qo Vo 7777@@ tTv p ;o ;qrpa 3 ITT 1 Ce EL&Mso.- To study levels ok motavati" as route4 to r.*rwa peroon&Uty@@ chuacteriodt*-(NIJKULTRA W)*-- Inittateds. r=&,s obl 61. (Second year of suooo#jo*::@@@ wo r2 k l@- ch@ as a grantee of Coatractor budg Cost.-' $13. 000. 00 (Prevlouo year's et was $14, 000 00) Status: conunulng on sebod 0. 5 13,4 <:@ AJ ;i4 I ...... . ...... C, C; 5 C, F,7 5 A VOUCHER SUSIOIT-RIEO BY No. (Finance use only) = LM .0, ub M ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING F2ROM ITO Augut 2961 1 31 Ymy 3962 NOTE: Follow Ynatructions on Reverse 2 RECEIPTS DISSURSE@MENTS ING OF PERIOD 3 DATE AMOUNT li CASH ON HAND BEGINN 2 DESCRIPTION ia. 2. P@ecc I T DESCRIPTION p 04UMBER DATE All& 2 TOT4 EXPEFASES 3a. 2 4. REFUNPEO HEREWITH CHECX optoep, 2 -3 .CAS 0 NANO ER',00 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR TF-ITA ACCOUNTELI 2 FOR 1 CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE i. ROVED I ce,,@il.y that the exp tures listed hereon Pr 2 i 0 any attoahmento woe Ancureed for official OBLIGATION REFEREt4CE!NO. ICHARGE ALI.OTMExlr NO. DAT@ Of APIPROVINI' R 2 *coxv ameal of a confident l@n$tur I ;!the payen or 2 i :redit t fe h. t h on 7,,Id hot thi2 a Ccou tinot .'-@ t s,@ and ,qc olee 21 4 DATE S I GNATURE OF AUTHOR I ZI NO 0 c RTIFIEI? FOR P ENT OR CRE,61T s GNATUOE PAYEE 2 DA S I GNA'rtoR OF CERTtF@ilio OFFICER FOR'EXCLUSIVE USE OF F l@NA DIVISION 2 SPACQ BELO IARED SY RE EWEO By 0. 7-12 DF%C'RIPTIOPO@. ALL@@dTt4FR 2 ACCOUNTS 13.33 34-39 411.1;2 1 56.67 08.70 71-80 STATJOPO A3 AS-4 onLiG 631, 5A-57 -A2L OT@ Lox . COST OVE AMOUNT 28-33 c EXPEt4C F PAY E 1 ?46. GE ER L cc 040. DATE 2 '"' 'A y7A "o. v CAI l@..F-' ............. CODE o* 62.67 2 .*GP. NO. @;;O-CK K. NO. *Pit DESCRIPTION ADVANCE ACCOUNTS l3.Z7 "P.0- NO- 0 y too CT, DEPOT 2 C*to$T ...... ................ ACC ........ V.33 5 . P, 0. 0. Div. T FORM 282. use roevious 2 COOTROOIS. Febi-@ 4,'@1963 -oiant eive L27j-3 June 1. 1960 throu,,,,h-l,kv-@31;@@1962 Rec ' - d -iO.00 Ex-3ended 2 TotA Salaries 9,3-52@-@@.-6o - -14,145.6o 'A'ages 3*841@60 5 ivaintenance 417.2o@@o? 6(i-@,024.8o- Totals 13,610-60 11,365-00 -24,97,@.00 Overl,,;g@ad 2 ye-nr - Tot2al exoene@ed-- - 26s27&M'-@ Balanc 82. 00 T rue-stat P, as@-transl4ted irro ted 4 to the PrmLred by TSSIC'-ip;nl-c,al r March 26, 1962 1, e enclosed is-for your i le. We cannot 3 expect on occo-untinqvnti I the e'61 owis second- grant 2 r-Meanwhi le, I Om moki n4 plans to renew this grant yea out-of-our current fti6ds.-' - kni looking forward to c@otting with you about low* Enclosure1 @9 61 ex-Deriment has-been During the past year-o@r-e -finished on Ahe main '-aisoence as aL measure part of the I'Lnvesti@ation@@@ -the study of remi of drive. Using over-60OAig'iAri-v- et@and-@@low-drivL,. - si-ibiects @@t 'Was demon- -that f or the --lom drive grolips reminiscence scores on the p,,irs rotor remain at a relativelY-10-,;-Ievel-i.rrespective of the length of ptt- rest practice whereas f6r-the 2hi -drive group reminiscence scores increased in a,.linear -.@'asqion as a--functioti-of the logarithm of - the length of the pro- rest practice period. iad-@-,-Of@t@,"o m@iyvlt@es, 3 minutes, 6 8,-- 12 and 15 mina,es---have-been used@@to far -a2nd-even-wit'i z@he-fifteen-minute--- t period there is no s-4Lgii--o"r,,y:@appro'e-C ---to an asyml)@ote. - These res,.ilts-are - in line with prediction and show that.re@niniscence--is indeed an excellent measure o2f drive.- -Rp-sult-s are co@,itrary to- redi-ction as far as-@,oerforman" is concerned however, there be-, rformance diffdki@@@@t-all-b ing no-pe drive and the lovi drive- i:ndirig is q:.tite contrary to what 'Would2 have been exoected on any psychol6,r,,ical theory, and accordingly during the second part -of the-past-@;yearthe Yihole@±@udy was repeated- on--- another group of appr6ximately-800 higii drive and low drive study d@iffereti from the previous one-in-two respects: furthc@r--pre-rest-practice 2 periods were introduced,- anel the rest pa,,jse was lengthened from-six-riinutes to ten minates, to ir@,vastigate t.,,,Ie possibility that the dissipation of reactive inhibition during the rest pause riiight not have boon coraplete.