F.- i 4-il -.4 lie TOi.-- TSS-[COa:= -6f Obligatloc,..- NJA 1. Dat4 0 V, 2 for-an-investigation of Emerging4mmww Date be 3. Pro rogs_to _-_-Anitiated. 4i-@piration Dat6e:_ 50 Project MorAtor: Ro m B-10 rging In thm C=itries f iwcm aLl v&i@Ang stages 0 ni a- 123)4 ig6o of. a &=tee 3 contl@aqt-or: costt $Wpooo-- rtatuat kvroodmately tvO- RESEARCH GI SdptembOr IL, ACCOUNTIFGL@:@@ Transpartatio Ship 502.00-- Plan 165*50-- 616*40- Pi r ship 860.00-- 156.10 T61@-al Tkans ----r-t--a-tion 3 000 01@@ Internal or a Depreciation on 350.00 2 Petrol.-I-ns-u--rcoince- etc. 650.00 Plane -and ttrain Total-int6rnal--T"b@bpprtation 1 5000-00 tissi.steLnts-and-Clerf-dal P..olu I secretary-(4 months) 2 160.00 3-assistants @300.00 1 interpr@@"r-guicle'- 250.00 interviewers- assistants---- .in villo,&$@@ gifts -300.00 sistatits and Clerical Help 1 010-00 secretary 3 clerical assistants 500.00 i.ntervici,iers ( &?prox.-100) 1,20Q.00 si6tAnts and Clerical Help 1 w2 Incidentals-- Materials 600 Soo Postage 150 000 Shipping (materials) 150.00 HiscL-Ilaneou-9 90.00 2 Total@@ id6btals---- 990-6-00 Livina EMenses-(12 months) 10,000.00 IBM Computer- Charg@Qs 2 000 --00@-@ TOTAL--EXPENDILXRES 2 $20-1000 00 1:!d@i fy, that this accounting or,- two Dv- o s J.-i a la corriict._ac d e4 to- t4e by 3 V i., Date - -V, Cost Account Object Class Obligations Obligations UrAiquidatpd Date Riffiiki iind Refa@@ Incurred L0iquidgited Bgi@ke 19 SEP loso SEP- 960 Filled In) 33 kpteabor X90 gour_tti*-*Mtbority gowkw -11, the asoormain AdAt4bd ---- -- - 2 thu 223 b" tuods bea@ bftil -t4 Albjtmnto 154m ftio ii*U&24w ot -tOW ohm" be APPH" or YMI iDgLICAn"- BLF, --- - ------ 0 iN(3 TSD/00, NW bgxo?Amm na I C=r, rlxa= DMBIOS BLMJM &4bp*jeot In@old4@-Soo 1-it-attaobe4-emering tbo abwe-td@ Paymftt abwu 2U meae @"-- follon i &DMM+,Of .002,@@ &webs throua@ offiftr.. Uter tb&n )% r U Octobe -; 2960, 34 that ad4itional f2unu VIU be oblig4t*4 for this pro@*at., the nieli go&--- To/hasearch Brea& Att&CIWaj SEP 1960 bwo1ioa DistribuUont Ctlg & 2 -o Addr""e, 1 - -TSD/FASS RE oo Allow CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER @VOUC04EM NO. 7- 12 DATE 2-6 12 34- 39 47- 5 2 OF2-SCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13- 33 1 59 7 Oa 70 45-46 O STATION 40- 42 BLOC. 54-57 ALLOT.' LEDGER 2DUE 71-80 28- 33 CODE EXPEND PAY FIEF. NO. 53 GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE AMOUNT l'i @,. @l P... . . CODE PER . .......... CA - - ---- Z.- 2 DESCRIPTION ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 PUIR. ORDER AOVAPICC LEDGER 7 ...... L;O. ACCT. too. YRACCT. NO . OBJECT 2 c DIE X *CF. no:@ CLASS DEBIT CREDIT t VI Llx N?21 I II I f I I I I 2 I f EXPLA?4AYION OF ENTRY TALS E 2 DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT OA'r SJG"T%IURE OF CERTIFYlt44 OFF 4 FORM 2. se C06usc i-Revious EDP-roolls. AS) f RECEIPT--- Receipt is hereby-4,LcknOwledg" the fOl-10vihg-check'- Cashier's Check- 60. in ambunt of $20,000.00@ pa)(able to th 27 topteinber 1960 VIA I Tw/xuuet Officer SUB= xqmtm., svbwojli@ot P3" Invato - No& I abo" ouUproAoo@6 2 116W- P&,jmnt'abould 0 $I or- loo 2*: Me cbd-c-k @sba" be forwarded -to-Chlefp - TSD[&seamh thm- 2 U Qotobo-r IXO. 30 @@ TUB- IC& fitibi int6toe, HC%levert sime- It- Is anti6ipa@@@@ that s4ditiOrAl-f@@- @bd cbllgatea for this pmjeetj the file --- - f Att&ohedl ZAYOICC-H Coruticaume orig & 2 A44iiss" TSD/FASS -TSD/pa--- TS sept 6o) a3- ror Services c&FamricxTioxo----- to ;Slubs - - - - (1) It la berew cer+Aflltd that this Is uvoitil No* 1 applytas A -- -is sattisfactotli that ProJect No- 223 of WLTRA _tbat performance ser,vices me beihrM@m-@shi@d accbtdoad"th iutusi that a --to amd receipts 2is on le,, that this bill-Ls-JO th4i@i6f bas not yet been--mme Datat No- 123 of is belag c4rried out in w4:or4v=e vith th1e of 13:APtll- 1953::@- from the Mr-to-tb-e-DD/At wA the extension of this@satthidrity It- t teonand&4- sequen Dste i lot 40 et, DRAYR 15 ML%DRANDTJM FOR: M RECOFD) -123-- SLTBJWT KmTMi7subproJect 2 to- provide 7 funds for 1. Thc7vwpp@qe-of Subpr.ial has 15@-en revieved favor Director ilnd tb#7 ilr@ Director of th @@@t6-dUd@-knovleUe of bow 2 2 'L@: !his -6 is expected reacting-to various di-f rent cultural strata are of social--- stages f IUSt.4W n his the is expected to me2lke a number of ad- -attitudes to the-varyirlg Pressures concept of bit:OVd::rOle and his from within-and without causing the social chan addition to and psyebological@@ thrmng -lipt u some fud2@ntal-sociological diate-findinzs and contacts are potenti8@UY question@ useful to sion. f ision have been 3- -thi, 3 briefe4 upon the rature $Lnd t of 4 research. 4..,WL-p-rpject v-IU Wfunded as a6 grant-in-aid--from the ccounting, A Y-4 15 5) I@ a-0 (-C) r ce I I t For a leag suabor of-y" I bavt had a ";*@U dosir-o to loan mrs obo* gh st-ud y sad-tr&Ttlo I vml4- to-*iD%iplo this 4041**L*ItJL--- reso.