Dear D"to We ilro regeare t a _._r r'tilt tf;3 ZOT Ora i at2 the mccun. sec.rz@N t-@3ulA to cio@,atfw,,ad uhdor@ tbi- direction-- as pr*yiouvly streid wfi@h y@ur':organinction. We th@z bp4d f Iiint- as- f 0 lt*r Ect tat& (3/t I"j@ I) 6 624 l@000 2 90 it R9 7h& aud,-mt *fA6)62k7if7t@@*4-for a 1-.4itit"socictt, litii-ii@6@t would be supplownts -)ky cp?rcuiwltal,42--#2 8,.)O fro-a departa4ii@,tq-,l fvfiis if a lb D. Le aTailiLbli- pocitiom ti a Rsg:;;ch Assittant or Nw@ial -ds$rea 0 is capa@la-of --doiril L#4@htto Iz el.;TV 4 -eV,-Io i!@T. OIT, wow, cl, Asokomm A VA (tvhen Filled In) f%Z 4 'i DATE-YOUCHER NO. 2-12 E;01606 JUL.@,) CONFIDEN71AL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER 67 - 70 5,i. 66 1 71- 80 .72, 14 1.1; @ Co 1-54 OBJECT DEScnirTiod-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS I STATION c A ALLOT.-COST AMOUNT 46. JPAY Io R ACCOONT SYMBOL CLASS a 2 ERAL LEDGER 10, Co '01 10) L I 0: A I C",PT, T CCT- NO DESCR2IPTION - ! ADVANCE ACCOUT$TS 13- 27' ........ .;"Jtc YR. T I CUP. TOTAL$ EXPLANATION OF ENT2;Y TERTOFIED FOR PAYMENT 00 CRKD%T DATE QEVIEWED 0 CE TO ING OFFICtF@t DATE PREPAREO By 3 DATE tio-49) FOR 2-6 'A6 0 6 L- '-E -E CHER NO. Z-12 SUBMITTED By DATE vou ACCOUNT'ING BY INDIVIDUAL 2 lcg, I il 3 FOR ADVANCE F- -ACC4't7r4T ING NOTE: Follow Ynotructiona on Reverse FROM TO 2 1. CASH ON "AND BEGINNING OF PERIOD F'FRIOD: !rjo 0 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGINNING OF PERI 8"ECOR DATE gi 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD$ IIECE DATE DESCRIPTION 2 2S TOTAL EXRENSES CASH I IC14ECK imoottv oftecol 2 C. REFUNDED "EREW!T" I I I tach lis@tint) 2 7. 0 STAN @NGIADVAIACES ENO Of' reotio) (At CE@ DUE ADVAt4cE- *.-C HAND END or PER PAL%W I XO@A C TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR _tvt I9. I CERTIFY FUNDS IARE AVAILABLE APPR 2 ED 0 f th end I Ur linted h, rpor, and 0 e I S I ONATU@@ 2 1011 F I a nt we a ito4 urr:of for offiela) pur. OBL$--G-."Er. Me. ICHARGC FA ACCOUNR 00.@ DATE af coent@i SI @lat 0 rhnr paym2ey 't of h @ not l@peef, @i DATE E OF AUTHORIZING 2OorFICER CERTIVIE OR P4Y@Al@(vT OR CREOIT I A TE SIONATUR C OF CERTIFY OFF IC7 BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF OF 2 E OF 67-70 OESCRIPTION-AK.L OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 40- A2-A7 As. 50@ S!$- 66 71.80 2 TOO Al 49 cos-r 09JECT AMOUNT STA OBLIG. CA CLASS 33 REF. 2 MC OR ACCOUf4 28- CODE r 0 PAY GENERAL I/A No. x PER. C ................ C 2 LEDGE* DESCROPTION - it C AOVAKCI 1-66 %PIP Doc 0 ACCT. NO. .68-70 u2r4TS 13-2 ........ ouk OEBI.T CREDIT ADVA00CE Acco .... I y@ DATE T4 IE EON*. me. p 11 Ix, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. ... . DATE PREPARED SY@ DATE REVIEWED TOTAL$ FORM 282 0950Lc'rz O'llryl*us 4-65 I bave re" an sawmaing tka m="v$ub-pro446t-l".. the uwurit Of. oo& mis acomting is for the to 30 j@m MA saoomtlac pro4ftt file,* vbm-it qm"t* 2 lb- I turtbor oartw@w "u4twtory scrvioo rep", r - - I bave be" romi"d7Md Flow the auuwiz4d tyi@@@Jeot for gueb suvio"-wr4 1 DO/TSD 3 August so- 1965 Subject: Arbovit"ts--- t@o&r DT, locome and,expeaditures under t a urant@,f6@i the p4riod I/l/64-througb 6130/65. V*Wtruly Yore, mdft Period I ncome - 1",#ed- 70838-000--- (See ScbedUI6 Belov)- 7,838000 --TOts 2 1/1164-12/31/64 1/1165-6/30/65 -00 -220-14 --470.14 1504 3$ loIO4-03- 2 lsoo&.