t. 4-1 -iy@ urolo to the write an r 2 I in informat7o7'ho wished to discuss vith tlte writor - - ilong, lince of"intereato The 'writer told liim ho would be glad to'talk'@@ t an'd if.lie tlioueh@ lie 2 a to a a-U tho O am C e telophon vriter iam'uriterld txl)enzoo, OLtod lie lind tltt' ended th 2 bJm'tlicr y had experimn tonin not ce the 0 a ti na uff th t ie'' tivogr'of Ilaiti oba).': Ili 1,." l2airwd viiy it'wati not pro-ducinr, ttio' resultb and-t nob prop,,kred or ronstod properly it the nativas T" did them. lie stated ha had recently coaq a friend of Iiia')' FL swgeon, who liv2ed in TIL4iti. lie statod he talked the Thio,,friond is rriendly-with't-he Iiin and he in-vited fiim to I!ai'ti. h, vts wbo rk-t@ Uie Colioba smiff amd was cortelin il down )au could'. tauc to Llie nalives and.find. out:.Iiou the made The writer then a k C tl.V siliat 110 felt ttle uriter sliould do about it 2 ie writer c)r tlie -ft gency, would 'would be very, liam -to r..,-tke an in-fastigation pay hiis voy to'lial.ti hr 'nie wriwr 2 in th6 (I that.this ibould W v-iccos..ful. d he inrorme lie had no'funds f or au ch a.-i ccperiment An 2 AL-uncy wli Vould. -,rith otl owould hav-o such-;.- funds4-..-@The writer Llion cisked ing'aboutho i;, plis fui. he hadfiled witli the 2 rac )lied in the id in-, :'3 -C)@ 18 pay 1955, formed liim of Uje above ta ba(i made thd'.cfror to cer ic6ials or tho jlg6ncy and t a clearance. wnL; through mt,@iw,would'bt'taken "up ib ;Bti@ tanc WhA ball 'writt or i-'- - on- Ur 7d) @'2oLr;ibr*ak l@2'@ n" -:'b I I;D ,"r" r:Lt' eroto 7 !o I 4 (!4@ sm