%rah ibleb wo2xild *xt*nds I hope,, filr boyqva wW porroowa 4*si"s &nd-porwkps indeed u&ko a oozrtri'biatioia to the'tiold of international r*l4tioa4 *M-tbLi of group t#Asiou,, As La An*ria&a logro,_V@@ in the Vnit*d-St4ktO#, _X h&T* oxptrt@@@ 4@ personal lo"l mzW of -the-wqarios of -- lzt-6-r- --Othni4--tt*lip -"IiLti6zA 0 iddwli*tu in the )Kdwost and 2 the professional training in $ooial-Pqohol6&@71-h&:T-o 'b4o4 oxposod to the'usdorvins- thoorotteal roltttoioipo# I 'boli*To this bso rou424 of personal inTol*O*out &ad ptotoosional tr*AaAng -h4ys q"liti*d as for tho-t4ok I7tOo-, OCA of the outet&ndi aoteriattd-@@@g@@ intoraation is thAt--- iatoraotion Is inaludo -"f or to no+. have a b&sie-IA-objaott*CI4*@@i &od dep-to of lntor&oti6h:is Th-ust- &A awtrsaos-t- -of the## imgos booon2es aeutrill-to wq &ttlk@@r*4uoe up-t#noioue av.4-doy*lop _Sro h"waious group reloti6" Oroup im&&94 d*"lop tnd tre-waint4i4od-thz-4ijgh t2he two forooa of tko mass mdia-w-sd Otisonal or *was &Ad tai-- Omoo established, Woo oonoepts or* quit-* resistant to or*-- of a giton quality, how#,ror, &ad vbero--sooisl-iAt#j*2otioA-ie ia &Mt flux these imges **A and do under go moditio-ations In the Unit*d StAkt"i@-"ertil*- field of study has -boon the SaTostigati4n- of othat or oatio"l stereotypes*- stadies "i 4#41t:4itk-- atjority group stortotvpos, $coo--of adnority groups,, - On* of t,heta nuarity groups has-b##n- Us Amerio&n lott" -A major-tiraing 4*ro has been that stertot-nes or im4ts held by th*-Ajwri@"Y*Sro ar* bighly-o6"ittent with those OL lw AD as 40 a 6 41$ 100 4a Ig 71@ imses of other 2ugt klvv# be In dinpr-of As this awareness of.tht- the *undordevelo"dw --- ematries also a" grgwiwp' 0 - ut- of- traditional bou4ii, oo+Ablishing mm ties #Ad "IlLtio"oi o mrso o sotion t on-by these o4=trion-wilV imaet on the Unit#d-gtat#4 @@In the world. Thu tho-qWW@y of other eountries rol2iti6uship*@vi I -8 et gnat imortawo Om lingea o*ntral, for 07OXio0pt d*pead4mt upon tbto _0"0 &so of ptoples of other n&tlons are also oentrtlo This -*-of6 I- th a *A @.V propp a - toug"tm4y wA -i- 9 ti -tl-- to WU wmr*nasg, -of go$ a Ltudooa 777777:= Nrpoaet To inyostig*t* owtgizl& *thni-*-L*itWin the.thr" amatrito--of o rolat*4 -'tons ther nations-vhte &" ox2#rtiumjor inflii@in those These-throo eountri*i-"$@@@- different ph&404- tyslopments with one oountrf IOD4 ha" Ln4spaudonl*--' another *M-th* third--- being giT*A Me'thods Wtthin-saah aountry,@owrging #Lnd-@6h"pi#t-*thnio imgos or storooqv vill be &4a*rtained for-sellf@@-@-@ bL 2 or# W4 for o+.hors-6-other-nAti4b"t:zoj4k--ialuenoo in those-countries, th4 is, the United States, and seyoral other ooun+.ries,, ?has* Images will trtdition&l toohai@ka 2 Social kiyohology and a pioneer ster,ootyp@'etudy--wA-further r*Mod-in a doctoral study @b@@prossAt 'writer, *.n4-+Ae approaches loo under the tuspieo4i ot ton aolitent amly II 9 -O*k"nal ILntorviovrs and I$ Conteut--Analt-st-s-I TUV@@ives an cmiduation of -representative forms of the &*vaMors.*ioh bog&n-publioatioa recently--- or #Iwo W-ep*zA*nooe analyoii--"ould reTaLl attitudes i*14 ,'by@@r thms4ol-re2s &ad peoples of76thlir nations, prostikt#4 in tho-sais@ madias- 2, ftrioual laterviowes htw:*Ill bt-interrieve oca&joto4 by the writ*r with-vlrious load#ttlit8@L@@tive poai+Aons-in This 19"1,of investigation Should k*"Ll iw4*i &ad attit4too bolt by-- vi 1-be &Upiag-tho-dt#tintes UA th*it rolatioasb-ips wi+.h other-nations-of the vorlde 30 In& o Ch.sok-List-itti oarlairsit This PhiLl's Will iwli-Ae sal@ extensity type A*ok-li*t::@@@@ttitudinal otatovmts adMaistor*4 to r*prosentatire -awwlos of- F"Plo fe6"01"to-d groupa4 As The- ook -Listo This 7@@ists of troLits-TiC@--pr-oxim&tol-y-Ws-with_ an extensity s4alo- vhioh-2porjdt4- respondents-- to dot4raine tht-extent-to Y&ioh-iL pirtieqlar *bartot@orittio is-p6gs-emsed by@-- various groups luol#ding their ov,u groups suoh-tr*its as giiAtili2Lont'll *b"kw,ar,d" ' ghard,- be assiped wo of the thd* percentage ids* the "Amori"A 40 0 B* The Attitude-2 al-tioz@uirse This oonsisto of a series 9 f -it related to An &aaouwwwnt-ig-roooit*d that-&-oo"try bA& ]Lieb so t-likely b4t*-GGIAUt Iiicoly be?$-- The UnAted------ #t@oo 29 A hospital Is toing built in your aity (tolm), its (Dootors, 3urg#on4, *too) are n*od*49- v&loh eountry vould you va-iit them to 6om?, Both the ahook list-and2 the old "-@4bj#OtiT# wasuro of owa-oth#r "Si de and tatiws, to hold btl#rtC:;@re of -p@"les ftt&-!*Aouo v*lko of lifes- Proeodur*o Proliodnary- contaoto w2ill-be ostablit,,,--od-p4or--to goirt to Tkose contaote villLt4::i@i -vith v-lth v*riois org&nisoltions (college* chu!'