April 25, 1956 Dear In response to@L@ur letter-o f -A@ 1- 13, 1956) 1 con,-,olidated reroi-t o the funds 2prov am enclosir,-o, a id ed by -to-suo or t p the study in -the area of lDp-r8ohal,itf re3eaxch under the direction of the D a-oa rtilien t of - Psychology. I trust that tll-lis-report-7pr det- thd@ necessary Info-.va*.--oi for yoar Y--eds. : If@-@n-ny@a tional9 -in-romation- is necessary, please wrl*.e me. Vex@r truly yours, Comptrolle 16 Enclosure University of Office of the Comptroller FirAncial State 4 ir@ent: September I., 1952-Jur..e 30., 195 September 1.* 1952 Axia2lst 3'1--19 Funds Received ii $6,625-70t Expenditures Salaries 01 505-50 Siippl4-e s& Expense 232,,64- 2 -036,80 Equipment Indirect Costs 2,996,,94 Unexpended Ba:Lar7di@ AugU3t 3li7 1953 - $3,628.76 S a e r June 3 -.95 2 .953 '4 ru4ids Received Po 515(>6.3-2- Expenditures -21,6 oo - - $2 0 Supplies and E@,Tense- - 125teo Equipment 253 04 Indirect Co,3 ts Unexpended Balance., June 39,t 1954 $5@779-01 .22L 5 -T6 22 ialy 1955 Ca r FIE=ID SUBJECT kdde.-,,i,,m to S'ub2.-ojoot3 5,, 23,, 29 2 and 49 1. TI.4o aezic-rid= Is to sot forth tho =A,.ual acairie,,rativo of 4,,ho con- tractor =i 2 2. abov;a o--.,';anrojrcts re@,,res@@,at the res,--are-h k--, 7-.r,az 02 -@r. prog -of 2 'CSA,,vizIl 30 cvrerinz -tho p,,)ric%.' t@-as a,,-reed th:@"i I lrivo-,,',ijator, -woaid -aal "",O,@ @,d ac- 2 It co@m,@i--Sa co@;orLne, the of tio It I:; w.@tiorstoorl tliat u:)en t'-,o resc,-,,cii 2 be *o t- sic@o Al-c-e,, t@,a haz; to C,17rvi" -to t-'l .02 a-c7,--n7.7 n-c-couatl-n:r o-," ri2@iaios received #46- retirn of sr..,f fwlij receA.Ved AL,,d@,,r a- Z;@p4t frcl-i the l@t.4%Wh.,Ao est@@blirliea a count i'or an Wall iiiotol.WMRAVI;' an;l a Oa has 2 beon obt3.ln--cl aricl I a Oa f ilo in @3IC:) 5. Titl.@-, to by f@@ids tt@@h- .1 '-,he be rot.-ii-ried by 9 t -:3 tho 4-a li-ea oA'-Iiighl-r mtos. 6. Title to an@,- by, f=do g.--nted to "-ir. logft s.@,,all r,,,a by the A w-l- an an=,--I J-qicato-,7 of cuc,'i cha2u bo s%foaitted to 'L.S/CD. - ipon co-lole&io'a of tho r@,,t;earch pro@rr--a cLU per@.-ane-@a*. equ-ipm,-nt will be re- --sdo t,)-,a dirc- 2 Lurned to Or 0,40-q of th A,@-ze T53, 7. It ent, all (tra-rsportAtao!l 041-1111,03,- ho2 I bill, ot,,o.) tiiat-aro de'oitod at ad-- te A. v--ncod to ocrtor.@Ll sr.--At ae- fo@., travel -,:Uch by Vae linivers3i@@ly coofot"itb@@tpd Divicion Chiof, Crig TS 4 Room Univsrelty of )'ay 1954 2 In rel-.] y to Your letter of-lia Y-11;. I-Aopr ec late yo-ar c o,-i t i r@-. L,! -4 -bud-et froi--tha 2 -thq interest in researel, oerioi of Tune 1, ige" 4, to Y2p7 -,III 1955. mii-3 first qusrtarly- c@oct, I believe, @.-,ill be I-'.