-oo W&ges 51 -061.47----l-pll2-e5O- Oth4ir fx -495--ooo---- -------------- 4956 gq,ulpment -33------ 600. so I 306 overbead (20% ot-Dir-ec-t CO-Its)--- 6 7 838 &00-- 4 2 35 OV---@ 3,603.oo 11W 13V aabod U -a -certMC&tiWfXVM CUOT 'B 139 b@Oiw 2 &rA $MWA t47f*64"bd JA 60.* 5 JUN 190s- WPW77 v-; %WIWI, /319-7 16902- Biow --f- Oc- subjoct: Its ArboVILi%jt" to Birds-- 2 -C_ Dear Br, balbiw-is A- f I n-a-- -a-c La I --- statement irefl46t the-activity ri rig the p@er f toik under tb 7-638-00 2 2-470,14: Wages Other 35.00 *"Chead (20% of=tii&t==OAti) 705,!!.- soce 2 300036 vtty7truly 7<@ms KctounttW Optrations servi,'@PF nr haze bee-li satisf64ictoril.v were incurred o @n o-"fl"",i tunoav UT tooo-szllc oil otg luovaio&oo colsz Go/d" 20 FOR-i-- Ch tof urem*nv Divielon/OL MORMUX ON-i ATTENTI THROU(N -.--t*t4fdAILUD Comittati-for--Orantjii@--ind PMessionol-$orv-ic-%--Proiects SUBJECT-----: h -G@@ I.' I --is 69ted tti-it f un4@@@@@@ 0 2., Thit:7WJect ovides -tech2nical iservicess consult-atidh@---- and procurement of - Spec I&V-**WiAlt-tbqu ired -- for technical7#VkV4iiiince-program particula--r Y- popil- - to project are 2autborities, including C/TSD/EM, and they have_. been;f6q" t6tlitiLdA,ll acceptabl# Continuation of suppo@"r-tbifs 0 ect bO been roved- appr--- -,,@i"he TSD G-r-a-at C(mmittee- ---2-.Att-idbed- la a copy of the eati get ft4@---the j-g-r--an-.t- LgIL@@ubmitted to the -for resoarch-!W-tbl#7flold 3.@ Cdatiriketing-procedUr" can2not-b"tdni@iali-e-d roug normal Qib7v6ttm4tt--cOhtracting procedurage-therefdft --thib@-gf"t-"tt G6V Ott sterile. You are-authdrized-@:t6--i ng--fdo, to th nd an additi to-for- t@Ahrou -he un%js ceive -b"b 't B will dejpoiiTmm---w-xniru-parzy- wne--Agend'y- - _ _-- 2 hkML@W s are has a'deed-@6f t"bt---on- d- saintitned - eogvmol a regu account-.-- - ik so on this lar bank 2 teount an bank@::@tementt restricted-grant a nually:@::@ies of third--o@ty-banlt----ac4dount and cancelled-76hotks--on the made ivailhble-Vo--th#:::@UU-dget and-Ftseal Section on a -in this project quartbriy@@btdlt@@@hk"es-ineurred made against Allot"bt-Xo-.-SI25-00870 4.r It--Is-not7anticipated that-any Governmont-fldrniehtd equipment, will 3.! It to-reque--Bted that-tb*#@@t-be-in-eff6tt-IOV@-the period@l@7MW1963--tbrd-u-gh-30-Apr2il 19661k-- 6*i Thia-l" a nature@o,t@@@rk@:@ the prgvious experience and-matinfatt6ty past perf0ft4b@@47of --tb* grant".