@ohes, *to*) iho-nq provide (Wtiation of theiio--contacto has alre#4 been 'Nhil*:approxiv*t4sly fb4f-ti@fiths will-be--speAt in e&oh eountr-y. Me--fitat- stop will be to visit tach-i@@@ for a period-of tiiW-tO-46nfim o2ontacts luitiat* agsigtazt tim gon*ral lay gmnd"rk f 6@-f -the ik"ttit&tion propero the studt@-@tlimod, 4*11#- for three levels -of perso"l lzt*&iev,, ezd itiq*@@@itudo w*suro"nto 'Ahile the belief Is that *#A@h-optration w".Il 6'olatributo to the or#rsll-ii6tg4 pore6oti6n, P-fttogt r#se&roh W4#is-is ple4od-on the third mntioned operation- the ivA&4- attitude x*aaureawnt ---- -- There Is a-roallatio awarenose of the icope om4 rapitude of study, and the possibility tbat-"khips -the i2av*sti&ator- Is l@oim4_ovorly_ optimistic it expecting to-thoompass these time* This mty-bee-- Ono4 In t)io field, a iQore-objeotive-appr*isoLl o#Ln be zade# in tao Lield- If Ye" sions are necosearv, analysis phase eoln (One possibility wuld be to select- repro#ttatite- news ert@-subsoribo--to-them-&nd have--then sent to the United St&tW*&or6-@lysis could be mada2-L-at-a later date The Ctioas will b-s qu&litJktiYOIY 00=2orod and *sob Aga$-n,-the response#-tq--theto--intervio-we will,not be topr*4*ntative of the- larger -the attitudes-aad image-o 2 *0 - -voll of those people o aro--aotu t*Y detomins poliaids &rA dii4otio-D-4--in- the future$ Pm,codure-!mA*-Attitude-Chook List--Tho-ohook list will be &Wristorod-iii- groups v&ora po"iblo*7 rompo*@@@her th"-r"-QtizL& to t@-3- oh*ok listo will resp*n4 to-op!@@@queationse- Tho2sa-opon-endA4o6tions will tok* the form ofp,'Deso thii-a-0-A@irigoi th so out for the saw eo=trios-v&ioh trf7ii"ted-to-on thc----ebo let* fut7t@@idoi 2 acw&rlaon 'botnon-struotur*d e-nd muftruaturod-reaetions# on -&--stratified &M *luster basis,, drtwn -from three poyulations-frox-orgth" groups,, unoeto4@zed urban population czd rural 2 The orpaitations--tftoatioa (oollo&oe),@roligion (churches),, lab@r,, "--goverumnto Approximately Uo oul@joots will be dravn fro* o&ab of these four grcoLi6p#i-( -VLrisbl*- depending 44 tonditions,,) 9 For the other two_populationa,_unorganized url,&r. and r"r&14-ia-forp. of oluster sompling-will-tt@@ds %ado up of o-onou-s. tracts if availablt,. or tax rolls, or ci2ty-'olc@ok-deai&ratiour.,, or for tie villoLges,perl,,aps from. *;@,'rop- type Villagoo design-ation-s--. Th4ro will undoubtedly-bo -letttr dit'fieulty ---g 2 aecurizit,.t7ac- general urb"-&nd rur&l-sarrles, from at least th-ree--stat,,,,ipp-lpt,c-9- These fe'ople will not beloug-to ort&Mzed groups anr.-t.,-.,Us tte&dmir-i.&,t2r&tioii of the chook-list-will@VrAoubtedly ent&il-inciividuel-f&co AgOe COC 00 t t Also, this un"-C&nltod urt.&n-group,-and oarttinly 2 wi-11 be loss lit*r&te--th&n the orgt-r-ited gtoVp45. In--4Ldditior;-'to -he use-of Su,. interpreter -either parallel rephreeirr, of the oheeiolist-questicr-a or total relialnce'on-open2 end questions-will-b@6-necest&.ry, T)Ci@--oper, end q@ierticris wo.-Id take the fom of' are yQu-;@arc- the and so on, thus covering the E&MO materi&l end art@az- - bein2r, less stmeturtd but also beibg d'&itdtly c.-omp-aratle to the eva,-y fourth rear)ordent in the organized-groups# JLrtalyoi Is The lm&re Cr-eck List 1-i@@totoLl porcontc.-ges Od avorkres)-a@tsigned to e4cli trtit _(weight 9 yields tlitioxtenst --the degree to which.&-partioular-treit is attr@L ki 2 tz soore - --- -- 0 to a given 4-o U-&rry ' -Yle=ox-tensity scor* +@i6n enablts "i- etwe-e trait assignments for-each country, and t@y the various respendeii2ts 'classifioati bre,,%k3 of rural-, otcv)o@@Tests of sigr-f-'&.,ar-ce ere tests of proportional--diffsrencese 2,, Th*Lt*tic between the frequency of -i:ssirmez,'.2rp of high per(-,erLte6es fps to socitily u-idesire it traile to sooitlly dsair-ablt--tftitso and (abi square 4t&tiatic),,_yielde a dirootionsl--scort-l-the-overtll-tore-o2f ti.@e "Dvg Aether lt.ii-f&Orable or unf&v,oral'qL-c-@- jr-e&-c7F-co-untry- "d witliii. each cl&saific&tion-break,, IIQ The Attitude Questi,onrialre 2 lo-There will be@ at least- five-t@ountries rated-on-& #Aitjm,eL.:ts. A total soore will '-..e derived for *&ch-co@iniry-- thuo ert,'tlinc a t order-,cozfariaon &mm& *ke five cougtries, tooordir.&-tc-the cross olassi- rvxk ication:a date,- and aooordiri& to the four genersl art&s (T@.riter,ratiknal@ hok&t@icr-,- f on; Developm2ent. 'h*4tertdt&tion) uum&n Relati 2,-Thoao additional-stetomerlts which &re-responded to by an-agree- -t- total -tu-nnatod -score, disagree scale- yield 2 w@th a high score-beirg most -low favorable and store 1664t favor*bleo 4&lr. diroot comparisons are possil for respondents In the different--olossific&ti-on's-oategories.- and between the 0 three oduntriag aisl within the four areas (F-um!&n Relations etc io- The iuv#stig&tion of -oner-gir@g and ch&uilzt othuio !wages 4t the@IOV41i *at forth--frox the priAUd page* from -lead4@rt--&nd illflu*utial poople@; and- -f the peoplo thom'glTegi@@nd within -oountries with varyizg degrees- of"- lnd-a-,pobdonoo and vorld relation&, should r*Tftl-izagot and attitude*.witk froolt soope and depth* I The bud at f6t@-tho projeot Is based on a rsioarob-pltn@loh coyers- r one fulLatEj ith approiimately fo@r-wn-thuU stob of the three oountriest@@:- Tr&#sport.