fit O'S 1-.-3,@t it di I Irv TO. TSS/00 P,.Irpose of Project. view (f the literature and scieritific rp-tcltion dovelo29m-Pnt related to the iyltcrp of bloelectr-ic signP-1-3 from t@he h't'B'OA orgenigra. qA activation of liun"tm 3. Progrcso to 0 N/A S. Project IFP-.0.1,A-. TI@-S/CD SUB-PIPIOJECT iW. Obi-ctive and details of work if available; Fesc-are',ler to Y,.ake "a crition-L revie,,,z oil 'the litei,atur-e and sci@ntifi,c 6ev@--lop.@@en@ts related t6 tl-.e recorjir2,,i-) aralysi5 interpretation of 1)ioelectric sigra-Ls frz:pi -Une liuiri.@ii oi,i,-anism, a.@d activation of- Ikurian beii,,ivi.or b-j refiote rearg." -11ihere done: --@c@o2ver funjirg-. Principaliresearch-,rsl'cont@l,-actors. Approxir.iate -tipie span: Sept 60-iiil@.- (,,I ApproxifiaLLe to'@-lal flinds: ',')6,370 1,)hen divorced fro,,,l sponsorship tias work classified? no publist-ied? utik 2 Vilhat spo,,isors otholr than CIA are iiientioned? @!one. 14 itoring officers: C-ott ic-b@ .What aspects if any night be considered controvei-sial? Prob,ibi.y rione. end univei-sity were ur,,witti.nri 7 V.Ias projoct considered responsive to the 3 NIAY 1'U,35 Ywids, Inconi a Ex Oct6oer @, :L959--l-larch 31, 1963 Grant ELinds, Oct 2 "9--Jul 25 161 $ 9.,870-00 an-a' Sale of 19612 Directory an(i -Abstracts $ )i99-40 Inem,. o f ruti Sal,e cf Books Nov 2 160--t@u- 31 '(,I RKpense, Oct 6 159@Atig 31."ol. Salaries 1.$000.00 Research Assistants 5,3.95-85 1.1 359. l@3 $ 7,554-108 P:t-i-i-itina BioelectroniQa Directo@ry 1,@l. $iioo.oo Abstracts 1261 2 t@08.0c) Other @z.@peiise I tha-tu servic,,O@-- Books and l@eprir.+.s $ 2 9:L. 04 satisfactori,ly receive(I tlxpendituro!3 2 Pliotocol-y Swpplies 38-50 Vero Incurred on offlcinl hIlRiness. Pho'uoco),V -@liac'@@ine 2-1)-O. 00 ,'Libcpe-.n.dp.c)3.e 287-215 Pos,t a,7. e 2.00 - @87 -.1 Trave k - tt5 1,357-14 Expense U@--(-,eeds Iyir-oipe fro,-a 3,-)Ie2 of Books, Cc'- 2 '59-Al),L-1 31 '61 v 72 KKcess, Net T-.xr)ense over Grtrit 1%@txidg, Au,,-,, 31 161 1.,050.72 Preparation of 1963 Directory- an2d Sale of 1961 and 1963 Books Iiicoiiie fropi S,-le or Books, Sop 1 16'i--I@-@far 31 163 $ 11)160.91 L'x-iiense, Sel) 1 16-'L-liar 31- 163 Salaries Resc,*rch Asaiatarits $ l,tt872-25 Typists, Clerks 729.03 $ 2ii2l6.28 Advertising Bxo6-nse e,06.30 307-71 Otlier 1,;.@coonse Books aiid Roprints 2 $ 73-80 1',x-poiid,ible Siipi)].ies 92-5.1 1.66-31 3,196.60 ,I rl(,oria fro..i Salo of Ilooks Facceeds @,'xl)onue, Se@ii I 161-@lar 31 163 T"(,t 1'.--.2cess of ,-,\p-lnr;e over Fikii(ir, '@,ilcl Iricolyle, Oct @-> 159-.1-lar 31 163 $ 86-41 This is I tlixo statoTgD ilt of OXI)ense.,3 as rel)orte(i to the Fmi(' A of October 2., Z959,, T'zzc-aCh 16., 't.965 oe%l 2f59 Sep I 16:L A,;r 1 163 Lp-- i 1614 2 -mar 1 165 31,61 vAr 32-163 Mnr 3116L. F*b 28165 YAr 16,65 TotaL7- Salexies 1,000.00 1,000.200 .95 .25 1 ")5.C-5 .70 5.,2 .,*,5 'o487 ,9, Z 591-75 9,200 Clerk 59-13 2 729.03 5oo-5c 1,260 66 75.@15 921-,.57 Lf,r@@- IC c "..-O -mi cs Dirac ory 1.,:00.00 $ 745-00 :.,845-00 2 71 L; 3 73. .23 $ 292.0;, so $ 27.0@o 23 C07T lp I i -JS.50 3p@.50 250-00 G= r.- c-l2ilme 250-00 rt7@@@@ I'@@up2aaa 287-15 92.5:. 73-31 30-94 583 - r- 2.00 307.7r 93.27 15-00 .420 8 '@7 1.5 487.'"5 Lu 506.320 180-55 ,i Ca,.-ds Acce--.sorles '@9.@2 2 2, Z@6 "ir Tot.LI E27,enze 1.120.12 $ '3 196.60 3 .93 2.062.11 $ il@.