1956 JU?t 12 19 r4 04* F4 0 4 Cy ct 7 7r7 7. 7, g L? cc, @gm@tf -AVP if 16p,, CERTIFICATION (3) 1,-. is hereby cortitied that the prograrn under. subprojectsi 49 and 59 have been satisfacto2rily completed and returned unused funds. Ho%vever, subproject ZZ, -which is still continuing also refunded rnoney, ThereC@6re, it is requested that the amounts;las@ shown below Oa Invoice No. of sub- project 51-B be credited to the subprojects as shown below. 2 Project Amount MOR Allotment #ZZ $11-703.-57 585 6-2502-10-001 #49 3-ZZ4 87- 154AL 6-Z502-10-001 f59 63. 7 1:@: 1912 6-25027--lO-001- - - 3 Chiif,-.Y /Chem, cal-Llivision Date: Research D rector Date- December 5, 1957 Lle a Iiii oil -Enclosed is our check in the amount of $3,224.87 vbich- represents the unexpended balance of the grant--made-for ,Nlftvw esearch project. With our letter-of April 24,-19257,-a statement was - '29 sent vbich showed an unexpended balance of $21246 on the grant at February 28@7-1957-,-- Attached is a statement cover;-ng--expenditures-from that-date. We wish-to thank you for ypur -enerous contr7ibution. lf7y6""ire any other--inf6rmation,- please feel free-to contact us. Yours very truly, @.0duo er bp Enclosure Financial Statement Period 3/i/57 thru 5/31/57 Unexpended Balance 2/28/57 $2,246.29 Grant Received 61077,,54 8,323.33 2 Salaries $4,574.93 Su,pplies 60.49 E<11.iipmnt 4,635,.42 100'a 0%,erhead 463.54 ----5,04,3.96 9 Unexpended Balance-5/31/57 $3,224,87 June 2-)4, 1957 Geritlemen. A report on +-lie pro-ress-of@@olosing-uo +-lie research project.. -the bio-chamioal is has finally sent ma@the report on experi2ment. It'is not yet-in a comolate fdm-,sbit will. take %a a few days to got that in shape. As-soon-as-this is-done-I-will send you-both the re ort and-will enclose the raw data-in the same-box with the .p te s ts - that yo u a sked f or i - 2. 1 am -writing th the so that as soon 2as the checks that have been weitten-are eltearad-tl-ioy -wil -7i@6@i@@ashier's check- f or the reira inde V. I w ill the n --endd@t s a - ',hi s - over- to 7 you and - s and - it to yol.i by reg;-.st@ered mails Before I close out this e>.-riense-accounti@@do-you want me to order the y ot),er so that they can be relayed on to you? r Sincerely yours, ilay 69 1957 Dear I am,,M-ting to exoress--ho-aopreoiation.-O'L-t,'Ie raembers of the versity of the p.-o-certy Depa nent of Psycholga for-your gift to the2 uni -vd-,ich was aoquired wita roject funds. -- I am -,sure- that -tfe can make -01-r ability to carry ,lent use of an-of -W exce -the-ilems of eqiiipte.@ 0-.q -,nany kinds ol,' research will be-,areatly improve.de. I hope t,-@at you will not-object-'Vo a--suogestion with respect-tO---- Q- carried out at--- arranger,p.nt4 for pets -the administration-of future pro4 2 C\,tt@a university center, -I tnink that if -1-'had- had a clear and defirtite state-,-%P-nt indicating that I had the-resdonsibility and right to expedite the work of a research project that we Could-have accomplished during the peaod of time-involved,,--Since-I did not have-direo,t cont4o2t with a member-of your-administrative-sta,ff--,.Yith-an y specific statement as to my rol'P in the project., 1 operated on the a6sumption that rq duties were restricted to providing scace and all o&l the necessa.-,f cooperation in securin,7-subjeets., but I-did not feel that I had arq 9 central a,-itrtoi-itye rtrient of F-syc 0 ogy 4AC C7 tA- 4t 2 t ir.&.- t .la -pot n-,? 8'-) A"e C' e @l - r 4 M-4 :tu -a ct t ri:L 9' zil -in -,e 1,@ cu@ tne - t2, ra, T A, -6 .n C&n or 4ni@ U 04 Hooing @ll an. ,to, --e 7 YA 4.4 J, 4p iN is' 2 4D GI 40'.. +j e4 tT, ;,Mk 2 to' rrq 40 il.4 40 .4.. 40 ico) E-4 I April 24, 1957 Dear tle wish to acl@,noiledge with thanks receipt of your letter gf April 15l 1957, and your check in th represeating the f inal- pp-@t-on-111FARRIM $6,077.54, 2 research project. We ar 1, arateful to you for your g-laerdu3 gift to the o the propetty-which was acquired with project funds, including those i@111,6@p-lz d@ t@ie project ivas-i-n-operation at t 2 .and which w-.re moved to the want you to kro,.# how we app@reciate your generous con- tr-i.1jution, Enclosed is ?- corrected-fi!ianci.al-statement coverin@.y the years 1953-540 1954-55@"955-56i@@and-for@@the period June 1, 2 1956 throug'a February 28, 1957 -- This corrected staterr@ent reflects the disbursements mad;-i-@i accordtnce with our accounting records indicaltes the disbursements made viitbin your f iscal years, CiA.r previous fina-xicial statement to you of our tlisburse- r,e2nts durin- the year 1953-54 was based upon otrr fiscal year endi--i,-, August 31, 1954; also, our stateraent for the disburse- ments for the fiscal year 1954-" was ba,--,cd-upon otir fiscal year erdiro, June 15, 1955. That year w-- had chan-ed the close of our fis2cal year from August 31 to June 15. Our previous report of expeiiiiitures for the year 1955-56 and for the period June 1, 1956 throuoh February 28, 1957 @%,as repor6,-d on the basis of your fiscal year, which ended May 31. The corrected state-m,-@nt reflects the disburseri--nts made to c4oincide with the endin- of your fiscal year on Niay 31. We are also enclosin,,a, a sta.ten@ent of all equipteiit purcha4et made a-ad acquired with the project ftnds. 