&tion-t 2 #1600 8upplioa-(Ktt6rials -*to*) Intemal Tr*vol7(Within *&oh c6"try 300077-,-- #rA to r&riou"bontrios) A.$Siat$.n*4@-(#iooo for each oountry) 2 LiTing.%I"R Fr*pe of -IiKto(ti&ls-for-Publi:@ttion TOUL izolooo the x in -th For o li*t oir words below PliLot'A@@ word tko to Indicate 'Mit &:moliut (poroont) of th26 - group 35,544 thi4 tralt-4 The percentages and thsir-iaterpret,*,@tions-are as followgi -- zo% Few oo% None loo,% All 80% Mo @t - - 60% -N-W 40% Some-- Please place an:X in the appropriate column for each wordi@i@@- -so 60 Col 20 Col. so 101 100 i@oo .210 I "Ol 926 imb a 37 23# artiatio 24, Backward ng ----- 2 40 soientitio - --- 25* obAl4ish - 100 100 40 60 40 20 00 26* cowardly 41-2@-treache-rous r%aetwo 2L, cruel 'o-001 42* t rthy 28, dooeitflul 29 44.@ ye 2 easy going 300 faithf-Ul 00 o_so- 0 20 00 100 so 6 20 00 4$. s@xperetitious- 31 9 hono;st 47 "ii"ioious 33. ndustrious .34,, kirid 49@@@ like -do the-A hi -Vie For the liat of vords bel6*'; ing for -groupi Wyaat amtmt (perolaint) ot the trOO@2# Sao$ is trait c 60 40- 00 Col* 100 Bo 019 100 0 20 21 22. ambitious 2 37@- m-ast@6Al 23 24.-backward 25, childisbl 40-0-*6ientitio--- 90 0 0120 oo--e-o-wzo 00 26. oovsr4 2 410-ttO"herous 27* cruel 42@7@ii dooettf'ol Zgo ea3y going religidus 30* thN 45 100 2 31. 46@@titious suspicious---- 47* $3. i-uwuitrious ,M IOLZY 500 4 "ic&lly dirty Below Is a list Of Statements --- things that hate@'boon said$.,that @ka,to happened,, something Y" mitht have-roa(l. -Fot@dach statement, indicate which country would be wat:@:likely2wi@--- 10 this co 2 would be least 10 th"ther 0 likeiz 0 countri 2 $4 40@ EDULKTLE-. A st&temontow United States This would me o the most-IUA&. @Oxt likely-, then the United States, -M 2 id th as la A spokesman for a count -states-that--the- a not readv to take care ry - 0 is M03 be? LeaLst-lik4V be?)--- of hixsolf. (I%ioh country would-th t I"er7 2, An announcement is roosiv,3d 1&rgs seale-disarm-ment,, .777 (Miio,h country would this-@-st-likely 8* The statement is made th2at as @untries become independent, they should be made up of looselyl",ERI"" contrill govermont. 4, A country offers aid to thomiii&M and you can to-rather-,sure---- - - i mmmmmmw 2 .,untries there o@,ro no strings attaohe'T'CRWI%Iigations to_oopy_that oountrles-f6td7l-@- of government)o 5* The atatecient 13 -made thev-sinoo wars-must-t4s- a-@664ntkt sqould be kept- sLs- militelr-ily strong as possibl4-*--- 6. The leaders of this:eountry-&ro-a,"ng-the:-most -outstanding im@-:tho- 7a The suigestion is w-do-that the United Nations has grqAA tco strong and should have som of its Powers-taken- 8o Tn this coun2try the wishes of t-hi@@W le are best repr63oat9d, 9* If they htkd their way, thay-wo,.ild lik47@@in-(or keep)-controlof-your country, lo# You hoar vh&t theiqiiiiiiivods is strong central govorambnto 11, Acceptance of aid fr2om this - 64@@iy-will7pt6tably'--'t@@llo.wed by attempts to have you accept its fora of 12. There is an international ditp4to@@- One country threatens war*-7 13, This ooun+,ry undoubtedlt hat--the best-fom of government today* 14t Tho statement read$,,-&-new gove2rimat ean fundtida 'bo3t i&oro there io an oppositibn partyo 16. Is doing the most to aid and assist in the emergence said development of no-..y nations 16, The sta+.oinont is rttde,, *The Unitod I;ations is run pri-mar!V, for the benefit sLnAt advantage of the I%ite mans" 176 This coixatry has done the M03t to advance world peacei -2 18,, Here the power-of the &qT@@@to P4004 before-the wishes of' the people, 19, You read that a dountr7-has-statid,, "Since the possibilities of ware-coln be olwnated around the-co2nfo."noo table. nation3 don't- need-atrorls ormies, 20* The statevlout is made--*Imoet diotatorisl poterra 6t th"art of the COTOMDit,Ut are coceseary-and-A just da(voloping 21* An o!fLiMiLejeLtes "Nitho t-the juiding-hand-of t some white 24,, On vi4siting tbie'oountrys, ou find thi@@e-plades you cannot -sit sLnd-e&t----- 2 because your skin Is darki@:@- 24* Inherort re equal# 25* It is-841 re row i literate because they aro' jq 26, The statertierlt is made-tYat:!Uial- 2 -1-,ithe 27, You read t-hefJMran is inoapable of and,-oonduotirig good--- - govor=onto 28 AMOKwft--A& in goneral-tt6@*-happy poo even -,with noo will do - littleao the -v@orld, 29. A road Is to be built@L@@u araadid-t shluld provid4-only the malmal v.@ork not part,, has dcminat@ed the pPf 2Zo-,. '@Xile the ij,"ong:time he-has real dovel his leadership now@ 31* A stateleat is made@-@@@iot"f th:o@:@@@d be maintaired ard enforced by the goverlaents 32# An editor 2of a nowspaper-state d be u a a d to di it i ali@=- the 339 Although the an earn and- perform hithi jobs@-tho@aotual -nagereiit and pleming-;ahould-b4@ltft up to th(@i@@ 34, 2 living In-Amokita has-don"lttl:@E:@@@treodom will-the - Awho-as dorle@a-great dealt---- 36. If the a &iven-highly-technioal-and skilled-jobs in-the-factoryi----- q A t,llpwr 2 ,rl ; r produo p,obably decreasei7----- 'ADmbm6im" '%4 6 tEece@use of the treatment OIL, one would have to tl-,at most Christians are poor C@i2iri6ti 37,, Your country dosires educational speolsli stV to- help strergthen the oduoaticnal system,, They should core fromiobee A&AAiAL.