O' UAI 0 r LY vjnyz" )MR.) IX)iom .@wV@ i To a c te r (MLT-M 108). initiateds Febr(@@.- A second year of study in Al>rij vaa appmvo4 196X& Contractor8s Dr, a@ gmntee of th Coati $3i5w.00-(Preyious Statues Ongoing* Belleved to be on schedule.' @7,MORAMUM FOR' TH9 PMORD WMTRK, SaVmjeat R07;-108P Conti SLTJF.CT: -te3eatoh-of >se-of tbio@ Virojec2t La to continue the fomer ac@lleague Of di IN Ur -la at e to- I d to be of great assi.' 84c@-- It vab, t t-ne Zeation of - Dr t 2 @6 ot ,,certain- cbaracteritti, 2. -Dr te interest'to TSb/RB@-pi@i t4L, r 0 obarac is progres.- 2 6 b6.h and-mooitdri--"-of-tbi"roject will continue t tndlea -Ac f 00 2 e 'OELfofm this -,pz-ojttt f6f-&-period Ot@O@'Year-is esti- 4. TheAot6vdost Of . inst allotment --Chafo2y@should be ma have helped -make-::th@07L 2 ad plan more suitabl@@tban-m irin al -dfaf t@@ -a-pent consider- ale time on this to-hi,m.----- As-DiLi @h projeet is cl@"e@t7c map related to min-e-i@@naturaiiy-_va wi2jL.L comps"-, n--otss eration and-t-o a-void---if time, so as to as, v I any, wmaegasary--dtiplicatf6"--wo-rk.--D%iring the-progres3-of our work vhvnoTer-eithe.---6n6 discovers dert&in 3eientific which might be-,msoful-tdL@th"her I can sa3ure yqA:Ao-that we will draw eaoh Tbszkint@y@@&in in my work, and--hopi-ng- to-hear from you a&@;"o-rore 3long, I very-sinoe:r ALiAs of this atudyl It has iii@f -the-*kit4-e-that ollowins -the- f behavior trait&--or bthavior@-chaLractori#ti66@@@e predomi ut AW@ cbara2cteriatic4a o oposed a u inve3bigator proposes to t6 th@@ poll formai-ioa o fa Om& t@-:6f Emplayind 2 Will trace 0 ctors-ael --ar the population dooliil4 A go*thi food supply@7floode-and and oti@,or-natural barba.-ian-iavasions, -and th rr to the formatibh7of sucti t 1) Lack of7"ligio sapernaltural being), an4 hence I"k76f 4i-n--or i@9--ed--ehvfth 2) Aversion to violthc*t 3) Passi--vity to brate-tot@d*os oith*r natural or" human; 4) Fatalibti67:view tk"ti@bng- tandonoy -fo-r-o-,io-t or adapt_to-tho-onel -'Dnv tAthekLthan 2 to mod:Lfy-@6"040er the environment,,, .5) Lack of@*Ari" a- 6) Lack of - itidi*id4a 7) Lack of-tho esire- 0 n open ratherg-the strong tendency t4-Wf6fd-to-tbo existin social--2-- Lack of-the-6i@$,rit-of eam work; 9) The paradoiical-tandency oVtho-ikdi*iduall.---On the on,* hand he is most eolf--kdoritidial in- the -family - ainiost to tho point -of seltletenesel - on -th* other,- outside the f&milyg he can be -do-e-t- selfiek-without morit@l*gal reat**@@@ 10) Indifferen4:o to the sufforing of other pooolel 11) InO..fterenc*Lto-public *dlfatot 12) The feeling of -r;icial--aw,,@oribkity- 13) Absence -of the- 6"tiitbnt of (And henco - ratrt4is@ra) the c-sont contury)l i4) The strong tonde-no- to compromUs witk-o-u-t--rogard- to onolj§ ri&@ap 15) The atrong-ten44neyA:d@@k rith auspi@2@ i,,@k-an t' th- t is y it now (somewhat--uodifitd by the impact of them-m-p-- o) The Ind6noy (6a it i6 alm6,atl@ knowii to the in interp2ersonal rent 46-c-I 0 -"thbi@ity .-ihich in has@cutakon for "CooporAt eroreted as an in-horited-trait-doVolbNd' tr upon th'*4ropooltidh-tb@k"ho----, I ndividfial had t o b o fd-ri@td - t-6- d 6--*h a twa s nec e aj5 a ry@@,f or 7@ blio-- aociet,y_-aad thus for, hik"lt)-'6dt al-a@-4th an inner -rd-o@ling 2 of bitter- resentment or@L-batrc-d a.-id readiness to avor-.