@.7 t 20 239-43 s 9,8-tO.00 2 850.00 2.01"@20.00 r= Sa3-e of LI 99-40 i(> 990.5-',- $ 2 5'& .,O,) 6.50 >,908.32 2 1 $ 2 51. C@C,' 6.50 62@.3 'a@:cee-, Mcpe.We $ 964.31& 1,,050.72 l,6C4.42 $ 108.97 1 3 .1119 L -r alr@@ 9 --- ------- frc,,--4 tli-4 119) lr,.ttir-ttcti: S?@tpte@,@@'@er 3,960 t- d. -low @it -,rtJ@ .9 u@r"Dlla to clc-'c@ r@a c@ffol-t 7Qro,-, :i@l 2 1,, b d In) No. Cost Account Objc%et Cla,,,s 2 Obligations Obligations Ujiliq;.xi(tate4i Date Ret-iqrks ;Ltid References Incurred Liquidated Bala!@ce SE;, t'40 -to of to ocvc-,r t,';o@ tvLT,@,@tjc@ot I CERTIFY TIIAT FUNDS A3l@E AVAILABI@F, A leSDIOC Ilk lg(4 37L -CsO 3. 7:@-itu lfa a It i8-a c-,Iitle- bi for tbta F i E I CONFIDEN@I IAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOLIC@IER NO. 7-12 DATL: 2-9 VOUCHER No. 7-12 47- 68-70 7,-80 2 OESCRiP'rION-ALL OTHER ACCOUP-'i, 13-33 34-30 A3 4 5- 4 61 52 511 75.e" G 7 DUE A-MO@INT STATION 40-43 F OBLIG. 5,1- 17 ALLO OR COST 2 EF. NO. coo E EXPEND U GENERAL 't PAY R Izo-33 ACCT. NO. '.DATE DESCRIPTION- 2 CODE N PER. LEDGER 6 2. F? -Ao v ;$:CF., c@ I CK. NO. 0 8,) c C'r ca I C*Eo I y ADVANCE ACC2OUNTS 13-27 D YR,IACCT. NO, . . . . . . . . . .C L A 5 5 n f V. NO. x Af.0. NO, -FY EXPLANATION OF ENTRY 9 TOTALS DATE PREPARED BY DATE RE%'IEYIED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE SIGNATIJRE OF CERTIFYJNO OFFICER SUBMITTED BY VOUCHER NO, (Finance use only) ACCO'jN',riNn. By !MD:VIDUAL FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING 2 TO FROM 2 Follow Instructions on Reverse RECEIPTS 2 DISBURSEMENTS 1. CASH ON @4AND BEGINNING OF PERIOD 3. DATE DESCRIPTION AV@OUNT p 7 DAE R DESCRIPTION Y..RR TOTAL EXPENSES 3a. A. REFUNDED 2 @CASH -1--iCHECK I iwcnty ostorn 1 S. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD 2 TOT,,L 10 ACCOUNT FOR TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR CER'@FY FUNDS ARE @VAILABLE APPROVED certify that the expenditures listed hereon And OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE@'.q@Ft@LOTMENT NO. DATE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER onsany affachoienta were incurred for official pur- po &a oi.a confidential nature, 2 that puyl"cnt or lcredit therefor has not been received, and that this ACCOvetin2g is true and correct, DATE 51(;,IATUIIE OF AUTHOR 121%iG OFFICER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CRED17 SIGNATURE OF PAYEE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER 2 DATE FOR EXCLUSIVE USE 0,- FINANCE DIVISIO,%' PPEPARED BY EVIEWCO BY VOUCHER NO. 7.iZ 2 TS 13-33 54.39 40-42' 43 68-70 '71-60 RIPTION ALL OTHER ACCOUN 45-46 47-52 I.;A.57 56-61 2 0 @53 ALLOT OR COST DUE STATION OBLI N AMOU&IT 2 a. CODE 2 F PAY P.EF. N6. I GENERAL ACC@. 0. DATE T/A NO. u PER. .;;@;;;;"CA; N LEDGER 62.67 2 @ESCRIPTID,% ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 [ I ..... ..... .......... D L I ci I No @YRIACCR. NO OBJECT 2 CXCDIT 132.33 PIROJECT NO. S CoDi CI.ASS DIV. emp ;C@. 8 TOTALS I FOR14 282 VSE POEVIOUS EDITIONS. 701 Ti7STPUCT. \4S if funds, in the form of other than U.S. Dollars were on hand, received, or disbursed during the acco-L@nt4.n,@, rer--od, a]-! pertinent data, i.e., rat2e, method of' acquisition, etc., st be shown. If advancec- have 'cer-,n made ' o @@h-@rd nar,4., ies, en @@ler the total of such advances outs tanding at he beginning of the accourt, ng 7,ez,4-@,cl on '--'@.