- 38* The highly educated person, the @wbo has a Collor,* degree should-not ,Ao rk with hi a hands* 3 39 Y*st RoagiD it@,is said, would still rath6t depend on +,htirsor:@ dootoo?7'TEa-n-'woil :the doctor vho practices his westem--medioih"--- 40, A sta2thli ng and tt&Atfto@@oientifio 41,,I,s reported to have the best wormng conditions, 42, Religion promotes 'brotherly relttlbtsbipts-between people-azd-nations.---------- 43,, A hospital is being built in your 14"lity@- -Medical speoialist"re reededo---- You would w"t them to-come-from vhALt-countrv?----- 44* riomen should have the @ saLme-eduoation-eLl--6pportiinities OLS 45,, Y&on via r&oticed by-the rh,,ld be 2 -,at@&oine as p oomb",ne,d o be most efreiotmvo4w7@@ trea nt t 46* Plans are bei-ng for greatest produotiot@are-needed. 4T. 2This country has made-the-gre4test-soientifio c@ontributious--to-@ @lde 48, The practices of the-ohurch-repro-;@@@grown priviitive belitft::tased on superstition and mgt6* 49# You are offered a-seholttthip(AAA2tuo in wW country you wou.Id you go? 60* This oovztry has done@the rost-to lndustriali-i@thd-@ldo- 5.L.4m-moustoms eAd systems Ehould be r6tairLed-@dtt"houfh- independence Is gaindd*--- 2 ,52,, -1-?aou ation taing indetendetee and ftttdom, the peoplo@@an-exreot-- the liv-B@cond@iti@As:Ao@iil*)t§V$ ritht--ikw, since the governrLent-io-now-being- run by its own peop2lei---- 63* Industrialization-in tho-westio-@fashion is fine,@_@ree.test eDT)@@@ should be given to the dev6l6p,@@@@.the--l,an-do 1;4,, Covmnal tyte liviwbuild -alround-the steiii is suporior-to--the kind 2 of separation type living-broukj-.@t in 66, If a man t-.,lievbs he-roods-m,,ore than cne wifo-@7ho- rhould-have niore than-one,,--- 56,, This country offers tho-beet chance of leadinp, the kind of-life yo-u-ftuld-like@- 2 @to lead, I idionnedw- . 57* The@ 8A.keep most of his oustor-s and v@s@ys of-life-and-still prove ""@; la in the- rest of eclua_ 0 PS(@p the worl6@ 58,, This country probably-hae the bshest standard of living* 69* The way of livitg in-this oouutx7 has the rreatest iz)tluence-on other rations. 60, The e(luo -@Oi d adopt ideals 4ad c5ustoms aid th off hi as lulo'kly as Po s SRPFO prove h' is equal to the 26 MORANM FORf=Tn-?ZCORD------------- BUBJWT ATUNDANU- summm:; gc)o-f Wse-arch.- This-V2ojeet--ba-d--b@,eh-beld up-sine-eoonside 3 August (see- Memo for - the - R@@@) @@ti 1 -four spqwto -step* -.@L could be takeni-All@:d@ ons vere met-@7----. 2@-=Drs, .dMMkand 2ke t w.L w in an effort-to-&t bi @,n@ to@@mit e scope -Prqpo-s subsequent- oposal@@proy,@a@@"is;@tiO"f his i de a s - rathe r--tbaa a trimming of his goals. -- Ati@@@@ granted-on the-conditioop 2 -i=that another meetingvith him therefore wou.Id a _@limi-tifig the se@o resear t@@6ffo@@@rough thol@@ 2 mechantma--- A name -check revealed that4oftg rauie bad been submitted-f6t@:@ity7cli@-a-rande-fdk-iecruitmen too&lwivision. Dr. Gottlieb establishedithat-there vas- the2 no current intent to-re4zruit-him for operations,-(See I*mo for the Req -t4@LIO Aug d Branch Distribution: Orig & 3 TSD/B-B-- 9 File 26 xDvaum4( FORI =1 =ORD $20.000 -for agned to approve the Record) until four opqwlc step$ could be- taken. AU -coaditibh"re mt Dr$ Mt-VI in an ef iouboe blii ide" than tioa, - - ai triadng of bl#7&" LAp@@ gm4t*d on 2 that another mating vith hick (by Dre C/ vwU be con@cerned-iipWficalWvith- the scope a research. through the Nona -06 to A -no" 2check- revealed security Oleu%Ate for reorvi Dr, oott.Uo'b eat&bUsholAtAt-tai6re vas oruit-him-for- (see Memo for-- the Record-dtd-10 Aug 60 7 I)Latributiont 10 X&VRANDUM 1?OR: TEX RWO,'KD SUBJEM -R&IgwkLLOLI vi on +,he Frropos On this date the vritt-t@Lled, Yxmmm@to inform him otAb;t@lfVtithA2tL--@ t&Lf ound out thr name ebeek- Mamt@be bad asked f6k-a@dlearance-o'd ----- -A. one tiine@ ndicated that they had not ultimatel nt4eted ve eb free to p I- v tb our l,roxoale, tbought that ifj, along vi roo'og@Lbe could2 aso out for appeals that be -vas such information vouu ed that the proposal tried to so ATP-doi@to a more--- limited area on vhi focus more c SIDNSY 0077T@- 2 TSD/Rt@@ Breach @@@,s granted a Cover@ -4ppro"l In -januar7.of 1959." (It was approved fo@Ms u 0 -low se ori..y Aug"% IW mooRAN" FM t I Disou$si(>tl Of -Dr Tl* i;viitt&40 EXDA= D" VW. Of -this--- -for Uf&O *p2r6,dng sl'bout or the 604"''Of -bd-the proponal@v@14 until the-touwing tokens oould reylev It*- 2 qt tions A mom realistic yropo vritt.*n4t be on in @@-N'TFi'mintain bis ated-th&t mr.@@ tb&t the I be1 all is7vritt4"th the help of Dr and De,- ootti vith- PO Bra@n6 2 AugList 1960 -I)UM poR.