-7t AU*ta*nt e-25oe-lo4ol --the 9-bom aftroject is qttecbpcaa@ luvoios NO. 7 66"wng P*yo*a-k aboWA b* ma"-aa-2ftu*vsl #=Mt or 'be R&u mol-a the 2. The eb"k shoum be tmvarded -to CMetp Tw/cuezical vivigiont tbxw4i no Uter tUm Fridayl 20 it= 195& 2 TUs invoice represents the tot outhorit*4 vzdor Mprojett cibco It Is antict- pated that &Wtioml fwU vll.'L to oblisited for thle pvje4a t,, bo oloftd-b AbaIAIA&,@Ahmm Dot mf C&I Divisi( -m Attac)mmt8 i & Ad A,, @i, 4uoaooqyta ul C,41AMna wM jo uopPM" vua IV/cm m iDa W4 C66T Evdy- CT Mvp wnpp@!@ An* volu@o' -Puloq IT -,400ro-od m 14vw -2P" ,o4q44 -ATT ow@-XUI)M vim= J* 9-11 oorotdrg op+ ttoltdde T*Ijtljoo Aqwoq 91 -41 (a) #,"Sa ZoM andea 2in*-,Fe -Rd -A "07= UOK-'4*A lou nq el Tllq 9M,@M "cW= -m GAU.,41M ST4 Jo vpuaft VOTMOP v 'A olu uo2 Si 94d tinumowft lwqnm q@,ta ooospio0ou UT vatioTTdo@@ 9UToq &n t-OD@woo &T D*Uvmxouod -'4Vq@ "VMM 10 -I[-Ti 4*orotdqrg 8fttpt4o L sog -14M VOUT,4@-M "oq iol i@l (T) 0 41& 74 10 7j 44' 9 41@ June 30, 1958 A PROPOSAI@--FOR CONTINUATION-OF-GRANT TO 'rHF, I Dropose, In the-capacity-ofchief Investigator, to pursue In the period- S" t@7Mb@7r@l,-1958-to--August 31,-1959,--2- a program of research comprising the following activities: --investigations'of the pharmacologically I.-Chemical active conttitdents-of varioti§@-plAnts and fungi. 2. Investigatiotis-.on the-chemistry of new heterocyclic compounds of potential-ph2armacological interest. 3.. Synthesis of miscellaneous-compounds of-pharmacologl@@-------. cal lnte-rest .It is expected that the following budget will be re- quired for--these purposes:- Salaries: Principal Investigator-(suviiiner)--- $ 1,800 9 Post-doctoral-fellow: 4,200 Pre-doctoral fellow: ij8oo Total Salaries 7,800 Overhead (25% of salaries) 11950 Page 2 June 30., 1958 Supplies and Equip-ment $ 2,000 Services.(analytical, secretarial,etc.) 1,000- Travel 500 Total $13,250 Approved: 2 Department of Chemistry "Pr6vOst and Advisor e @7, 58 lilt FOR CONTINUATION 0 G@ANT PROPOSAL. F TO 2 I pro@pos the cadacity ot'-ch 1,-e flhve"stigator'@ 'Lo pursue in, -th eriod September 1958 to August-31,, i959,v a-pro@. -f ol It@ring -activi ti e s Iram of resear2ch toVr i s i nt@thi t I mical@,.Invistigations o t h4@ vhatmac6logically'@ t s p a ac f@e'c-onstituents 2of variou I nts and fungi. th hemistf" new he te rocyc I I 0 2. Inv4stigati66s On C-C -4- CDMpound@ of potential pha7r%acold4ical 2 lntertst -tat sce I I an us-comp6unds of pharmacolo II t@n th i s 1 3of eo ca ntorest the folii@Viii@@get.wlll be re- At I s@expecte d that 2 ese purposes:- quired for,th I e Salar so* --Investigator lnelpal ('summer) 1,800 .r Post-docioral felFow-.' 4,,200 Pri-doctoral fellow: 1,800 Total Salaries $7,,800 Overhead (25.9 of salaries) lj,950 page 2 un J e 30' 1958 Supplies,and Equipment" i 2$000 tical -sec- Servt(.-es retartal.etc 000 y Travel 2 50 0 T tal $13 s250 Inv Approved*, airman, e 2 Provost and Advisor Do-ar D thy1hoDtyl recoreinol. I'wish to thank You very milell for the 1,2-dime f the gyran from-it and the,pr@ocess seems to, I have started the synthesis 0 going very VIO-11 so far. 't7p- are lookine@forward to seeing you again in't@iei we hope, not too distant future. ThQiVIi@@aiii 3'@'19,58 (2) Copie of ZOPO$al 'Whie-h p sqd-pla@ase find@Avio oport of hls r oe'a'i c h - 2 tb pro ject': -010440-send your-usual If It Meet$ with your' approval# Dr "letior of,. Into iv'ersity o'p'l@- apprecittes--t h supp2c he-hol'o a whic@ ih 413 9 von .'i Dr vex ly y tru istan 0 ASS Administrator En,closurest 2 cc; Dr. Dr* DRAFT UWY 1958 'm =on SUWWT Supplezj6@nt-to MLTRAP Subproject 51-B The pu-.