-e '-a. lil mox-e space is 2required to explain receipts, prcpare recei-@-)t form, n rrber and attach hereto 7ii every cacc completely identify the source of receipts. A'@'@ac- a voucher --F'or each expenditure and assign a numbe- thereto Innumer'cal sequence. The voucher T:,--y the rece24A.P+@ obtained from the payee. Wher, a recel-pt is not obtained, .crepare a certificate and attach as a vol-,cher. space or@ form is .iot suffic'-ent -to list e.2.1 vouchers, prepare a I'Lsting on a separate s-eet and enter "vhe total under i@lem 3. If a2dvances .to third parties are outstand'ng at tL@e close of tre accou--It- 'ng per-oa, attach an Jter.-zed "-s@ and enter the total on line la. Final -.--edi-. will not be giver. +-'c rd@-sburserents which are au4iances to be 'accou-nteA- for. W'@;,er- accol-irt4-n@g for advances are 'obtained, list as expend-' tures or refL,,-ie- of cash, as appropriate. Total rece',-r-ts en'wered on the lire "Total -.o PccotLn@. For" must agree v'-th t'.,Ie total d-l@sbursexerts er@tered 0 or. the 'l-'@ne following "Total Accoun4@, ed For." ttv 6, i963 Subject-. Financo,-q 1'. E,,iclo@s -M is i@,ecounting -for f-lr,.)Mt of tyie special $6,370 as t,-ell as tha ',-3,500 frora 'fiscal@grant imoney. They sho,,r a deficit Piid still haven't @lutlel the AprU 1963 printinc ard 6dvei-tisin- cousts or ini%,ome from sales. Enclosed is tl-io ;Pccomtinp.-, fro, alt s@Aows a bliini-%e of 0 !lh @e2.537.79 as on iritei-iiii state.-aent. He a full ti@me t@ds to xiork on ttio project ancl 4d.11 rc-port in 3 only left of th(,T reqxiested accountings. F(FICEIPT Receipt is hereby aekric)wledged of the fo)-loiting e-heek: 1.2( 'Rd iilalLj3-, amount.o -ARM 16 :13.9 l@@; tijc,@ It'i .1@@ot bill la jv t c@4@@k iw@d 1 1-19 of v4@dc!li di-@@1-y a,,-3@-ircrtod d ti-...Rt t:@h-.L@ A 6o) k@-@l,IOP,,41!DLP,4 FOR: l,'M!3 RPCL)RD 1,@UBJECT IMILTRA, Foubproject 119 1. rite purpose of this 9 oject is to provi'de xmda for a stlidy conducted by 2 to mq-ke a critical reviev of the llterature and acientific develop- rx-,nts related to the recording) and interpretation of bi6- electric si&nals frova the hummi, and activfttiali of human behavior by rebaote ripans. Ilher@ i-nitiated tbir. study vas being doric on a coi.-ultant basis b -!,he reason for converting this into a Stibproject is to provi.d(@- rr..ore flexibil.ity in the disbureal of fundr, for variours kiiids of as,-,isteL,--ire ;Drd equtl)m:--,nt needed. 2. k@s iv-i +,he ai;tached prop,-@ss@l this stiii@r is to- provide P-n c*r@notated bibliogr&phy and ar. 4.ntei-p,-etiv-e survey of work I>e,ii)-g done in psychophypiological research and instramc2,,ntatio@tif Vae Survey eneckaiasses five ui6,in area3; a. Bioelectric senso..@s: sources of significant electrical po,teiitial arA Ln,,,i',4DCxs of piek-i)p. b, riecording;-a@@.C,.';Cification@-electrouic tape utnd other 6iult-i-chann@-, L eecording. c. Aiialyslr,: a,.it@.)corieiators op-ectnim tumlyzers) etc. and coordiu@ttion with2 aiitotjiatic data processing equip- d. Stmi,.Ir@,i,-dization of data for correlation xirith biochem- ical, plxysiological on(I behavioral indices. e, Teeltniques of activation of the huntiyi orgmiism by 6 remote electronic riieans. 