- THE KEMORAti -K@ CORD Division--- Discuss!04Ai SUB,IV@CT 1. At 11320 1 D-.dM&of th Di s f ra hi f our-.i.ntent-4. "r-the-ip-ro 'in th we were m rv ef tort. to keep- --Sted AcencY-cota-oonents -of 2 inter ---and researc,- t ing spoiisore MEMO, 2. Dr s reaction I not @ie ,Pon--y 'be, was -not cor,m@--nt--d initiaRmat-,R2-s--lona,, as -it W6:8 r' , ote_ --of goinn, to Of' 'I 7hdtj@S %ny e@itioue.- ical areas, te tativa dat--s for-starti e z@e. harke&-7-7- n@7 rese@Rren ie me a-rd selid h-- would kDpreciati§@@tg;@@p d Periodically. Dis'Lribution; Ori.--7 & a -T$D/RB TSD/,RB@@3 Aur@- 1960) Yay 24, 1960 Memoranduvi t4ilOW Subject; Dear Iri view-of@@ @dxoosure to the ed:lacation problem i ent rz ttr. I n ii n od in yiftl_qf b- 8 pi'd@ _t e over-Al@WtV% -of JL s ol @@lWn the for hcc years, it is -vq <> Pand, owonntlhat 2 or th6 attach4d pr@@@@rom has more potenti ap@lication: at thit:7ti-me t es proposal of D*d lwb-icb previously:was-appmed-aLn-d--submitte 2 ggj@ed that funds would be availabld@@fioi"h s rt the work. et- work umerway. This does hot-a.D-Dear Conseqiently, -consideration i@@requ6tt4--"-or:funding-tbis--re3e-aLre-h through the-Socie J%tV 1960 Wednesday,, Flia Ilk IA y@e A PROPOSAL ire,% Por a long ri-t@L,-th of years I have-@,.f-d a burning ee,,mire- to -learti, mor,s &',,out Ammmoffmb&k -study and trqvol. I would lilce now to %Ou*!* v@oug this desire' with re2s-.sar&Vwht*h-would exten4-,---I hor@o,, far loolond any porsonal 4astre, an& Derhap3,-Ind66d-ikike-@t-oontribution to-the field of triternatiorial relations a@nd-*Whe easing of i) itensi->ne. 2 Frou, xp As an America.-i-Negr6 li-ving iti-tht United-States,, Gri6riOsd on a personal of int6i@--athnit grou-o-ralitionap while living in t2i-@e Midwest &nd-t@orkinv_-gLnd- trtya ling in -tbL* South and West. With-profossi6nil t-r&ining In have been ex-Dosed to *.he-)mdatlying tbo-o-r-e-tioal aonstruqts-and-@bro@a&er implication2s of I believo--this of personal involy@'Ment tnd pr-or*@@ti6h*LLVI@@ning have qualif 1-64:** f tbt task I set. One oV the outstanding sharatteris-bios--of-athniofttio-u-p-interaetion is that lnt*r&otion Pts images. These lmages-@ine il-de--peroel@@ of oth*ra as.-w!Bll a s- of 301 That these iMg$3 ht*t-or little oonsequoriao.----The qq*lity and dogr@a2o@of-int#r&ot4on A -3 _-diio--and*ift@--- upon these im&gea. us,, an &w&rori63.q--010--thost 4.mages betomes sentral-- to &ni attempt to r-vduoo group-@Aentidna-ixnd-dataldp-more2--har-xoni6ils group-, relations. Group inages develop-&n4 4Lt@ma iiit-ain-e-d- throll,gh the - two interacting forest of the vtoliis ind-*o-ntaet-.t--, Once e3tOlishad, these oonoept3-&re-quito resistant to tim4 and events, Wker# personal contacts olre-of & given quai.ity, howaver--&nd whare socill irkt*raotlon is In 'groat flux,-the,%o images #an and' do %Lndor go aodifi4-ttion. In the Vnite7J States,, a fertile--field-of atudy-has be4n the- inT*3tig9tion of a thnia or rxational st6robtlp*a. Wbilo the majority-o 2 these studies hS3 dealt with majority-group stereotypes 4ojte of ttifin have dealt with minority groups. C-ne of these ptirority the L-4eric an '.4ogro. A mg jor f inding her* has be-6n that - attroot"o v -or Images hold lby the@@Pjaorto&a with those-hold----- by the majority group--(the American-White).-,, inolu4ing-tho2o--atoroot ypea of his own group, the Anerioan Negro.--The Ameriesn.Negi-@@ thas has lneorporated and accepted in*-*3 of-bi-3---cv-n-gr-oupi lnoluding negatiyt ones, which bays l@son---)r-oioe-rib*d -'oy- th@@ia this acceptance i3 the learned-co@@t-of Inferiority and-tu* ou'@sequent- dovelopr.ant of selfi@@tt As ttis role of7thi7We@@n the United States has ahtnged &nd-------- tontiniaes to e'hange.,-as the opp(Otunit)r7ro:@ual 'status-soolal intorattion expands, the Nogrools self-image--ia-undergoing 2 thang*, Thtt-th@**--in self I,x&go is slow but--ooraistent and--rafleets t@.4 oh-inges-tnd-pr(,'greas in ethnio group Where the unvisiling-in&gos should also to dramatio. Whero-&ftor-t*#"&tiobi of d**Otiit"y--mitions &merge in4otondent, the tiaerging self -other iaige a siu3t "a*--drsx&ti s. -and dynmi4--t,, 3-tok i a A-Y Without itterAI!Wto-the-hiit"1*41 and sovial etwe#n the, Negro. of Axtrioa mA ihe NW@o-a@@ imany parallels s&-i 'at drawn, saoeolailyLtOL@the -attempv" '6-oth-_gromps to rise fr-om-su'&xission and a#ryitud# to ]positions of on6ng men *Ad -natione. - As- wi-th 2 I the Aoterie&n @ogroo-th also'has incorporated, in the past- n,egatlyo $*If imgoso "Wto doftihation has und6u'bt#41y-h&4 t-traunA,tio- #ffeet upon the psrtonality of.-tb$IWNIWW ..3-.-.To @,th* sivilization to not alone a it Is the- proof of'the sude lority of white m6n c%,Yor '*laok men. No teaohini of racial pride or onzoairagement- of notiye art,.% -on ,the part of -the. -white man can r*move the implic-atio--n----of blaek-infortority.w (I.) Bat -What of thts2-8 iviazes when--sln entire continent is -in-tuimoil? The railization-is growing that the way natio@no-see-oach other In- parainount to inttrnational td'sti@dhil:iih4:ltht::-fut"e of@@tlit:7::7Wrldil "A central2 question In the- the way mem'aers of &ry giyon nation rs perooiyo the memo* --of another.