- Analysis of these result@,@ is not yet finished,-but ttiere seems to be no doubt that the data str.,,,ngly siifport the conclusiors derived from the original 2w It -,Yas hypothesizp-d- tYLat@@the- failu-@-a to-disoover differ6nees in performance bet-Reen high ancl-low d-rive@grolip'. oli-the pursuit rotor was a function of the task invo2lved, exiii-several@othertauk* ho,,ro-beon erployod dAAre e-blink-condi the past year, -tioning; (2) self-paced multi 1,---reaction-time-deter,,@iinations;-(3) easy and difficult - 2 clerical-typ4 crossing out expqri@Ticytts-of ni:ri.,,ibers and @ letters; (4) -leaming of paired as-,,ociates-on the7memoryArium.- qolic but not-all of these experi-meats have been compl6tedi@@@t a-np- ly@#8 is still i2n progress. -It - is proposed to add t@:> these in-the@@coming-year-fu-rther-t,:?sts, incltiding (5) GSR con,4.itioning', (6) meas!ares;7of@7percep;@@hresholds-, (7) suggestibility-- (body sway);'arid Y..ave-been rqade-2for these tests to be @iveni7but-ap-,rova-l:--i,5-awaitod-for-the-co-Atinuation of the grant for a third year. It is further planned to parsue certain-tbooreti^.al points-tT=@-@m-_ p,)ring the por_formance of@high dri ro@ips o2n-tl,.e-,@lar,,:@uit rotor iLn@O@er oonditiorts of--spaced-practice; tt-tis is hoped to ttirow some 'Ligkit on the puzzling problela -on- the fail,,ire of-,Derfor;,qance. to dif feren, tiate--t@le two groups.- Th2p-re has been solrie delay in-delivery of-the-al.@,reratus requested in last year's a,-aticipatel-l' bujget (electronic ta@,,e data recorder), sr-,i 3',t-has- been roce.-sirv to cor-tin-ae mog'u of the time with borrowed eq,.iily@nazit. Pre--@-2L@;@ liminar.-f data au,-gest -that a very detailed analysis of pezil'ormance d-uring a continuoua t.a.Pping task Fj,-ikes poe,-,uible meaeurement o.@' drive and motivatiozi alon@-, qtlite novel li-nes. In thic, rork we ineastire tu the nearest 10700/@@ec. 3# the duration of each -tap-.ind also- the d.-iration of' tie' interval-tetween- taps; when these data are plotted (@3rtioularly the intervals-between taps) irivoluntary rest-palises due to -inhibition star42ti out very cle,@grly arid -It is their frequency and distribution .6Lnjbe rela@,b@@@egree of drive. hoped t.,i a tin the-comin& "-r a@-definit-'Lve:::@@dy along these lines can be complete2d. -publicat@ons so far res;lt'ng om the study Below are given the under this available the writer has contracted--witlq t ish the main results in book foi-in un(ler-the tl-'t'Le 2 at the end of what @this -mu -year@@of@@this gratit.@ Fo.- -reason is hoped to be-theahird ch-of the material tr@ at-could have been 'nas-riot in fact app@eare8d in article form. 2. W' cct 400 56 in tha last year of the researoh'the budget-sho ld-provide-for - two rtesearoh Psye-holog- -SG one iechnician-st - -tot, To thi',s shqald 2 a salary of-low making a -a I@alary bill oi4Mimo be added I,cj;rfo Institute overhe5ds, eq7,i@41 t,,-Ofll@@ng a total of There area fixrther"Odm@"""@for secretarial assistance feres, test materials,- analysis o-f data and other components, br-n,@-,ipiz the total-up to This is slightli -in@@ss of@@4uhe-c@-qoarit -anticip@tted originally but ttiere have been r;egoti.-,,%"ed increases for salar@iesi et cetera,-which c@)uld not have been RKCEIPT Receipt is hereby ackno,@tledged of the following: Tr el$,wL2.111 datc4-A- tb a,mount PIrc E Receipt is hereby-acknowl@@d of the fo4o**#g@ .rreasur-erls-%Check No. 267152, dated-; e payable t in M@&4moun (Wheii@ Filled In) NO. Cost Account Object Clasi- Obligations Obligations UnUquidated Date Remarks-and Refereb@6@ Incurred Liquidated BalAt@ 24 JUL HZMI-V,)UY. Fcjp-.- iim- ccw JkddittorAl@ Unf @e, r t.@-e la,,,ed 13 "-pril-l@53 of 2 to and e@bo-ul-i t@o clarg@-Ni to c@oa+@ con-ter 2 @,ti I Mason,** 2 I CERTiFY T!f-,kT Ftit,'r@S A'f AVA)tABLfU ;Wot TO AUTtl()PZING OFFICER Dio*@ribqtion: 2 -T. (Wh@. CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER .C, VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 2 A7-52 5 0 - 67 166.70 71-80 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13- 33 3A-39 40-42 43' 45-46 OBLIG, 53 54. ALLOT. OR COST 0UE AIWOUNT STAT12N r 57 2 C.0 PAY nEF. NO. L 0. 