2 Iii lieu of higbor overbeed rat--a) title t@o ttuy permxietit SLAll reub--in vit@h equipment purchased by Aiitds grmited the 2 the 4. lilhe cost of the project will be 4y6.,370, including $2,500 already allotted Ling fee, for one, yf-@ar beginning 1 JLILY 1960. litis lroj,-ct vill be handled as a grant-ih-aid ir66 the 2 nd the harA.Ting of fund.n dis7our-SeAl will follow t-,Yle stsr-,LnA-.,;-,rd. piractice set tip for i-,hat organization. Cbarges stiould be vk3de &gat)-ist Allotrient 15225-1009-1902@* and ot;hsrs 5. Now y .becoya-. -ssociated with the project vill-be-i@@lotely unwit,ting of SponFior. 2 Tlqj)/@c-seareli. Branch AYIIROVF,D FOR OBT@,TGATIOI-I Research Dire tor e: Dat Attached.- Propos.%-L & 'Budget Distrtbittion: Origir@al Only I'i-oject To make a critical revie-d of'liter4ture and related to the recoidi-ng, ati--i@lysi-s -qid :Intergretatlon of bjoe-lectric signals -fror, the hurian ind a(,-tivati2.on of I)-Lli,,ian bobavior by reir.oto neans. As it :i.s viqu.3-117.ed., the taslc s@iowl-d bega,ii vith a general, sui-vev of research and ins&rviventation i,n a nv4riber of fields, including neuri-Vh,2ysiolop ,3r, b-lop)Vsics, anatoT.W, pkvsiolog--'Acal psycholog .,y aii(I noDroDsychi.ali,Y-Y. as wall as electronics, a.-i(i coi,,qinunicati2ons engineerina. At- the time that bibliogr-i_o.@iie and related activity is inttiated-, corresl*ndc-.-.nce should be underta,ton with all ],.-tlxiratories, coir;,oarties an(i age-.icies ,@ox@king in or crrry-inb- oiit ac:t-.Lv3.ties il-e3,,ated to desivriated are-as of the I)ro-ad slxrve-.v problem. Visits to laboratories may be urdertaken Jt needed. The div-!',sions of the probleii fall naturally into five main areas,. (1) bioelectric senso.-,-%: soumes of si- ificaitt potential and ii,,etliods of pick-,Lip; (2) record-!-ng-. a-mplifi(--,ttic)n, e,'-Lectronic tape and other rralti-chatin(,l; (3) an2a-Lysis, ,,titocorrelators, spectmn analyzers, etc. ,tn(I cooi-d.-'LyicttiQll 'VII Lth -Autoiviatic data process5-ng eluipinetit; (4) stazidarditation of d.--ita for correlstion .;,ith bloche.-U'cal, physiologic@), P,.rd b'aliaviora-I bidice-,s; (5) techiies of activation of the lita-@ian organum by i-emote electronic iie-ans. Progress bas bet:@a jyt,-iie P-nii the list of laboratories, investigators an(l--- resoi)i,ces In tlie. Bioplectroi-ite study is in preparation, 1,@roney f om@ii-cied f roin SepteTber 1959 tyjroavii FL-Iraai-y 196o $igoo.oo - Thi,s v,-ill be accou-rttod for later. Budget estimated for IIV 1 tl)rouf,,h Doe. 31, 1960 and salar3ips 3,350-00 and supplies 820,00 Travel 14,@70. 00 --3-0-0 Tot@al Bu(iget $63?o.oo 3 f'OR:. TIL, RL ql 131 LICT TBJ, of ..Dr C "ie pro.@sa-U ipelize in'o, a p Sbll.2 2@:A@IIY _@@oj.':.Ct vorlz 'teing drin(- b a co Su tant basis i@as ,@ppx,Qved. allotted A 2 P,,een-aiiisiii. c-it,@@iit ,ras expressed that this survey iiould be very 'Liseful N@ieil corc-,Ol@ete - It wls fol.t, @ II- -t2li@,ee pol.iits s@hou)-d be stressed -@Titli" t-he 1,@-st t.,@.rci be,!