2- .Npril 24, 1957 If there is ary further iifomation you desire in this conrection, please let us know. A firane-Aal staterient will be subni4,-te.4 to you t@,pon terr,,inatiov of the project -as well -as--our check for the ur4--@ 5 expended funds. Sincerely yours, Controller--- FINANCIAL STATIIIL\T ((orrected " s- -- --- I L Ye al@s- 1 9.5 17:S-4--35. 1955-56 & interiE-1956-57 2 6/i/56- 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 2/28/57-- Total Grant Received $1,980.00 $5,940.00--$10,450.00 $20,699.46 $39,269.46 Less Refund 12/31/56 21345.98 2 36.923,48 -144. 7 -92- 13,132.31 24,067 47 S@-.1- -ies 3 7@0.24 Sup,plies & F,.\pcnse 2,066.67 3,046:22 2 Eouipnent -783.48 2 581.82 41411.03 __LO45@.73 14-t,1-9---P-,-5-96673-- 17,780.80 311524,72 10% Overhead 3311'12-47 34.677.19 Unex,,-;ended Balance 2/28/57 2 46-29 z@j c7 TECHINIQILT-R-S IN RD@,EDIKL F-DUCNTION PURCKASES Reference Ar@ioLnt Vender Ecuipmer-t Steel filing system I'liOI55 $ 64.90 rw . Lock for 2 drai-,,ers 5.OC 2 Typewriter & utility d,-sk 19.9f 2125155 179.58 0 iii I 2 wrl'.ter 4/18/55 689 00 Iculator .689.QC 4/J.5/-55 (150.00) *Moil Sale of trade-in 2 calculator (150.CC 9t26155 401.!@Q. r.et la f cover with iqri2ting door 407.5C 4/16/56 63@@.23 Recol-l@all -638.2'-@ Deceptograph, travel 2 1,277.8. case model 9/25/56 2.43 -- Mau& @'Blectric color 9/6/56 49.95_ AdOift unifile, gray 49.9.' 2 mixer 74.0( Electric r,.etrono.Te 34.51 a bed divans @@@-05.00 ,/?-5/562 242.00 3 plasticovered, pillo@vs el, 11.00 33.OC I Lightol,ier desk 19.20( 10/4/56 62 3- 1 Flec- tro lenc a,lc- graph & supplies 627,C-: 2 11/1@3/56 27 Freight 8 -4-drawer le'6ter- -- 80. 6 . 2 size file with lock 80.4@ v/Student Electro.,,c 45.02 Stiviulator 45.0; 2 Electronic Tietrono,-,,e (34.-iO) pai,-l by ck. f?'8695 returned for credit (34.-r@ 1/14,/-17- 174.70 rvices in coij:iectiori .@tI, Speech Corposer .174.7@ 411-03 chni(jue,,s itcrducatlonal Resear@r n file'vinum File, Steelmas@ter all in one with combir-aco 13 Recorder, tape 217.07 2 Am --Relay, Oi&&-@ 2--=,.ic--r-oph@on-es- -190.71 r- foot control 39.10 Calciilator, 100. 00 -Conditions air (2) A-50 Dl windolm .,y 470. 92 Galvanoscope, cc 2,50. 47 In.-striietograi)h, .-N"I,11-190mmwith 10 continental Code types and book of instivetions ard 20 head sets 79.50 .Nficrophone, 28.65 I-Iixers, (2) vwpelectric 9 149.40 Total valut,- 1,565.41 -ISO .'r-@.IR tAAIL'.11, Al 7 ------------ I"VDSIO II.T 4 .Rug Li -*z- -'ON macl)AO isn:) I-AP NN -CIL 7777@ Gina Februa-rf 20 1957 The bari!c -Ql,ate-qorits that your auditor have been- sent ii a senarn-te sr@,ielone. Er.el-ose@d are i-nvento lists --n@l-'Uhe letter rot- '..-ye @wli'i-ch I would lil,,e -the s i talke-I to h@-m vo hav-e o 0 2 -a@bout t',@li Toras ther--lA-@@t Li-st-i-Irl_. This-is @- ii-St of--oror,,erty that has 'c.---en i-,sed, or is bei-n,7 used, an,4- --ihicl,. beloigs -ro--.ie-t)ersonal-ly. 2 List -'-r2. This i-z -oropeity 'Vliat ,r.,as iDiLirchas--,l by the 9#000 ;n-nd @@fn4-ch i ,.rould-lil-ce to-get-Li-o-nie--r in a liTrcl-,.-ed 2 this as enol,'Ch 'h-s researcn on @ziy to set iin one ol'l-'ice-a.-d the equi-o-ent necessa-.-Tr to finish u,) the b--Sri-oitli-ied. it M-1@@ ta!,:e :,qe several ye,-R.,-s-to-do--t@'hi-s but 'the res-a-l-t@-t o'L i..,ill be to List Thi-s is a li-s@v o,-f' 'the materi@-I !',ha:'. -.-ras -z,,iirchased by the-II=- i would not ne-2z,@d to tho t--x.-,eri-rent,,t-L -- Sinceral,r yours, Cl-I February 19, 1957 Dea in orni s us that the research - he has c our generous efforts-will- be terminated on-june-1,@::::-1951i,---al4@@t_hAt ypu were-- desiiro2us of a statement f fom -th@@UniV@@"it-y-. regarding '%-,he equipmeit purchased,through-this-som-M-- It has-been otir understanding-tbat the title of the eqttiplqi@nt purchased by rovided by - P- 2 iigi--w -- - - - Aiu the ma i n s w i t h the that you will advi@se-us as to the-dis- pos is equipment upon completion of your program, A financial statement will be given to you upon term8ination of the project, As well as our check for any-une.Vended funds. Sincerely yours, 1 !3ell recorder 4 wocd carl files equi--,oment racl,- 1oscilloscor)e -%tor 2-,L,.-.rping ta@,-.les ce 2 0--- dos',: 2si-iivel oh-a-',-rs 1-iladio (,iati-oTla7L 1bo-ok caze 1lot 0, elec,rical srtall -o .arts-4noludinc r-icroohonss, etc. 4 1lot o-f' i)ersonea doL'la3 tests, ,-nd 'cocks 1lot o-.