f7 ;4oo( VIP /pal - 41k tLo F13 oil P4 f-t IC+ irD@ P t7 PFOPOSI-RD BUDOliTS Fiscal Ytar - 6 SuinarZ $ 84,295 -900 get =FM Gf,,neral Administrative Project #1 47,950-00 Proje4ct #2 O@O Total Dll.qet Reallest PROPOSFD BUDGV-T Fiscal- Year 1955-195k- Administrative Salaries Director 9#000.00 Executive Dir'ector - '5@ltr,-",)-lo,ooo.oo 2 Administrative Asst. 5i@185-00@ 27,185.00 Clerk Tyoist -a,.qo-o -00 Office Fo,.Iioinent@ and Suo-olies 410,00 Equipment I" p2lies 300.00- 7'A.0,00 ,U,O -Travel Recrui'tilt-,nt, of:ticial-CQDLerencps - @ m@- 1,800.00 1,poo.oo a2nd Con8ultations )Y,;ivl 'i 10,000.00- Contin@zt-12y F_und-- or t Soacean._j E;!@u,-n@se @fic Rent and MAinto-nance - 6,o2oo-ooo- Telephone' 600.00@-@ 6,600.00 4VA lable information To provide mechan-Lsms to a,,,sess presen ! in the various fields of -IItprtst--of the- 2 concept. 1. Conferences----4 anniiall"",000.00 ea-) A,.oprox. - 20-pdrticipants 28,000.00- 2. Special Consultants 5, 000. 00 3- Field Trips 0600 4 _28 LO IZO @q To" Budget PROPOSTD BUDGBT Fiscal Year 195 General AdTflinistritive for al S,!kl,i.ries @@Fecretary 3,800-00 3,800-00 300.002 Eq:uipment 100. 00 Siibscriptions etc# goo.oo Stationery & Supplies 500.00 Travel 3,i6o.oo 2 ()ff @ p a cb- -e-'Ta n d Rent li+,400,00 Exterodnat6r 96.00- Gas and Electricity Telephone 1,800 .00--- Household Supplie2s- 300.00- l8i4o8.oo Cleaning Man ____,092.0 Adffanisti7ative Feo- General. Cl.erica'l-,5taff eV erk typists -,e. 3.000.(O 121000,00 Eq,aipment and silLI)PI.ies --.-2@L-00-0±-Oo To-ta-1--Gi@ft6ni-Achrinistrative $ PFOPOSV-D BIJDGET Fiscal-Year Basic Studies :@n Huinati Brain Functions Salaries 2Netirologists a $5,000 -,L. '10.000.00 ev 1Neurologist - 4,000.(O LNeurological Asst. 5,000*00 1Psycholog-ist 4,000 .00 1Fhysiologist-P3ychologi$t -6-500.00- 3Technicians $'L,700 8:100.00 2 1Clerk typist 40,350-00 Technical Equipm,-,nt 4-9000.00 Supplies 1 5,500*00 Equipirent 250-00 2 o@ 500-00 Travel 1,60000077 1,600000 Iabora urnished 0 T6t4l--Djdg4t Project frl $ 47,259@.00 PROPOSED BUDGI,@T- Fis2al year 1 447 D21ee,@ i@2 Fac vior. Attit,3des and li4otiva 10 -T 2 ih group to be stidied in the Salaries l@Anthropologist 69500,00 hropological 3,500-00 1Linguistic Asst 3,000 0- 00 1Admin. Astte (F 4,800.00 1Se2cretary 3,300-00 -9.600.00 1Psychologist eel IPsychological Asst. -40000600 1Secretary 3,500,00 2Psychiatrists @-6-0000- -12-000,00 2 -8,000 00 1Physician 1Physician (Fel1w) 62,200.00 !221ies Eouipment 2, 050-@@ stationery and Supplies 2,500-00 2 Books itooo-.Oo Psy,oho. Tests, Yiaos. Mise -iL500--oq 7,050-00 (125 @.1 $2-5) 3,125000-- 3,1^45-09 26 000.00 6,000-00 Lal Canlidates. Travel, itieetings and local@-travel--v-r,-@@ -5,80o.oo 5,800.00 inte.nance Of f ice,,@ 1 0 furnished Total-BIiget Project -#-2 84,1'?5t@0-0- LIP IIOSPITAL - novwnber 1935 Wamo 1 November 1953 Total-to-be-Accounted ror----33.A.Zi Ey4pendituresi Salaries 8&123420 Informant F003 139.00 Telephone 1 *93--7@ Laboratory SVpliee 61032-- YAinten2ance 24soo Equipment Rental---- Speolal 5ervice 1-12500-00 90 Reference Ubrary Travel 538-39 Social Security 1269213 glectri,-Ity 45,15 Misc. Fxpense Office 5upplies 6_1 Total - KY--iyonditurea 10,885-77 Balanck----@ Tot& 320218,76- 2 De3k lavp3 ",k 15.67 --'%1,34 0 1 Filing Cabinet U.50 90.84 Pospital Ba0lanc4 sboim 22,881.59. There Is an error in the a-munt of $48.60 which was crodited Incorrectly, Our-bal&D-os above La trie true balance--- BaliLries 1 A%4"t 1955 lutnd LtAtei t- Salaries $6.948.31 PayroU tax" 136-32 Travel 1.03-55 Informants Fe*s 225-100 Xaintenance 2 38000 Office suoplie3 4.49 Entertainm*nt 5-626- Laboratory Supplies------ 2.28. Total 7#*M tturas--- - --- ---- $7,472-.41 7 Balthw3l7A4"t- 1955 .451498 HOSPITAL------- S*ptembor Balance I S#pt. 1954 90451198 R*coived 2@t-000,00 Total- 2TI-e@-iriotty 183.40 Telephone Tr,,tval an(i Entertaiwnt 1 633. Salaries 7:1?1-13 Pa.vroU Taxes 124 o 02 Laboratory Supplies 85@-62 Sq-aipmont 2 ?23-65 Offio* Supplias & IMiac-o- 222.50--- Rent 1,200.00 Informnt fees .AdaM. Services -2,000,00--- To-tal-Expendi-turos 14,906.32 Bal6ance- -IITAL - --- - HOS: October 1955 46 mce 1 October 19-55 2 7,135.22 Salaries 1,200.00-- Rent 273-*00 Inforr4nt Fo#s 84.05---- Telephone 2 20- 00 Subscriptions and D4e* 25.50 laboratory SuPPli0s 11.52 Ref*r*r,,--* Ubrary 408 45 2 Office Equipment* 171:38 Social S*cirity 519 - 43- Offies sup,-)lies and:Visoo___ 116915 Trav,sl D*posit for Now Office 2 lo.826.?O Total UpenditurOS Balance-- 1Desk 1 De3k 73-95 1]De3k 84.73-- 3Typ. Tables 16-95 50.85 9 2svivel posture chairs--83.00-- 2floor mat-9 ii-.90 1filing cabinet 408645 c-&sh Recelyods Ag.*Uvlt to t*- Acooin-ted -for 12A2qO._OO yurrdturq and Fixturo3 and Equipmant 78,18 - iptiona and D,,xes ?6.30 Subscr Referenc* Library 3-50 20 000-00 GrtAnts 9 11829.16 2 .00 Fe.e@ 5 18-03 sta Office Supplies 10-22-- 6t Divt-A2u-sements 22,021.14 T ii-D@ Tax*g Withheld from Salaries--- (247-79) 130.00-- Advances to Emplojees potty ca3h 4 120.00 6."6 Cash on hand Total A;oount&d-t-or 320.00 Cash- on H" A,*"t 1, 1935 7.856.65 Cash In BarJc Au!@ust 1. 1955 Cash R*ceivod - 37,?19493 Aftames To Evlo;i*ts Awunt to be Accounted for ti2endit%Ares: R*feronco Ubrary 4.64 SaIsLri" Commanleiktions 42,55 - Travel 3627.36 Travel 1-935 tnonso absorbed 73-90 Taxes " License fees 40000 00*0 lagal an-d Auditit,.g Off Ice supplies and PottaLts 40.45 Conference Ex,-enrts 41'91 Miscellaneous E"nas 30-30 ,rzrants 256000_400 Taxes Withbold ?aid 211.30 Total 3#4Mitures 2 29#1810?7 (247-79 Taxes Withbold froa SiWi" Advances 300-00 Flietty Ca$ Cash- Bank 9 Astount Aooounted f6r@= Cash on SAM Sept 1. 1955 1?4.03 Cash in Bank 5opto 1, 1933 16.438-59 Einn @00.00 Advam#s Cash Reco@ 2 ---I!LO@O Amount to be Accounted for 17.?,51.1-2 nditiirs-9 1 Reference Library 14.00-- Salaries lo829916- copninicatiori2s 10-69 Travel. 47 40 Taxos-Payroll 109:73--- Office SUP.Olles Ce%nference Expenses------- - Total Expenditures 2.037-OW 2 Tkt" Withhold froa Salaries (,L46.32) Advances to EVloyea@s 300-00 Potty Cash@@@ 303.06 Cash in Bank @6 4 Amount Accoanted for7@---7712Lc .12 -----cash on it" Oct* 305-06 Cash in B&nk (at. 1. 1955 14. 736 6 5,, Advances to EimPlOY093 3004-00 nt for a tp*2oial trip) -IALO - 0-0 Cash Received (Speclal &mu -to b* Accounted fOr Total F,eforence Ubrary 59-049 Salaries 829.16 copumunications 3 6§ speoial Services 11000:00----- 4.937025 Tr&7*1 Friterts.inment .0 pay,roll T&xoa 36-59 2 430-60-- Taxos Paid Office Silpplies and Postage Dues aM Subscrti)tiDr-6 - - )2.76 B*rJc Charges I-- 65 Conferenc* r-xpen3as 23.62 hisoo2lla.noous 2**r&30 23,L61 7@@7- 8,470038 Tik*ii@thhold-fi@6* Salaries (284.38) Advances -to Exployses 1,000.00 2 182-93 8,292.6i Cash lh Bank TotAl A@"Ounted-fOr----- $ 80"2 65 - Cash on bwA NOT. 1, 1935 0 Patty Cash 182-93 Adva@-wes to svloyees 11000,00 2 Cash Received -Oi-O 0- I 0-0 Total--to be accolint*d for gxoenditm* ,:,alaries 1,829.16 Uavel 199-035- Grants 336-000-00 2 DIes and Subscriptions 19050 C,orawnications 4,,55 Conference EXpSn3g 16#05 misc. uponse p,&yroll Taxes 32.5? Reference Library 39 Taxes 'dr paid 2 2 35i325095 (2U.20) sl ,sec. Taxer, (65.14) Sool Adva,nces to Employees -2,1000-00 9 Patty Cash 203-85- Cash@in Bank Total P.,--t@@ed-for 40,822.12 Cash on H&rA D*O. 203.85 patty C"h 24 100@. 00@ Adiames to 2svloye*s $4 Total t,-- be Jtcoount0d@fOr lxlU.