-ng co-i%raycd bv him t (1) This is i project with an end point Any further proposals bv@@ 2 stewxqin- frota this I)roj@C7,@w@ol@q@ We r--vieifed separatel@,j on their ovii merits. (2) A deadline si-,ou'jl.d be agreed -Lil)oji for prodiiction of Vy:ie slrvey -- protably (3) Thc@s(@ fr@lidc incl--Lide iioz,,ey for writi.n,, aii,a ptibl.ication z4iid no fiirtbe2:- furids woiild be2 for this pirpose. L) and are meeting with to co'IIVoy these points. f4 7 Branch Y,f,y 2it. 1960 l@l,emore,nd-ox,i to Subjp-ct: Doaliww Our work- toward an ai-aiotatp,(l -Ancl an interpretive suxvt,-j 2 of woi@',c bein@ dniie in Kas proiTre$sL-'d fair-L.Y well. We can tio,..r- sf@-,e ttif- itiajor porti-,)n of the problci-,i and tVP- a fair estiM.A-te of its'costs. It is so@ee-rilr,,t inore expens2ive thin ve f irst corLtf,,Drpl-ated. I-Ty first eati-mate i-ias about $2,500.00 Lytit r-ore work @s beinl-> done th-at v.ust be evalvtated tVAn I rea3.ived, It noii appears ttiat the final cost w:iii be about $6,370-200. I do not believe It is ar),Droi:.riate to hanctle this kind of effort on ,,a conqultaiit's ba.5!s as we had originilly iii-teri(lod, :(jisteade I think it -,hc,,uld estab.Uslied as a research task to be fu(i(le-d sciparatoly 2 tath p--ena@Ds some arrangei-ac,,nt for itittating so,-no r*-Asearch i%Thich al:)pears to be of vqlue aftf)r the stii-vey lias baen rp:por'6ed next Dece.@-alier. As I inei-itioned in my toloplione coikvers@-tt-lon, sop-et2j.ilqo 3a-i l@-ite Juvie v.,IU iyf-ovi-do a list-,,ng of all of t)i.-, laboratortes ,in@-I tasks wl)-Loh have con-- im-ider revifll%l bj 1-ds joint groiip of pl-,ysi-cians,,psvchk)lop,,ists an4d engineers. E-valu,-ation of the researeti wiU corae-latp,,r. Attached is the Lud-get. It is re4luested that the task be initiated prior to Jti@ 1. 7.1 13 -j -7 ti t)l to ---I @-i to iriili..-Itc i@>, In iiiis c!ti-I fcci t'ii-,@y viill to -It 0, A:V, tll in 2 rtifitz,:cd Is (i In i@o L'@a ivi3 SOV,13 frciiy.&41&r 'C@'S I IY@ctitione@i to YC2)U :y oil' It ttclr 4i", Is Fc-,r vour 24, 1959 Tti@i,i!@ y@.,u for yo-,v vcrf le-ter@,r. It c@s ihov@@@h r--,r,j O@O pro,, r2,,@,, cii f u-'@zi c i,! @,a @',V@@u c.-re oi i@i;@ I l.,i@l Is -6i- r-.Il -to cl'r ci @,ur visit to'. Id oi 0.;2v Icik of c@t jrc.,s ur Vli'."Itinei ti-@ I-o 6L,'@ !t-. c@ C@ Li i' r C. -.t 2 it rk is a lift 1-@, ,@V IC; c-i ct' i "C.) Lul ill., cz;r 2 too It us elic L-Li,-,-Iui. for czx@--ris --Is II I)a ci@@-3"n ri:@r ),c@t-,c ver)r It to rre a ti@@ @'OU Oro ciij I til'i'@Ic ytt;c-- t) )@ovt Y.,cli (is yoll '22 D-,ice,.tbor 1959 for ECX"O ti-Y,!-3 tv Gc:;(l you a b@RNo wri4,irg it., t.-at i.,Iia Y,)r!i 3-evr 2 i-ho hr-vid ro:!.%teid to iA@', lititlu4Litlr, iDf oijr Ph,D# booka t,,c@,ea i-Lis rkad IMTW-to m-i-a D-,y to or@;t@@4 Ito i-eletio in sirtiz,.t;g 1961. Jr toc-g ki t z 2 of 1,0 aiis 'F fcc tins cur flid'- 1,.svc, do t@i,il of a st,,@ok of rqto-vmt W.3 oli;o a v,tp,ll Y-.y to era cs.'W, ILTO ti-ev-@b nt,,.s a Y,,t,-.Yber of 2 ho i4- t@o ivcai-va 'il),tg will -rp3 a P--T@ck V-D-1 Vs t@N a hil@nly v@c,;o!tijit cczitiri.,i@,.tisly u),-l %,.A.Vtx our tj4-3- ).eel &@-id tj,L'1,4 a all cl@ll (fl-IP eV t @,-I-"at ttt..t for tl,,) r,ot y-f@t f i-A-m. C;tir t-.,ra@it ftr A2-LL@3 r-,--,@port it- clii t-f 19t@0, It vic-lit I ii.LLL vt:*.t ti.