Office -TA,40,,ES GOVI Ni',IENT TO I)ATL:: iy"L i fzsf.,arch -S.taf f I&SO r-Rom 4d 2 Chie .c,' 4r aiir-li, SFZ,I, SU13JECT., Artichoke@,4ork, AupusL-'Jeptember 1952@ I. Retween 19 Aii rrust and 4 Septj--mber 19522, i,lic 1,P4,5 t@rticil 11 -.Iuatio7i project wit', and eva In the op;-Li-on of AJ-1 the TE-,a2,,n meribers and in tlif-, ol@,.3nly expressf,@d opirioil of two of t.h foilr-inaii Teani and in the opinion of all Case (3fficers ari@i al.1 Agenc7 persorinel involved, these operation3.(except as noted below) 2 were not successcul. Details follow: 2. ApprolimatELy t-,@o year:3 ak-@O@--ia&e 'iiiis a r@-,ce-3rcii project at t..- F-Al 2 to*discover 4ays and me;;.iis to 'cor@bat "ITI-oL-,ioii sickneo3" and rf- 1;,, t@,d matters. 'llip- project, hows--vcr, wis designed to ser,,re aG a cov.-@r for n exhaustive search to find certain2 drugs and cliemj-cqls that ally assist interrogators wlien intervie@iinr or int? of person5. The prpj6ct was hea ,,Zlin @cal P--9 Z@iio@Lor,,L3t who i 2 e not. a m alcal doctor. I)P-tails a@, lo t e proj@,-ct, ,)ersoiis itivol,@--d stL@;s, et(,. re ii of Aumist 19,52, ttli 2 -e to ',-,h2 Directo for4ardetl a Top Seci mi-,,nor rp Agency. This memoran(ILLn st-,atcd i,,i ef'f'ecf, tlilt experiment had @2)rocii-ic-ed i dru@,- liav,i-rir, exceotioniily mt@i,i- torioiis effects alonf, Ar@icliol(p litiec, ind w.-4r, of cc)nce.,-il@nent in coaimoii liqtiids. The dT-.lL- was ilgo describ(,d a@@ hr., ELIAn-"OXLC. . -Ln The memoranduii requested ttiat "-.1iis .@t-,ency I -n-wmovw-- the drug under 2 actual fip-ld con(iil,ion@l,. After certain preiiminai-v diffi-ciiities w,3r(, overcomf--, agreement was reac,@ieti as d Diace _,,Lg.C.,the oper2-ition iiad ori 12 Au@zus-t 11052, a f'our eft D.C., and went to 16ince the 1"6 @-rlL-Lchoke Teain was @in,3t,lp to travel @l@, tim(-" ttio Artichoke 2 ashingtori untii 1,3 Azigitr,@ ig@2 and arr@-ver@l at oti 19 Auf; T-,52. 'r@lie t-xperi-,nt--ntal program began snortiy ther@-,a.ftc-i-. - 2 I'@s Artichoke 'fpaiq -,4a@7, coilll)orlrll(ll OL' the follow-L ridiv-iau- als, F,'RwT-e@c "' al 4 B r a- 0 rinic NW or e=,--7a"m@; n cli -IT7,7an-ci in cliir@,e of techn s; and ttie writer."'. in 5. The experimenttil .ioric co,rered five c,3ff@s. The first tWO 3iib- ,4)o-cts w(@re hardcorp, proCes3lonai afenl-u t@-p(,3 and 4t,iii-, three s-2,Ibject7, Inii-7=He defectors. I'he firrt sub 'ect nanciled wao a difficult suipected of pos3i,) @ic ivit-f. 'rhis 13 le 2 case,, in Addit.toti to being tested on tn@@xperimeiitil Lpchiiiqit(-, F-L--- 1 c I . q- wa3, at the urrent rcq@le3t.of case ocfi 6-rs 2 in the iven '-he ad- vance(J Artichoke trp-atment at the conclusion of For matt@-r of record, the' Artichoke techniqlle iri t,-ii.s case, accordi nl7 to the case officer ir,,d, produced 2 and oasitive re5uits. Ti@e. oth@e@rr_c@a4s@o-@ werp- handled in strict accordance with the instructions ot etail3 will be set out under indi-vicitial cases. 6. Ag had b2r-,ert done on the previous Arl@ichoke opr--rqliozi ,ity dctaii3 were ef'ficientiy bv e i-o-June. 195?, seclir tile offic of 2 under the direc-tir)n ol riv fir3t two case5, tile safe liol-ir"- neq.11 "with ex- -me Drecaixtion- as ca.r-ied oiit in the prcviolis of)e .3 2 trf- i c lud L ni, -iree cases were handi@?d at the Since 'Ulit., last, 2 ases mencioned were a@@t-th,? tine ,;,?re beinf@ b -ta-iiip,h preferential tre-.a'.