C@-Catij;;.ition of SO cor;ipoiients dea3f,Ln;- vriul 1,RTIG[IO@d,: I. I'he Special Research Staff liis ti,@t) bi-,uiche,@3 j%. Toclinic;il Branch B. CE Branch II. The Teclinical Branch has two2 functions 'Top Af-,ency tectini.cal work A* D. ARTICHOKE A]TTICIICI(E 1. Four and one-half years ago interest in br,-ii.ni;@islii.nc-. ,,) interrogation techniques) etc.3 used by the Communists and their dcfcnsive -Lnd offensive use began. 2 The main work of AIZTI(,IIOKE falls into four fields: A. E.-;-,tr@iction of information fl@OT,'l untii-IlinC@. silibject.s. D. Proventina extraction of inforrktti-on froiii ou2r agontc.. C. @;ontrol of activity of indivi.diia-Is whet)@er they i-iioh it or not.. D. Pre-venting control by others of our agents. It was necessary to e)-,plore the follm-iing fields: A. HypnO3iS: Four 3-cars of exr)criment-,tion have continued to t@e 2 present. P. Clienicals: In coolier@i.tion with OSI and wii.h 60 or 70 sc-i.Cntific contacts throuchout the U.,,. , Tecl-uiical Brinch has kept abreast of the latest deve3.opm(@ntc-,, including reports oii use of chemicals 2@4ith psycliotics@p etc* p other O@@.4u4gaw C. Ps,)-chiati-yr" iho has just retii-od., conctudted broid res- QaLgbL,:@n a2ll. aspects of the rrcd- ical cl!emical- areq.- nd others also wcrized on J"qlw this r esearch. D.- Other fiel(is: In additioii to h-@Tno,-is@ clienic,-a ancl pfychiztric 2 research., the following fielcis have been c;Tlorud: 1) Ilat-Liral drugs 2) Biocli(micil and dietary effects 3) Gases 4) So-Luid.. 5) Light" C, ) Electricity., clectro-stiocic iiarcosis, hi5f,.Il froriiiencj.t-s 7) Ot'1-mor ph37riC@d Tnanj-fcrtatioiis, including heat and cold, atmospheric pressure3 radiation. PhysioloCici3- fiplds inr@luding faticue 9) Surgic,-tl (e.g. lobotom Present niethc)cls of obtaining irL'L-ormatioii qi-dckly: A. A barbituate and st:ixi-LLIant combinition is given Lo the. subject, in ccmbination with narco-aiialysis. At present kie have no better riicthod., no information to indicate new chemicals are useful. B. Atterpt h@-pnosis (narco-hypnosis) using sodium ani@rt-Rl and barbituates, combined with "spec-Lal te(.hniquo.11 Experiments in Control of Activity by hypnosis:2 A. Under clinicalp laboi-atory conditi.onc;,i;orl,-irv, ,rith. pcopl-C @mcA..-n to thc@m, subjects cm be made to cio what they would not do otherwise ---set firest shoot people) etc. Tlicc@e people were controlled by pure hypnosis, unaided by chemicals. 6. bources of data to support research: A. Ilic Tec),nicil Brancii his a net or web of cleircd contacts who give tti(5n ideas; these are "top level spo-cialists" in au fields from gun c@esign to uses of mushi-ooPL-,. B. 1-he Techni2cil Branch rial