- - - - - - @;2.950@@-s-ho@ild be I IL (.I d - t 0Ta Jure I fxt tilk@ -@resent R@4dresa,.Ps-I 'c;e )Oving to stuft@,,ntil Jung) II-. As 'L r-m not cert-Rin cf :ay future Pdd re sa,- I -2,zil I ad VI '2@e', YOU fkg SCOA- AS -I -a.M- lo-ee .ted Tte f ill,@r.Oial-etj--teLlent-fofi@thi!;-presen, 2 te out !4@nd mailed to yoti ';afore June 1. It would ba-,,is-ii I believe,- to-advi- & 2 Ile @,e t -sity ofabhvgommkth@@t t@@,e bue.-et kere r'oqjld not be closed until Juze 15, !@s tlere Pra-revaral s@.xbjecto -,tho-will 'r-ot be Able to finish up the wor;p. Tune 10. and it wi 1-t a the extra v I 9_"c f ive d*@ys@ to eet - thei r payrcl'l throile.:h t'4:e of A'iceg hire. - If thi a- c -*.nrot be done, end the-@proiect l@ere-- -,,t be olo ed 'oy-jln ,;U a a 1. ploese lab Me -I t kauv in.-retitp-tsly ,o-t),@4t -cin fi -hi@ pay-p-hepd-for those people. thAYC-cia-Z you for your help and considerA4iOn, I 40 Sincerely your-3v 10 @v: c F@ DTvl E, Pro eat InVoice lo. 2 for ubv)ro'Oc recuesled fo2r tr, aatlaered inVoiCO- of --hou-Ld be :na@,e-in the fori@i oC ito i-ishicits checks iii t)ie amoun'.s ok .'7,910 L 'e out to 1'ro. I is 2 r*.rorred t,,5 a@vove be C"c- +.o clo5e-of-'ouoirocs on ---eceaaor 16 tt@ ;@try --I 6 4k maim- Ct b.7 Ycl f rate- 2 to !111. ir,-'ereby c e -as be,@,n to irc.i i.,@xecL6c;rly-'L2 ult is.i-.ereby ti-@at, the sc'ore o t'@o of ru:@e- o-'ect a pro cc, o' ir ha 'L.Xec. 70 IC Y., rllvo 1953 for - - - - - - - - - - Dep&rtment ty of M"cb 8, 1954 Geritlemon., After-talkin- with your repreaeatative yesterdty, abotit moving the- research project to4liVA.W Univerdity, I am-subinitting the eaclosed '@udget@@ 44:t6 %lay 31, 110550- I talked-about this move to 3)r. e,@d. 2 -viiii-isity, in Dece-.iber At of departmert -of pevchology@LIIVM a atement from that time be said that be'would like to li@ y our aoproval@@@r@:A2h6 transfe o4' yo-a givin@ r e research pro4ect-@ loll fall rom-the Universily- send him such SiAtt7tte@@h@tl"f 2in not -good here-at tbie low a.Ititude, I with ,to e3-,,orese my apDr4tiation for the@@- -yo% coTaLsj'de retion i bcve given to the trans,,Iif@@f the project to llgft laiversity, 9 Sincerely-yourg- aria IC. Univervity of 14arc h Dr. Frofpps,-r of r@ycholo." I!iller, In 2 to otir conv,!rtatio-Z) @bout -tovin@@@ the hA vq L'im.,11.7 fininiipd (L) 'Proj-!ct Rio" clearint, this with 2the tile-- flill,@ ki --iielo-inc a 00'ZY of 1-.tt -t, t o t!ia-m -n.nd jkl,-o tl',o nro-*osed 2 -tid@@et ti,@t 're by t-,.il,:ilttL%d to tL,-- f-,iid for I i v,- n . @*i,-i ti,,o in 1 Altiel e)ioiild 'rt,2@ t-@e ass!istt!it t;il@t I hpve tr.,@ined -@'or tL,-@ --ro,,Qct. @',ha -.,,ill b^- -a n*rt I.i7te stjdp,-,@. r--e, ,,till be- consrntnd to po 2 vil.ii tio,, -i)r6 to ri III. I eo n.,:t '@r.