-nent, the securit,@,- an(i gtiard pi-,- 2 u ere not as involved ao the opera'uion at the safe hou3r-- n 7 - Oic)ocly to the security problem the -tl:,Iay3 i.,.Ipor- t an t D r ob le m of amne s i a on t he @) ar t o t h e s ub j Pc t e ci In this connection, t@if3 ,iriter wlslieg to n(,int out t,@iit tha tochn;@qiie L , gpwt-c iegediy2 applied to the varicti,,3 subjecua ii,,,Iioiit knowLc(ir@e. u @ ichok@, A @qhether this was siiccc:3sfiil or not carfnot be stated, biit2 the Ar 'I;eam corrurien-ts in this contiectioti -,iili be round in the Coriclusio i- n after the individual cases. The first subject (lis noted abovo) w;,ts @7iv-,i +fie -nr-,nt aiid in the prol"e3sionaL o.-).L rti-ch(ilce treat nion of as ircanalile of an.,r memory of a pertinent t-fpc concerning de- w ta s c this treailment. CoTi(,eriiinF- the concealahiiit,,if of t,@ir@ drii@-,F, u!;,-@d by@@, the matter 'I'r)Pi@-3r3 SOm'e4h,,at del@atnl)lc. 'y4iiiie tliprp- is n'PpWooi- tLv-- @-neans or e5,,abiisiiin7, 4ti(@fliec the in(jiviciii--il:3 ,4(3z-e cor 2 ntzlnt of ',he fact thit rbrei,-,n -r,..ittrr Iiad b(3,--,n piq-ce(i i,-i 1.@)n4.r coffee or beor, the Artichoke Team feei3 Lhqt a strong pozj;-h-Liit,@ exists 'Uha" the 1 -2 or w,,rp 4,-3j-e Of SCNF, forti o the @r f ao(A t ciri,-iks This bnliec is s,,ip@)ort--,i b,,- the fa2r-i, that. oris,- of thei subit!C 3 madr2 11 fice wti(--n t,,ist-ing liig cocfee, anotlip-r sul)ject coinplaiiipd of 1)'Ltteriies:3 and a third subject becirie ai)pirenl,ly tlioroiigh-ty intox:@catp-d on three bottles of beer ,;lien it had 1,--@en established 111@3 SUI)jr7,ct ,gas capable of drinking more than three bottles oC beer without ef.,L'P-ct. tiore c6nun2ents in this connection will be added to individual case dis- cus3ions. 9. Ttip technical problems wer-0--@@"ir IU 0 prt2viou3 problems en- coiintered in t)ie Ar work i 'In L2-he first these subject3 spoke oril --c,'cise officers-int.prpretors were,used. As beco complex recording ap[),3raLii3 and tapes were mqde of nver",@l ons. In addition, since visual observation was important to th.i LA;o ..ja,t ri@Lrror was set in Ho;icvr--r, this was iMOO33ible operation2 at the I' use nead@@. 1 e to install at rin@'o@pre only mo t. til(AIIii6 rlitarin @,be 2 u.,,e I I @ should be note at in all ca,3,--:3, ho,4evor"--,-,-,-- waa present throughoiit each intervie,,i. His.profp-ssionai report is at present being prepared in this connection. 2 dispos;il problem was not invol,,,ed in tn-7, opf2rat,ion an(' 10. The L I as usual, the Arti-thoke Team made ill speci[icaiiv clear to all indiv.@diials involved tli@3.t the disposai of cases was not tile responsibility of the Articlioke Team. 11. 1,4ith the P-xceotion of the id,rancp-d Artichoke techTiiciii(3s as Used in the second2 hal r,rst case, all (,,ase:-,'wp h al.ed in the maniier specified b It may be said th.'IMNPNW +o,n- ni S, F@i -iect was interviewed by a 'feajn c 2 3u v ons S*i-IL@ ase oc.ficers or interpretors (as and @-Lnrp-i-viewo Were, as a rule, (--onciiic@@@d in a "Qle2a7,ant" tl.y aimed at rapport with a d t the start were apparen the,subject. Tiien as the effects of the drLi@-,s berin to show the question:3 were chan2ced to more pertinont matters. The dru@,,3 were aditiinistered @hrou;7,li various media -- cocc--.2, beer, or even given a3 a "]lip-ldicine" to allcgedl.v d.ecrease iier-@,ousness on the part oL_@,, 2 f, preoi,@-eO,. "an the soot" in ,rA l@,s by 4JIMPROMWWi nd i n i,,,3 .no cccasionally (;onsuitak 2 LO 1.0 r pre- e r T,-Li. n e. ddo;3a@-le3 We achtid.nistered. 'fean ioC,, ;and t@lcdical d not Dropose the (3os-age@, but -iercl-- 2 .Y r orcr),-irinp, anri,,4e e '311(i a3SiSted i' tile 2 atiti p,ac inf,, tile dr go in r-, media ,imount.,,j, formulas reas ns etc. wer-- no'-. disc,,i.-is(:,d wit,h @'ne Articiio'i