@' --s7tchol-o@-ical test equi-@)rlpnt; i.e.0 sol@,yc,monano,!,.eter, etc. - V04-ce co!,-,7)ressor 1 Polycranli -/l Cal-ei-ilator (CA.A)@ '@etrono,:7ie @tor 1 Color-rot, 2 St@i.-dio Couch lam-o 1 royal *@Y@)ei-;riter lecorda2@-1- Pentz-o-q recorler.. 1 Co:.-,bi-nation fil I York air-conlit4-onf-,-" 1 shoe'@, sti?-Alliator co:-',-i-nation f 4-1-es -/,-I electronic voice relay secrelvsxy dosk 2 tables V/1 Pe-ri@ ro.,i re--oi-,4,er 2 Color @ereel -otal.-ore 2 desk lai-a-ns 7 2 studio couel-es refri-,era-@lor V',-'l Yor,c a-'_,.- ctop@r,--,oh - 1 instr. 2 7,icrooloies Fx!)P-n,-es Covered by C.,-ieck -7"37 $200-00 .Wtri for -oer d,i e,.i on tri.D 9 -daja '@9. 00 i-axi a--O- bvs L,aLres 2 tri,,o to &-id sto-) 4-r, Per dier-, 0 days Iz@l $!1)1.co taxi and iuz fare.-, 17-10 Cos", o.' dinner at Ta.xi a--d but 4-"a--es on 4 io 4.60 .30 no'k. cotered 'oy C'nock -ili"37 (tlzl,-s 'w@rs covered by Che 7 @iri te-, ja@i. 4) 1957) r@@12-30 k'2 J,@@n-aary 4) 1957 a re-oort o@i erc-enses co,,ter4ng 6 non'hs ,c-riod .Lro-,.i vture 19,-@6 to 30 10@ --- Ins4,p-,od of i-te,Tll:.zi.ncr t@-i-s 1 have sno!in i_'u eneck by cheole. -v.4it',l 'U"-"e bal,--nce after eacn check. I have the.- mncellod c7riecks receipts, and n cer-rain cm-ses, P-.a I ha7;-- either 2 .,ra7y toney w,-;:.s s--orit ol- I ha,%.re-tre sal-as sli,-,s fro:,, tl"e s to -rchaced. e to cover t@-e r a con ..aL eL -als pu 2 -Y of tne on ex@-enses for 'L"Ce 6ro-iths nei@iod froi Dec"?-@i'cer 1, lcl,,@5 to i...a:r 31, 1956.- 1 a.,a ce-,rt?4,n @khat Isent this to you some ' 4 ..e in ju-,@e or July. T2f t@@.Le WSV O@ 1 obrtl!tit is you ,@ot sat4.sfac4lor-y m,-i-i you wish Ivo al;e 'herl itetized -@i-L oleaz-- le'u -tie an- in future 2 ilo-l-lotr th a a:i -,orkin@z on the r4@nort of the case o@z"-MAMWW ard 'hi e e Ea rt in s ine in -.e o-..-.P, t' i tr early 7o-a-ri, of next 9-r.,re-3k. Si,ncerel-, yours, .?e-coit orisk,7@ s Junp, I 1256 >6 CY-eck f,@l B.--lance on Hp-qd 103.62 Chec:c *-ecei-Ved JLirR2 14 + 1450.00 15713.@2 salary 950-00 2 -5U3-.-62- italpract4ce Tr.-,.surance - 56.70 - 63.62 33 RP-f@.ni chec to 2 7!1@j - 3-0 h .97 //I@ 34- ,Tirst Aid supplies - Bank service 2 charge - .25 @37.-07 - 6.25 R grouo insurance 2 -'4'35 9) 6 Rou,-i,,i trip ticket to-"M"*' 121.U,4 3--',' - 39 2 37 @iey (sho,.-in by list. Covers 200.00 too) 100.39 ------Check recei7;ed SeDter.cer 1-2- + "@h,l 0-3 <2 tr@n to. 2 2 9 53 Of-f'ice s@uPP!ies 6 0 223-r-9 3 135.00 BoLla-nce o@i Hs--id, Dece.--@".-,P-r 1, 19@-" EF3 -9 9 IRP-Dolt oq e*-Izes - Dece,-@ber 1$ 1955 --@p.y 3.L4.kcl?50 7 Bki,--nce on H-q--i(l@ 2 3 3 ro,,ird _ne ticket -uo 223-22 9 cash for anses oii AINMM trl-,o 100.00 Chec'2,c recei-pred i'@ecari@er 5 +2169@. 50 2 TT5-. '12 10 quarler's to -1250.(,'O 2 excenses retu-@-t-0- '-Dalar,ce on4s. + 37-95 Y(-)- @t- 5 -C7 11 oua.-@@.rls sm.lai -to .-Ili illin@'i op - 375-00 698.67 - 1.25 12 due s ,o 2 - 10.0 13 joitr-,,@-1 to *,Mm Su--@-lies at 'n. costs 2 71-00 15 to II--,m -M - - -- -- --- - --- -- --- - C95 i6 to or sta!7@t-c 2 6.no J'7 JIM dues + coz+.-. -12,-73@ - '@o 1-1: 13 @;al-az@., "Jo2 2. 375.2@ to 20- Sal si-T 2 162. 2i@ .heck recei,,rc-,,i +L- -') 0 1,-,3!?.75 21 -Sal-a-,-f to 2 1 2 22 Saiai-,- + 00 0 2 5t:;O 23 3,1-1 a I-,' 2 7 @37. 231- 15-- io.00 2 t 221-75 24 for in. co 27 2 3L5 2q_ @@ers f or boo!,, 29 -,,o- 3^ 5 6 "7 lesz banzcing chp-.r!:-es .711' -3al,,.nce on 3 . ]@aventory of PropertY 0.1 at the $54.00 1 voi@@e co,-inressor Xl electric voice relay @165.00 6 r. ifonroe Calculato2r 0645-00--- -5 filing cabinets -------$250-00 I polygraph 01295.0-0----- 7. I BG 0575-00 stir-,lator 2 0------ 1 sho.ek 45.o- --3 Stu-dio Coueles $250.00 Pentron Tape Recorder ---075-00- I ;-..etal offit@6--de-*k - $20.00 2 1 '4a!'L-ie-RecorJall-recorder $485.00- 3color -.fheel rotator3 $225-00 2flores-.O'nt Iesk -lamr-3 030 .00 2desk $24.00 2ta7ciles $24.00- 1used ice box ------$2 5 o (O - - iifl-I 1@csycl,.oi@&lv@ih6@ccone $2502-00 -.kn!@us gra.--,Y-tc-rec..:,,-,der$4 1Esterli-ne 15-00 'cron 2@-a -h(,-nos $70.00 2 2eldetric clocks $1,5.00 2one-hsl-f h.n. York Ai- Cnndi- tioners -$350-00 -l ty@pe-,ir-.ter $170-00 In addition the--o- are 0various suonlies such as '-IAIS kits ard testsl @Lnd exrenei-able supolies suei as the c@,arlus for the poly@ra,n-',', etc. -MEMO 1 Bellrecorder 4 wood card files 1 -metal equipment rack I oscilloscope I Monroe Calculator (MA 7) 1 Combination file - 2 typing tables 1 office desk 2 swivel chairs 1 Radio (LNational--SW)---7 I Solar enlarger 1 book case-------- 1 lot of electrical small parts including microphones, etc. 1 lot of personal dat5@=-tests@---and books- 1 lot of p-@ychological test equipment, i. e --- tambours' sphygmomanometer,- etc. 3 combination files Ielectronic voice re ay Imetal secretary desk 2tables IPentron recorder 2Color wheel rotators 2desk lamps 2studio couches---- IPsychogalvanoscop@e IEsterILne-Angus v _,raphi-4-recorder 1refrigerator IYork air conditioner 1Instructograph 