[,;O-ailth@orities- when they are overthro" and-b-.n thp,-rUi@, Theao beliavioral@!tharaotiiiati-ce-haye--a":rrotted-thav be to 2anyalyze the-aetho4a b chich the C@6@ic;t.S-endeavor-to solve---- the&* payc:iolo A third atop in and failures of-tK67C6dtuiiists-in their efforts to solv"he"---probltta- to date-, and an analyat"fAh62:bdjor conflibta between ha-rqe'c,* and Cor-imurist be recolved-lit@@thd@@ture. Ilet,hodat In parts-ono-a.-id two or-oui@-tatu-it@v"laall cdo pt a r36thod of-donto'1rat analysin of certain historidal-documente and ked6zda. In o;tr third methods; (a) observation or tiie behavior of-tbal@@ of variv-ia ago gr*upa who-frbd-tine t@@timo--c"o from th b interviewing those poopxe; &n4 (o) -B*Ti@g test$ to the younge2r-(Ochool ag#) groups- brought up.in t@0,0@@ lillklwduring the last decadoi7:L We na-ch a wa an to discover these -tbwardlqt (1) th-e-state vs. tbe-individual;--(2) i6bildron's attitudes fafnily,-, parents and other-re)-atives,- (.-il.'.A varioui3 religildto-i@-(4) physical &oral ooncepts on-t@*cti6al-mkttore@(" asainat oeonoalo-and I it (?)-artal 4r&aa-and litetaturet and (8) ambitioiis for the future In our observati6"land-inte-ryiewsL6f-the POOPle-s who 2 At* in the C-owunisti-op!qqW attention will-be given. to the influence--ot@:t@ttiWd6i@@@l-other--behayior -characteristics-- of the oldelr--goneratiba over the yp"e" generation who are brought-- up mainly or tho Communist rule. 94cial.koi@ts of the-Vehavior-O charaoter.teticg@-of-tlie-ip@@ old and young who have-resided in the Coamun2ist lilMLdarin Ve prognosis -wUl -W made an to how far Revol,-ationaiy, effort could- oudd 83te 0 standpoint. VA" of-the-abd"-z-rjn-ti6i"boh"iora.12-chardot-oriatice are-closoly inter,r*lateds---Moa"f-these behavior traits are-bred-i"h&-f6iiily--- on --nor f- 0 from gonaratid"o---,Son-erati o ore n ur @historica.1 analysis 8 we shall pay claniem--(the writer p,refors this-ter,2 to role in the BAVO P)AYgd 01 Y*rY iMP"taLnt' and4low fora&tioa of -tll# AOMWP40r,00)-Iality- I rAL OUr higtor'eal-#2Akly#@* onomic f b48ides the ph ca an oc we es"imtion to thee -two ayeteas of phalmoviv- t:@d @ott critical if W, the evidences to subb2tAhtiaLto my these two syst'ms.of philosophy_a_s they are IdidW to-day "a partlY@@nal- &Ad'- partly lnvented-by,@the the In addition-to publi ation 2 ana@@ the d7@@ systeaw, -and theiriof and their uaderlying secret imotives (whichg as f4it-am-this writer is awaLr*477@have not even been au oted bt@@ of4mmwralturo)l en2d concoquently known to-th Coholare as also had had come inflii@"00 over the personality a-n4 M"t evaluation In our investig@k@@ in our itami"tion-of-tht6i@-two we atial bay6 occaai*,Ais@@o to@@her evidtiiid-o to test thia--writerla-theorY-that ",Well as other systome of 'thought-. as during the jorio" --"turaV-V"da""f-t" then provalli- tk* docial--coiaditione-or-rather of of moodas of the inassea-of that -period.- In the absence -of -A2: sopik@tural'F-f*ligi6h-and an organized-chu"h, it would be a tromendoual dif fiolt- t"k -for any government to solidaritt 4aLnd social-Atability. I bt@ social thi 9 W" accomplishod@t" of though a OL t becaite an iisportant ingrI.9dient of inodera hroua aintiltfation");. (2) artific3'aII4'lbuilding up the (3) the buildi@:g-up of a: distorttd version of Whieh @,Nas t-htzk olovely Unked up with ClWUGZ;-- (4) artific IAI creation of an-41it,*--class; n artifibial2- 'througho).xt thc-@@onturiesi and maintainint-a@-natural iron curtain -and (6) brute for@i@@14-it resorts As a datertdzit-for lt4i*id tWa7---- deviation bra2ltdi@@ces It-dUr-historical Investigation-wo shall--- try to coU4dt@ttaotual--ovidi@ao-oho*IAS how th*40-phOAOMena