0 IZ@; .3.. XPEND V GENERA ACCT. ATE DESCRIPTIOI#- ............... ;:';;: CODE N PER. CA 2LEDGER 62 ADVANCE Acc OUNTS 13-27 P.O. No. PRO L I 01. Yo ACCY. NO. C.:.".. OBJECTI . ....... CLASII 6;$ Y.! 2 PROJECT NO. CODE 72 EXPL.ANA'rk*t# OF ENTRY TO"ALS DATE 2 DATE ]REVIEWED Sy CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREOIT DATE IS M@TuRt OF CEPTJIF Y)NO OFFICENT P Pte v 0 *us IE 0 1 To FOR 606 4 .7= UICMORA14,'j)UM FORO. CU6(. rimmco Divial*4 STMJZCT J. Invoice No. ",a aftebled cov6ring the above s%bprojea. payment should fouo--Ws C"hterti@,chftk In the arno=t of bank. pay&We to th 20 - TbLetheek should TSD/Res ed to -ChWo earch br&Acbo thmgh TSD/Bnd&Wofncer& n2o L-awr tuA U A@i@@ 3. Tbls it tUt for this project, the files--- should not @bo closed. TSD/Research Bra-n- Invoice 4 Cirtgi -c-a 1 CHECK Distributi6tk@.--- r,@ EC Orio &.2. - Addzesoeo____ UZMOPAXDUU-FM--Cblkt* Fi"nio DIWAW---! vu No.- 3 -3 1* SILwh" bank* payoue to tm 7 the alt@ OAS (k a iwoi For S,-rvicea CERMICATIOES,- (1) It is heraby-certi? e --. ajpplywg-to sub-pt6ject IqO -III of VAJLTRAilu&t@@@ce-is -s-atisfac7to-rv, - ttiat services belhi@= ac@o-tiji-fi;l,,ed in r&C43-Or@dan@C"ith:idUt4il7ii@reements,--tbat a detatIL-d7aZM@"- tht2. pa@ment-s clnd recelpto-i$:E@Wfile in !i@6DIRB, t2hat thi6 correct ar4d that payment=@@@reof has hot-YP@t@teen- made Uh I e-f Branch Date: It La hereby certifi@@@@' (L -this invoic2o-e.p_lieo_-to- Of which was7du @-@hat the project it@Eb In accordance vith 51 -fro@L-tbe DOIAO the-DD/A,,----- and the extension 3 Re8caret Director Date: Otis - TO.- Sub @nuation of Ed tor., 8 Iowa KR40&emum FOR.- TO =ORD SUBJECT Continuation of YMTP.A SubDroleat III-- -is to support the researebLLL@@ lo The. pWv program of Prof In his studies of the measurement of motivati-one- This- 2 work has prog"ssed ib@-@-bigbLly satisfactory fashion fot@La per year, At le,i t-f6@@areh-t@rtioleii---et6=dng directly ffbia-tbe past year's grant'support have been submitte-d-fC>r publication iil-MfessidbAl journal$. pro2gress report is attached#- lo a highly competent Investigator vliose-recent work has beeA-dirtdtjt@@@@lving some unusually-l;qotty probltt"n- the field of t@@aing start toward@5 r-elatlttj#ipotant2--Yariabl@@@he personality assessment t antitative measiwes of motivatiod@@ ab'ly., his work7Vill;@A"v has additionaV4Vse@b-iii-- th-e field* 3. Altho studies have no lmmdi6te reldvi@dde-fd@r Agency iaeede@ their resull@@@*@to be unusuallv pr.@miaing-fdr.@f$in-S long-term relarements.-inae e sment of -b=an motlit6tion-wA personalit-- y measuremer-t via-in-likeet mean@o lji--addttto-n,-thid@@t will -contitq@@Ao7:7-- lend preatigeao the as a worldori4e- fun-ditig7@6@zatidn. F'w-Aing@04-kftitoring-of this pi@Ojeet-will be handl@6d@@be iaccounti na-for funds mallow lea expended shall 4dij@t-to-pKpq@@- -establish Any S ed by Permanent ecCiipment-req@gredfor-th,-. pxpject Will-be@ome the prope-rty-o2f tb@e@@ n lieu-of higher overhead charges. S. Ttie@estimated'tost of thig-project-for ariadditi6iial yt--ar will be $13' - However, --tli@esent-tin-xe-the project will only.,@-@ 000. 00. -at be exte2nded for a periocL6 S.: The cost-of -this projectforthi@@rio@d@*111@@!@6@i@6d$5,727.91. Chargesshoiildbe rnadeagainstAll6frrictitlIZ5-1390-3902. Itis-anticipatedth@iCteren-la der of the funds for the p de available from FY-162 _Koject ycA)@ will-be- ma- rnoney when ava!Fa-ble. 6. No cleared or-mitting -p-!arsons are concerzied@with thj6@coftd"t of this project. -------- 2 TSD/R6search-Bi,@rLc APPROVE OF FUNDS: Resear Date: 19 APPROVED FOR ADDITIONAL OBLIGATION FUNDS: ($7, 272. 09 agaiiist Allotment 2125-1390-390@ 3 Attachment: esea c ector Progress Report- Date: 14 ji 9uo@ Distribution: Orig only Aid' @10 01% 77 The sb,r@ie8 of iylvestigatio"-@d@i-ed-out-during the pazt year may be grouped iq-several distinat--ca'togories@--The first of these-oategorieo is concerned w'th-the-foll6w he ori nil-ob@@--eivatiori--which7dAa"d @re to P-ppro-sch e for a grant,' namely, expex@imeiit@-11@ confiit@@t' -f 3.on o -tne 'rqpotheais7that reminiscence scores-on@Lthe ursiii t- -rotor mdno-tonically- drive V?itbin-certain-lirtit4@@@h@@dtiginAl stiidy-pre- periods of throo-and7@@ig'n+. minutes h.