2elecl%,ric clocks 2 microphones I voice compressor I Polygraph I BEG I 4-drawer file I Monroe Calculator (CAA)--- I Metronome I Color rotator I Studio Couch I desk I.arnp I Royal typewriter- I NValkie ]Recordall I Pcntron recorder 2 I Combination file - I York air conditioner I shook-stimulator- March 19, 1937 De a. @r Th.is@will-acknowl--dge--reca-iP@@your comnunication ,c ou ou-are terminating the research of March 5, 1937 4dvising us- 2 -that tudy which has been directed-@y.. statement of expenditures covering the Attached is a -55f=@@@ -1(55-56, as well is astatement Cover- years 1953-54, 1954 i,i- the period from June-lv-71956 throu-h February 28, 1957. You ";i" -of 340.5a as 0f Feb- ii note there is an unexpended--balance ruary 28, 1957. W-1 have asked4low" to forward to ou the inventory qwm@@ y of the projectts-equiprnLent,-and2 i@e-have just le-a:ned '%,hat he has already forwarded this inventory-to you.-- Your interest in the field of LrIedital-research is, indeed,, I % inspi-ring. We were grateful that was alble th u d fo@- the-support-received 1 Sincerely yours, Controller Stateme@nt of the For rs 953-54, 19@ 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 Total Grant received $1,980.00 $5,940.00 $10,450.00 $18,370400 Salaries 800.00 3,307.82 7,144.92 Supplies & expense -0-- 671.76-- @A06.08 -0- 11190-98 1 045.73 Equipment _.L 14,567.29 800.00 5 -170.56--- 8-- 596-73 2 3 802.71 3 Less-10% overhead S 2 345.98 Balance unexpended a'@-' 5/31/S6 Interim Rcoort Tune i-, - 1956 -FebruatL-U,. 21-95@,@ 6/l/56 Une-xpended 'Dalance - $-2,345.98 6/21/56 Cash received on Grant 6,744.@ 38 7/26/56 2,000.00 10/8/56 6,077@-54 - 12/27/56 2 62077.547@ 20,8119.46 - - - 23,245.44 Total cash receipts 2 341.98 12/31/56 Refund of unexpended-balance----- 20,899.46 2 Salaries paid 6/l/56 - 2/28/57 13,132.31----- SUPDlies 6/l/56 --2/28/57 @@2,066.67 5s Equipm--nt --6/l/56- --2/2,q-r-,7 -1 1 -780 80 179 101 overhead - -ii-7 7 8 .0 8, 19 5';8.38. 2/28/57 Unexoended balance S 11340.58 Note: Salaries paid includes fees for subjects. JAnuax7 3, 1557 'ent,len .en: EncloseA- is the s@@late,@,,eyit of recei@o"@-ad e=enda.- the Tj'ni.versity of 0"-for 2'Uhe-six -,.ionths -e-'od frori June 1 joiwm W @2. -- 30 1956. -'f-lar tal' -Renor-2,, on the: o/1/56- -June 1, lc,'5'0 Une,-@-@endei-!3a-lance dO8 2 ti 21 11 Ca,.zh 4ieceived 6, .3,3 JL,.I,y 26 11 ti It 2, 00 it C,c' 6 .,Zl!l ,,-17@167-90 2 u .ov. e 0 Cash retjr?ied.-Ilo 9,3 S 1 141,.,g 9 2 ;@io,z. 30 alazi-es 7@Oaid Jtzne-1--!",'Ov. 30 2 it 30 SuPPI-"-es 10 It - 302 73 30 2-,3@o 131 1,@-19.19 Less2 10ci 1,330.2? ov. 3(, 1-c,156 9 2 ce (a.ade-ida !@,ash i-e ec@,Zt' 2 4 r 5,)4) 30 October 1956 .@t-L'MO!iANDUB(I FOR: SU13JECT: Procurenoent of a Safe Sito 6@- 1. It is requested thateav@procure a safe site of the housetype. Thissitais2tobou;sedfromapproximatelyOSOO, 13 November 1950, through 0300, 12 December 1956. It is re- quested that the house have at least two bt-droonis, fully furnished, have cooking facill@4ties, suitably liea'ed, provided with utilities, located In metropolitan 2 @conventent to local transportation and within approximately 20 n)inute3 driviiig dib- -gtance o and so situated that both sides of the building are not easily subjected to eavesdrop@)ing. 2. This safe site Is to be used in connection with a conference pertaining to vario2us-aspects of MKLILT!IA. 3. It is tW-@i4fe site Nvill'oe in-the--- neigitborhood of @q,300.00 per Dionih, 'i@SS/Chemical Divis on Approved: 2 SIDNEY Go,r@I'LIEB Chief TSS/C,iemical Division Distri'oution: Crig & I - Ad--Irossee I i-SS/SiB 2 -1@S.3/CD October5 1953) T ,IECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowled ed of the followinv, two checks.- 9 (Dffi-cial Check No. M.,\7 2-35440, dated Sept. 17, 1956, drawn on the in the amount of $874.07, payable Cashier's Check No. OM-37802,- dated Sep7tember- 17, 1936, drawn on- the 2 if! the amount of $21, 8.51.67, payable t ,Date---- CHI]':F. FI.NANCL" DIVISION VIA: TSS/Budget Cifficer MKULTRA Subpro,@ect "'*9 Invoice No-*- 6-2502-10-001- 1. Inv6ice No. 4 for the above subpro get attached. r-lay- 2 went stiould be n-lade as follow3'. nt of $21 851. $7, dra,@rn on a Ca-shier's ctieek In the amou ca3hi Is -check in the &Mount of o -1 07, dra-&n on a i3oth checks s-,iould bc@ rjade payable to t@.2to 2, -,.Please forward *,he checks to Chief, Divi sio.-i '.r!;S/Budget Officer by 3. Thi3 is a sliral tnvoic--.- A total of $3-li, 011,3.66 was-obligated-77-- ader t!tis i2t is halb- additional funds -,Yill bo obligated for t'@,its project, the files ;$5,gYcs'--ould not lie closed I-DNEY C, _7 @LISS/Clienitcal 1',Iiv4ision ut on: 2 - AJdressee I - CerAotroller 1 - -rSS/FASB 2 - TSS/CD rss/c (11 September i956) INVOICE $22,725.74 For services ---------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICA'RIONS (1) It is hereby certifii,.d that this Is Inv2oice No. 4 applying to Sub- roiect 49 of i'vIKUL'r'iA -that perforinance Is satisfactory, that the p se.