-..-f 6-0 ::@6f Generally the peopl"t!6h* nati6n-._,.,,h*tvdr-2at4raoty-,Pet ij"gos other nations ...... Unti"4@6--h*"way -.international reltXib*#-- must always be in--d&ngor of-4f6-@ibb-"t*d--bn-f&ntat 2)=L@ As this awareness-::@b'L"--the lmdor2t,-nce Of --iM&ge#-i3 growingp the munderdevelopedR.countriea--& so are growthk-@715re-akin-g- -o--ut--6f troldit-idh&l '@o%tnd3, establi3hing.n*w ties and relit-16-n-s-,---Th4 sours* of -action take2n 'by these countriea:::willlh**t:@:&e&t impact on the-;United Statdsp 0 *n the world. -gloat Thus,, .'he qmplity of other e of gre at imp or t ane o s own imges-aro- contral-;7jor futur* &Gtion i3 gr*atly__4*otn2d6nt ap6n thit--4@6n*opt-of B#lf.-- lxtgas of peoples7of bthO@"Aktions-tre also eentralf) This to ilit-@ljir-poso of my prooosal--' throua:@i stu4y--iind-investilation'to gain aw&roneav of 6 these *,merging own o The Pr -loot Purpo,st: To inyea-ig$Lte merging, ethnic image3 in the -three countries related t n&tions ant other nttiois wrioh are exerting Atjor influenos@@in th$30 areas*2- The.se ttrao'countries-raoresont diffe.-ant--ph-&,s*x-i dovelop-ment' with one country long 'n&Tinp indopbndondti another- ly ha'i i d Independence, and tho,'tnird being - giy---'- re2eent v ng ga no an ifidtpandene6-this year, Method: Within@eaeh--oruntry, emerging an! aha-,@ging-othnio group itaagos or 3terooty-pe3 will-bt- ase@"tainoi f or- --%elf that -is own grcu,.D- -here .the, 7#nd-fb-t--other3 other nationii of:@@"jdr7influenee in th at I United St&teo,, theae oountrie the &n-3 severql; other throt levels-@ Th-- toy,olope& iki@Lthe 2fields of-Sftisl YWhologT &nd-3"iology@:@llo the third 16yal7@6@nos teohniques dt"loptd--@by in a pioneer stereotype-- 3tudy---Imd-f ur.ther rof ine din -a -d64tor.al -study 'ey th6lprosent writt2r 4ui-i the approaches ugoi '6y the group a,athortsed study Af footing Intai@@tional-- Undo-rato.nding'to- and th under tho auapioe-3-0 r T@ho three-loyel"ree-sontent nal into viaw3, &zd reasurst. content AatLy-ss--*--Thi@s--4nvolyes an ox&airlation of r*prese-itati,ve f6f*g-of the *&is media, SP4-eifie&lly newspaper3 whieh began publioation rooently-or--sinot indopenden-3e, In -one 4iilY-n6w6-0,RDer and where there is only sevir4i wooklioaj an analysis might 'co made of-oaoh newspaper sovering r#vr#ttntativ* 00'gntri$3 2w'here-thbro "ft -six to Deriods of. tins. Iif- other art- -m twelve dalIly papers throughout the countryi reprosentatlyt sam-pling will be conducted, -- ityal Of 2 of &n(i attitudes nations, *:s -or*sented--In th4i@ mass riedi&o 2. Personal In V-#-r-v i t@w aTK6-@ill be struature.d iiitc"iows aondwted 'b tha-writ2e-i@-Vith various la-aders in--ropresentatiyo Dositions ln-@@tno- eountri-es. This---l-oy-ol--6f, lnvestig&tion should reveal ixiges-and-ittitu4es-l,.eld b-y who will '*a shapiiig th2e destinia's-@-of@::@e@ seaftli iationa an4@ their rol&ti6nt'aios with other 3. IVi!lo-Cheek-List-Attitxide-Q)ie-i-tionfttiro-.-- This ohas-o will--- Include an 2 ext*nsiw tyi@@s-ok lia-t-tm a. series -of --attitudiiial- statement Ai j,- wftini-it"td-to go-ItAt iv#@ B&M.Oles fro*-seloetod---- groups. I6617dded sampl@@ill bca 2 t a members of labor gtCklbs,-- religious gra,-ips-; goverriment-groups, other larl# groupso-and--if possibliop -"3;)ondents@ from rural-*iW&-ao-- -W-hilo- large nu-vbors@@@ondbnts will-be-2iA"lvod,, the actual aan be determinaa only-uoon-aotu&l-a4ministration of the quentioru-Aaire within *ask -oountry, heck;-Listo-- Thi-e-do,-isist3 of a series of@groulb A@ *@r 2r@ai-tt--(i57MAttlY 30),, Vith-s-n-extensity Boole--7- wblich permits respondents to determin a the extent-towhieh a partteul&r 'oy-Tarious 'groups, inol@di2ng-@thoir own-groip, - Such tra -i.to as-IiiiU ligen 'lb as k- w*rA' -Rh&rdworkinglo, "progre-s-i-i-y-s-I Pe es- a tan ONOZ" IL, "AUL - We. *4 portent2aze wi,se t the the 7n"dm P ISMOW 0 n the "Amerio&n th;"7Amer.is $grow, L3 B.- @rne Attitude 4 This oonoistt.of7a--aerios,- of statements related to--various actions which nations might t#Lke. (An exampl4--.---I-.An--snnouncemerit 2is r6otive4 that a 6ountry has bagun-larg# 64ale dis&rm&-nent. Wh to'h country -would --this - - @-- - - @ most likelf b*V --- the United-States,, atoo -2-4---k- hospital- iii---b-e-i-n - built in 2 -4,pioi &I I s t 3(Doo tor a, Surge on aa to ar 0 no OA od. Prca WI-lioh Country and so'on.) O"b tb"h@"ic-list--Ind-the questionnal"-:@Uill-yield an objective-measure@@f 2@6@"ho-r-- - im- age as- -measurment -of a attitude towardTdUii@tL66:@Md@@dth@@@n&tio---nsp as -hold-,WY i&rgo nxmbtrs of The invest!.gation of emerging ilni changing2 -ethnic-im&ge"t-the- levels set forthj--from-tli6::@@d paize, froix leadott@@"d-influentlil@ persons, and frcut and -within@4ountrifi@l,@(ith varyirg 4*gro*e of raytal ijqrgem and attitudes with rtat scope and depth. 