--d b@6@t-usr.-cl, a.-Id it hc,,cl been found- that under these condit ioh@@high- drive aqd I;iw-drive groups wer@@:-- -da@ta-6@@-the-th--@ory -tak naogether, Si,-nifiCa:rktly di.fforentip-ted..@@ e 2 si-iggested that with-a two-ndnutc-@4j@a--rest-work p,-rq-oA,-there would be no (lifferc-ntiation-betvieeti7::l;@)@end-high drive etops.- At-the upper end-7@@@ it seemed likely@-th t@a-linear i-riorea--,e i2hLri@mini,--conce would occur as- pie-rest practice i.no@reased-frim-six to eiL,@,ht minutes, and accordirgly in th,- first drive gr@.)u-,os were tested with eith-r two or six miritite6-of pre' 2 the piirsui:t rotor. -Thd:7findiiit§@bore out the prediction, no difference being obs@arve-d for sirisller difference for thr-- t]71,-- eig%t-minute groupsi@ A study is under wazr-using still longer pra-rest-ror':c periods in order to discover the limit-ofgrow'u'.'l of reactive inhibition and drive. 2* It %--ill-bo remp-mbered that the mothod for-indjoin$ differences in cli-ive used by us consists *51ohti-Sily of either hav,, g the--teSLt i2ncluded in -a battelt-y of selectior. tests for a nvicl.,L-coveted-indU3Ltri RI (high drive) or@.olso giving it-to-alr a' e dy a2coepted al-iprentices under JOW MotiVaLt This same situation -ie y te-st -as -a -me. -AS was used for studying t'@ -efficar- -of@.a4ei,ceptu 2 tlro Of @-o@tivation, using for=the@p@Wpqo-of -,he lengtli of the rota-ti.rig spiral af tex@-Lef fee t (2, Tvo separate studies Tere carried out for this purpossi@-I-Pnd iyi additioyi-to-drive -,@ie &taeLi,--a tio direction of ro@tatioii and the Bo-t.;,, studies agreed thrt 'Linder conditions -of high -notiv&fion, -le-@,.gth-of after effect was reduced. In @,,iother study-also m,!@king use of 2 groups, serial nonsense syllabl6 16Arni.ng at two levels of diffiolilty -1@tedirted,- learning was more %7as investigated. - It was found tbat,-a-Q efficient and.--r conditions 2 of high drive than under conditi ons of-low drive, but contra-ry to were fou-icl With difficulty level (4). preli.@-Lir.,iiy stlidies.,.vere carried out in the hope thp-t tests of persistence nnd pa2i.,i- tolera-?ice ivould. be useful for the objective mep-sla--em@ent OLf@7drive;==In-the firat of these studies very hi_zh correlations tolerance for pai-n, using the -Vherrao-stimiilator2vand-pe,-rsoTiali (ric@rticiap.:rly extr@,version). ty Tb-@s corre'Lation izi.--Ie--d -tyas so higii as to -thror, doubt on the usefulness of ths test e@a a measure of drive i-,idependent of per3sor@.ali'tly ir, a study of pe _pr§,@sing at-canstant ratio of maximu-m I-ress-,ire) this -'relp-tions7iiik_,q@ p@@@stence and extravarsion.wclts agpin fotind (6). 2 -@fi,nall -analyzed; in-- .L@iio studies-h.ave been com-.oleted-but@@t et, these an efforrt-WaS made-tO-induce-d-tive-iTi@@school'children by-either p@raise or bls@me. lil-.e task u-sed-@vas-pqrqqit:rotor 16,sfti,ng,@and-the score used was a)-,,@@rformFi--,ce-and b) remini,.;cc-nee.- Subjects were selected o@ .1 the in such 2 P- way that children--hiph-or lo@,q on eXtraversion;;iintroversiorL@Land n6uroticism were-chosen-and assig-ned-to,the-various cells of an of ve-rilrice desig4*-@ e-.cperi,,!iont-was-earried out in orp- schoo2l--dhd replicated t'natithe@eqiiivocal results of -driv , r reports in the-literature-using-this method-ol' manipulating e we e due to the use of perf9ormarce-as-&At@@6X!@@6f;@@tl%@a@ioi rather.Aha'n remiyiiseence-.-. Below are listed-the@@l@qoors-wiiieh hpvo--resulted from--the woz;@, done_ hitht%-rto. 2. 19 Uted 13 Aprl-l 1,?i3 L r,@e, rlvda c t - IIA $7 2'la - 0) of th@-@ -a have b,.@e-@ co^,r t-e to @-e rter ZIL,5,ollio-3xla FW i2-TsQd,pp,rj@ NO. Cost Ac@@nt ObJect Class Obligations - Obligations Unhquidated Date 1 Rtiii@-and References - Incurred Liquidated Balkii@t JUN De+ 29 itii4 1961 lu LI-@ikier rlje alit:-@nzl t@v r 1 @i. $56 ?ale 91 Pmji2-.t Kzll'l-,@TRA f,-Lnd-,t 1,.%ve Pk'@7A 0:,q Vt l@* TON I CEI,@T!FY Ti-@',t,T FL:','-@$ ARE AVAILA3LE, Uri S"G, iw,,. 