-vice-s are being-accorc-plished in accordance with mutual agree- ments, that d detailed agend',-A of the pay-irents-and receipts is on file irt 'fSS2/CD, that this bill is-just and correct and that palvment there- of has not yet been rnade. Ehi;f, 'I'S@@/Chemical Division Date: (2) It is hereby certif'i;%.d that thts invoice applies to Subproject 4-9 of NAI-ZULT'iiA which was duly approved, a.5,id that the project is being carried out in accordance with the rnemorandum -dated. 13 April 1953- from the DCI to the- DD/A, -and t extension of this authority in - -- ---- subsequent rnemoranda. Date: (C 0 p Y) June 28, 1956 Dear atemen- is a@ hich is under the irection o- our school for the years 1953-54, 2 5, and 195 5 Total ig@s3-547@@@1954-55- ---1955-56 Grant Received -$IF§80.00 $5,-940.00 $IC-,450.00 $181370.00 Salaries 800 '00 --- 3 P07.82 7-9144.92 Supplies & Expense 671,76 - 406.08 Equipment -14190.98 1 045.73-.-I 800.00 6- 8,596.73 14L567.2,9 2 $ 3,802.71-- Le@@ 100'0 overhead 1 456.7'- Balance unexpended at' 5t3ll56 2.345.98 g to the prop osal submitted @.o you by e underst@nd @lhat@any a2,-aount remaining in 1, 1956.iiiII-7ie-mai-n-as a cpme 573,47 7" 10%-overhead@@@@4v72 9 Total A staterent-of@expenditures-for your fiscal year- ending next @',aY 31i 1956 wi-il-be forwarded-to you just as soon as these-fi&ket-art-availa'oles Very truly yours, 4@ 4)A CIO) in 2 lb 4-4 f; 0 N DRA F"i' 16 Febm" W@,%IOM'7DLR4 FOR: THE RWO "T SUBJD, IMKULTRA Subproject 49 i., s t 49-of -IXKIA,-IRA i2s-being instituted as a means rk on ypnosi-s will be continued at the Period 1 Jvne 1956 through-31 May or the 2.' was T!@@,tted by TSS/CD to enlarge the scope Of- --orogram-to-inclu&e-the-following areas of his current research'. interest: The determination of the 'genuinenesr:@" of hypnotic states, bioebemical-and-phyp,@gical-mi@asurements of trance states- - and an e)Tloration of variou-s-inductioti techniques. A more de-- tailed.,descri,oti2o-a of the prog;@@ contained in the attached--- proDosa.L. 3. t@@@@are attached-.-- They entail------- $5 .09- $26,977-50 to th To e-added $i,311@.10 @ich- 'a a--- f -,o2ercent-(4%) service-charge to the our et-on c s, t. 4-be cover title of the project-is r,svmbly Ad by a reseax-&@-,--- 2 being support lc.-- -gran! 4. The total cost of-the7pMje--t-for a pe-riod..o@ one year will not exceed $34,088.60 Charges-should be made against Allotment 6-2502-10-001.- 5. The existing-,m-emorandum of 2 agreewent between and the sponsor will-continue-to be-in-force 6. 4iiiiii@ftis cleared thi-ou&h TOP SEC@ET. APPROVL-.C.- FOR OBLIC,'ATION OF FUINDS: GCTRLIE@B 3 Chief TGS/Chemical Division -Researe?. Director Date: Origina.1 Only PROPOSAT- FOR RESEKRCH IN HYPNOSIS- AT THE (June 1, 1956 to YaY 31, 1957) Introll,iction: in SeDtember 1952, various Since the initiation of this projec4v phases of hy-onoiie h h b,-en-ibom-olete s been -oubi-ish;d: -Unpublishi-id -vior@.'consists of,. the Dresent tim-3 -,work is being conduetel--an:-@ rcopy atta4@hed 17'rwe-io). As 2 being-coriducted on. measuring the difference in psy@qhogalvanic res-oorises under qlze3tion@ing between the Vv@LKing and hyonotic-states. In P-n etterupt to revitalite-and-reorient-reseai,ch act.ivit"Les in- the fi--Id of hypnosis, the followin2g 'ororosal of-ex-,oeri7,ente.1 investi-- gation is subm,-"ted to the,!M for c-o-ns-ideraltlion -Lor fi7tcal year 1957 Irne-foi.lowi,-.o., e-cperimenta desi@-.,n-is-en outgroah of Dres@.@nt and past- efforts co-lidiie-%t2ed to dato-.@ "ritei,ia for "Ce.-iuin.-aness" of H osis: ypr.--- tbe--,-arz- -o-- -od crit"ia--Lor determining At the Dresent ti.-te, I - n go the "L-e2nt,,ineriess" of hy.,,)nosis@@Tlv--is felt strons Dossibi-lities that valid criteria-can be established t,iz,6ugh physiological biochemical 1@,atterns-o@-f' r-easti--em-eit.. By utiliz-Lng hy-_cinotical'Ly indu2----d states of araie!@ly and/or stregs- as emotionall "true" res-nonses be reflected In ',-he bio- chec-Alzal ard/or nhysiolozical oh-ar-ges .,dithin- the human org-.knism. - Llrless *,he h@Tr@ot-Lcally ind-,ic--,-i stimuli is ",Senuine" or effective, there would b,% no demonstra'ol.e .-escors-, either biochemically or-physiololo-cally. It is felt +.hAt by establishing "normal" ,takin--patter-,is and com- pari-ng them wi-,'h ratterns of those - "vr.!I@!r h onosis" y_5 a @iedendable end reliable critei@ta for deter-mining the state ard "L-eniaireness" of h nosi Y_o s ,will be formi).lpted. A. Bioc,,.hpmical NfeasLtreTe-nts 1. Hippur .ic acid tolerance,test (measure of detoxjeation by the -liver to estimate the ability-of-the orD.,@anism to !nobil@ze glycine)..