-2Z Feforenes Libr4ry 17-075 1 07"@049 2 Travel withhold Taxes paid 211.20 Of f ice S-ap:aios 30.00 thles & 3ub Corifereiies ZxP@-@ 48. ao- 2 Ex ense .p Total -io@enditur#s 2,143069 104.76 oyaos ildvances to-EmPI 3 200-00 Petty cash-- Cash on hiand Tot4 1 A-0 a O-u -A-t--ed- f or $4j L193-, ;IL290--M Cash Recolvedi Amount-to be A:ooanted for 12,210--00 Disb"seme 9: Furniture " Fixtures and Equipment ?8.18 Subscriptions and Ddes 2 76,30- Reference Librw7 3-30 Grants 20,000.00 Sala 1.829.16 Fite 5.00 - S2t& 18-03 Office Supplies 10.2z Tot7al-Disbur3emont3 22 021.14 Taxes Withhold froa-o'alaii0@@@ (247.?9) Advances to Ewploysto 2 150600 Petty Cash 120000 _Z&6.6 Cash on hand Total-Ao4@@hted for 2 ----.iO-. 0-0 ca3h on H&M August 1. 1935 7 $56-65 Cash in Bank Auvst 1. 1955 a 378719-93 cish R#Coiyod 2 - ISQ.0_0 Advances To EmPlOY448-- Amur.t to be Accounted for tx2e, 4.64 Reference UbrarY. 11829.16 Salaries 42055 coaxanleations 11367-36 Travel 73.90 Travel 1933 F**n&f absorbed 40.00----- Taxes and Ucen3s. fees 00000 Legal " Audilluir.9 5 -2-- 40.45 office SUPP1103 and POstagO - 41.92 conference Expenses- miscellaneous Ex"nas Grants i 238000600 Taxes Withhold Paid - iii.30 - e Total- Expenditures (247.79) Taxes- Withheld from Salaries Advances to oy"t- 300000 potty Cash 174.03 Cash in Ba5nk Amount AccoAoted for Cash on Hand 8opt. 1,, 1953 174 03 Cash in Rank Sept. It 1955 16.438:59 Adyamos to 300,00 Cash Rocii] @A 2 -340.5-0 Azou-nt to be Accounted Roforeni:t Library. 14.oo S&Iarios 10829016 comwdoations 10,69 Trav*l 47.40 'Taxos-Payroll 109-73 Offic# Suj>plios 1-088- Conference Expenses Total Xxpo Ur*$ 2#037*86 ar as 2 -32) Tax## Withhold fi@6" (146# AdvancS3-t67,E-V OYOSS 300.00 --- Potty@IC"h 3o3.o,6 Cash in-B4ank-- 14m-716j-2 Amo,ant Acoo@L-itod for Cash on flard Oct* 1. 1955 305 06 Cash in Bank Oct. It 1955 14,756.52 300000 Advances to EAPIOYess Cash Received (Special amount for-&_spooiol trip) __3LDOOAOO Total to --@ccounted for Ex-oonditvres Reference Library 59 49 Salaries 1-.829:16 Co,manicat2ions 3-69 Sp"ial Services 1.0004-00 4,937.25 Travel Entertainment 18-30 Payroll Taxes 36-59 Taxes ?&id 430660- office S2upplies and Poit4ge- Dues aM Sut4criptio'1,3 32 Bank Charges 1-65 - r,onf orence Upon-sea 23.62 8,470,." - Yascoua-neous Expense 2 93065 --salaries- Taxes 'Withhold ff6,4 (284.38) Advtmos to-Wlpy@@ 1,000#Qo 6 182.93- Petty Cash Cash in' Total Accounted for- qq i955 Cash on hand Nov. lo 1955 81992-65 Petty Cash 182:93 Advances to ImPlOYS03 --- 12,000.00 -6LLOO @00 Cash P-oceived Total to be gcoount*d for Expenditurep i,a29.i6 Salaries TLSATOI Orant3 2 33,000.00- Du.es and Subscriptions 19.50- COM.-Vinications 4.55 Conference FXpense 16.05 -misc. ]Expense 13018 - Fayroll Taxes 32,5? - Rof orence Libru7 *39- T-a2xo,s WT paid 331325,95 T -Withhold (211.20) soolal -900@-Tgxes (65.14) Advanc@@@@es----2@100400--- 9 Petty Cash 203-83 Ctth - in -- Bs nk 40.822.1-2 -t- for To al Aroounted Cash on Hand D*oi-li-1933-- --40,822.12 Potty Cash 2,03085 00 Adrar,,Ces to EV10y*" Teal to be-Accounted for- 2 E,xoonditar*s@- Referenc* Library7- .7 Travel 1 ?99-.49 Withhold Taxes-paid 211-20------ Office Supplies Dues & Subs Conf erang's Ev.- 36.40---- 2 His*. Expense -48.00- Total LF@@itlitO- 2,143*-69 Advances-to FMPIOY*O 104-76 - 200,,00- Cash on-hand--- 0 2 Total-Accounted for JULY 1933 Balance 9,263#10 Rtatived 20.24 :@LO Tot,al g2.263.10___ -ditures 2 21400000 - Ront - Aug, and Sept. 1955 Equip., Fur. and Fix. .Books 3.16 Office Supplies and Hisao 1&-35 SaUri,as 79904&23 Payroll Taxes 1238006 Sp*cial Services (>oo.oo Informant Fees 2OO&OT777777@@ Travel " Ent ertairtron-t 224-74 Y.aintenamo 10 I OT77--- glootriolty 0 ?6.69 Lab. Supplies 5-1.60 Total Expendit%r*47@ Balanto-31 Balance 1 August 1935 Ex24hditures: Salaries $6$948.31 PayroU taxes 3636-32--- Travel 105-55 Wormmts Fees- 225 * 00 Yaintontnco 2 38 loo OffiCS Slapplie3 4.49 Entertainment 3#26 L4kboratory Supplies --- 2.28 -41 Total -Fjq54nditur" 7,4?2. B&I&iiCiC31 AUgU3t 1933 September Balance 1 Sept. 1954 9.4-51.98 Roc*ived 2 000.00 Total 1.@8 Elodtrioity 183.40 2 Tel*phons 462 -el Travel and Entertainment 1-6)3,37 Salaries 7:1@l. Paymn Taxes i24 o27 Laboratory Supplies 85:62 Equipment Offic* Supplies & F4ao, 222.50-- R#nt 1,2006-00 Informant fees ioo- oo--- Admin. Services 14,906.32 -I'Lo;-,o Total B&l - ml4j.4 ance_ 12 2 Total- t(i HOSPITAL October- 1953 Balance 1 October 1955 ILL43.46 2 70153.22 Rent 1,200.00 Informant roes Telephone Subscriptions and Dues 20.00 Laboratory Supoli#a 2 25,30 R4fo"nes Ubrar-y li-.52 Office Eqaipxant* 4o8.45 Social Security 2 121-038 Offico Supplies w@d )4ite 519.43 Travel 116.15 Deposit for Nov Of f ios Space- Tot-& 10,826.70 2 Balane- 8.218.?6 Total-- 1 Dealt 42.30 1 Desk '73093---- 1 D63k 841?3 3 TYP. Tables 8 16,95 50683- 2 Swivel po3tur4 chair* 85.00- 2 floor mat3 11.90 I filing cabinet "U. 10- 11,7 )IOSFITAL lioye&er 1935 Balance 1 November 1955 21,000. Received 2 Total-to be A,-doUnted for Expenditureat 8,123620 Informant Fees - -130.00--- Telephone 1-93-- Laboratorv ' Plies 6li322 %JUPI -f YAintenance . 24.oo Equipment Rental 15.45 Special Service Furniture, Fxr,'iP@t& Fijc- 90.8)+ Rof erenes Library-- 2 51.28 Travel 538039 Social Seourity- i2,6-13 E.lectrioity 45.13 @Lise. Fxpen3o 130-47 Office Supplies 194.61 2 Tot-al Expenditures lo,885.7? B&lane Z?AiL2422 Total 2 Desk Lamps .5 15.6? -31-34 1 Filing Cabintt- 900.84--- Hosoltal B,21-anc"ho@r@@,881-59. -'There is an: err-or in the amount o,.f $48.60 whiCh--Wa3 credited- incorrectly. Oar-balaho6-above-is tr,-e truo-balanco December 1953 2. I L)e@a. 1955 VA:inton&n.00 11*06 Telephone and Electricity 263-86 R#nt I 200. Mmin. 750.00 EqaippAnt-1 rn*rodstor APP* 300-00 Travel, 300-oll- I-nf orwnt Fees 125.00 tAb. &,tp?IiOs -7 '05 2Office 3applies and-1.4ise. 242862 Rof oro,,ico Library -- 19-35 SaUries ?0462.91 ,Opooial payranto $&la 176.50 Soo. 3*0. 2!1 2 10-9474-?O* Total X)epondit%ires of $lo 996-30 *iioopitgl shows syo*nditilres I Difference of-Ah#!',@-48.60 which vas credited 2 in error last month. 7FF cash on RgnA June is 1956 ??.634.76 Petty Cash 200.00 Advances to Employees 8 EMen4i ures :t_ Travel 409.16-- Entertainment 20600-- Salaries 19829.16 - Ref, Library 3-?5 L*gal 200,00 2 withholding Taxes- paid 4P-2o4o Gotium,inicatiohs- 4.5? Cor,Serence E)cpense 12.6 2,9@14.12 ,Xiscellaneoas expense---- _12.48 2 Taxes- Withhol@i ---- (211*2-0) Soce sea*- (3-92) Petty Cas 116.88 Cash on HAnd- 6 'T --'-4 HOSPITAL 12L6 Balance Jwie 1, 1956--- Travel $570-51 Laboratoyy SuPPli8s @@@o32--- Equipir@pnt 2 141 @@oo office Siapplies 614 30 Telephone Telephone Credit (13-70) Rent 1-200-00 F,Iectricity 72:28 Reference Library 2 34*@>5-- Spocial Payments-Pa--vroll Pa.,,roll-over artOFI.Int oblige 1,698.72 Total Expe@nded-- 5,3-65.20 Balance Accoijyited for- 2 -0- 8-1. 0-2 Fqvip.7@ent 1 1-iling cabiret 59-050 1 Gas Rt-,&nj.IpLtor 38 - 50 1 Therr@oswitch 30,00 1 cenco Ele@-trical Heater 3 -00 141-000 I h c.-,- a@l PxPenditures. L f X&Y 13 1956 'a i-n Attentio s aYanagor De& C@,, AL Enclosed plea a-f of $25,0004- -Tnis 7 I to IC in the field of HOAh-Scologyo Sin@er*ly Ence Cash on Hand VAay 1, 1956 43,170-01 Patty Cash 200,00 Advances -to Emloyees 300-00 Receipts 2 111.014.06- Eg?enditures Travel 117-77---- Grants 31.25Q@@@ Salaries 1,829.16 Dues and Slabscr*- - 2- 2-062 Rof. Library 28-22 0 Office S-upplies _4o.2L@-@ Cofw4unication -- 4 09 Entertainpent 222 861 Bank Charges :6-5 - Soo. Taxes AdcrVd-and payab -"2.24 33g4O7-85--' Taxes Witlheld (211.20) Soo,, Taxes (64.482)- 47 13 Advances--to F- Patty Cash Cash oft hq@ ?7,6,14.26 $ 111.014.06 8 L A A-lo d '-he subm.