8 .0 10, 6% -------- - - '.R F T CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 1 3 AV 45-46 47-52 58-67 66-70 71-80 2 TA; tsoom 40-42 CODE EXPEND U s F 013LIG. 54-57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE ANOT)NT PAY REF.2 Fe*. GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE ......... PER . ......... r,7 DESCRIPTNIO:- PROP. NO. CODE CA LEDGER .0. ..J, 7 CE ACC OU T 13-ZI P.*. No. 2 YR ACCT. NO DERIT CREDIT ADVAN - LIQ- ....... ....... 0 CODE CI.ASS -Xf32';;@JZCT NO, Irv me, x EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS 2 -A ------- A- OATE YPEWED eV CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE SOON TURE or CEPTIF@ITA r, *FF ICIE§T F RN 0 (10-Ag) 10-59 606 usp. -P-RIEVIOU.S,ItD$Vio c VIA - oint*r $US.=T 3;7 tav*4c* fli@@@h4a cov6A4Ao abover sub@ft@O@6@ P*yment x'hmld be madi atl6u6**@@@ 2 -tm $5 27.91 &av/4 on a payable Bfa=@h, -thr*UO et Otficer, no Igor than 17 Tul@@n6l. 3@7Thi@i-i"iLn4 14-voice.1- ll*wevar, st4oo it OAt addittmal shmld not be *10iod. ran-c 6 VIA Oweer SUW=T U*Wiii@No. -Z to-,attatiw*4 CQV*4ns- the above subproj4ch p eho@k tn2 tho amolant Of to ti, TEA7@k sUftU b* forwardod to c S. This- to -a It to anttd9gO4@@@ that x"tio"t fkmds viU bo -obU@#0 for this -projoct, tho it3lo4 should r%ot be eld"@L Attachedt kvot"-k DistribuUow. Orto ik &I-.--Addreasto I TS -For E<-ryicea CF.RTlk'ICATIONS It is htrvby cortifiei-t@t-tbi-e lavoice a ppl@'.ZW to t,,bp 2 01' FQ@IJUMA, that perfc, rmarce to as a c c -'&n accordance wt*,h e'reemeiits, t,,@@at a det-A-iled ti Cf reeelpto IS oll 2 f Ile i ft Ml /RS, t)-,a tthia bill-le-jxjar. 6 r@el corr,-4ct P-,id that par s lot - yet been IrGe4@:. Da I.,,? 2 -f2@ It jo ierelly v@is duly t ik t2olng carried Qut of TTRA whic; c in tceo-rd&nce with ttie uwtOriLridlaw7(t 3,3 April-195-@,'4 - WI-to from thL 8 46, the extersion cce.,aorezd-a. ton Umj,e r t.?iea -ap -du-it )Prll 1953 f @,lie Del 9 .D/A, be coat HIS C,v r 4.bvt Tsi NO. Cost Account Object Class Da e R-ertiarks and Re@@@ blwlons Obligations - 2 UnHquidated APR Liquidiied-- Balance :-,J 196o AP@ dAtOt XI-APU 2"3 &Ibpml)"t In bao too4 4"Wod ma #14,000-00 et VW wftrau hv,)oot mcam twd 4 boft t*M ObU&*t*4 to evor tU 1or jowl tau arl4 (Whe7FOiled Zn) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO, 7-12 DATE 2-6 VOUC14ER NO. 7- 12 2 43 A7-52 'O' 6 7 6 0 71-80 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUOTS 13-33 STATOON 40-421 P 45-46 OBLIG 53 ALLOT . OR COST AMOUNT REF. N 2 57 ACCT. No. DATE PAY 54' A CODE @EXP v ER . ........ GE.I. L 62.6 ..... DESCRIPTION- ........... c 2 CA LEDGER so (: c L OESIT ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 onjec, 2 ....... yfl ACCT. NO. CODE ;me, oto. CLAS$F s 2 17el LANATION OF ENTRY T ALS DATE PREPARED By DATE REVIEWED By CERTIFIED FOR 8 OR CREDIT 0 FORM tous tottious. I0.59 606 ust -ottv Llr "R. 92 eA 40 .. .. . ..... zi. -7f RECEIPT@@@ Tre--turer'"K*tk N _Ln lh-S_arylg@iqnt of $,Ik, 000. ()O. d -Ay O"tawr, c@ payable 1 7- -7C- CS6 -SVA- tprih VRSZM Jo 14V% VM 1400=" _SI trlq vat nu=M o% 3 U's v6qm&**" fvumm j* rct *ax L-L@9RDIMISI= 00 ow kw c-i -ell -1 014 I --Plasm* inyleim vjs=2 t *%or tbot- "*,Ority V"t-44 LA tM-AW4MNkNA tt,*, *xt*woa or th", Md 9 MAM -f ml a bave tom 4*ltg&tad to OM.* tm 40. WA $bwl4 to dwp _d to pu*tmat or ]rdu Duel 19 T -LO4 Niarch 196o) DRAFT yarch igto NEMOPAliDtg-IFOR:-_THF,RECORD------------- SLTBJECT NKIJLTRA,, Subproject 1. liu 2 pro -the-research work-- --Ject is to support --- - ---------- of in bt"tudy-of oposal@@is--attachedo-_-_- -Pr sal@tm2uch-- 2. AlthdOV"IjA:,D4@@ind,ireetl@@Andid&t@@d in the PN interest is irv@the-non-cogni@@@@@@lity theo@@7i@o@- sona-Uty measurement-,Wnidh7iV:iii@@@TSD/CB's-long-tem-interest- 2 in indirect-assessm,-ato PWs one of the most skillful-ahd tiv@-- 3- psychologists@-on the InternatidbAI7@i@-t(>@@a grant--to him would@77 -in fact -to add7 This2 project wiU also be in accordance-with-th^.7@plo4@@ of developi s a world-wide organizationi-@--- 4. iimding and -mQnitoiii&-@ handled-b the in the reg- ular manne--9i-- A@@ting 11@.b"ccording to the procedures-'previous es Y-- permanent eq@uil;mr--nt req@@@@j@tOje@t -will Institute in lieu-of' i r-ove this PrqJ!