9 7 Bvdg,st; The budg6t for tho pr6j6ot is bita4 on a retatra'a pl&n Wki no full- In oxinat*l oh-oovers o _year th app four months in ea2oh o-f the t-hi@--et--t-ountrie4o Tr4 A3Portation,-A $15oo Intern&l!TtikyelAWithin each courtry@@3000----- and - to-variout oountries) Assistan,ce (*1000 fbi@--si-ch countr-y) 3000=---- Se a r-s t art a I- 14 a l@*7- -- ---- 2000:L LivitiA-ExpensO3 ProD-"f 2 000 TOTAL $?01000 Di 6ttation C6bhitteOt Of Comittee ommittee, Submitted in partial fulf i, 7 -lt#nt of the of -Doctor-Of p,.Ill@"ophy req:.Iirements fo-f-the degree -Graduate Instruction un-der the Joint Com@ 1958 --7777777777777:7-- -TI@ie present study:lly"tigated stereot,,,.oes.held,by Ne-zro@fcollege students t.,ow3rd fivo,-etti-,i.c grotips, is-relate-I to variatiods-in the - students' regional bad'Koround a!-id 2 -dimen 3 ion a - - of direction and extensity rece4kved-orii0@i@-focus with stereotypelcontent-- being considered also-ii@Directib4i "f6-@-td-the fiV6kibility or-unfavor- abil.ity of the overall ethnic petoboiOhl,--,Ext4h@§it"ferred to th-e- 2 percent of the ettliic-pro)ipiperceived as Wsessine a ebaracteristic .4 and - content referred to f req-li-enc-y-- -of -t- -r-ai-t- as--s- ignirent.- In addition the7study invest4-gated-st0i@46type persistence and-. respondent resistance to ethnic-groV-generaliiing, -tion@i4ere@-?ITm- le N---- collik"tuden@@--- The siibjects of in olm of Northern and Southern background, --w@r-,--o- -,r-ie-r- e- Stkt4@@ predom2inantly Negro universities. Th6-@bjdbt3-al@@t@"f -f i@6@hMh and junior-senior class@@3tatua. The question of prijr&ry--; :::who-tb,-er--tb-e--ditf-e-rent7socia-L. patterns of living, and-the subsequent dif erences in-e-t-Wic-group-2inter- actions, ancounteret or Southern reeio@s of the country, would be-refl7e-c-t-e-d in-thd-Ul-ethniC percept-.@ons, the ateroot)pe3, they hold f6--r--th47A*6"@W-White,-the-Awrican Negroi@@ the 8 A 'tho4p were a-cheek-- American Jew, *I%nd the I The instruments list and an extensity type-measuret 2 ar -sign if icant The major finilinL7s-of-,the7in'/GSt4,g2tiOn-were: There 6 differences in-athinc stereot@,pes held by 'Liegr,@-college freshmen of diffi-r-ent@---@@- regional 2origin, in reAat4@On to direction a-rid extensity. :In general-;7@.-- -have--more f@i@@e perceptions:of- the Northern Negro college-,freshmen---- A-.maw American '.;Tite,, Id' ut.hern l@,',eero coll2ege f re shmn, There are no tigqlf@qa-nt differ4nc6s in ethnic stereotypes-hold by Northern Negro collewft"t46ii:Ard seniors who are attwidL-ig-,jniversities in Soithern regionsi77iri--rel-atiWt6-diYeation alnd extensity, 2 There are no si ificMtAiff4@@tibe@i-in ettLnic-stereot5Tes held-by--------- Northern and Sout-hem-Ne,zro col i@@@.,io are atteading-universities- in Southern regions-i-n ut e 0- . S2o Y. rn seniors tend to have-a-nore-favdtable pe-rception-of the American-liegrg:i----- There are signifi4@arLt@--differences in etiviie stereotypes-held b Southern Negro collewfros@awn and seniors who are attending-universities in Southern regions, in-rela-ti6tCt"iTe2ction and extensity. --Southern Neoro college seniors five -ethnic erows, There are no Parked-differences in--t@.e major dbmp6hents of ethnic stereotype content airong NOto-colle&-studerits--of-different rep!ional back- ground and coll,ege class--statuso- Yiinor components of the stereotype ttild to reflect the differences wrong-the students however, Among &Negro collee4@st,,@de-its@'@tralt a,5-9-,gnfr@e!,t by acheck -tech,ii-que and by an extensity-t@@o-inp-cs4re prod@.oces-.,iiL71ily- s:L.-@ilar-revalts in stereotype co,,itent anil directioni@@---- 2 f ive, et@A ic - grou;)j&@@ Among Negro college-students tiie stereot@pes of have not changed with a-passage-of f -if teta tho-ueh. the f ad"ut----- tendency is present, Howeveri@@ttie steroot- o of tika O@as be6one more favorable, aid the stereotype of t'rie Arer24.can .'Iegro trends to indicate- a changing concept of-@the-Negro, 'Among Negro colli@@tudshts., -ttiere is resistaice to a,.ksign@ng characteristics to -t'iie-mior-port.ion- of students -tyie procedure @o not offer resi.stance2 to Co.-iclusion The resuts of the-inve@&LiEati.on indicate that @4hile stereotype content in general.,-is resistive to reg4AOnal-md edacational@tdiffei@Onces--- as well as time, t@.e-overaAl-@t6hW-@6f---the stereotyr)e re-fle-cts-t@,e.diversities of the social pattems-of livin- anti the ethnic-group 4-nteractions afforded- thdse Negm college students.- Northern frdtl-x@-baW developed a warmth- toward eth-iia gro-.ir-s w@ich@is-less highl:@@lo@,ed-air,6ng Southem fr,e,s.',jTen,, whne Northern and SoAthem@--seriiors-have blen-Tp-d-in their perceptionso- Northern !!eniors have maintain ad 3 fairly leV6l-perception vihile-tte So,@ithern senior has moved toward the more favorable-per;@gptions of.tie Northem-stud6nt.