STUDIES IN TIIE kilLITAIIY APPLICATION OF IIYPNOTIShi: 1. The llypiiotic hiesscilger Introduction Ilypnotism is now a recognized branch of the science of psychology operating under known laws producing known phenomena. The proposals we are about tb.make can be veri2fied by means of the scientific method. In deep hypnotism or somnambulism, tile subject has complete amiiesia;. he remembers nothing of what has happened. One out of every five persons can reach this depth in the hypnotic trance. With this subject, we c,.in, remove from him all knowledge of ever having been hypnotiz2ed ind -make it ,impossible for anyone else to liypnotise )iim except a person who h as been designated by tile hypnotist. It is our contention t'liat a long and iiivolved message given to a subject could be recovered from the unconscious mind only by one specific operator, who alone would be able to hypnotize the subjec2t and recover the the subject would have no ktiowled,re secret". message. In the waiting state, of this message. lie would deny his ever having been hypnotized, aiid the second hypnotist would be the otily person able Lo ro-hyl)z-iotize him. lie would go to this2 second operator as a result of the post-liyl)notic sugge-stion of an ordinary military transfer. lie would not "talk" becau s..c he has nothing to talk about. Furthermore, it is our contentioti that alcohol, ful ill i-ccoveriiir, this drugs, and/or ptiysicnl du1ress would not be success message. Stil)JCcts: Twenty somnambulits who miglit, l,r, obtairied in a military ,tblislimezit will be used. College students ctntiot be used in this exi)crimeiit for quite obvious reasons. The criteria for somnambtilism are definitive and clear-cut. 2 The so-called disguised teclinique will be used so tli,.it the I)ei-sotinel will be in ignorance of the reason for b&itig contacted. Equipment: We will need facilities for doing hypnotic work uzidcr conditiotis which give maximal security. The actu,.xl -ii)))2aratus involved will be: (1) dictaj)liotic, (2) tn apparatus to test hypnotic anesthesia by means of the api)lication of a graduated electric current, or the iise of an electroonceplialograpli. Procedure: The tweiity subjects selected for their ability to enter the somnambulistic state wi2ll be carefully trained for the specific task in mind. As mentioned. previously, we will removelfrom each subject all knowledr,,e of ever having been hypnotized and make it impossible for anyone except the person designated by the hypnotist to re-liypnotize him. Ile would then be itistructed as to the nature of his assignment, namel2y, that he would be given which is "secret" and wliich could not be divulged to anyone, either in the waking state or any type of unconscious statei The exception to this would be a second liypnoti'st t (specificsLIly named) who would be able to re-liypiiotize him and recover ttic secret" information. 3 The ".c;ecret" material would then be presented to the subject.- This would be given by tape recording for the sake of coiitrolling human voice variables and -would be repeated five times in five separate hypnotic sessions, out of the trance and send him to his desitna- the subject the second hypnotist) tion (in this case, the address Of ggestion. In the waking state, i by means of a post-hypnotic Su t. At this point, over-,a ,owledge of the second hypnotis which under normal circumstances would give him ample time -the 2world, we nt methods to elicit )art of would apply differe iation, by use of his wife, girl friend, alcohol, arnytal or ,en physical duress. -ic principal investigator at $50 a day. days a month for three months. $ 3,000. ssoc 2,400. iate at $40 per day nses for these two men $12 per day 1,400. 0 penses indeterminate -time secretary. 500. part .This man could be L psychiatrist should also be available. ;tablishment. project approximately $10,000. -L of this proposal would require lat a thorough investigatioi the principle investigator and his associate ag the summer when m academic duties.