@@@ $14)ow.00 for a 5. Tho-,-estimat@--d-cost-o*- period of one--yeari--Cbar s-should be=mad@@.nst Allotment 052 loog-4go2. it::is7haed@u& oposal and-budget 2 are for a ;O@@@-y-e-ar-s--bW!t is felt that app be limited to@one--y@k@@@@@esults-are-eatisf6dt6e@@@@@ No cleared-or:witting persons-are concerne4@@@h@@condue of this projectl@ TSD/Ch@ad&l--Branch APPROVHAD FOR-OBLIGLATION OF EV.@DS: segfe-h Di-rectbr Date: Attachment: Project Propos 1 Distribution: Original only L The I -.@o-s@3urem@nt of Yotivation. We Tntro,'.2uot c@n. Piyoh-ologiata have-s-ameedeossibili subjecting 2 th - t h"(,@ t he, t a the dr@'ve c--rtcept to exper,-mental, investigation, U38ful q"ntitative T4as4r----of motivation *6uld emarg 2 t-Ve:13 the concept of r@ffiiniseence--,--szv,4--throuEh it to thal@ -@)C r--,%ct-ive lnhibiticn -Thk- -u,3-d-h be- (hull, to be put 44'orwerd by Kimbl6@(1949)=;@@@@rdingly@it -m@31 ie n 3 8 PROTOSP'- 83 for-ttie &en,--ral theory, alt"ugh-certa@n-Tsi-ts of it ir-- eith,@!r-of doubtt'ul velli-ei-@@or def t6 foottiihave IrAtested certain rossible improvementt- To Out it quite briaflyojha the -pry maintains that during-a@es2sea practice Of Any _perceptualp r@otor@-o rcognitive t-&3k--- --kirA- reactive InhibitioA li--being gamiated2; thts@@s: conceived -of- -&3 a of rAdreil-f-t,+-i no dri", Sue which counteracts r@t@ances' act& as--& gati") &ad dissipat6a during raett--It grows up to the 2 @ lnt.*harle it:440(4-3 in PO qu&ntit the positi" drive which toi@Ltha fact that-the org&nlsm-p!@@@at &Ili,, when this happens--Parfomince &top& for-& ahort- 2 -ing tl.", an4 an-involuntar5@.@p,-.riod-(I.R.P.) c@ccuraA--Diir perlo4 inKi-bition-diS3ipatesj-until it la-sufficientl@@low@-the2 live! of the- positive P ue6A, uA so on ad Infinitt@m another I . P@@ ii@@ --(10 min. or so) ls;intrp@ -in -a-long rest-p If 'now 2 all or n@tarlir @@@Adti"-inhibitiorL--which h&s-ecoumulatod Will h it will -be much-batter after@@t,- 8-res"auss t an had been before.-This improvement Is2 often ref@6rred. to- as 'r-aminiseencee' It will be seea-from the little that-has-bean-aatd-Ahat Lin(lir-favourable -otrournst&wes this-reminlseenc-a affect may Inhibition-b4iilds u -unti -it equals drive; c-)riaeluentl;@;there-w 11 be monotonic-reliticn between Inhibition-and drive. Remini3eence@is an-index of the aoc,@mt-@-of ir&hibition which,-ha3- been-eccumulk@ted tknd-dissinated, -and if there is:& m2onotonic re ation-between-Inhibition an4Aiival then retainisconce will also be-ea iK&4k:@6f drive. This-proposition-can-be-t asted by tqlat@ns-that groups at a hig"d low 1 respecti"ly should PCIG eval o'A' drive differ with itanot to rvzuintseencep -6nd soxe rather-inconcl"iv--a- -evidence h as been given on- this looiht@Lby Ki6nbl@7(1950) and (1951.) researches) tffhila of cori-3iderabl^. fe- d fro-a the rath-.r sina 2 re dif famrwa@-in drive introduced-Wt-heir #*-peti@*htal procedires.) perform@--d a rather nore - striragent t@est of -the -h@pOhos-i-s- by rostula2ting that not only shoula@@Ud low-driv"roups diff-^r-with-,------ -di.fferene@,e-shoull be--much lillg@6r777@@7-- respect to mminlsc,,nce-s- but al@@"h-At -this 2 h iod@@It-follms@-- after a lor;g--per@o-of prwlq" an-a .er a s ort-nor frorr, the an aay,,@ptota .Yhen the y.oint 2has been r-,@ s;Yod where inhibit4-on -drive,, this rk)int should t)e--- drive - c,, &MUD then ,@r the hii,:h C,)nitiu,-,ntly 2 p,@iint-,vh--i-e the: ldff-driv group has 3t a@@., roint -.roll bel@dkfit3-7"@@@tj@t@@1776o644dkA@IkAh*Ai-Lference-in-reminiscanc--6 bet4reen the-two gmups vould c--on--ti-n-u-a--to& -r-cw-until the-hl,_,h-dri-ve-group@@@ also had ttii"iii"h:6:::differen6e-:i re,-tlniscence 3houl@i 3tebiliia.@ 00 The at@Lerlwtvt p-r:@oitrp-4 the-wrsuit-rotor) because from -i@@h-infol@@ation on relevant-para@meters FTe r-e a pr2evious work -ye@-had perfortr@enca:7contrastpd 3-min--e,.,id 8 min. practice peri-ods@@ As aft--r--2-min. or so the lbqO@@.-Ir4v-e-gm--u p was li@ii@@dhecl its -,syT;ptote- th-- high.--.drive gr)up wtvsi@:gssuir@ed-to-- tsy-nptot"ftar 6-nin@or---- 30* Drive was renipUl.3t-,,i in- th@@@Al'ollovirig way. --4e-ttated-,enw_inp-er,-ng &Dvm2ntioe.1 acwe@of whom-(high (-rive groui>) tqok the test as part-of@@an. -thi tp@st w -,uld ot in antrrrt--e exa@irinaticn, nct kn-xine, thpt the score3-o--l s fact4 be courte-&-tower-13 thei, entrrrice exa-iinption.; The eo 3 ow know t h.