-__ 2. Plasma@amino acid level (chec, on possible al@kleration of-- 2 -glycine level which might merely be part of a-total amino-acid change; secon&,ii-y index of an altered-adreno-cortical flxnet ol), 3. Blood reduced glutathione-level (to further determine whether-- the g"@yei,-i@- utilized for the syntbesis of hyppuric-acid was derived from preforme2d glycine, the change-ia:::::level of-- a glyc'ne-donating- substance sueb as glutathione-it concurrently-m--,:L3ur 4. Blood eosinophil level-(strtss response inclex). B. Ph-jsiological Measixrements:----- 1. Simultaneo,.t3 recordings of-physiolocical res -means _conses by of a mul@vi-ebannel recorder; to incort@orate heart--oulsations, res@oiratory rate and a litud@@-,psyt@@@,to-ski-n response, and cortico-electro activity.- Varip-ti2oris in the In: In order to determine--,be extent and effectiveness of various other factors, such as non-veroal@@ @ and auditory, in the induction of hy-.onosisv@the-follow-ing-experiments are-proposed: 1. Auditory technicues-(verbal-stimula,@lion):@@ In an attekdt to sel-arate the mechanical as-ceets of the induction tecbnioue, i.e. tone, rhytbmqiali_ty of-the voice from the @ substantive aspects association t,@atterns; different iniii2ti.on "patters" or "talks" will be avt,-mpted and couin,exe-i 4ith standard "sleep talk". (a) Ord,-nary "sleep" talk. (b) Nonsense-3yllables or words. (a) Double talk. (d) Cher.@.es in cadence and tone (e) Standard method-,oresertp-d-in a foreign la,-igliage (e.g., Spanish). 2.- Non-verbal and/or visual technil'Le_s: (a) Monotoncus audio stim'ulation: (i) Soft music (2) Sub-lim'Lnal voice- (3) Combination Of botn (b) Visual Stimulation: 2 (1) Fliceer-light (;2) Colore-i lights in var-/ing patterns (3) Combination of@both it is felt that a tachni e of-in5 --@,r di -,i o,@ Aug. 2 22, 1955 1250-00 I -1 1955 3756-00 1955 7 5 Q (2) 1 Att 22 3@@ checlc t (3) 5.01 -A r 8.30 (5) c r a r-o-@ 3(7i lilotsi o:icl,)onses 41413.57 70 0 @2662-50 iure On-eelf. 2162.50 Au,-ust 22 check I-et Of 231 lg.> 75o.co 1 500 - C-0 1000.00 2 19425 Par 150.25 1'69-.70 S-Lippl-i@rjs an4 7x--?enzo Telenhor,e2 5,-).24 rect tensnes Cont 9"10 14.@2 U-Llfice sunplies iu1v cariie,-- over lazt 713-S-@r 22 July 1955 SuBje-ICT Addendum to Sabprniet@,ts 5, 25, 29 and 49. 1. The purpose of-this-addendim is to set forth the mutual ad,@,ai2nistra'vive--re,,:@.oonsi'oilities of the con- tractor-eiid sponsor.-- 2, The ab ve-subprojects-represent the research program @d under "@ff(ULT@rLA coverinz the period-of 1-Si@@t2i@--1953-thr-oug.i 30 Ju-@ie 1956. 3 It was a:V@-tha the trincipal inves'.,i-@,ator would subnit- rna.1-siim-mr.( ac- - countl-igs coverina-the-entire-period@@of-the It is understood that upon_completion-of- the research- any ilne, iii xperded or surplus- funds a Would-be retilul-ned to the sponsor. Alaoy the 2 has requested the Universities to a s,,Lnun,,try ae,^ounti-r.,- -of rtoni6s received vibtidt -from the also requested ',,he return of unex-cend ei 2d-uncler@a 7> a ve ant -lro-ii the YI-15 4. has es*-ib@lished a suecial balo@@ ac-@- cow,t fo.- all fands advancad I:ky the and a signed De2el-ar-- t' T a t-h-i,s-a-zc unt a ion oi .@ust o 0 been ob'.ained and-is on file in TSS/CD. 5. Title to &V permanent equip,-ient p,.Lrehased by funds -ranted the Uiiver6sit'ies sh,--ll be retp-inei by 0 the -Universities iA-i l.ieu of higlier overhead rates. -2- 6. T tle to t equipment pure@iased -tL crranted to qv Dy f ids otained by e A geney of such equipment th " . and an a2nnual iliventO-"7 sha-11 be submitted to TSS/CD. Upon completion of the research pro--a-.m au-permanent etluipment will be re- 0 turned to TSS/CD or-disposal Made at the direction of and with the approval of Chief,-TS2S,----- 7. It was matually--a-g-r-e-e-,d- that Will document all travel-exp6@6tes (transportation stubs, hotel bill,-etc.) that are debited-agair@st funds ad- vanced to his personal-crant.- Do----- -t-ati.on and2 ac- e,men -whi -a,-e-re colin@lin,- for travel expenses -Cq ursable by t@-e University-sl@all confor-L with accepted Univer@@--- sity practices. 9 SID,%TF WITLIES TS$/Che-mical ,D: APPROVV Distri'outio-,i: Orig 4 TSS/CD I. -CAOR.CliDU-M OF The purpose of this @lemorandum of Agreement is to set forth tive responsibilities of the principal re- the rwitiial admini stra search investigator and the sponsor. There-forej, it is mutually agreed tlat A. 2 igator shall subut -to tae sponsor, ---The principal invest at six month intervals, an informl statement of ex-,oenditures of monies advanced for research activities, It is requested that the statement be submitted in essentially the following form: Fersonal Compensation Salaries 2 Feesj, Subject Equipment Supplies and Services Travel Overhead------ B. The investigator-aliall,-jipo?CddVle'L-lion of the progr@Lra-- - return to the sponsor-eny unaxoen,ded-funds--that -had--been a2dvanced for the reseaxch program. 