-I tillt! fee ti) 1-3 41421@'i 3,4 1-0 t,io t@,Ltje...,t @4i-t-h bills 2-3 Did yc,,u fi-nd out anything of VVLIUC, ror ua in, liad been looking f foi-eard to t;omo nava i'ru;q N-ou ci-qw@and thii is p7o'b-@b-li one of tlic 2 reasons why I tilqlve ri-@,t writtp-n zsooner, I vould ,ilso li@:e to exlilaiii vh-y I have not sitb!,tliitod a propos&,l for my rsituational r-t-tidy , . Ti'io principil2 req.sork3 t@ra tvot fteid,-5d Vial'i '@iav-a worili c;onfideice iii our prrforr,@knca If mo waitrsd until wo fi-rdsliad tic st-u(,y; Sdoo-Aid, I lt,'Lve been &axio2us to avoid i;@3'vt@.rLg 'lost of o.,.y earlier applicationa for research graiitr. tric@n evi!ibig tliroiigh tin-d ii@t ii&y fr-.ce the @,robler. of at,' th;Em u-nl-,%ss va cariifuu.y. We ti,eatirp --oijr pi-eetznt Fi@ant as e. rjljor Ar,@z of i@hich fits In iiith a nu-,iibiz)r of collateral L-itorerts h,.,re of -L,iicil yvii 1 1-,ave- go,.ia ifit4i the PI,."-tlliitg of t-@le vt-ziablr4.j F;x-,ijzct end hoy*'to get. it actip-lly uriti,".r vay withlll. th-s n@3xt oxir i-iT@4 s'Taff uvLKJr@c,, out t.,plo,.tdtdly a-nd v-o hop@a to t-,.,fj In chort, t,hings are r,,orkiri.@ clilt-_@@@--r- I ll,-u d v-,e are 2 b,,@ atille 9 Plr,aua e---@3nd v&ri gxioatin-3 to4w pnd to t.-@o twtuibora of your stsff. ShQ'kll@i -j,3rt r@@tu:tn to tha8a parts., wo v@.-)uld r6.r8-iipd I-m of a stRndJng With cord:Lal grootino;a t-o you mid yotir fa-,aily frclm ank- ire Ve-ry Si-@icerely., AMNON Octobet,@ 2,- 195-2 Tha:f-, you for y,,)ur letter of 29 a,-id we have devosi-ted with th @@@Ve have al.1 ready started the 1-h6pe tbat v.!-e -nay li-ave so3tw. tan-ible piogi--,sa to rt--poit with-.Li a few rmithi. With best vishes for your trip. Coi-dially, 247 a r Tb-tnk Y)OU for your letter of 21 -M very PI th,,tt. the p-rKiposr3; to ;srtirqcy the literptti-2ce on bl.ocleotric --e will @Tr@-ke j,@&,i3 to' pro@-c,,ed as fLr. at; rlppr-aved a-lid t o r.,,*, t o b q.iite,, a2d@ectuate. lioveyer, If any p,.,obl.erii arl.ce on write to yo,,a ill icy last letteri@l@@at@ke-d iv@e to kef.,@p @iulet r@b,-)itt th@p. @,ioe of tlla ria2-4 sna-ly--er vntil be h@.,s clear,-vd -t@itli th,3 othar p,.@rtiez, Aa I v.,ridorstwicl it ti-Is projqt Jt is by a iiixral-)er of riajor oil ecrpanios aa'be hAs to 2littve cle,-,r,-trtqe to e.,ttiid viol@ktio,.i of As so:>n a-9 I tioar fryoiyi -t(y,f aiid. I will keep Wa Lks clossly b-t-i eqain I vrLU@ 1,-t you kA 2 Pos.@tble riu t)@ils P.,Atter, 'Lri@LA:Lo yoil ai-a sbroid it woi,-,I,d be q)Aite helpful If Y,.tix C-Wtld fo In ralr@tio-@i to this- proje62t; a) Oct nz@,tR-$Of c-n-paged :L,-L J-utLiLvctin,,; vork t-0 r iii@ u-i Qn a* irxx-,y licts ar, 2 Lo, 0,,Ie An do tM :"oura @,vky rkvkvrt!) or refc--A,,@- - (a) F-i-nd out a $Tle&dlng you vig;it. 2 ly, it V.V4 1-41pftl J'r -YOU Co-"Id l@ond M'3 'ta $'Clrploo ebllars out to4m e@ye of P-8 for t',-.n of 0 'I tv r@a a to (,t,)Pogit iio ph,&ra. Cv.-v pri., tiv. csx , tter is f fj P,,D &Ad to ketip 6( ace -7;7 2 Septeriber 25, 19.e@9 p .0 'o d f iii.I l.t as pi-of ltable I hope you ONJOY' the tri Eul e as I ex-peet you '!ill. Ct@;.r best wishes'+%f oiliml ho'pe to have rty ot'rer 'Pio'iie'ver ve have been alightly proposal, in fom, by the tire you return. d@clayed by rout-i-A-te -ia,ttex-8 t to starting ttio riew se'rlool year. 5 With best wishes a-wid aprreciati@oi. Cordially., look& "Z7 2 C% cl@ 2 CR Eil 2 r.'s tD Tl It CD ri c@- -- ------------- T,!,--ink you fc,z, rC4 ti w-@tl- -the 2 i to h4 f"c @i i vc-7-1. e, h--i s of a.' @al., r 2 tllc! f ly Y C,- 1 W2 Lk 2 f IC- r, Inoue..- thf-. 4 In- you tial 'i@a IlQt @t. You %---oo oii re@y 3 ,,'tiould hove, Tc;li' h@avc, CO,-.2in yo Juet received &ti i-ri ii to Sopt@o.,rib,,@r 10,, 1959 Vile vore delig@%ted %.Ztth )t@ur ,Icl t.@io Opp)rttitilty to '@'z and P.2-cces of it@ratufA'- irlt..)rcst, OP.