@ tt @le i r r-3t-",nz. UI&r Oi' the low IL-i-it zrou,., -nd ic),iz (R ble - differ-ri-7f@--foi--A'he-high irive grOuP-foz,-the two 'con4i-,,tios It i I 1q,-scj II.,! notid th&t-e3@n hight-r 6n both-oae"i@@b4t--_n,@i@Cicul, Ou of th,- Oxrllr'!±Wnt, highl@@32!g n; @ficent for@=011-@@a@@t,.-@ -thit Of drive. It is@intii5§stin.,-to- .hp t'h- pr, rtat-p@,rfozirkhd@@@f;@thi-high- art-I I'@?W-driv$ grOqP3 Wns v,@r" inilar, hi-g.@. F, of learm;ng perTo."nino-a is a, r, or .3tu,@- of (iri ve ISO roin,.S-U-,D@ As - A,- rcesur-@!-o' -dA-i-ve noth-r its d,"-i--nces in ability o 2 rh,%bit trtngth becone reli' qn(I Pe Omcnce ,6wres t@ie differ-,-onne hich deterrine3 2 nronosei @ist-a -crjns,.i@ut - i $-1,3 n e.3sence an txt@!n3ion and &@.-nlificiption oi'--the research design D4-1'fe@re4 .3 2 dri ve in -Nil' te proad@@e4@in the martner outlived by IV L,e re lice - t ore al life gqal:i fmm th, litp-,rr;itu.,,- t.@et rtg th,- 7 bl, driv--s of' this 3ti-@ngth ;C@P-liriot - prodii,-ei3 'n thri ipbore@lo,-y. ;s also planned t(i -.York -.Yith 3,fwller driv-, dif-' 3tich Ps @,,,n DO by @C) mwszu a.-A pmishwrits (eigifttt"-#M sweats,, shocks.) ---dri ould be investigated.- li,-Aer d*p3zAehca@of reniAU66 2 on "-C 'fb4 m*in re*4aroh tool@*ill@6outiAue-to be the p@rtuit-rott@t# alth-o@O@@ &cm work motor toake (in"rse &lpb*bot 2 this will serve- to show that comlusicaa S." of-g-504rol validity sad not deperaizt on ona-particu:i-t"-Y-P*-' of apparotv-4,, It-will@7 OVG"rt -nace#saxy.@@tr%Aot-a n@w type of 2 poa-emit r-otor-fok-this cort in vico of the demonstration by Bahrick-, ozd Was (1957) thst the ty-pical on-off scores of'pgrg4t-rotor rfotmar-ov ovm s&m isto 1.1od-6*or titw,, do not 3how a lineir A ooetinuotm@;oooriAg-wmit-rotor "t7 "verol copi" of-:Ahit@&7@WiIV7sa&@@(The asseatial-featureL@@f this ver --_m u, und th -c2ent bppkrltMA li*4-1& t'l@* PrOVIS10ft Of 54 91 t& W -Ul I &YO a roll targtt dimes T at ozv-covoozkt a, an fr@om-each other and-frm--tho o4atrol dtoo;-@contaot of -the -tt 1 with curx, invenely- us oach-annulua pm,&@@O ant -the -di ta@ce of the ri ng from the dia4a-i@ Ititi7@V 0 -cliso-- Iona a i*Aogr*t* a or from dis md ch&Mos- in lain--S-thn-of ti2le!& (2) obs@mse-- in lar4th of "St paueso The- p&r&mters-oboaaa -f or@- .1@ -tk-a &-mw.,etration experijwv@t qtioto4 ve a@-o not likolj@ it t-s- on*- task 2 of th6--exW on this point.- p@riod 'tias li*Oy- ttto',',, Pqlatioz to lor!gth of mgt- pav,#* is 2 inhibitiom, vrotad &it*iptte hIA-dri" be mo "d"anta$'kQ"-for,obtaining .,,rked &if 'emin between h',gh--,ond-lcw-drivs iocance 3coros A-further 'gat "Periments J.-Pl. nned ving -the feed-beck 2 U-511- Of-po3itive n ISOM$ previous has used -i@ii to 2,) practi ca- Pe riod.3 pa@u 30.1 - t 0-1 - - $-,parated-hy nvdstlgate th,:-point_wher. rest @a pra produce--T P2erlbas-ar"6it-enouzbto lrlt--i3-ln<3AXad_by the. be 1 la "d to- Tb@-- Phanomnon 'lud-to the-ext'rAO tilln Of 2 bitiOA,-which I self--- ,,Is Pr'oduced-by the-rarforcOmdnt-given-@"a not -3-tO-the-,condition of -- 01' r"s2tinzL--@extinotio, of ondit-oned-I by a p 3h(@WS itself the,ork-t-,Iu-ve aft., r-, and additional-to 2 ",g a -Over, affect4@---A au of wo ,an 1* period In t;heOq@@@-chO--n auoh--t2hat high.-d,,,iv. -grOu.,Os-do-not yst p I.R.P#Ssl while-lcw-drive - roduce -groups-do' con(litiona 2 --- t- thus the fo"Yljek@@would not-@proluce d::iiiK@-ition, wh"*-th--18tter would. III theoxvtlcally::@-- @' '066'3't'Orle(I lrhibition 2 (Ins I d,) rei t 0 h,-bit ,hich d' It should be acditivs, 0837 di 3iipg t@@ in t irne 2 ,n,i thus tht-lcw-,Irlve prcQ"hould-b,.@c,4 diffonlltlats4-fr'Om tho high drive e more and raore group.--Again thS@--p 2 Involve(i t intet--Vqls -ic,uld b,o CII-@"-"-Polnt-or-the exp.6ri,,V@nt, cgn We construct 2 as- o-nly,- in -t-his way th8 bei:innings-oi@-8 ProPtr Uar-Atita,'ive --q A thilld-sat or a he6t@@ Of drive2* xperlment-raletes to e CO ---MPtkrisoh of th Of Me&surl a Prisent--method aC dri 2 Va With from a -In I)Artleula r-i@ it Om* unrojbl tsh,,d a am ory_ that 03!fttl for the 2 -,m 3 L!,r-, m @,'nt Of e@riv-. under tqo ay be h- f -a r_ (a) F-Arf'or,, 2 -- - ---- ",r ,r-,t .nc,3 13 30 1-' rt c t I4,it - conditi h,-t-t?ler 'I ar-, no gr. 0 -at d f -or ability- -then difterenma In perfoftt6ce -.