- 71- ii and-&id"tCvill@2:b"dvided-by 8@: Dr submit, annuallyi7-rosultt of vestigatio sponsible tecbnlc;l-@"IiOgr -VLII:7@6ir lty that -to the- t""-!Mt knovledg"d bel lef -tb@-4-oa-- funds 2 have been-used-16"bA-pur"se-of-the approved and-the results directl"oli%ted--tO- aenta'aist-forth In the attached O Audit--by Agency only an[ are -Dr Dr 2 0 coun*,Ing fo equipment granted under--.the :roseaii An on site audit:@of@2th*@@""intain of f tc4@may-be 4rf6ft4d If de4i@ied @n4dOnar lo; C004"f meat s2ubmitttd tO by the-t@ureare of= vitb cop p -$eis- account, and wilv@@ constitute TSTBL-,O-1-0-noxl-,Branch 9 Attachment: -(2) 1. Cowof proo"al 2. TSD-RT uigition N6@-958-2612-65 --2 SUW=T: TochnicalSurV#il ance___ RECOMiMND@-APPROYM@@@@ Date cuilrman; tornat TSD-Re7v CEle:f, TSD7DU (2RemUer3 -"Date-- wr) V-,',D7Bxg (Wem APPROVE T;SD/BB 'Crig 1 Addt"see- 17:;@@TSD/B 1 TSD/D an 139 --file) --SURV'EiLLANCE TEMICAL TSD/BB BW/CW-Site-Detection Branch Category O,ccurrence-of Ar Viruses-in Birdw-L@. N -A. 2 Project Titl tem ClassificatiorL- N- UNCLASSIFIED Project Crypto.. A Crypto Classificatio ---cjr"t Branch Project No.....- 'Project Engineer- Contracto Contract No2.-----N-. Task No. N. Type of Contract-- Gt"t..--Date Initiated.._j@Way 196 $17-t-3,49-00 $12,12i'.oo (FY-1965) 30 Apr-1966 Cost-- Completion Date.. 2 Pu@rpose: To pr'ovid,6- td--chni6iY-64"iees special: tation 'in t )f technical -6Urvoillance-for-BW--"tivittOO.- particularly with respect to vital .110eases. Status: This program-is curren't-and satisfactory-in all2-tibthnical and fiscal matters. Requirement: Establishment of@@pabilltY- for ddt4@-ction of BIW/Cv materials through environmentAl--gii@Olifig-b d n.@@@ utusuos of 1 July 1900-and-12 Nov 1964@andi@ @memo OV 1964. mw Attention: surer ec ve Subject: A-vi,3&!@V@ttirs'@it"kO@-Tr@f@mistUo-n-of -Viral Infections Grant Gentlemen: Set-forth-bet6@@i"hp--@Piiibl"Financial2@,D,dport-covering the period December@@l@7@1963-throtigh@@30--1964-ih@@ebnnection-vith-@a search grant eptitled---"Avian-Vd@dt(5@ts i-hith@L@ransmission of -Viral - In- fections.1' -3249.0 I Income Received 173, It Less --12/ -1/63 to 11/30/63 6/30/64 Personnel@@Services@@--$--8,120-.00- $ 1,963-.86 2 Consumabli@@Sup,ol es -1,340.577:@:@@13-60---- Travel ;quipment Overhen.d 6 5..90 $14 605.64-$2,743-.36 $ 17-349.00- I 'ce ify that rt 0 Very-truly yours, satisfaotorily recall,a,, Wgro ltiourreil oil off AC--ounting Operations Fi@ruary :19, 1965' D Subi-ect: I= Grant "Avian Vectors in the Transmission- Viril IiDfectiont" Dear Dr.@@ Encl6s, d 1 i-c at-e is a fitAhciA 2 P-rant entitled "Avian Vector-"ti- h 4@w@-i?43-prepared-November 249-1964 And mailed they, in turn, returned the letper.=IALLAUM@ s- -Ud@-Eo-i7n--.-"--To-d3Y7gV77ieceived a tele hone call from Di-ri0@ project director.- who-advita -us to-mail the financial-statement--td-YOU-o ruly-yourss Accounting Operations- Enclos;,;re :,7 '0@ or, 3:@@j-@i"ary-1965-- )MMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD--7---@ suBigOT----- 2 EXt6nsion- in@time onlyl"ANT 139--- -h ini, a telep one conver Dr CITSb/ig.l. .