@ @tE.,,l Dilta,. HOSPITAL Balance Yay 1, 1956- 17,3o2.41 Received -?iL200--oo Total-to be Accounted for---- IL2jO2.4@l Inend.it-ures 2 10.00@ 14aintenance 2,400.00 - Rent 838.40- Travel 1 Elect. (P - 106.17 .elephone 2 75-50 Ea i-orent* iu -- 15.98 Ref. Library 8,77-- Entertaiment Special salary payments 200,38 Soo. See* -- - 4,01 Admin. Feei=-@ 2 2, 000. 00 -Postage-&-Misc,, @4A?.60 Office Supplies, Total Expenditures 6,221-39 36,f@L.02 Total-Accourited for 2 $ L2 o@2 4@l *1 Filing Cabinet 59.50 1 Stop,.,ratch- 16.00 Z.L. 3-0 I have examr,@d eypenditures 3 Da-Le u 956 Dr, CAS-ii ?7,634.76 Fi@q,Ty CASH 200400 A-T)VANCES TO @EMPLOYEES 2 47.13 RI@YKRENCE LIBRAPY 117.99- DEPOSITS 42@.00 SOCIAL SEC. TAXES PAYABLE 90,78 TAXES WITF&@%LD P.AYABLF. 2 422,40 EXCESS OF INCC)FZ OVER-EVEI%'DITURM 399211#@6 CONTRI@BUTIONS l5lio59-05 ClrHER RECEIPTS-7- .082 S" IES - 9,298-59 C010i'UNICATIOiiS 8.94 SPECIAL SFKTICES 150-00 TRAVEL 687.4,5 F, -i 4 T F2.R'r A I N Y.':, I i T 50-39 INSURANCE 117-58 TAXES PAYPQLL 33.67-- OFFICE %C@UPPLIES AND PWTA(,E 73-90 DUFS AND SUBSCRI-.PTI2ONS 134-12- BAINK CHKRCES CONFK;MNCE APENSES 509.67 IEOUS EXP. MISCELLL 109-36 GRANTS 1 50.00 01 - ?5@@. I- I . 4 b Dati3: 7 /IV SECRET CONFIDENTIAL NCLASSIFIEID ROUTING AND RE CORD SHEET 2 nta n across sheet should be sed in the "TO" c-olu@ih-. - under each cornm4s a shouti be drawn INSTRUCTIONS: Officer designat;ons u 2 nd nurhber in the "TO" column- E ufficialit) and earb comffierit numbered to corrospo with the ach officer should initial (i:heck itiafk ins befors further rovt;ng@ This Fto?fin'g and Record Sheet should be returnei to Registry. TELEPHONE NO. FROM: DATE ZZ May 1956 2 RO DAT OFFICER'S COM-ME.14TS -ro TELEf'HONE REC'6 rwo@D 2 7, I 0. 1 '3 . FOR.9 NO. REPLACF.S FCIZM St@10 CONFIDENTIAL li@CH MAY BE tr@ED. I APR 55 610 W. SECRET 6 UNCLASSIFIE@ j@@ it" 3* -4 10 To DWS &ad UVV date Ad"aiotntlvo #Its: of 30 Ju" -19" "provided# 2 tli*ltor - 30- IM &"# A*-"Utratt" PI"- id- th throoo a of 30 -J"o It" (b) a swm*M - r#po" to rAboAtt*4 to 2 livs "a the WV " *04-- r Agelwy *#"te to- gIvUe the aspmltl" aw-st*W" sit tw@ds gtb* V*1"4 IA tu# proj"it with-nf# ab"o the Adswousti" PIAS 30 :ww "36. TM Audit Offits r*c4@,stlY emPlOtOd Is 1 JawAU7 IM to 30 iiaw it" W" tb* "*OM S" ft took " OIV"tiom to um aadust2ratiy* bmwitv* got forth La -9 IPI*xa t--xpan4, Witk to lirovistea (b) stem to atu;mbr par5# -rhis va,3 2 requosted by, the C-h-lsft Tech-leal 13*rvto*s ctaff arA sppr*ve4 tiy-t@,o Deputy 3* The cdvor r-echanika of .his Pro La -"aroh fact.litl o,#-erUy 2iL'@@st6red--b- louvo'ii 6*i iikc@&tiorai intitit-utlon,, @,aarttrly c-ivt@no*@t of, Leon- rado to SOON* to take my* of the twilk of p-rojeti@7e-tpoAats and sr@&Uer &dv@wict3 wre r@idd, to n l@ mi for office &ad certain f*rtor operating &-vpon"se tj@oney adva@ices @t* the project and itnrros by it during-- the 2w,@..dJLt-poriod s"'s@@imr:Lted &is toIA16JDwsi (See acy Provi," 'Fe!!A @f, dvances &tturt,,-3 30 J-Atio 1955 2 .Vi2s7l5*9ts #5swo-Oo 58o4!;2.84 $@#263-10, 't? tpl,-14.74 li _->q Tot4a ihh.,1'29,,71--------$37,oe88h@@7h--- 72p5 .35 27ts3o.57 Total exren(tltures att6che,a) N!"Ich W's in transit, froat ilvadw at 31 Dooti**r 1954,, At Y) June h4d -Aillh.22 eiiah on hand# 2 4t4 in J-,ay and Auvrt 195$ for coats Aneurre-4 prjor t,3 Y) Je@ft 1955 and 4u*o wav rot@an@kd to the Aeenty L'i 1955@- Y?*so trans"ti,6n# are "fle@.t*4 in 2thla ro,@>ort as il 1251 as If )* ;a --becLua-(I) tbe.7 troated bt the- Aomy as applicable our tuiit--Ix@as in... 2 tended-t4 **ver t,, otion of its *S*rati-IX4 tte rt3-i@.,4ces of t ni-stri@tive viiiah wsis toridnuud on 30 " l@')55, 2 The t9o2Li3.l-!) bcfzoo on 30 4oAe 1955-w-a ii;#-lvmod br Iftelrleal 'I-ervicto f,'Wf ef@'cctiyo I txl;Vl@955 for -,""Ject all a re,@ievltoh activity* Tt,,* v,.,dit we ptrformd at int.&4-,,usLrt,.Ir-a an refore limited to *n receipt$ an 0 NOW Pu-tA,v2h,-4 +.-o the aidilor record@s to - the t@@: e7l wti.@-tt&in*4 L7 the tr yo on 2 @Y)ssible to ftteritdne qth the a@hirtis att pl c,@@.roy 4 26 Ji@@ly 19@,h "4 ananl&J 27 p4niliw tlvo -,rovi.,kiins of th* t4*inistrative p@La,,2ns "-this !trojc,.,t are oft to '003to fmi adv6n4ze on the @A@sts of of fw..,Ii-by-the t.,roje--t- At )D-Ji@zt"-1955 all tdvo-,2%c" ro the P"4e-lt )@ad boaa vrit- fm *,ft to costs oxvtgt in FOIL, -Wm &@ioant, a@ti later -.tr-i niary 1956 (aI-its a refund -of $U. 68). 4,ttaoht@-4 to tht ;- r ry 1, 01 .110M aceinntlm cov-si@a t@he cost of qn operational *n4 co,-ItkAns th* hvro o 2 f -3r Ill,'avo w-t cgllo4Dtqd wW for tiiis lwlo@&Ol from a,-q of nottf@, we It It io hov Tho a.id1tor v&., ttvtable to find &n@- that @I.Ma -mat e-r w-,e *,ter re,- solve,-I* Appm,,,)rl4to vc.ion shi-il@i to taken', of 0 'he Inc,, f-@ir e, t4.oZ@ocAt art eLroA+. cvrd,, t t* gttt@-0 t* t&U-'l t,,'J #rubliith COnt"l oyor t;,ds alott vts th-at i-t. 00 t* ree4v*r*4 iik#A t@hato !,* r@* ne*d _Car 2 tt'* I-he ;,,vw 17@$ *n to on inATLI"sl o@f fAl, WA -o AS oq cbdk& ii7* 26 ul@ or $:too,, tte vo-4c.@bws 2 -tho wrmidttuw for this ft"th tattl@ud @85*13 pore th&u -the total sh"," @f*r 10. t;n thf-vk PuOvrtv I &A4 1.@* j@lly 1955 acoowrtti*.ic 2r-be4 UILS*00 &44 k)4.00-r"- @Koti-.fly lt4 oonallit"tle for the Ye,,itA of In ae,-ati-,.n t4 fota of $-5D*Co) doy vnd 2 ,@f g@,99) *-n l*-4tR _vV-,,"ts be Ut r@Wf a,-on" a !wd t* thts i'@r*jtct -we-P Fe-4y t@ 01% 4!me,@@o 7- IK7U$ CO. 2 of to for t@., workinir, 4+,t4o tioes -tx4 renect the-*AI&V pkid, @0) this wlly** f-or tsra firtt tT-Ar &ye *f + 2 tt r-*- rlo-4 to t-bo t%h;kt it Its r*-;:*r4s, 12.* ".--tAff vb,*Ot *-.*rptt-i4 -itl*rf *.f 2 be Ns -s i*.14 it t%Ll @iahs "cry by imimm he toa,,, t@OrAl-rwtrd nn le La ttio a co",tinl re@.@,2or@s o,.t l@unc* 130 AWr*r,,rii,.to as in U "FAid iL* by t@.,e vn*tl@ig i,iforf4 .,if. tk ioiv of titis re-zyr+. 2-,,In -is rclt-*ati@4 to recor4 t-if trrv4 AL,) in parevna It and to t*t'Ltv t',*kia act,.iin has it,*.-i compict,*do 7 A Copies furnished other offices: Orig. & 2 - Addre,,ssee l'- CdmptroUer to -@o 1955 a-&4 Auait Pori*4 fro% 1 Jamt Frook ln"ptim on--u-j'ans 19A to )o ji.,ro 1955 iia2dit r*riopd in"pti4m on u ilia* 19A 5@5 0 1 4,o7e2-4@ 6j,5--0-70 2 43#h:?3,22- 31j,3@7,81 fr*-Ig,l &nd Mt#rtfirAMUt 708. ok)-tldifvg porlitnrep, eqoip;wnt and toik,, -Lol 7PI)38-71 16*067.43 C,#>st, cp)v,4r fr ($.,4 of adv;pnce,$) *@* a @@ t II 0 0 4 2I 2i927,U nsctiisme.*.,io 2#037-5X 102ae.u titiuties -- -9142009 &:)h.00 consilitonts2, psyrou t#,Uo 933*14 lot (,-(>9 (0.70 600 r.nl"orr,*n,t fee$ 2 to o'ot,@in oreO,00 Dues and Subscriptions 212.10 Blee. and telephone- Total2- enditures $49,704.70 overcira,wn _Ll4L l@. "O@) - 1 desk 1&'aP 15-67 1 filing cab-'-ret 59.,;o I Atomizer 9.35 1 type (cridit) (194.05) 4 ,e, 4@O.,90 1 Flec, tyr i* $40,000 donated Feb. 29tl,.