41 ERNMENT i','MCMO rajid STZES-1@ cc um offi@ TE: 9 DA TO FRONE cc ti D R A F-T 4@ TO DCI FROM Director of Security SUBJ=: ARTICHOKE Experimental Project Utilizing Trainee Volunteers 1. PROBLEM: a. 'In perfecting the ARTICHOKE technique., it is considered essential that in t2he training of personnel participating in this program they have an opportunity to employ this technique, under controlled 'circumstances, to selected male volunteer trainee personnel. b. Test situations can thereby be created which will be of great value in perfecting ARTICHOKE techniques and training of the 2 8 ,@le.rsonnel who will utilize ARTICHOKE in future field operation 2. DISCUSSION: a. It is planned that ice of Security, Medical Division id Office of Training will participate actively in this program,. b. Representatives 11 participate in 2an observer statui. c. Through the cooperation of the Office of Training, selected male trainees will be screened by the Medical Division and Office of Security, and volunteers will then be obtained. d. Through cooperation 0 est situations will be prepared for@ 4ort indoctrina@lon of volunteer subjects. a. Office of Security will furnish sa.fe-house premises for.conduct of the experimental work, ago-'a IMF, 4W., f. Medical Division will furnish medical support and necessary substances for use in experiments. 9 1-1 furnish new substances and advice as to their utilization, h.. It is not anticipated that this program will require a large expenditure of funds as no personnel are to be procur@id nor any2 large qvantity of equipment purchased. Transportation to the safe- house can be provided from Agency facilities and purchase of food for personnel involved will probably be ti@e only major expenditure. It is estijnated that $3,000 will cover operating expenses of this project during FY 1953-54 and $1,000 will cover cost of essential 2 medical equipment. 3. RECO@aIE14DATIONS: a. That above-mentioned experimental program be authorized. b. That Office of Training be authorized to make volunteer subjects available for program. c. That requested funds be made available. d. That concurrence of General Counsel be secured. 7 Direbtor of Security CC)NCURRENCES: ACTION BY APPFtOVI,iG AUrIlOF1,I'FY: Medical Division Director of Central Intelligence Office of Training Date