--Dr, --in Tau- -o-wiy@70TOffTw"l@- rellu!s ea- xtensiotf -30-June grant. not-to-6xceed ap idr-6bioiogy, -that the -e-xt-e-nsio-PW initime7o 1--t--I-s--uhd6tstood that --- the@@contractor may@-run out of -m6fi6y- ljbf 6ffO@- 30 JV-n@@;@g-t vh-ich time a-new proposal@Vill--be--79@ibmitted -with the reqiiest f or a now -gX"t TS6/Bio- ldgid-al-Bt@@"h Cs 0 b4 la) 0 (1) 17a@ m 4): ce) oi 0 i,4 Cd Cd' 0 C', 5 11 C4 e) cli .2) 0 c lw IV .4w u 10 (Wheii Filled Cost Aelcount t ci, Objec w 2 Obligations-- Obligations Unliquiaated -and Refe------------- IncUrred-- Liquidated Balance Date Remarks rences -----9 ---- -- (When In) (Who. iid I-) NAME Of ADVANCEE DATE AMOLQM4.t,'U FTVUCHER No. (Finance uo@ only) KEQUEST FOR ADVANCE =TJLTRA # 139 2 3,Cl. 00 PAYABLE TO Room BUILDING TELEPHONE EXT. OF FUNDS Amok,, a ent irist. 2 B-I%.r PURPOSE Advance to VMTRA Subproject 0 139, :Lnvoice # 2, for activity approved by C/TSD on 17 Jan. 1964. Accountlng :for this advance v:LI.3L be In accordance with attachment JE-)of MKULTRA Fiscal Annex. 2 Pis :r*rward'eheck (2) t* thru-.V..@D/rF no lator than 3 )?,--brunry 1904. K more* that K o@iiit /a adironeebysubminxionofwowcboro andrefundof ariyunexpenoodbeianco STATUS OF 0 STAND] !ADVANCES tat by dot chocked below. X!,the event *for failure to Po account and refund y vn t a a fir 2 thp.,,; d@ei4 b Goo m@lry to effect settlement. REP ;DATE AMOUNT UWCOU@YKDBALAMOCC I 2 i DUE DATE VI HE IMANCE DIVISION DESIONA2TI N 'ri4iE AS MO" 4 %,pew' 2 A ANCED DATE E S164ATURE OF,APPROVING O-FFICER I 'o Ji.6iil'iidge receipt of fun I* 9,%,* m t state" 11,101.1 2 under to b* ugedl forl thal PU#lp a ated and accouni i as Cxl"wn Pbove. FUND!;-TM" _, .I 2 TE A I CERT IFY OBLIGATION REFERENC ALLOTMENT NO. CER.T IF IED FOR PAYMENT OR C DATE THORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICER SIGNATURE OF ADVANC2EE @A URE lGr4AT DATE SFACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION 4" REVIEWED2 BY ICHER NO. 7-IZ DE- 3-3 34- 40-4z 43 95.46 47-52 1 50-67 66-70 71-60 STATION OBLIG 53 2 54-57 LOT. OR COST DUE ITE@F, N;. R.ENIERAL ACCT. DATE AIAOAJI#T E 6)(PEND lij 2 NO. 0. PER ........... . . CODE CA @E P DESC R I Pr ION 27 P!:,C T 2 0 IC a 0 v C ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13- ID C E A@CT. MO. CASS notool ;,.Oj EC r no 'S o no 'Er, me. C 7A. 2 v 71 'TOTACS FORM 8 PFFICIL: TPOZ 0-449743 s. so 281 usc r.evious itoolreans, 9 December.-.1963.-- S U'-P, E C T UndeZ the allthOritY fror@i the 'EC! t6 the D.P,_/A, ard tic --152 --- 00----'--- 00 t--e t z +Qi-41? @390--3 2 4D BIP-- (When iiillod la) yt@.nuclier No. (Fin2ance use only) INAME Of ADVANCEE DATE AMOUFYIO,. 40ON A iiilk REQUEST FOR ADVANCE 't 2 =V 1:3 9 !!:@ Janttarv I-OG4 IZ, f, 00 FIPAYABLIE TO ROOM BUILD#NG TELEPHONE OF 2 FUNDS PURPOSE Ad"nee to YMTRA Subprojee't 01 130, 1-nvolea # P ;for actl&vity upproved by C/TM on 17 Jan. Acc,ountl2ug for this advftn" wl2l be In aceordance vlth attacl@tin@ert P-@,of WArULT?.A Plact@l tnnex. 'Pl,a ebe@c.%e 2 to t@bru To" r Do lator tbon 3 7@t-,Mpr@ :L"-4. I more& *hot ix WIAA fully t f hi by oubmiosion of vouchers and re 2 Fe f any unexpended be/ ones to the reportoinif point atmo STATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVJKNCES by th;dw data 4he@2id b.1 won (. t .I'll "IO0 t ofmy fai Mr& to a* account 7d rofojwd 2 .v got Xs ion 'ifr",w .Imry to i fft vottj A UNT A^ACCDUWF,* SAIAN REP@RT;ING POINT 2 DUE DATE DATE FINANCE Divis ON HEliouARTFas 2 NIARRIVAI@ IAT EST!NATIION