-not received on accounting True bal;ance $2-59586#20 Amount obli,@ated $5*1-07.00 4(3 - JaL 40,677-52 Cash on Hand Jan. 1, 1956 200.00 -patty Cash 104.76 Advances to Employ2ees other Income - Cash Discount-On books F.xpenditurest 435015 Travel Grants 3OiOOO-OO SaiaLri6s (Jan.) 11981 95 Dues and Subscriptions--- 2 122:50 Reference Library 15 Salaries (Dec.) misc. Exp. 14.82- Conference Expenses ---113.69 Communications 1.82 Office SI)Lpplies 2 13-11 Entertainment 17 ' 92 Insiiranco,, 117 - 58 Soo. See. taxes paid 138000 34,869.49 Soo* Sec* Accried EvLoloyers 2 -6 Withholding Tax (447.07) Soc--See, Payable (921,3() 0 Advances to Employees 100000, 0 Patty Cash 200.00 Cish on-HAbd HOSPITAL JaLnuar,Y-1956 11,885.29 Balatice 1 Jan, 1956 Re,,-eived -22LLO 0 -O 0 Total to be accounted for 2 41,885a9- Ex,oenditures Rent Jan. and Feb, 21400.00 AiitA,n. 'Fees 2,400.00. ephone -49 Tel 79* ric 2 054 Elect . ity 92 - - - 200.00 informant Fees 615-18 Equipment* 43.50 iNfaihtehArldo 6.00 Siibscripti2ons 267.56 Travel 10.50 Misc. Expense Office Saoplies 371939 Laboratory Sipplies 82-75 Reference Library 2@.48 Total 2 6,594..39 Balance Total Accounted for 1 Flash attachment for ca",ra 55 390-60 2 Smith-Corona Typewriters 9.75 1 stop stool 2 59-50 1 Filing cabinet 69.40 2 See. posture chairs I 29-15 1 Typing table 6.13 1 lamp - 40,00 2 ear Sets to replace5 damged ones $ 61@5.1@8 -NB Salaries are not included in this accounting but are going @o be obligated through June 30th beginning the month of February* Thit-should run about $50,000-00, eo0o, land HOSPITAL -cu@Diiiative F@xl)enditures ixilyt, A@igust & September 1255 Equi,oment 78-218 1,249.5@L Salaries 5,48?o48 22,023,91 Dues & Subscriptions 76o5O -Reference Library 22,14 3.16 Ydsc. Taxes 45000 Office Supplios 53-10 411-34 -Printi2ng & Stationery 18.03 Prants 45,000.00-7@@@------- copw-Lnications 53.24 722,90 Travel 1,414.76 1,968,92 Travel 1955 absorbed ?3-90 Legal 500*00 2 Conf. Expenses 66,,91---- Yiisc0 @pense 30-50 Taxes Withheld Paid Payroll Taxes 109-73 418-040 --Taxes Idithheld 0) Total Exi)encjitures- Rent 2 3;600.00 Laboratory Subplies 146-50 Special Services (@dmin. fees) 3,600.00 Inter-viewee Fee's 525.00 Yainte.nAnce 48,OD Total Expenditures Hospital 0 6@4 November 16, 1955 a Manager atil@tiont Dear Alil@-ISSIO,@-Pleass find a" In the arount is -to i@e used to further the work of 1 in Human ECO109Y. Sincerely, Eno,, Cath Received: zg,goo.oo Amount -to be Accounted for g2,220. 00 Disbursements: Furniture and Fixtures and Equipment 78-18 Subscriptions and I)kxes 76-50 Reference Library 2 3-50 Grants 20,000.00 Salatries 1,829il6 e-' 5.00 Fe Stationery 18.03 Office-supplies 2 10-77 Total Disbursements 22,o2i.14- Taxes Withheld from Salaries (247.79) Advances to Employees 150-00 Petty Cash 120,00 Cash on hand 5 Totil@-@@d, f6ii-- g2.9oo.oo Ail"st 1955 Cash on Hand August lt 195,5 120,00 Cash in Bank August 1, 1955 7,856.65 Cash Received 37,719-95 ---A.dv-zk-,n-ees To Employees --i 1-0 -O 0 Amount to-be-Accounted for l@@846 @L60 -Reference-Library 4.64 Salaries 19829.16 Communications 42 55--@----- 2 Travel 1,367:36 Travel 1955 ExPersO a@osorbed - 73-90 Taxes and-license fees 40,00 LRgal and Auditikg 500-00 Office .5upplies and Pos*@age 40.45-- Conference Expenses Ydscellaneous Expense 30-50 C-rants 25,000.00 Ta:kes Wi-thheld Paid Total Expenditures Taxes lolitbheld from Salaries (24?.79) Advances to VMDloyef.3 3 300-00 Petty Cash 174.03 Cash in Bank 16.438.52 Amount Accounted for _LP,4@6.60 Stpteriber 1951 Cash on Hand -Rept. 11 1955 174-03 Cash in Bank Sept. 1. 1955 16,438i59 Advances to E 300-00 3 2 Cash Redeive< @O $1 1 Amunt to be Accounted for t253.12 1:@plndi.tures: --Reference Library 2 14,00 -Salaries 1,829.i6- coymmications io.69 Travel 47.4o Taxes-rayroll 109*73 - Office Supplies 1.88 Conf erence Ext)enses ---Zi -00- Total Exp26nditures 2,03?.86 (146.12) Taxes Withheld-from-Salaries Advances to-Employees- 300.00 Petty Cash 305.o6 Cas4h in Bank __L4,_Z56.32- Amui-t- Accounted for ilZA 2 2. Cash on Hand Oct. 1, 1955 305.o6 Cash in Bank Oct. i, 1955 14,756-52 Advances to Employees 300-00 a specia-I trio) 3.000-09 2 Cash Received (Special amount for Total to be Accou:nted for 18 Lxo.enditure.s Reference Library 59.49 Salaries - 1,829.16 Copwani.6atio'ns 3.69 special- Services 1,000.00 Travel 4,937.25 Entp,rtt 18030 - - Payroll Taxes 36@c,;9 Taxes Paid 43o.6o Office Supplies and Postage 3-062--- D.les and Subscriptions- 32 76 Bank Charges 2 1:65 Conference Expenses 23.62 Ydscellaneous Expense ------- -- 8,470-38 Taxes Withheld from Salaries (284-38) Advances to Employees 1,000.00 Petty Cash --3- - - -- 182-93 Cash in Bank 8 Total Accounted for--- IL261. 8 Loteirb@Lr l@- 8,992-65 cash.on hand NOV. lo 19@5- 182-93 etty Cash i,ooo.oo Advances to FmPlOYees 2 -gA@-000-.00 Cash Received ed for -to be account Total Lxoenditur,@3 salaries 1$829.16 rizavel 199035- Gra,-its 2 33,,000#00 Dues and SubserJption5 19-50 communications-- 4.55 16,05 Conference Expense 13.1 Misc. Expense , a__- pa@froll Taxes 32.57 Reference Library 039- 2 35,325-95 Taxes Wr paid 211.22_ Taxes-Withheld (211.20) (65,14) Advances-tq-@@OYees 2,100.00 Petty Cash 220.'Al. 85 Cash in Bank 822_.12 Total Accounted for Cash on Hand Dec. 1, 1955 40,822.1,2 Petty Cash 203-85 Advances to Ei%oloyeas -2-.-l-00@. 00@ Total to be Acc:o-@inted for 2 Exoenditiires -Reference Library 1,?99.49 '.iithi@old Tax6s paid 211,20 Of f ice Siipl3lie3 85 D,,ies & Sub. 30-00 2 C6nferehoe EXP. 36,40 Mise Exoense 48,00 Total f-,xpenditurP@3 2,143-69- AdvaLnees-to EmPlOYees io4.76 8 Petty Cash - - 200,00 Cash on h@,and _40 2 -nted for-- -$@2LL2j.97 Total Accou HOS?ITA.L JULY 1955 $ 9. ?63 10 22io0i to Total Exp*nditurol Rent - Aug. Sept. 1955 20400#00-----2-- Fqqip., Fur* and Fix. Books 30@16 offict Supplies and Y-Aso. 184-35 Salaries - ?.9C4.23 Payroll Taxes 138.06- Spe@c@al Services 600-8-00 Inform@%nt F463 200600--- Travel artd Entertainment 224.74 .v-aint*nance 101100-=- 76.69 Electricity 51 60 lAb. Supplies T4otal Expenditures 12.3 Balance 31-j@dly 1953 _1&224. qf 1955 -Balance 1 August 1955 Enenditures: Salaries $6,948-51 Payroll taxes 136 32 Travel--- - 105:55 Informants Fe2es 225 00 Y,aintenance 38:00 Office Supplies 4.49 -Entertainment 5,26--- Laboratory Supplies __2.28 Total- Expenditures $7.472.41 Balanc"l0@@g,@st 1955----- - HOSPITAL September 1955.@, Balance 1 Sept* 1954 $ 9.451.98 Received git2o-o -00 Total $ 22@t@l - @8 F@", anditures t Electricity 183-40- Telephone 462.81 Travel and Fntertairiment Salaries Payroll Taxes 124 02 Laboratory SUPPlies Equi,piT,ent Office Sqoplies & Mise. 222-50 8 Rent 1,200.00 Informant fees 100 00 Admin, Services 00 Total Exp6hditures 14,906052 Ba-lance Total l@. 8@ HOS?ITAL October 1955 Balance 1 October 1955 Exoen(litures: Salaries 7,155-22 1,200.00 --Rent 2 275-00 inf orfflant Fe(3s 849(5 Telephone 20.00 Si-ibscriptions and Due-s 25-50 Laboratory Su-2.0.0lies 11-52 R-,ference T-ibrary 408*45 Office EqlaiDment* 121.38 Social Security 519.43 2O-fficc,- Su@oplies and 14-ise. 116.15 Travel Deposit for Ne4 office Space Total EX-b@MitU"s 10,826-70 6 2 Balance _L Total 42.50 1 Desk 1 Desk 73 95 1 Desk 84:?5 3 T7pt Tables @ 16,95 50,85 2 Swivel Po ture chairs 85-00 - s 2 f loor D,,ats 11.90-- 1 filing cabinet 408.45 HOSPITAL November 1955 8,?18.76 Balanei'l November 1955 Received ZL@LOO.-OO Total to be Accounted f2or 8@. 6@ Ex.oen,iitu,res: Salaries 8,123.20 Tnformant Fees 150-00--- Telephone 1.93 laboratory Supplies 61-32 Maintenance 24.00 2 EqiAi-,oinent Rental - 15-@" Special Service 1,250-00 Furnitl=e,--Equip. & Fix.* go-.84 Reference Library 51-28 Travel 538-39 Social See-,xrity 2 1,26.13 Electricity 45-15 Yiise. Expense 13.4? 