0. The investigator s@,all-open and maintain a special ba n!c account for receipt of all funds-a@l@@-@y7the--sponsor. - -1@i addition to tblis, the investi-ator@shall sign a Declaration of Trust on the special bank account. D. Tit2l6§ to permanent-equipment pwohased with f=ds advanced to the principal investigator@:7shall retmin with the sponsor. UDon completion of the progr&-a the sponsor will-instxtial-, the :Lnvestigator as to the r4--thod ard mode of-disp<)Sal.- E. It is agreed that any-travel@q2@es-incurred in the furtherance of the research-program-and paid by funds advanced the investigat-5r sr@all be dootltented, It is understood that lidocum,ented" the submi-ssion-to the soonsor of the trip itinerary, dates traveled, transportation ticket-stubs) hotel bills, and any other pertinent receipts that are available, within the sponsor's policy fra@-ework. kny expense incurred for which a receipt is not obtainable must contain a statement to the effect that the receidt w-as not ---obtainable. TriD expense accountings and dodlimentation shall be siibmitte(i with t,@ie requested six moith infor;ral expenditure statements. 2 44 Date - 1-3 Psearo,;i in -@:',-rnnosis at tile wpm f@or tne yea." el, 1956 o 'air 31, 1957. Tn4.,@,oiuc'Llion 2 Sente,.,:@-,er o1052, 7,;or< n -1 by @ he -ic o vp-rious oroje^4,s w- oh weie oi-tliri,,t. u has be n do-@ an 2 'tee, -i rzself. Sor-A of t-iip-se have i .Mae a.-nd concez-,,tirc nsci o@!s 7 e -u e e-,rc-n 2o@i :.--zr di.eser'-Ua@w-;_on Nil co-.-,iduc- a coci.- of sTe @-iso 'tine WO--'z-@ on -u@,e on @vhe i-n ur.,,@er 7 '--4- een -ves o.nd s'-Uc@-@es. Some o-:@' -..-@-ork not be ,:r.e u' -a -.le -.-i As sz-. o-f some @U'4-.eu has 'cee-Fi '-y Tonics @'or -n,,@estigati on Cri-ter-.a of-' Sir-ce a:v t;@'a -,)rese-,q'v ti,71e -.-;e have no a7@nsolute cri-ter-.a o'L ,;rhether a oerson is -hyl,)notizei or is 2 s-nd s:L-ice t-hera -o be a stronf-@7 'I-,ai.nc able lo li d such -n tiie fi-e-l-d o-;' i-r.-,Ijc@--d n'll..It k, -n 2 sio!oR!ca:L ch-aaza-q s,,ioil-ld 'ce a---i or e e vn of bio-chenica,i si-, hoin.i,,).n2e ---nee d.li---@'I'er L'ror, n-r:--@d-%,,Lced by toe P-.rc-i shoi,.Id-l@,e set u-o us-@rio- '-ear4- 1Ln,- acti-on, 2 -Lnd waves.-"' Llio--ectaA- for s',.alues i-.n an i-n,-iiv4-dupl to see oz, iiot i-s a .10 L 3 used as .f t"ne.-a va-ri-ations, -n fo.-;n a t-a@.,-Lern to or-' ir_ - -- ----- -------- In o r to i-r,:iuct-lon oT@' n,-,n or evla4eo.6vs ha,.,e or...Iy a :@aio-.tled:::e of some oti-,or langu-ape -2tlh-P--.7t thit of the be 1. A.-i e a@@ineir, sho,.3@ld be eat o -to -z,. s@o t-F to se the a. the uses not-;li-ns 'bu-1-v nol-z-3rse 2-:ordz- or but -,,one and cade-.-ice. .0 Since-, @@,@iare 1-@qy be a a,@- o--@ long eleo-o, 2c-a,@ snoul-I t,-e se@@, uo t-,e no'-v4.c con da on-l-,,- a.-q a myselz' scep-ic this could I-e d,:--ne s2u7cjects -@lio h-,,,re no of 2. An i-rves'.4-c.ati-in--shoa-M ---qto@--non-,re,-bal i,-i@ducti-on techni-m-es, as-lon@-- d@,ra,6,i-on-of-'-:@,onol-jo_noj.s a,,idi-o or cti-.m A i-n @-ini-ch I a:,, ard iri a to -.,ise so-r-" -iA,,si-c :.r, -,@ih- -,'ri zi-,,, iroi ca lelel. Some i-n 4v-1--- -7,ast has ',,)een ve-, 71;(,Ids for Iriiesti-sation -Other T@-;orl, needs -'U-o be done a@-id we co,,,ld !e.,eil do liela --ncijdes tonics: 1. a su@2@ject keen u,-, his ef-L'ici_ency un.,IeA- -hir'Pnosi.-z '@enen 1-.e i-s sOje6lved'.to a vel--.@r t@ trong aiid.io- res, 2 Can ai@-to-h,.rlrjnosis be tp.:,.i;znu so es to be ea effec'-,i,,re as hetero--!.*7,nosi-z in the ce-n-celin- o,,it o-@-' ot',Ier -t--ss eqndiuions; i tiii-s c@@-n be done a ne@-so--i 2 co-%:l-, cr--,ate @-,e il@P-@'llp@, in it even t'@,ov,-h -,ie T.@.-ere actu,3-1-iy coi-lin--d-i-,i a s,-,all -DI-,Oa 0 r- yv 1 14 LIle n@@-5-c 2'bc-er -clone-to !m-it -@miiollld be --e4v -,P -,o test "-"ne're aze to o'L one or ti-.e o@klser. T'-:ip,re %re p- c?-l- need !-,-ives' i @-a- - t-- of o'-i' 6.ln-"7s) colild not, be 7,-.,ndled ir, tiup a22-kl,- r tio"l. -,e a-nz@-Tered of t@ie c..i-,estiozis in '.ip- is true -@lhatu -..-e c-,u-ld not., a@il the a7,,,jove 2 e.,c+--eri-r,,Q-,r,@',s 'hAs a eve-.i thou. T;.,e s-p-.ff b@,- o,.i or@e Con-@e;:@Uent sn 01--l@e-- o:@ 4 wi 1 h,,-ve -o '-a @iarl-ed out7bet-.,ree-i a@--d t-e_-e i-,s a -@:os-qib4-lity t-e@ be SONO ti;7e e,"ci of ye@@ to Ho-4ever, te-e a!-)o,,,e e,%-lLerirents all h-l@j'e to @O c -.0erti-yleqt to Vr-' triat &re in doi-r,..Ic iese@xch. e rSo- Bi-ida t and 7e 1 hw,-e attachp-d a bud@7et---:-'or- t@,,.e ocninc.,- Diace o-@' tii-e salp--"i-ss @0'!, v@@2@ t' e iio -;Ii 11 co---Ie'e 0- ti is sl,'- -!.-Yhole -L.4@@e on @'ip- nr,,D4e,:@t. -Sne -ee- -r, loovia 2 i@h a stron@k, 'oac"e rou-nd i p- ai:id g@,jidarce a@n(l@ y -,,.lo -rp@ t --@-i c .-!e are at he nlace nv..r "e -S 2 s,u,b.-;@ects P-re allai-ltt7cle P-nd Ttie ca.