N OR ABOUR 2 ZNTHLY - ON T14E LAST RKOAV OF EACH MONTH 2 REOUES'riNG OF ICCR APPROVED RTCEIP*@FOR 'FUNDS ADVANCE DATE S @GNA-r@@ SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER ack7 to ed heir*. :nd,,,,., at c 2 t@ed for ed and I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVA !:31 2 DC/7 T i A U t4,t OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. ICHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. CERTIFI IYMENT OR CREDIT 0 DATE 2 IAUT$40*IZED CIERTIFYING OFFIC 4125-23,@10 1 :ER SIGNATURE OF AD A@CCE, DATIC SIGNATURE 2 SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION RFV.IFWFn 'Ry 7vou@c-c- 7- 1.2 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-3$ 34-39 a3 4.3.415 4"'-52 5 61 $is-70 71-60 2 STATION 40-42 F 0 la. 531 54-57 ALLOT. opicost DUE CODE EXPEND , !PAY FtF. - @. tio.' I GENERAL 2 Acci@, POO. OAT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION- .................. CODE M ER, CAI @Eorcow P.O. IO' AC4 2'F. 000. COJKCT ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 ....... !@., -@@l @, I 0 YR Accr. Plo. .:67 09 0 0 72 cotoly .M 0 0 E le I S x *tr. No. LASS 2 t @oT@@S Folio 4 U, S. I OVER OI.F.-O r I-nf.V i MG OFFICZ 29OZ *-"VV$3 5-60 281 USE PRCVIOUB EDITIONS. janu@c@,__,1964 jdea Enclosed ar@-t 0 ex !e"nditu-rt!s-@6n- Mr says he can give you a final repor after June 30. remaining fu'ds-of-thiA .-e t-Lto s en2d@all-of-the @l .-- --- grant by January Allovi4-for la-t-e bills and delays in-.- accounting, I think we should-V"b--e by April 30, 1964. Sincerel rs- Encl. 1964 January 9 Atte ti asurer Subject: Gentlemen; Set for th below is A Fiiiid@@ial- RePOrt covering the periocl January li,1962--th-r-Q-.-yRhM!gk!La2@@1963 LamLon e"ction grant entitled l@@T6til ln6ome Rtttived 417 349,00@@--------- 117@@s itures P4iit6d"l s4i@ices $3112000 11340.57 Trift 69l.j5 Eq4i ment --- 1 286 92 2 Ovorbead (397. of 8-,120) 3 166.80 14.605--,64------- 111@@@onded BalA@@ -------- .Thit::it:@th-inter im report. FiW!1-Expenditure-Report submitted as-soon-as-5poss-ible aftb@i tli@j@i@30; 1964-comple-ti-on-date-.- c -o' -u n- -t- i -n g- - 0 p- 4 r a t i o n s - - ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL SUBMITTED BY 139 VOUCHER No. (Finance use only) FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING NOTE: Follow Yaotructjona on Rev *-tA r RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD 3. OokTE oesr@RIPTION 2 I AMOUNT 2. Pi DESCRIPTION Ad= TOTAL exf- MSFS 2 A. ftgf MCED HEREWITH -C.! 1,---CY op@OK" S. CAS OPO 04APi END Or P 11,10 UNTED FOR TOTAL T2O ACCOUNT FOR tOT L A@qo I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILASLIE PPROVED t OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOYMENY NO. 06TE IONAT 2 rece 7, 2 an c@pro@ S I GNATURE OF AUTHOR I Z I NO OFF I CO"* PAYMENT CRED S G@ I E *ATE CER Fl FOR OR I 'r SICNATURE Or 2P-OtTIFY104G F ICEII 064 rLB SPACE BELPW@O EXI@@US I VE @USE OF F I REV I E.ED eV VOUCHER 0. 7-12 2 DESCRIPTION;, ALL OTHFR ACCOUNTS 13.33 i 34,@39 40-42 143 &S.$ 47- 2 50-67 ...... ....... .,66. 