$ of tho f@vojoots v@i v.-- Pr-o. prop-Prc-e@ to L,3gJ@n ato-ly riavl@@,4 of ai-id to t@,h-2 r"oriing,, 2 o' la d frvi to Iiize--,n orLfuA4u@a an &ctivtitioril of by i-ii-moto t;o 2 +10 c, a t I 4.@ t@, r '@fcr As IJ4 it of t-t and re3@itod Septo,%",iar 10,, 1959 is initiat@ed ,, corrospond3ace bhould ba vnoartrken vit@lt laboratoi-ioa,, m-,tp--nies r?,nd agencias 2uoexcing In or cr-rrying out activitioa related to de3ic&-i-qtod areas of the broad sax-fey problcm. Visits to laboratorion mny b3 unct-arta!-,.en if nee&-d. It appr3ars aat a@iout mi.d-v." throug',i the s2tody., a conforoneo my b-3 valitable, to diectiso the t)-@.%terial eecu.@@iulatc@d and tl'A fom:a- le,tcdj, as a to i"atil-re research and ecivelork.-ont, 'rnis cc?nforence 2 i,s rot at tkit riglit be "pt J.-ii rttind for p-lpxai-ing F.,ir- pooes, At t"tlil tir-a we ari@ r@ot prop,.%rod to eurgoot of cor-tor@Ooo., vince ua balieto that the pre2ae,-it list .@-hould riodification in tb,3 The dwisions of the problem fall into five n;@in are-n-3-. (1) blo!aloetrid sensoret sources of ic<-qt electrical potertial- t.-2Tid of (112) rc-corCi-tng; f.-4olificatica, olectronic tip-a re@iti otber recording; (3) Enn-iYaiet spoet,r" ar,),@lyzora_, eto, ,,.nd coordinatioi vith v-u-'w-O",atic daui rroceri.3ing eqtiip- (4) of &-ata for corrolaticii ivitli t-.-,id behavioral (5) too,.lrdcs of act@,ivatio,-l of tlv-s lia-2r,aa by .-criot-i ele4etroni(-- T,iitially -ee believe that a coL-@p.-chonsive report could be coliplat@ed vitl-kan 1-2 vitli a tot-&L b@id,,@at of $35C,'D. Oce clol,.Iars 2 uould repr4@osen4 tl,.i coot of r% part tt-,.a @ii@hir-ty 1* U pl,at. Abokit for 'v@500. for trp,;ral., &xid th@,i bal,@nce for 2 lr%terialc-j bibliograIN@iie and library voi-vices. I.n ovorit tl,.it vva e-asira r@ore clatailed infol-ilition 051 t@ny part of tb-io pleast3 lot r-a krt8Q-@t. f@,3search prepo3al For tli,,i p-,-3t xAn,,3 y,,iarB, a oonti-quing iratoreat " k in co-rtat!i pro@51ci;La in vhtcl -.uvo both pych.,@,- phyjiological "d r@-zdaesl a icati6%.I. vQ fro-ii t@t-o br,,@,,Iti. of p6@@,4@irtrla PAt-i6nts en@.t rat)r2@@,l I,n relat@,*.wi to 1,, t@rt-I @ndatod etraegi fpctora end liava ica brion int--r@@.3ted in 2tt,.3 u*o of elo-.tronic v-rN&ly-.ora for dkap-oatle slid scientifi.c of by.@@i.@i wwzia. T-n u,,Y:@k, zoveral olootro@iie InLUt rith 2 ,@t-ad 1:,-ovidid e.@&spita tt,,,iir cme-@i@tiess "..4 Obl. rhich provid.,i tl,-,) lo@tal alourt of 2clc,-@tricAl r-ot@,i.vity r-.cord-3d for a cjti&la ton Fooopd or@N)ch, frrt(IL-c-acy l@'ralle 1 lit ti@, of diroat,5d)@2@ re-t;*,oLych @,i Tot3, it I.-$in t@@igat tlis v@antionad above w" fr,)- cr@ily i-n c@-Artnt-i l@i t,%,t@d licoblt--ns 4--rid %2:-P-s to lit@4-idle rci:tordimgo nreiiy- tiL,#3, P,3rio(14., rksce-ad for raox@o cc@riplox rcoo,.,roli -,nd di.-@,!@l-iostic Tho diar2 3tic eye of pirl-ictilar i,-r@rt-anco in rrad p3yehi,iti.7 iri@@@ch cnly r,..@,t,@4od at io read'L.-@,t of Is both 2 caid e-zid 0-0 cli-@ileal of IYI-Djeative tr@einiciros irA In rtl t.@@-,3 of c-, 6r fop frL@,,i t)i,,j bra-tn otk,--.Ar 13tr Cf th.@ ig OK.a Of t-t@4 tio it Import&-n't )r@Af,,Vd,3 In t@isnz fiile.3 to&y. Tu2-o viitl,,In ttia p,,,-3t fc-i @@3ar,) ha-f'3 spirr-ed IV coti-ld b.