were affact-the modes@of -thihkit"nd Patterns- of beh.avior--of-t"7t@W14--during each poriodw _@o"* C@6@ist psyoboldgid-al tochitiques in ruli is e@ha.11 try to coo@t-the diltf@o an betwtoa low the a-ucient rulers and modern Co=,azListai@@and-:to-find out what ta-agible aff44@ta!Lbn the bob@"i6r-pa-tteras of th-3-masse3-ha-ve tak-en-pla:de-*-- In tbis-$tudy evotla-d-t-o-U fact that in the thoro-"*@i2"r-tain chaLractoristics--whio"ilX*6kk fi"ti4Lbli::k@"6*au4idt offortd@-@@ 1. re-molding.tbLe- society whLI4- certain otno" witv@their so deep-- historical W-tte wil!7*@6tk a ihAt-t4#4@Our work-willib"W-ng to see how traits and-@*hat--- me-aus they-bave-*m ed-to@@bat or deatroy t#o@unfaVI64fabl6 -onos@--- t2udie6t bL a v@n or IL; @i4any of the-abot@@@lietbd b6ha*ibiMl traits or characteri.stice of the have been frequen@'lly noutioned in the writiatc of the experts. l@at -tw--are very oftb@@ frar2ue-rtary@-ancl coattered in varioud boo" and article4s and-it@ften th*Ln not# oitl-.tor-orroneous, a-,iol-ead-'-ng or superticial-ir,-thei-r-internrotationa As far- a* this-writer is aware-,- 'z.,qere hao been no attempt to -put t5hese known --haraoteriatidd7tos*ther 6td make a cotore@hen4oiyo- amd syst6.@natic and scientific atiidy-bf tho@i*L@-vhile this-writer has not-had the opportun- book ity to read tho r"ent bj vu tho-basia of:Ad*.aari'eA7&kd --revlt-,wd@- the- book-seeas-to rooessat -tk4--"tkO- @ither-than co,?aoluai6ns-- the persoaal op f drawn 2fm.-t carefully and Isyste@iatios both ecolo6leal-@&h4 psych may ba t The took is aii excellent and do-reise- aunr,?tary @"d ii*alu-at i- of7th"into ti2n aad vi"a of @revious writere@@hit)@ltural traditioa ori0ift and it har, bro@.igat forth anumber of-bohavior-lal7@&haract@@@@o-of the whick form a _Dart of:blir proposed !3u t Amp= bod'c ropret;ezxta- no or a oo-apre enoiye-nor asystematid-3tudy of the ecologlcal,',kti-d-V*y@oWokidA factor&- wh@@re r o s p o -n@e ib I 6@L f oV t h e- developi,eftt :is a 2woll,-dooitmented &.nd@first ratt boo-k on@@ cm up to 1934$ but the book surface of to---- i,nvoeti&ato in 5 of this book contains-,-:t number of intere-stin;-bitt@ZAot2@--Altogetlier c-o-rreat viewi-.abo Li t etj. At history and the b!,isle-structur6 of-the regare'ed as a woll--ba]Att@dd vie*ldiid-provi-e4 of a.,i be quii. 2 sociellly, but it .o fa@mili--i-r -.vith thd-hiAt6k@@l-backg-rd-und of ea.-?x h,%,rdly be considdr6@i 'Lhere are certain tion beiiig -ancert@iken by a tra0i--A@-d @completely conversan'V wath toth the mordern and @.ie elassiel3l. styles- i and who resides ill (1) the projoot-le (2)-the matorials required for this-investication-abo@t sto"s cultures f @and thought c6nnot'be gathorod original texts (3) i also 08!50nt@ial- to UtA ori4i the wt 0-t- the ther,o too@ ar6-ava-ilable (4) direct. ob8orvatldA-of behavior- personal Lntervii@"--$ &hd toots wit- ,Nlo h,5LVC liv2ed in h tL-* Lnoe@- the Co--,murAstr.--toee. over of the propoeed study. the moat tath4Dring,t,his k-izL&@bf "]A@tb" Duration of -projec-ti @o f2thi@6@@ is -Duo', t-%at -TADY yea@ro profitd The magnitaxde could be devotedao it@@=lt is @arLtioi]@", howover,- tbat@the moat eazential WtA@@of the rob6-aroh and-r@6@tinS can be-accomplig"d_im three years. It is hoped -tliat-tho--gro4t_ coax be made fdr-a two yoara with- some of satiefactorl 'U-Pliiae aiy Notes at it Is to-be.noted that the lists of-ecologocal- f fi6-t -o-i6 - - logical variables) and behavioraJ--charaoteristics--(defe2ndent, variables) axe morel"ntative-ones-and-are to be groupo"to smaller numbers Of--categories according to th'ir arities and differences-in nature--and-acoording to th4 convenience 6 the analytieal:--@@durea._Ard_as 'the-investigati-on-is-making Progreass new eco og oal factors-and-ne-e-behavioraJ-Icharacter2-.!