@.ow 4tist treartl5;re r !*POW 6f t),.I@. 'reind so2 this @!ri vera i:2verpl i!ro-i!c@ yott vipntgd 1. t'.-,e project "@:,Pon And Wh!kt i'l thtl ftitur;a? 2 of bp -104@@ g,me lines. I an ca,,,y of on a 3 n of t',-.e ,crc @te If:.vz@ eon,? 1--ere drrlr.@- Li fast O r y jpct for ecctoral et.,rf rhd . In PEye@,olo,@ el,.oi-,Id b-m loft uatil can of obtt-iniN@-,, At T:li V e r p 1-o-@@,tver It-phould .'Ol.lot tl-i's lins oi: u-- c-itio-i on@ t@-A U2SO of -cpe ri e nce ? ia .,ckir o,.ri lursiziiic c-n4 on onclosin- copi,,.at of -.iy tre!n,,eriLts fro.-i col et@7 ena 2 In t'-Ie tq-n.)r rAecon,.' terr ol' ,o r!e- ot of 40 @,oti A 'tr-n,;rri.-t of ti""c- -.oon 2 sylli s.@?nd As tt--a@ iii@rt@-r Pnds. I-VAT shwa=~ of n of Of-, -Y t fa.- 2 rin@ '@-is ti.-.& I .).s c-d in f-oiins,-Iirt-. vcr' th t-' -,,oric '.?r- or, t.@iv I 2 of 're E-acietic-e. en !-.P. -.vA bf-e?i P. m@iML)&r of t@- JLIAOIIMC6rd'er2trc,? c,,' As to -ny chir;Lcter Pt-il,Lty yoti n!%y iorito to: ta v. -T@v 1)1.. imamim I I r4 AO 0 r) 'Vniv;lrcit L, f .,,roil,@et? -all' P. connictinr door N,21d be pr?' The -iijilit@um floor tilitce in eech room vould be 1.'30 equnre feet. I will do my beat to P-atwor aDy other questiono tlet you nsy hpve &tout the trenefer of the proj2ect to Deaver-University, 'ol, L -'.a- to Lear from you zoom I pm, Sincerely y6uri doom @l 0 I- E WARI,@ 7 'CC SEN SOUI',CES Al@li) (.IETi,00$ [.'4VOLVED J;udget: (to be bp-ndled BAMMION Univtratty) Jurie 1, 1954 to mity 31. 1955 L. S--Iariea . ........ A. Ir! r. 2,0002.00 D. @@ltiss (posiot nt) 1,200.00 ir. A. 500.00 B. Ofj'ice I n c Id e.,it.-,l s 500-00 2 C. for subjects 1,.,Ooo.co o 200.00 111. la addition there vill be t" c@Ari,@" t@At t@ifv 'Vniversity of n,@y m.%Le for handlinr, the f@Lnds. Budget: (to be sent direct to me) -Ttino 1954 to may 31, 1955 Siaaries Mr.' $5.000. miss 1 800. Tra2vel I;oo Part ti-me secretary 300. Movink-, expense (to be-paid-in lull in let check) :I,ooo, -V. Totb,!-@7@@- 4 $8.800. 14 0 d) 0 4- 2 0 r) Oc c@ 'O 9 (%j 0 4J 4-@ 2 vv O,. 0 -M to t# ri 0 w La 2 Z -2 ft 'd.C 6 '71 CMTRFICATE 8 Jant.;ar7 1954 This is to certif t'.Iat/I ahve this day received Cashier's-check,3 MilmliM.1 liols-o-M] -in -the amowi9t- of on .3?137 -in the &mount-of $158.@" $7@910.88 &nd @il37138 -19 REMORANDUX RECEIPT 1,)5,3 TO: CATE 2 MOT FROM: Diide,3t Offic.91 TSS SUBJECT: Ttio checks anounting to .4jO34955* I hereby acknowledge receipt of-the follo-iiing: 67 L 2 ri n3 >2 -i t@ t-.@ount of Ch9dk jPD.33285 i* -tl'.a am@,)Wnt of .1@19.U ;a p@.y,.