394.61 -Office Supplies Total 10,885.7 Balance.- 22,812.9_9 Total 31LZL8. Z6 2 Desk Lamps 0 15.67 31.34 I Filing Cabinet - 90 Hospital Bilance shows---@-@2-881'@59@@- There is an 9 7 error in the amount of $48-60 which ias credited "@ove is the true balance incorrectly. DAr balance a ql liOSPITAL December 1955 $ _208 2. Balance 1 Dec. 1955 -Exoenditures: Y.ai2.ntenanc a -11-.o6-- Teldphone and Electricity :263.86 Rent 1,200,00 -Admin. Expense 750*00 Fquipment-1 Thermistor-APP. 300 '00 Travel 2 300-11 Informlknt Fees 125-00 lAb, Siip,,alies 7,05---- office supplies-an4 4 6 2 Reference Library l9o35 2 Salaries 7,462 91 Special payments-salary 176:50 Soo, Soce lo,947.70* Balance *Hospital sho'wl-q exoenditures of $10 4996 30 Difference of the $48.60 which was credited in error last month# IIT ACC@. E"T Cash in Bank 101 Petty Cash FW'A 105 Advances to Employs" - 110 120 Furniture and Fixtures and Llquipyk-gnt -----Reserve for Dopre.-Fur.#Fix., and Equipe 121 Refor*nce Ubrary 130 2 Reserve for Dept*.-Ref*-Ubrary_- Deposits-- 140 Accounts Payable- 201 Sooiii Security Ta--x-e-s- Piy--able 210 Withheld 2lnc(>ms Tib@*s PayablC 211 Excess of Income over 250 R !LFS-- 301 Contributions Other ReceLpto 310 2 401 Salaries Pont and Utilities 403 Coovanications 404 SpeoW Servic83 405 Tr el W6 2 av 407 Entertainment Insurance 408 409 Taxes-Payroll TAX03 and 14con3as Other 410 2 Legal and Auditing 411 412 Bei>reoiation Office Supplies and Postage 413 Due.s and Sabscriptions 414 Printing and Stationary 415 Bank Charges 8 416 417 418 419 Miscellaneous Expense 420 Grarits 500 jantiary, 21-i 1957 We have examine n6e sheet 0 a@-at December 31i 3,956 arid-the related staternent-of income, expenses and unexpended Income for the year then-@e-nded.----O-ur-exami-nation was made in 2 accordance with generally accepted--aU-diting---standards, and accordingly Included such-tests of the accounting-records and such other auditing procedlires as-we-considere:l necesqary in the circumstances. In our opinion, thezaccompanying balance sheet and statement of Income, expenses-and-linexi)ende resent f y the finan6cial position o -IV at December 31, 1'956 and the,results-of operations for the year ended Deeember -3-1-;7195§,; in conformity,wi,tti generally accepted accounting pri.neipl6a ab@lied on a basis consistent od- Exhibit' A BALANCE SHEET t December 31, 1956 As a Assets Cash In bar& $,14,373-31 14,573-31 ?00 00 2 on hand 425.00 A:'Lr travel deposit - $ 14,998-31 Liabilities Taxes payable 412-50 ltiithheld from epiplOYees social security and unemployment 6999.80 1,112-30 13,896.01 Unexpended income, Fxhibit B@-- ..... 14,998-31 Exhibit B EF"wm -Ron -W l@ coi4E,-, FIXP UNEXPENDED INCOME For the Y.ear-ended-December 31, 1956 Contributions received 178s440-79 Fxpenses2 Salaries 24,802075 Consultant s I fees - - 400 0 00 Legal And audit fees .400.00--- Travel 1,61o.46 Reference library 269-26----- Payroll taxes Conferences 607. 02 Due$ and subscriptions- ------245051--- Office supplies--and postage Comunications 105-95- -Furniture and equipment -186-.97 Miscellaneous- 822.43 30,256-34 153,010-00 122,500-00 8,ooo.oo 173@510-00 203,766-34 F,xcess nditures over J,ncome (25,325-55)- Utiexpended income-,-December 31,'1955 39,211-56 Uhbxpen3ded Income December 31, 1956, Fxhibit A 13,886-01 p PROPERTY TURN-IN $II' (ACCOUNTABU OFFICLA) EXT. 2 of ES SLO. A140 Roe VOUUER f*, 2 -ty (AR-COUNTXBLC OFK?ICER) NO. rjR*Ui SUP NO. FROM:,' 7, ITEM STOCK NO. NOMENC2LATURE UNIT QUANTITY REMARKS* ACTION NO. W. W 3 Ilitio-os- Sim#, as J0400,0 A ')4 aria fo 2 LEG R REMARKS: FWT-UNSERVICF-AB',.E. DUE TO FAIR WEAR AND TEAR. SE.R -SERVICEABLE. RS-REPORT OF SURVEY. I CERTIFY that the articles listed herein ar@e turned in under the circumstances indicated in "REMARKS." DATE S?G4ATURE (ACCOUNTABLE OFFICER) 2 The qijantities shown in the "ACTION" column have been received. Sr.'IATI;RE ACCOU@ BLE OFFICER) FORM NM (PREV@OUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED@) SEF 1953 36-24 8 (45) 000' May 21, 1956 MEMORANDUMFORTlitRECORD---- SUBJECT The Auditing lrirms which might be Used on MKULTRA Projects when Ntees oary 1. If, In the course of an Mi@ULTIkA project, the contra2ctor-asks us whether we prefer that'.he use any p.@rticular firm -of accountants to -of a -,Tecommtnd eith These WRII -Wate, 81, including bot 2 )4eadquarters Division, Au2dit Staff, inforined vae t c ey individual.9 in both of'these firms. -In making use of these firms, ',,we would facilitate the audit of MKVLTRA in the event that for any reason our auditor wishes to contact the CPA a-iditing our contractor's books. asized that this was not t'o be considered as a ma that our co2ntractors should f el free to use any company that they wish. T4e76h@y purpose in using the above mentioned firms would be if " anticipated the necessity of requiring a witting auditor going through our contractors' books. TSgi'OC:Am@@IZI May 1956) Di Itributiorv. 7@S,,S]OC files Orig. 0 AOOP COVY Offiep- of the Basiness Yanager may 16, i956- rt'Oag4 for the committed rentals a, n@ o 'de a 0 The firs-t ri2onth's rent has already been paid and, as far as we kno,,t at present. the rooms will be available October lst. Therefore. we ard mortgao,ing t'n-- rent from Novemr;er 1. 1956, to june-@3o. 2'l95? (8 months La-$.S90=="?i,20),--- In addition we are settine aside t2wo rrtonthsl-rent ($1,780)o the penalty clause which ge-will have to pay-in reoresentina th' I lease is broken before June 30, 1959- e even the I trust titis meets with your aoorovalo Sincerely, 3 41"k ger 19-6 lot ate 8 '%A leo co 'PT F =EIL f the foll(7,rinc; Checks: I'acknc>w.Ledge receipt 0 amo=t of $5)253-025; 4;-1738 in the 5 59, in the 297@ :Ln the amount il.-A545 000, 42!!5 s Check #.m47293- in thl-I rashier -amount Of the amount of a.-*VW 0 to the all five.checks pa Now Date 6,yg N Ti-ic-_ AMCIUN-R t]F F-CEIV.EiN.- !:,@,U N I- U) F F AVIE]UNT-OF 6 EIVEN, @3F 2- 14 Apri). 3.956 CXWO- YUA= Drl=(X Yu SUN= &tb%wojeet 4$j, layolc* &22%e-lo-oa to Mnvdee Ift- the abcw* cubymj*et In attacbed. It bo mde by five ttablet's ebeas is r"p"ted that yopmut La tbs- foucvlng AopqWA 2 04 co $130 OA,00 dmva on shavad I*tbrvazd" to The tb&CU cblef., TWICUSsiega D:LVI*Lcc.2. tbroaah US/Budget Ottic*rj, no lat*r thso 1 My 19,560 Thi* is a finill lmvoice wA vhon paid ecastituu* coo** 'bproj"t, The fivt irmoices aegregate 2 the total tvxe to be made urder It Is re"stedi thftvforo,, that the filos be clos#d. GMffM cmef TW/CbWjmX EdyislAm Att*cbmnti Irivoiire & C*rti. Dia-tributiont orig 2 - A&Lro3..@ce v/att4cbments - 1 - Cocaptroller 3 T TSS/CD 14 P.,pr 56) ...... ........ ror "rvioe* (1) It Is b@Mby certified tbe6t this is InY.Oic* 5 applying to Subproject 48 of XWLM) tbat-perfo-rm--=---ce is imtisfactoryp that the "ryioes mi being ecompUebM in woor4Ance- With aut"l &&"events$ that a dato&l" agenda of tbs P*wn-to MA rtocipto Is on file in-TW/CD.,-_that-this-bill is @just WA c*rreet and that paywnt thereof h" not 2yet I*en made. Date: (2) It Is hereby certified that this involee typlies to $Oprojeort h8 oC MWLTPA vtdob was duly approved " that the project is being carried out in acoor4Ance vith the memorwaum dated 123 Xpril 1953 from the DOX to the DD/A, and the extennioa Of this autbority In sub6e"nt memorera&. Igiia-rch Dlrfttor varch 8. 