Tit,le or ..Person's LocatLon operatirg,, 13udget Duration "Commonly Known ast, Ilame Usuil- of Main Authority (Dollars) IY Associated ActiN-ity DMWTLY RELATED - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drug Project 2 A project in th tion and s is of 'poule@@@ 19L7 to Pres. drugs for @is n effecting, Psychological entry and control of the individual. Detection of Deception yrs fr Oct The detern2iinat@on of the Physiological changes in a man wliioh indic.-@te deception is being practiced. Investigation of the measurement of these changes t-hru mechanical and electrical devices. Hotion Sicl;ness 10 51 to 2 present A study of the effect of drugs on the vestibular function of the ear arrl the development of side efi'ects which indicate the possibility of psychological entry and control. Polygraph Comparison kjot N-et i3 decided 2 A comaritive evaluatiozi of t-he variou,,@ deci cting devices on the markets There wi.11 be particular emphasis on deternlinj-ng the accuracy of their measurement of physiological changes supposed to indiepte decepta'.on, Drugs The development and application of dru2gs which will a-ia in the es@ablishment of psychological corytrol. Unconventional Warf are Drugs.and Electricity Researcii work on the effects of lysergic ac-id on animals. Use of electric 'Shock and the encephalograph in interrogation* Particular emphasis on the detection of prio9r use of electric shock and the from electric shock. gu.aranteed amnesia' resulting Hypnosis Wash. D C CIA Investigation of the possibilities of hypnotic and post-hypnotic co ntrol. - ------- - - ---- Titl o or Pe r, rotis i,oc.-il,ion Opcr@-i i-inr,. Budrot Duration "Commonly Known as" flame Usual- of Autliority (Dollars) ly Associated Actii-ity INDIRECILY RELAUM Fati2gue A fundamental ressai,ch pi,oblem in the biocliemistrt 3-9.U of f at' e (miiscular). Considerp.tiori ba.s been given to the extension of.the project to include t4ie biochemistry of nprvous stress, Fatigue-@Sleop A-St tg&wQLt@Zu,2..iaLip@ss of slee 0 the eflec (An ext,erision -work at tlx flunger _The,ngLqM tha@ prepared the mono a er in 1950 is still io rking at /@6 The monograph had a full chapter-on "The psychological 2 e e 5 rl Extrq Sen rception- s.understood to be contirruing iiis work with an emphasis on practical --,mp-sy-c; cal applications rather than the "parlor-magic" aspects which were publicized some years ago. Reconstruc tion of Soviet Man 2 /(, A tl)ox,ough study of the Russian as an individual using many cases of defectors interviewed in" Group Dynamics Information hp-s been received that this differs from most of the ps@-chological .warfare projects in tiiat there is detailed study of the individuai as a member of a group. Psychology of Confine- 6 ment Over a long period studies were made of men iiving in the crowded conditions of a submarine. Cert;ain incidential findings have been relevant.