@@the o@@ Abit strobathi dw alitirsiy to dif fordrcom in imtbttion aM drivei Pe umer these conditiori- would -be in4icative of-airer4th of 4rive I -it vs are azktitud to assum that rkndomv.@@ gro@@not-dif fai- In r*ta Of ikaoumulatioll of thhilbitt6ii.-I 2 -of tmibitton, so thtt lcw-drive grns &M dif forential-rato of dissipation dkoin idaii Mir 'n Particular, it hps-been shown t ij-"-r JIM @-s- b-ill 14 tkeLt 2 Y2-inhibi@icn , i Um-laisi-k@ nd ai -h Itself by their -great t--I"hcws or reminiscence scor., 'r@,an. ttstea und "ze conditle4w Ith i ntical ntroy orta--It Is olearly@LMC-'t$3,cryAo ,ntrol--thl3-- Persons lity variable,, Ludy-tO the-interaction "nl it -PlaW4-to aavota_.s 3 of' the dri" varigbl -variable.-- 2 "a r-eaearch would I,,.IlUire-three ner-built Pursuit rotor% -Of- tho-deiigu,d,*sor-lb*4-above@lt would7@@13-0- -r--.-Iulre a------ high-,ep"d recorde2rs with &,zj>lif jor,,__The be 0 -hie,'%-ahoul4-be_&4&a_ JW for u3a of el-.ctrOrL@ conputer-for wulysis 6f-dotla for-purol@I&SO of 2 _01,gs_mtte's to_ bd: offi@@ -or GxNnAos. '800-"l -7rii@li@ia-to carry 1*0 grll&l&t6-k"-BYChOlOgi3t3 WOUI,(L -out AM orgoatg* tbt wOl'k-oa--thia-pr-ojset. Z.-I-additio: al-one full-time tac 2 @U-Iic I an would b* re'lul"d-to cft&iattin the apperstu3V" 1rY Out modificatime, IIM tr&Asl>or-t &ad sat up-th-- apoerotus 2 in Jlffemnt izi(Ilat rl a 1org arLi..ations, T,%4 3919-ry f*-th a two-p-gy-1holostate lncl2"iva of i na4i* We Bnd 101 O"rlhead chlsrg* Of th4@ TrAi ti %ato-for 8&inistration, wou Id-b@ gaeh; that of 2 tOchAicisQ would baud.&-ik.. Total cost for a-three -Year Period wouldba or 35 000. ti an t I't I 5rsro no& a a-t 0 plan - the wotk d In-this application for a thre*-Year Period. ItAs-iot@ossible-to-be ve ry specific "Oh 2dek4rA4 on the actual oute- Ome-of=tho first -few experi),,Iental &a-much also depends on the (la &re* Of cooporttion of the T&Ilota iwu3triai organizatioga w-,@ort i t is -pi6rnol-to- carry out the wozt. 13"n't'z"or OVO"t*rt h-S 8 -I o b 4 ii@L b -ut@ -on I- y- actual Dxl)orimailtti 9 on will 0767 th* actusl numb*r3-Of 3ubjeOt3 fortho-omiri"or-tosl,.ir@g, -.- 7-Z$77:w@7- fe-re-nc a s opommow 7F 1 7' 7 -7f. '7 ;i: lie2 -77f IT@ 0 lij r777 L PROPOSAL FR Memurvrent Of NtOtly0tionl., -ittenti ts are 0% f*tto'vlmt CWemnh of file review OM the Inal iduot 52 ore z think we stmld iulppod this. 2 > -PO(sona tont OM b-mic *ork In tnte@iat r4 WI ty tie0ty doing lwq5of I 2 F,,Otvi trio CIMSIC lob"t g lownir ht- t4hln o 'Al th6Obh he Is 2 9 tychowy._ -- e he p t of work by others on -t*t 0 stimul ed a to Wfltlro hav--- of 2 t In fact,, viOuIJ OM to he I to hlfnr Aft A oton ant C. 2 no 6@@e Of limited Id oil- a hi m-one year# but t three i@k @wou plied. coft4t-iO-O-f-Mtivotlon I.m 0 witmverslol flgufes one on 0 scene. Rio@t of wrong new Idea th iite ti@@l psychological. M041fl@ation of-old law# he tells his story $WOVOCotl,,41y. The notion I oiblwhethc-f ihe prosents-ts on I -terestlng- theoretical fv' at It will work out. But - the s@iii with *hlch rid hli cbliobw- h.@Vhl atom-will 0-ttoth the problem will make theii a lo. The baet is tealtsti@i-W 444e4-proll mirtory work has bw don*. an afnftoye docision-@6@- UMO $of hery rooj the comments of a I logree with all of them, Inc -Alt@6ra re%' tch grant ore t to be lirnited to on 1-def0tion @ould be glven to@me soft lgtbL-x*Yoab*r De" T I#rY auob for your k NOT# , -iai I 0 abor 9th &n4-tho-*Ie tter-of2 a 10#041-JUstruotioas for subrilgsi *A-of Tsloome as --Jut in U4 b4 #"Poi&T &' &halip Of gv_qI@g-AhAt-ZV arias frea I -should O" or tv"f -P-#r &4'1 iA this lotter tio d I-n--v ur Instruot a" no t an rt& 2 ion# whlob ST$ No rtquosw - $uPPort has -beta ini li@-r for the projsot gzd-th,. viously txporijwat 4,esorib*d,in-fio"-detil is a P:reliaiaAry HATO dOA#-& -in tho applioitloa-its*lf. -anouat-of work on the as@&@@Ut of r*aW*0"04-U7iil"iOn to-TArsonalityg but this-h&s b Our first expurimat 4#4-- iras N"su" of:aiiii@-o-r aotivatioa, sat-wish*$ to 1 704"tlf- p@, Your