1956 Y,emorandum Gen ,oral -Prinoi 03-U-oo-nwhich_These Propon-al are Based Our eipariones daring the past two years has taught us a great deal- about the problem Inv2olved in carrying out research upon h-@Lians for lntelli-gonce purposes In & university setting under the-toyer of an open scientitio investigation. -Upon Initiating tto present set Of----- proposals we feel that it 13 pertinent to review our experienco-and to 2 point out some of the general considerations upon.which these proPO3&15 are based. le 2U relationsbi2 to -th-s- @COM The compw-V--levi*3-two basic reqatrements upon-our project.__ a. That we-carry out certain inv63tig2ations Wnich are pertinent to the company and which will help them In their,operations. b. That our-staff act As their cons,.ilt-ints in -problems thal.@r field of intokttt, The daiktnd3 of these two roqqUar4ents-corvflitt-to a certain extent* if V* restrict our investigations solely to topics of direct Interest to the compa-W, we $hall lose some of our value as consultants; because WS stand in danger of losing the insights which c6ir@e from contacts In the broader fields of science, which insights are fun2da,,meatal to the function of a good consal.tant. On the-other hand,--if-we do not c..Rrry cyat some investigations of direct pertinence to-the oov,,,5, -kny, they have some di-fficulty in justifying their expenditures for our activities, nts. some compromise must be made in order to reet these two req7@,tire!ao One compromise is to carry out reseqrch which h8,3 some pertinence Do to: by ity-O (!a a O*n. Prino 2 the company and some pertinence to medicine in general. Unfortunat*4, this oojai)romise twos to defeat both purposes. A wiser cov,.oromist is that of exp*nding part2 of the time of our staff u,3oti investigativ* acti,vities dirotly pertinent to coppany-interesta,.from Vniob the medical gain. if aM. will be of secondary ivorta:nool &M to carry o%t other investigations and activities directly a-on2nooted with basic probloxs in the field of madioln-3 0 with the understanding that the in------- formation derived from this 16 perhaps of no lmvAUate-p#Ainence to the company except that-it vastly *nhalnees our Yalu# to 2 Rs cons4ltants and advisers; but which will ultimately produc* the type of Insights upon which rajor advances in the company's field* of interest can be based. 2. !?4_r-lolationaliin to-the '.qospital and the W. The hospital and the medical-serool have xr@ide available to --------- us their facilities and their sponsorship. Our role &3 a-functioning part of t@b6 teaching and Investigative staff of the institution to essential to our oover,-vitho,.tt which it to iml,.%ossible to carry on the human Investigations necessary - to our work *---- - It is ntceseary that our staff b* engaged In-the activities pro;)or to the staff of-t-modical school hos.piW. Thi3-carri*3 with it the l2mplioj under3t"ing that v* shall spend soma of our ti-me in the care of patients and in the pursuit of information relating to the understanding of hupan illnesses;-- and that we sha@U make some of oAr inf ormation known to the scientif I* world in 6 Ceneral In the form of research report and to the medical students house staff in the f6M of lectiires and ot:ner teaching *xercises. Dollv rad@ o: *"M4- b th ty of or* i e 1977 ---ut also. the rodical school has been iooperative in arranging for us to use ap4ce, even at the pxponse of-dis-,Ylpe.-ing others who have a great need for this space.- becaise it i3 the desire of the administration --to cooperate with the company 2In working on problems of i-mportanco to then. Thug, the m&dical school ilso makes tvo types of derands upon our project-. &-a T.nat we be teachers and clinicians, thi6 carries. with it an ligpited (iorand that we-keep-ourse2lves intir@Ately acqu-qinted with develoi)ments in our scientific fields and car out ry research of pertinence to medicine. -b. That-we work on problems dirootly relmnt to the company# These der4nds levi*d by the radloa'L school and hosp@tal are assentia.I'Ly the *=* as those doD-4nded by-the c-o@mpvV.- The time sort of coriproi-4ise which meats the d*mand3 of -our-oompww aboad also Keist,tho--dvul-d2o-mndt of the medical center. It i-s-in the light of the foregoing considerations that the proposals are being forvmt,3d.---Neither a.-ipeot of-the activities of bw staff alnd our project can be eaorifteod without dar@,aging the other asp2ect. Therefore, it ig-oar suggesti@in that t-,inse prot>osal3 be con3idtred as a viiole, even though they-are presaiit.od In the form of throe separate projacts. DOwh3r3dO4 to: b,l aithority of: ismigglbw ore O-3t6: June 1977 E2 I.MPDET; CL B PROPOSKL il ftneral Con3ideratiQns: C,ur experience darinf, the past two years has indicated that it is q-aite feasible to study foreign nati-onal3 ujvier the cover of a modicaliii- sooiologicitl 2study. Usir4 this mechanism one can learn a great deal about these informants-vbile at the as-me time meeting the req,4iremonts -of good cover and overall security. However,, these rarluire.-,*nte-for cover and security make such studies more ewibersome and labort2ow -than a non-olassified study of a similar natures and the not yield of valuable scientific information per man hour #xpend*d is less,, In point of fact,-thor4t is relatively-littlt-medical lnfor-ination _par so which can be-obtained by the stady or the oersonality stricture 2 eta. of large nw@'rers-of'-foreign-nationala, In spite of the faot that- It La relatively *&3y to-make such & 3*,4,iy appear to have a valid medical pxwyoao. Boca-.Aso-of the expens* arti difficulty which are involved In 3uch-studies2, it Is Imperative that-they be orientel to meet a direct intelligence noodi, for otherwite they are not worth the expenditure of tin*,--effort and money involved. The present proposal-is being put forward beca-.a3o in our ooinion it will serve to provide-intdrr,4tioh of dir*ot2 value to those concerned----- with carrying out int*lligenco operations. It should be understood that while some infor-.nation of general VIIUS to $Oi,*nCO should be produced, this in itself will not be sufficient justification for carryi2ng out a study of this natures Do@s.n4,,rac-*ed to,. by authority 0:-vmmmpwa date: June 1977 ftoposal #1 2 Basis fa th_is Prop-oital Tn our opinion, one of the pri"ry problems confronting those involved in intelligence operations is the underst"ing of the psychological and situational factors which cause men to dof*ot from their own national groups " cooperate wit-h other rAtionAl grciapsito provide inf*r=tion to representatives of foreign governments, to------ boccas agents &M to carry out activities under the gaidano* of-- intelligence officerai2 The Intelligence offic@@r is frequently faced-- with the necessity of colooting from a group of foreign nationals so "ividuals who van be p*ksu4ded to work for him and to understand votivations &rA personality ati@xwti-tre well taough,so that their future- 2 attit@,ido-a and be.