-oht for inv6id6 1 ',;&project 5j Projeot Please retvrn..Giined copytits)-of this recolpt 'SIGAIAIURE Of RECiPiElIT roitu NO 31.6i 04Tf,*ECEIVED 4 MAR t$4 7i August-10i 1953 ---d-Caohierlo-c,ieck -1 hIV6@@ay receive This is to certify that in @he arount o0f l@lo. R 133265 $3,,955.44. /Zudi,@it of;@-icer T03, lw@joieg No. I for @-.ubproject 5., Proec%@f Pay---@nt is requea,.,ed for-tl@-_ at2taoled 1,-,voice. Ve _ra@ment.- @4j,034-55 eboud bo rae@d ill tr@e-fom o? two casm, eake-in nt3-o,, ;'@3..953 @'L' c.?14 @'e79-11- bot'a Out- @O ""a 2 4w 2. it lo-reqvezt4c@,,l-tL,-,t tl,,,a cheaka to -,bove be on to to t Ch'@?-@' OD/TSS4P t T Chier Cb--mic-,l Diviaion, 12;,' ;, 3 - - L-.,,roico L@leirissee Ori.-. e.: t 14JVM iy July 25, 1953 For Services ...... $4034-55-- C-i-,RTr,.-'ICATIOi7S (1) '1*. is hereby certifLeA. that tbia l) invoice 1.'O. I a.%rjlyi!3,3 to oubproicet-5--ol' tll t t C,,14i al rf or2,-u- c e b 4WNOW po L n iG Satioz-actory, tL-,It the work ir. beinz acco--nlish@%d t accor-lance with the mutual n-,-To,@mat reach@,-d v'ith2 pomp -t tais bill-id j,-lat-and corre,-t nai(I thar. pr:Lywnt-trioreof liaa tb- yet beaa =de. SID:,SY rir,,7@fjLB 2 CD/,r-ss,, holreby cortifed '-hat tilis lnvoica alniliea-*o subproject 5 imaer Project .1-t@@a;rTRA which tas duly-ar ro!p2!d anl t;@at *he project has b-,-oa carried cut with t,@ic DD/P nemoz-audi-u td DCI dated -3 iipril 1953 arA the DCI r@emorandu@-i to Eb/A dat--,l 13 April 19530 Datz,. Deplity 4-tos;-.4irch Director (3) that the of tM proarca of. --Frojott Las been ap@.o oted. su'oproject 5 cz r-7 LT,--?or tl,-2 0. 13 -,I t-itl an"o,-! rt "T"rll r@Z@, 40 0 C h al O.,% @or it DRAF"L-SG/AMr 28 @,ay 1953 Mtlo,-,MUA FOR THE REC ORD - --SubProJect-5-@ 2 'LTRX Project YJCU SUaiECT: constru -4,oj@ct is being ated as the- 1. Subproject 5 Of 2 th, - -.,. - on 11 be continued at t means by wh'ch @m W w 0 rr. he, oil Septemb 31,-1954- Uni-mrsity of fr er 1, 1953. to l@-!aY 2. The attached-memorohdlm briefly sumnarizes the-current -the work to ba done-in the next year. it status of the work, ard 2 will be seen that the experimen,ts-in4L toooft-will -be -continuei wit.i particular emdbasis on several operational problems. The-two-finalaala@@ro-oos,als are attached. They2 entail $6,@00.00 fdt-i-ir. 4WWen,d 65;56,6.32 for the University-Of anwi6ftvv To this-snould be added @-n7.3,34@cii:@@nts a 2@o sel-.rice cha:r,-e t 2 l@@7 )to he The -@7 The-co,,i eraitle-of t fun,-tion as clit-out ani cover 'or-this r-a4t he- - @74 project will be n@ -n,'- ng suppor'tei research gran Dresuma7oly-bei by a from the lililo@@ 2t-exceed 4. The total-cost of-the project will-tberefore no -'@l;for a- period of One year. 59 Ilir Dr. Head) Depattrent Of PsychiAtryj Uni2vetai 7@@t qpd$04T^) are clear through TOP OrCa-L@il and a-re-aware of the reaVpurpoooo/of the project. @-U