-- isties will:aPPMWZto re uire attention-and a-regroupitig,or reorganization-of the--Categories of both-ecoloil@oal2-f6,o-tors and--, behavior characteristics -will-become nece-s-sary@ ao::@@to include--- the new .-Suoh-o' antmtio and, rg n re-orgaAlzatio"ill-be-reportedt"he -sOcietY as soon as it is done. The Investigator has no-W commenced-to workiout-somewhat in detail a conerete@@li@66ed-ure for-_hi -t- rica a 0 I-analyoA,"e-doon as this is complidted, a co 2@@ttbmitted to.the-Society@@-- Detailed proCedU!*b7for@-observation-on---behELvior'@atd---t--- Y, 7!n erview and giving tests-will -be-vorked oat in-s@-late r 2 It appearaE@tha"he_--Bco@@@he------- proposed an s somewhat -,pl --I vast Howeve r - - a-$ -0@o on - -as the d etailed-hkito-rida procedure is worked outl, the-80OPe-@ll be-conseqR@@@y-narrowed down-and the:.,.----- WOVC in view will-b-o-more concr&te-and-preeise.' Th6 same- -I- applied to ol@servat:t:@@h-o-f:beh-a-y-jo@, in-terv-i-ews-iand tests-in 2 -a later stage of theinvesti,@@@ hip-between Dr re- ,"he-re is a relations-- 921-c-a4-7%-;bt--u-nu this Posed pl an which may be brief Y78atea stated as follows:- (1) Both work towards the same goal: the sic%lientifio-uuder- standing of theisombol national character,, (2) Dr. ries to re "h hi oal by'basio-OJLOAti@fic eriaonali't,,Pofioe individual@-V-hi-l-e- ap.oroach, emphasing -*,he - P 4@ N this proposed investigation will--try to reach its goal-thrOUE)i- h2istorico-ecological approeLobo-thttt--is--#--tO find its--baaio,,f for the formation_of the. per,,),,onality r,rooli@@ aim-is-to discover certain r6sui@p+,iWt hence# his--mothod--it--i ti characteristics vithOut-P vh:Lle this propoired-investig4iOn-i8 more or los based on the lnvestigatoils-PrOvious assumptimt@-,which are to--be verified blatorical analy@48 t thod is -more. deduoti2le thtiii inductive. (4) Dr. sInterest is prim-a-r-ily-lo the dtyaopment-- of perao-aal -:L-n--t as a scientific at-UaY in PSYClio OEYO e the P,.resent-inVett whil igator is als6-inter"ted J"he bearings I t'd revolution and -YOOted traits on 06@ib- of the historical vice-versaoi 1) look* (Mo@st]Lj inoluding Ar Piiln Communis certaJLn materl -600- can be sifte-d) 0 Ak 0 fI* @W4 4 0 2 200-- 2) OLe it 60Q@ .3).Coutact avid ...... wh2o make f-- t visite (I'o@r oontact-@witb:*@itiOUS PORGO"$ reauen and with tho Ao"rriva from time 4) Inaidental- and-mid"li;-knA@ (,For suppli4"os2t&Zo, etc*) -000- 2f) Totell@ '600- Nolryst Durinx@the see-orid--a2td-tbird- are, ttle followinT-itoy,,,z should Y,6 be 1) 1.0000 wUl_ be@ requi-rtd for travelling expense-a. it-- arranaoinortte aro- to be ma ,& r,,ho aiiriistant or othtii@ tto a -rural pariioni3 01.6triet6@ruitid-by--t 6-mad76Ut-&"ar north toL@: th6e fit*vhand-datas 9A 2) ZOO for I>rinti-ng interview protocole@ an4 toot (aeoond-7@) and-- r in preparing L reports un4ortakep With D.@. We a@px@wals Notes- 1) to 2) to org"ize- tbe- def"d6tt- Y"iablea (bobavioral-characteriaties) into-categorit-s- 3) to@note 2in some d,at@-a-Lils the propo8ed 4) to identify the )@@@d tolatibilehip to my@projtct-, to indld&t*ia@@ lan for "ttematical,i@y-toducing tho soope of tbio-.study and iftreasing its-p9roo-io I-ID 46 LAS