-vavior can be prwated to soire extent. Ho-ha3 the problem of approaching them.,I-.i a proyer rannere-establishing a &,,jitable relationship dith them anl controlling this riiiattonship off#otively under what are oc2+.en adver3*-and diffidult diroumtances. On the basis of our-conversations with representatives of the co7,paliy aLn4 from information gained by "*-debriefing of sovist and eate to intel@liger, co officor3,-V6 believe that neltbor we nor oar oopononts hay*-- 2 ever made a satisfactory study of Interpersonal and situational factors involved in the for*going-aspect3 of intelligetice operations. It la the purpose of this prooo3al to undertake Such & 3tUdy. Thir Investigation will be divided Into two 5parts, which will run separately but conouitently. The rirat part of the investi!7,ation will at)nsist of a systematio d to; t ity of o 1977 review of the oirourstan@:os iM the aharacteristies of people who have separated thowelves from the atiu and Lrools of their own nation or their Om sooial group, and cooperated with representatives of other natioina )r other groups, To o2btain this iaorication, we shall draw upon the oponly available litoratnre pertinent to the #-abject. We sh*-U also a-,aqiJLro-&ccess to p*rtiner4t alassifted-informationg and an opportunity to discuss certain topics with.thost having2 sp4loial knowledge of value to us. -1?0 3h&ll reTAre a realistic knowle4le of the eirouz3tames and situatipn3 in which Intelligence officers- ope-rate aM If possible, an ooportunity-to-observe a typleal scene of 2 operations This part of the stady will be carried out by a study grouo rade-- up of the 'Director, the Bxoo4tiv4 Virector, 1 P3ygbiatristo 2 Psychologists. 1 Social Psychologi4t or Cultural Anthropologist.. The &ambers of this study gro2up will be fuUy--4164tod and witting$ It is the plan that over an extended period of time.-they will mak* an exhaa3tive review of available infor3p4tion from-whatever so,,irce!,and give lntelisive,oon- 31daration to all of *.he problsms both th2eoretical and practical which- are pertinsnt to the topia-under stiidy. They will draw upon consultants froa-wha-taver fields of knowledgehpertinent to the understanding of A$ Wikk AS the proble.-te with wh,'Alch they &re faced,2- anoleaLrable.*^diolearabla sources will be a@-proached und*,r appropriate cover vhere-noca$3arya The 8**.ond part of this !LnvostiCation will consist of an attempt to ,is,* son* of the knowlo,,Ige and Insight gained by the covert study group7 in an actaal etaluation of sabj8Ot3 Of This D by a date 7 Pro. 1 Po" to second a*otion of the Investigation wM be o-fert. will Pur be a study of the r4lstion betwe*n culture. porsonal@-ty2, lit* stress grA illness kn a hstrogonoow -group The lnforitan -for ts this study wM be c@-awn from the. rt reason for this study is to provide a comp2arison group In order to v extend the results of our previous study @.@of the The covert so of this study will be purpo to assess 9,%.oh of.ths- Worv4nts ia tori-.s of his social-and cultural--- baolcgro,.md, his life *4*rierAt- a., and bA# total personality - str-dot-ur* -in *der to -dovel'o" od of wAorst&Mknit the motivation.. voluo sy3t*.Ms. moth s and probable be2havio@'r under various aircla"tances. of,such "bjoot-s The iramt-*rs of -the -,cpy*rt study group *All o,@nsider eaoh-of these informants as if he were a target tndividt-tal. They2will@Attotvt to evaluato what the auscsptibilities of the informant are, whieh of hi3 drives and motivations idght be utilized as a means of-sxxbverting bim and what types of interperso@-ial relation would be most offootiv4 In dt&ling with him. Having rade-this evaluation, corsideration will be given to halving on* member-of-the grov set up an interpersonal-rolation.-@hip with tbas inforoant, &M so pamgo hiR that he cba-.iges aoro belisf, or ttia2t he carries out some behavior vhioh is d#3ired. (in no case will there be any attempt to reemit those Informants. Yo att*Vto to P*rsuade or control them will have to do with th*ir-politicul beliefs or any -w-hich wotal- 1 other attitudes i give away the study as.having an intalligen4:o oackground.) The facilities to be u3ed for this stujy will be the offices and Downe., d to: y Lty of dat 9 1977 ti A130i&P I FJC- oxwdng roopm In our. now quarters now being coha@tru-etod as a part of A Vat hospital group. All oorsonnol vorking in the&# quarteyo will be fully oltar*d although not all-v0ul be wittinge The breakdown of the cost& for this proposal aro-atta*bod to--- the w-A of this proposal, Down, to,@ ty Of 197'1 E2 IynF.T; CL BY aoneral Ctnsidlrcitions: The study of the motho-Jo-usod by-tho Comm4nist State Police In the arrest, datentiont interrogation and indoctrination of prisonors.-which was carried out during the past two ye-ors. has shown that the fundawntal2 features of this process are these.- The a-, 3oc eized-and thrust Into a nev environment in which he- Is-ox.:>osed -to of pressures both physical and psychologiosl,- The p--re@sgures of tt,,is environment- prod,ic2o in him pronounced changeo-in-his ra@od. thought, and behavior, and in irany of his bodily fanot4LOns,-- In-tb-i-s-s-ot-tibt, an interrogator sets up a re!-ationabi;) wit'n-the *ilbjecto "a by usinx Information from the a,abj2"tis o@m life experience,- create3 in him additional dopwA4hdy. doubts wA guilt feelings, The interrogator then utilizes these as well as the d#3i.r# of the sabjtot-t-o roli*tt7hinsAlf,of-tho pressures of the enyiro2nment'in order to persuade the skibject to-rake rationalizations# w,%ich have -"uhe *ffect-of-le*dlht-tW-vabject to-tonform with the desires of the interrogators- .Tn order to understand th--tso Coi@@nist police--Metllods more fully and 2 to develop et,5untermosaures fdt-dealiyig-with thex@ It is neo*s3ary to carry out further ex:,@erimental itiVO3tigation-s. ldeallys tbo3o lme3tig,!ktion@,s should take the form of a precise reenactment of the 2 CoTAunist proc*dures using-hu,.kan subjects. Eut both humanitarian a-.id practical considerations r-4ke it Impossible to do this within the continental !Lltits of the United-States# Thereforei It becomes necessary to develop a practical method of setti..-ig up ex-pertirental7 itch reprodaca sore of the fwidarental aspects o:,f the situations w' to: A by t ty At 1; er-fline l@77 Prop . 2 2 Coommist procedur6s,,while at the same time stayin within the bounds of the hu34anitarian, legal and practical considerations involved* Such an investigation can be set up-in a mtdioal schooll arA Can -be made to yield valuablo-information, provided it is oriented toward-- obtaining logitimatt ans-oors to medical problems of current interest. V,.any diseases which occ,,= in man &rise out of disturbanaep, In their-- rolationabip t2o their total onviroripant. Such pf,r3ons come as patients to a hospita 1, Tht-fundam#ntal ;,roYLem facing the physician Is that of developing In these patients a new relationship to their environment, and new patterns of attitudes and behavior, He can do this by temporarily-- placing them io &A tntiral new environmental 311.,Uation.-and then setting up an interpersonal:@rolation3hip with them-whiob h*.manipul4ites by using laoraation from tlioir own life 6xperionoes and reactive patterns -in order to create within the.,% now attitudes and behavior. - ?4tidUMtal@@ 7 --- --- - the problem faced by the i)hystoian is quite similar to that faced by the Comwanist interrogators--The-information devised-froin the manij>ulation of the relationship between the patients, his environment, and his physician, *an be made-to provide an tner-4ased iir@iorstanding of the- methods used by the Comuni3t State Polidwo---- The ox?eriments o id others have A2hown that by placins subjects In-a-highly-stractitred life oit%,iation, involving isolatio-.i and the deprivation of-opportunities for receiving meaningful patterns of sensory sti.raalation from the outside vcrld, these subjects develop profound chanCe43 In -&entation-snd mood within a space of relatively few hours. The effects of saj*h A situation upon ti7e slxbjeot are in many wais-similar to those oroduced by the Couwantat procedures. Thar* Is Dow- li@ d to.