an in2dividual to act against his own moral con- cepts or act in such a way to endanger 'nis or others lives. In short, how long can we go along these lines and I am not referring to the "College-type" experiments. Knowing as you do from our set-ups, do you feel tiiat we could actual-ly use li against large groups of individuals particularly using the 5 subtle way.for propaganda purposes? 22. Can you develop and teachthecaroted artery technique? 23. Inconnection with the questions set out above on tests, will you set out in detail tests for suggestibility and any, techniques - ----- ---- you may regard as good that can be used to show whether or not an individual may possibly be a good H subject. Tests Of this type should be very subtle or completely hidden. 24. As you know, quite often, it is possible to get a subject to drink with you either beer or hard liquors. How would this affect the H technique ftd can2 you suggest ways we could use this as a meansof obtaining H control of a subject? 25. You discussed with ugbefore the technique of using couriers -who were H conditioned, I should like to have more details on that and your ideas along those-lines. '4e would like to have you write up a critique of the @.operation from your professional poi-nt of view covering your methods,, reaults, and any5 ideas you ntght have in con- nection with this type of work along similar lines., particul:irly ex- plaining the technique of going.through an interpretor.