70 71.80 STATION.. ALLOY. ORICO@@@ DUE- ' "' 2 -""" "i@ ze.3 CODE EXP@NT r 53 GENERAL ACCT. POO. DATE AMOUNT T/ o, u OESCRIPT ION AOVAt4CF- ACCOUNTS 131.27 ";:Z@ ;;;;,, 7.. COOF. CA I.IEDGER 67 no ....... ...... 'COKO IT 2 CLASS 11L YR AC@,T. NO. S 6 TOTALS F 282 61 PL@OPOSED BUDGET-- Salaries c6A@@@ble 500.00 500- 00 Tft@"l & Mitdi6llan@@ indii-edt----Costs 8 TGTAL -838.00- 9 December-1963 C 139 I'@ ii fro,@r, the E@C to 9 1 .-152 00 Q'N'@ 7 BF Date Branch BB -Category. Dd-D,.-tection Project Titlim ciassificatio N.At --- Project Crypto E- 2 --k7-7 Branch Project No - A -project ---iigineer @'Contractor Contract No.-S"bDr-OJect- 139 -Task No. Type of Contract-- Octob,@r 1961 =Dg@-Initiate Cost $18 _,o43.oo--- @@pletion-Date.- Purpose: Support ion prperam. Status,. Has bt,-en ext--iided wit@@@itiddal-ftinds-. Work has 2 slowed dO4@ito@@a@in -difi@-aion-of::@@ pro$ram by project SOURCF,: @temo ftom--At'@i-stant Director$M@9 T@@"&.'Request _for_-_f,-.asibi@@@- -t- if --- -- s'-udy on-the CW At@n -S-- REVISED Date 5 S@pte:Tiber 1963 TEC.@'iNICAi,'SURV-E !L@T-,AN-CE@ B-32 Biv &- t,,v si-re be-t-ection Bran iole of Avian V"tOr@@-------(formerly I @,t) -Ti@@Mi@s@ion of - in Project Title2-Disea e ':N A Project Crypto- MKULTRA@@@@@- Cry@@@+ion Unclasstfted---- - N -project -E.@i Branch Project No.- Cont2ractor-' Contract No, Subt@"j@6@t7;:@-139-- -Task No. N.A. Type oi Contrac A-- @tober- 1961 $18,043. 00@@---- Continuing 2 Cost. Comr@letioi Date- Purpose: SUPPOrt-lac-i Contractor res onsibilitv for desi,-ii o,-;- fQr- and general 2 Status-. flas bddji-extehded@:without--addi-',.-.-c@l f,.,@rds, cver.-Lll project considered-s-,ttisfactory. Requirea-,ent: Memo from-Assis4klan@@- Direcl@-or4'"O'7W'm 29 June 1960, for feasibility study on the coll&6t4Lon and analysis oi: and CW agents." This memo requested a 5 year- 1 November 1962 t4uto FoR TWRedom SU&TF,CT 139 has been 1. extended f6r:Windefinit@--t@@tiod--iifitil 2 on invoice #-i of $17.,349-00:h6Vi@7been exdendea. --lay bi@-7&rWed-tbem on these------- 2. The@@r@@&@@1Y-tb@at a (le 6 funds until@@@ h&Vii:@been-expendad. 3- Tbje@Ld6lay-in accounting fbt--Uese funde-@-""ranted-by Dr C D Dat-- -t t viet6fi@ LN s -it &c-a- t Title TranswAission Of Project N,tKULTR,is.- Cryp-t-o C-I-a--ssific-ation-@@@. Project "4 ;A. - Projec t Enginee Branch Project Contractor@@ No At 2 Task No. Contract 0 -Y.KULTRK Date Initiat Type of Contract-@@@@@--- $ 1 a, 04 3 Complt-@tion Date--:-'-;433 5 C.0s S"pott tatUUf7fW a xy d @a progranie p@ Status: Curr*,,nt satisfactory- (When FUI64 In) - -- ----- NO. cort Actount_ Obje@t C Oblig5ations- Obligations Unliquidated Date Rtdw:ks and Refereaces ineu@red Liquidated Balance --A tip !r4 7 r-O COJ C,- SUORMMW FOP*F cMe4 VLk SUWWT #U@p@oet is *tt4,ehe& No.- I -k4V*tkg thCAboyo C-4 p 2 drawn 04 Ca to 06 -th47,ck*ck- to CM -i@@ TSO/Rex#arch Z@@ntoe, torward TSO/hii44 GMt*r ",ItAti4 thau I -.Y)*.coutber--1-9610 t is anticipatod for this projok#" t4o Ale's oAt addlUoW fund# *AU uiwcd 0 ilAW14 uo4 be clos" ir.V,Ato & I CE@jily IX*t@ribution: &,A - Addfos"o Vl --TSD/FASS 2 -@@TSD/RB-