- by.a ity of4 dat 1977 prop. 2 3 -and increased roq*Pt!Lveness to an impairment of ment*l functions, SUZiestion. There is a valid xe,-3ica,l reason for reproducingi and --- furthe2r investigating the effects of the proctdures,oimlar to the -*s, upon certain categories of patients vho require relief -4.0&.0rocedw from pressing con-plaintal for there Is good reason to b*lievo that placing such patients in a situation of t2his nature may-relieve some of thoir symptomatic-nanifestations, and juke them more receptive to the sliggeatil)ns of a psychotherapist, Thi-ls,-there is a ration&-l# humanitarian " practical opoortunity to carry out investigations vhich will provide lnfor2zxation of-fundariental--va-lul to mwiiaine,, and-- vhie,h sno,@ad also proviee basic knowledge of ultimate fundamental value to ti@oge onaaged-in intellitW6-@ations. Lasis for..this PrL)2osal-@@ 2 We have available in our clinic varty ritionts.with the syndrome of migraine headache*-- TI-io-symptops of-thit-illness ore-the roeult of cyclic and recu-rrent changes-of-t6k"f tho-blood V033913 Of the head. 2 This Ulness is not associated with any lrrover3lble damage to the body. those vho siffer from. It are otherwise mentally and physically inttot. The manif6stationa--of the ilin"b apgear to be the result of pareistent patterns of beawvior arising out of2 the ittitades ani value system of the patient. It is often extremely difficult to produce any change In the attitudes and-bohavior of migraine patients, in spite Of the fact that their syr-ptons may be so severe th@iit they are villing to go to any ends to seek relief.- One or the difficulties in trea3ting such P&tiOnt3 has te4n that of prsolpitating the!n into a now #nvlxonr.@.ent&l situation which will break up their re,-iction patterns. and provid* Do,,vr t b of dato 1977' prop 2 4 qg th* physician with ley*rage for imucing then to develop now patterns. Thar* is good reason to believe that introdlici2ng such patients into an environmental situation almlar to that sot up his associates might produce profound, and potentially ben6fioialo-changos-- in them. YAthods: D@ring tho past two years, we have develop"- a series ot testing procedures involving the us* of written and-oral psychological tests. performance tibsta-such as thoso-in the H41stoad battery-, and corditioned reflox proced-are3.- Tbe3i7hA4a-been standardized on a variety of sqbject*, both-tho3* that are intact-and tho.-o-having known-amunts of brain damage. We now-believe-that-thi-s battery of tests-can-be- %sod to !-,rovide reproducible and-qvxantified meastir4rent of certain aspects---- of brain function. T2hey can be used to estimate the degree of of brain function which is produced by-yarious types of It is our plan to *3tablish in exp6timahtal-unit in which. situations atilited an be prodneed. For o)t@L%'oriA*ntAkl-subjeets, we sha2ll use otherwise intact patients having the syndrome of miK,,raine- headache. Zaeb of these@-oti6a@i-@ill b*-k**Iw-atod by medical and psychiatric- examination, and a battery_of p3ycl-.ological tests. After *valuation. he will be *.xoosed to the exoerimarital sit-aation. The sym.r3tomatio considqrations of this situation upon him and his illness will be observed, At the sa-Ta time, the offect@6f this situation on his brain function will-be Observed by exposing him to otir test 1 battery before and im-.4edisitel,-f after the- p"codare-, '.L-;easuroo of impgostibility will be devised, and in attempt will be mad* to tv2lu&ts to: W b@y ty Q,i @,9'7 7 f 2 the effects of this procedure upon au,-,gestibility. Likovise the ouseepti- bility of individuals to this procedure will be evaluated by comparing their prior porformance on psychological tests wi2th their reaction to the pro--,edur*, Subject3 who ar*-carrie4 through the procedure to the--- point where they becoro irtcr*Atiirigly sa.-go3tiblo, and show an increased desire to talk and to oscas>e-from the proc2editres-will be lntrodlicod - into int4rvlftw situations in which the-int6t@i#v6r-uill utilize material from their own past axoerience in order to create psychological_reaotion3 within them. The- effects of thtse-reac2tion"iU-bo observed. Likewise&- the effect of introduow-into the exp@tri-.aental situation-additional- - threatenin,g 3timli-frork theiti@;lif4-6*p4tiArits will be evaluated, In addition to making iraasure,,ients upon changes of brain f,4nction--- produced by this-proceduro,-vo shaU also make iK4asurement3 upon changes occurring in other orgoin-systema-iAitially.- wq-plpn to consider - certain changes In2 internal fl)aid balance7tnd-ronal function whioh-- are pertinent to fieadachs, " which are al-so pertinent to the- Commni3t detention and interrogation prooe-d@@e-b@--callso they play a part In the circulatory-distsirbances whioh or-our during the course of these procedures. Lao II tt I 0,3 These experiments will-take plo,,co-in the laboratories of the hospital it,-elf. The breakdown of th4--eot.,ts fbf-thit@@pd"l-are attachpd to ttio or.d of this proposal. 7 DONYI to; by h(@@ ty of; dat J e 1977 pr@o@008, - _q_ YAM of the Insights wW a deal of the practi"l laormation vhiob was brought to bear upon our studies of Coir@m-an.ist irtdootrination &rA interrogation proced=es and our invostiga2tions:upon the offocts of p a.- Ao@kls and h-y-orvosis- during the past two years-wort derived ,ohocher from our past and present studies of brain function ar,,.i of hum-in adar)tations to adverso -situations# Th-3 prooedarea,, oT.%i2pme@nt and -life staff used in-th43* stadiet-will b4 an integral part of the other two proj"to. Furtherwre, they are a funda;tehtal aspect of our activities in relationship to the hospita"nd-m-edia4l 3obool,. Y-Athod3i This investigation vill tontinas along the sa.m.*-lines as those of the oast two years, using the amae-eqqippent and personnel, and using-- 3,ibjo4oto for investi.gation intact porso", persons with various diseases2, *M persons with certain forms of brain damages As a part of this asp#ct of the project, WO 3hal.1 continue to dev,i3a now testing methods, including mstbods of testing aaggestibility. We sltall also utilize the mechanism of this project for evaluating the offecta of nev d"gs, 7 ps.ychochemicals, hypnosis and various physical sittiation3o whon th* need Or,.sAkh investigation-aris83. ty a"lt t 0 1977 ,'at RY --Iospye lelol 0 0o-o @z ootoog,(5 oo,, oo,,, ',c4 Tl-tauoo 00 * 9651 P5 oo,,oo;144 ;28-t Br"kdown fgrlm 91000,00 Director 11,000.00 Exe,-,. Director S*o,-Treasurer ao -O 0 2 Total Salaries 26,000-00 1,500.00 5.000.00 Trav_el (Sptcial-cOvtrt) 5.000000 7 knting r.,-,y_Eu_M Conforen@ies special Field trips 0-0 Tot Lost Dreakdcvn for Genar&l Administ Seoretary 4,500.00 2 typist .3 39000 6.ooo.oo Re-seamh worker 2,0005.00 Total 38142tl"- 12,500.00 Office F ,rent Lnd ligs 6&300-.00---- Tr@k- Trayel (F-catings and Looal Vol) 300600- Office 32ace 5ind Mairito@nance 18 296,oo Admidstrative Fee Total-Breal