414 6 Decent@er 1951 Dear Enclocod are two cliecks for @our -*.rvices nometin. a aCo. I regmt Ue de3Ay in your r2o.Im'cursGLient o Tho clioclm wei-e field =til your next visit to ;;ashirigton In accordance with -previous instructions issued to our admin.IzLrative pcople. you will lot m2e ),,now ol' arq other sex-.,ices :rcu I hope that have parf cry,-,L-d for us for %rliich ymi ha is not mccived raimburso- rtent. t a Irotod In r.7 pro.,.@ious letter to ;iou we will try to htndle Uds moiv e.-peditiousl7 in the future. I had a very interesting di.-cuszion with n I was on 27 Ilovember,. I did not so since lc,@plio i i,,i t o -,q as c x- he r"@ca@,, when I called him by t@- ncj I had ted tromely bu-7 P-nd would prefer to hold off f or awii-Ue. I have llis f contract here rei-ZX for signature but worxier 2If this is necessnry under,the circutnstances. when I asked he i.,ould prefer to le under contract he sl@dt-ed ttiat Liraess tllero was some particular reason for it ha would prefer not to be# Sinco we can arronee roimbursement for orvic thc?xxt the contract I did not foal it necessaz7 un(tor contract. The situation =V be the s I trust that you had a pleasant trin and will be looking for- Vard to hearing from you in the near futures 4 f Eml i Two checlcs Os 71