-i ce@i tar-,3 wit@t lic-i fiejlity by fnquz@r"14 Ti,@,i 2 fe4.;?t tli-at cloctrf-,r4ic 60icatI.at3 b-@ve for ty ta@V@ rc@it,,7.n@ t.,,i 0 In I t c r 6,e i CT, ro', C, of d b of 2 -T 07 VI ki @@7) tf IL@-.i OL 2 1 .-I 2, vh to invootir,,,r@ti p3ytho- of electrlcal ei&l&lo brain,, it to not ulkt!Ah ry o@i2n ,4piv3r3 of ititaik-3st @or it t* notr-,d th@-it ttic-Iti liculd -car-o 'ticatic?xi to fit@-lds r@-o 6loctrmt@rdiogropli@r ot-'.,@,r ap?. 2 14ith v@ inter,%atzd i finlip-il out of it.@l ccioattfic d b,-4 Ablo t@o in tba ciid 'of a Iz@2'-.oratory i-ii v:bacvh t@-to E,@bovg cc,@ild b3 cc,,xte-act-,)d. It io v@y optitoki. t@iat if a ."Or intoriv.@etati@cra of th@@ In to t.,vi-- e-nd cizild b-.@ cLd to Vn IX, C3 tl-ly(r@IE'qW,'.t. -ti I Unit-k-@d Stat@7-gi, tnd in f@@,Qt t@ha cattre world, v2c@-Ald bo at "is tiv@o ic t.3 of an cimvztr for cvi et,;,;b-t V-'eG re-;,nret; M. 4 -2) of for r@n--14 of t'.".* Wi.@,jy to cble to fly lie thet tto uivklyror li, 100 I I-Ave b-,,kd acq,,,3 2 Ikie 0 t-,vi3 d thtria io - o-.t At t-hiz to r,74nF, kT,@@ddly ,tri c-ttir@-, tip a -6 2 It iq I:v to Ic@aIV3 a"3 of C"-3 I r4- @.tA r4ot 3 him Twid o_ t ib,,It, t rW t t 3 3 Of ri%.v doctr-.,rel @14 e,4 Au,,IL,st 10, I '/'Z') 9 cit t@, up "!s 2 to frori you c@nci - I K y @l COD ti@sr @c,@cit o-i- v@-c 'ii-i\ vrr-y 2 it is ilejt l@@t c!t lca-.@t in $I-;c:,It t;@t c,n tiio NVCJY t.-,) i,!..C@ r@(,Yt 2 stol, I)Y ill ill c,@n-J fclt@ til,@at it be fc,.r r-1.0 to or o.1 Auju3t fc@r ci cocivcr-.r-jl,-ioil cii),] (I8 t-.IC-D llz.CLISS Di@, YQLI to @o ;I@ ti,@icit ti@iio'? July 22, 1 @5 liec-n clit 09t I"ut G>z ert3 to 1;@,@ttjrn tile- oF iu'ly, Yr@@,,- ii b@@iiio ha-lki fc-,r t@is ti iii Iair. SL4rc. you, July @c-2a for gandirlg yei3r rol@@;rt vnid.. IG rc.^at trid I;y it rrri,@Tci S-ast r-.!!, I vo-a 2 to :,Lrzklire t.,to T-",Y ap"@,Lying P--r 0-- g 2,n t l@p for a jr@ojs-%t WIAL C.'il I '.Itiol-ted tf) YO'd 2 ,vid ei ,ZL"@.or wlt;i Gc"z,-. lz; a ork@,@ Lit 2,, 14, h,-.r, --kD,-Lg, Lz,-xi u--.y tl,.)@t t@@irc .4.6 a ri:5-cd f-.)r ,, tv,@t- t') v,@,'ktwxl wo er.4 for for thr, 2 to eo cv@ira r,.or,@a of t c..O or 01-7@%4@y 'C-3 c@blo to 0 tO by tIl: l@f3 I." tj C-4 L,b:.vicr c-,* 14'. 1959 ,Ital At ii)t-as-nt I @m t-hinking I-M torz,3 Of ty'll F,---An (1) tho spacc O'i tha indtvteo,,Ftl, L%.,nd (2) th,,) tssk siUiE,@tion. I Itp.-ve p.,rogros8ed to tlio 1>:)Int of dt-Tvoloping ft Pi"e- IJZ- ,1_ - bl- n 'LLecUoii pimif 2 .31, elt;gif4 catioi of resaarch vari;. co. Tha p4i-i.ricipp.]. z@,otho@@.)Iozy fo- redtictio-i of dttix vU]. C-2113tor cis arld latkr, f&ctor 4. 1 In r.,2.-tnd v.-orkin-q mith fc-cr kin,,Ia of gT-k-iv,.p sito@atiors ec,%ooll hospit-411, busirz- so ar,,a P.-,id could ir,iait,try orgf@rA-Azaa.!Lon &3 wall. 5. 1 ar, ilenni-rg to tt.@i,, r@rojact L,-ty ri,-qin re-to@@rcli for tha ne-,@ct several years tipd hevo an sitilii-itioxi her,3 fr", th.:a rt,,ndri,,int ol' iii4@-,@3@.reated colleartifis in rol;ttpd fiolC-iD,, 3tuOz@pt c..zsia- te.nt@3., aid ins+,it-utional to e,-,rry o@,it s,.ich rese,@-rell. I'-l tha ev@ont tltat yoxx be irite-ro--t;,,d, it ;-otuet b3 helpiul to D,@-i to kno,t -i;i'iotlicir a budgot of tbc-ut f if t-os-n tl-,otisaqd clkillars (,@-L5,,000) i@,vild b3 ;reesib'io to con3i4a.-, Thi's Yias boo.,i e24t ey4c@utftil ye--i-.. xov-ikig vii(I rotting oreani?.acl.-. tva,t it is iioii 1-t@lLi-nd Li.-i i ",nd T w,@a :Lo@ckitig to a 4In CordL8,11