-n. onlar@=e t!,e so @s to oii -,ore r--se.nrch dur2-,i-, incl-uded '-V'-e saiar@f for a net-i -t7ttl-,- P-sa-'-Istar.'Ij T- @p'-Jl '@-..ave to sp,lec'. E@nd trai,.q tei-s si)-,-ner in--order to be rep-dy -@or t@,.-,e ex-oeri.@7.e.nT,al .,ro2rlc ,Iep-r. I a -cerso-ri -@7-,-,o i-z-: a:-z ..iei-,L ci-Lipli-fic-d foi- t.-e -ol-ace --,he b4L.c-o'@-ier@ ca@t- 2-.s s--:@,nioved P-be stil-der-t to c .6 -or tt,.i s - ould !-,e for 'u'.,TO c2-ustrters. T:ie cost 4- - @.1 '500 a c,@uarter; a@,.d thi-s woul-i '-.,e class,-d as % n-p-If- il OCO oi, ti a-d-.i S,U.,Yl@.. h@c-,s een us -cor c-@3r a an,-7 --,ns c.@arc-,P. 07 @,es-u ad:7i4-ni--tra@vi_o:-,, scorin-, no troii't)lc 1 ,4ec--s nor ___v-e s do tro,,,,Iole 4-,n 0-@)i -,I@:7 trec, o@, sv -n er-*i-t7,- settina si.iiee -t@qeir ,-!-es q---i thp Lf -y Tn 2 into .) ttinc! on _u sor,2 a--Idi-ti-onal wor'@c, .,!e @uo c-.at sozre ne@i eqijio-.eient (f"2it'i-e o@-' re:n-ain -@,r;-.th Vne fvnd) and -qet un Iiol@-liler c-.neaq@:entll," d to T &-L-i 4@-n t2@ne Univer,-zity bup,. t. 'ce anLlicatio-q-,f-'or-'res @-C.-, -,ie @-.P-ve offe-,-@,,d 2 ea- (1) a ii-st ol' 'Llo.o-i-cs o,+2 needed be con- di-,cted at e (2) a --lis4-V o4.' n,,4i-soAnel need;-,d to c-.,@nd@,,c"v 2 a-buic.-at cf s.aln--"ies a..nd eq7a---P:re.-it -tlo fin Jcrk, (L,,) a s'-.aten.en'-v k@ol 1 et, to-oi-ce T@!-ill ba-r@itren. a.,i orrler o-2-' -Luo -@-,e w,--,rked out beti@ieen yolir reo-m-se-Lt At ive ar-d e 1 --;', an.' s tribuuc-a Cr'Lg Fe 2 I c TSS/FA Oa,( 2 TSS/CD 28 June 1933@ I?or services MTI?IUTIONS a 2 applying to (1) It, is hereby-eartified that this is InvOle - -M t perf2ormance is satisf3-@-otoryl- Sdbproj cat 49 Of - PROJ O*t I'Wu -AI 't@ accor&,.n,.-e- with =t@@l tbat the Sgrvrices ar_e_ being _acooinpUOled in .-and T"eipts is agre--@-ts,p that a dowled ozencla of the Mymento et and that pay- on file in TW/CD, that tb-is bilVii7li4@@ corre bas not yet been mdds ment thereof Date-* Gbief TSS/CD_- 2 a invoiee applies to SubPrOJOct (2) It is hereby cOrtiflOd-that th' that Vne which was duv apvroved and 49 under Pro,eat NMTRL 4-carried out ia accordance wita the MOWr-"nd= ject is bear aiou 1) April 1953 from-the-DOI to-the W/Ap and the exten of this authority in sub@@@-- Date., p,ese,arch Director I hereby, acknowledge receipt of the following two-(2) dheeks: t Check drawn on vae in the amoun , fayable to 2 ---W- Us$- I 10 Check drawn on the, t @8 pay Date @IE@ORAN2DUM RECEIPT----'-- DATE TO' F R 0'4: SUBJECT: here@.y ez'-Inowled@e recei@t tae -+'0110win-9: 2 A C) F P184@ss return-, Sig.-led copy(les) of this receiot To flaRIA "A*. 36-64 rwoicllg ;Nlo.-I- 31 My 1955 For services - - - - - --- - t6p44,$.CO 1. It Is hereby-cortifi--d that-tblis Is-Iavoice go. I app;y@@- 2 -Projddt @u%UL',RA- that perfoi-mance was ing -to %bproject7" p satisfactory., that -the -erviwsworo accoml-48hed in aeeordanco with =A-aal agroments,, that a det%iled agezda of the pay.,,-o--A+.s and roe.&ipts are on-fila in TSS/CD-that-Ws-bill-is-jAidt;-tt@- correc@t and that ,,sy.--ent _thereof --has -not- Yet been - mde Date: SMNU GOR2.-LM -Chief p- TS$/CD p 2. It is boreb7-cortif iod that this-invoieo--apDUe-a to subproject 49 under Project I-NUL'.'u%k vhich--i4AA du-17 and that th-- project is 0being co-rried-out, in aceor&nca wi,,b: the- me@,-4rwidum dated 13 Apri3-- 1953 from the -DOI -t@o the DD/A an4 the exlension - or this authorl',@,y in oubsequent me=r,-Andas Date: . . . ........ .. 777 77--- ',7 4y 2 :t4 -.7 ol 3 4r4 454 C,4 MAY 1933 MMMUMFCFTTMRECCRD SUBJECT: Project-YAULZRA, O@ubprojeot-49 1. Subproject Jli. of Pr!? act @MTRA is being institute4 as a meang vhich woef 2hy@h6.si3 Vill be -contim@e-i - on at the period 1 j%nt') 1955 to 31 Two finano 2. propo 09150-00 t MPA,and lOs450-00 to ',,he 2 To thi 00-wbLioh re NEI of the projeot-is r rted by a ros 3. -' Th@@@tot&l cost of tha project will therefore not exceed----- $19j,341+.OOID 4. 1 6 cleared hrough TOP SECRET. Chief TSS/Chs.,,.Ical Div'ision APM, OVED FCR OBLIGATION PUIMS Dat,j: i,iarc-ii 10' 19,?-5-' A -Ite t @nj I.C i @l @-7 ONTer e ?ro-osad wo,@.,k-@@@or t-e coni-ng -ear 2 rd4T n-ronoem-d Un-ITersi-t-,.r and rsonal-'L@ud--t Ile n@'u et sIL Or e_ T -,l also o2?-- the' -,4scal ye g ac Univere, 'L@y -ud,@e, -Lo @'ne Con'!-,roller's u u You. ha@te be-@ii asn'@, a 14-@-ztul of the e@2,-(,endi-- +.,Lires fo@- t'L-e f@l,-rs" h,7,lf o-f@ t'-,ii-s fli-sc I iea=r '40, JOZ@'@. T a -Coo -of exoendi-- o v e e - , /., _ - 2 - Y--- - -es -:or '-U',-e last @,---lf on or a@--ouu J%lria-1, 195' Tr,.Lnkin- :-ou fo-,@, -%,-our conti--?ilin-d i-n'-ue--,@est in tl,-,- s res1earch pro3ect., i ani pro-oosed budget, t6 be-Taid to for the period, June 1, i955 to ,I-ay, 31,-1956- 5000.00 Salary for $,.,Iary for 2 1500-00 3. Books -And Journals 150-00 1500.00 4. Travel - Total 8150-00@ P2,-AYmente-to be r)aid-as-fol Oita June I. 195@- 2662i5O. September-li 1955 166Z.50 D4cember 1. 1955- Ma.rch 1i i 195, 1662.5,3 Total 8150-00