- B 2 pooo of $'Uyplementing Subproject 51 is to provide additional funds to allow for an increase in scope of-@ the original work. This increase in-sapp!@@sitte of the synthesis of-a number of otherwise unobtainable chemical compounds 'which are needed in otber projects.- 2 2* The cost of tbia-suppIgM@@ll not;exceed $1 200-00 ,,e and obar,' 9 sl@Ould be..Made aggAWAllotment 8-2502-10-001. Sinc' e Subproject 51-B was-originally funded for a tota]L of-$22,,880 00 the new total-for this Subproject will now amount to $24 080.00. 3- All of the fiscal-coatrol and-se:,urity provisions contained in the original Y,---moranduia for the Record on-Subproject 51-B dated 31 JulY 1957, Vill apply to -this-supp6lement. TSS/Chemical Division ON-OF FUNDS., Date: Distribution: Original only Attacbment: Original P July 31 1958 Dr Dear Enclosed please--find two--(;-,)-copies,of-a-proposal-which Di s submittine tinued support--of-his research--- f or - the con- project. If it-meets.with Your approval7i-7please-send your ."Iusual "letter-of intentil to Dr Th4 University deeply-appreciates the help and support which the has given very-iruly-yours, Administrator Enclosures-. Dr. Dr. July 8, 1957 A PROPOSAL FOR RENEWAL OF GRANT TO VIE propose,, in the capacity of chief-investigator# to pursue in the period Sept. Is 1957 to Aug.-31, 1958, a pro--- gram of research comprising-the following activitits4,---- 2 Continuation of efforts to-procure-samples-oU--@7 selected botanical materials of potential pharma-- cological Interest,, to arrange-for their-propaga- t[on, and to Investigate the principles responsible for the pharmacologl^,al-activity-. 2. Cbntlnuatioh of studies of new heterocyclic systems,___ 2 with-einphasis on seven membtted nitrogenous--rlngs,-----------.-- 3. Provision of facilities for the synthesis-of 3elected compounds of pharmacological Importance* It Is expected that the following budget will be re- quired for these purposes: Salaries: Prin, Investigator 5 $ 7,066 Post-doctoral Fellow (1) 4,200 Pre-doctoral Fellows (2) 3060-- Total Salaries -$14sbOO Page 2 July 5, 1957 $ 3,700 overhead- 500 Travel 1.,Ooo Analyses Equipment and Chemicals -_2,000 $22,000 tor Approved: b on it XNOMA= rwi, CWP rnv= ormlcff t Ottleor Allotment 8-2,%2 lo-coi obv-.ril)a the Owe oubprojec2t is attacbeat I-aywnt aboLOA-be-vaU as follovst er chock in tho &-.roject 51-B,' SUB@IE T 'Al -2502.;10-001 2 t a bj hed 5covering h @above s4b t'i 9 -a"a:c pr ec I will foil-oxif. It is -requ sted that p d Mher- invo 2ces a aym. ent be-ma e as-"-'@ onows'. un 0 it-v th $7,'333.-33,-'dra'- Cas ter -c 2 v;rn a b a @,k, a the iyaoxiht Of $z93.33',-.'drawn ba 'd Eicti hou 2 TIC@7tht- -should be rmfa f "TS-.S/Che'micaiL a ckg ihioigh T d SS Bitidget Offi@dir'. no later thait Tues ay, C. V J% U.Wu a195-9t ECL a' ical TSS/Chm C ti c ation 9 oice Ca Orig @-Add TSS/FASB INVO,IC CE RT Lri -C- -A (1) It Is heia.by corttti thatthis I -ed Invot #51-B I UKULTRA' t26i'-pirformanee I I satisfactory, t t s are b ng @cornkli,sh4d@ In a -ccorda- n'c' a with- agreementi that, a detailed agead- -of th a paym6ats2 andreceipts a Cb' d a'TS$ ihat this bill is just an co et, and that payment there'of has not *et been mado.@-' Acting Chief,@ TSS/Chemleal Divi*Lor, ])at are by @terti -this LAVOICO -t 4,pplt (2) It is b fiea th 'roject #.SI B-' e-8 o Subp 2 0 UKULTRA@whi C' w as ely $Lp i444@"a i)ioject to b'elfi4' rried g cco an 2 O' indum dated 13 April 1953 frora the DCI out ii 'a rd ce'vith the" mtro he -e to the DI)/A.",tnd t x@to of this iiuth subsequent memor 8 ority i) anda," Restar4ch Director 'Date.- '77 7-v4 In. the Und*i the autbwlty -W the tbo 13 Apdk U* DO 1953 tr -a t2 51,.3 &Atbority id VA*Oqumt %be fWo b" $nwo.OQ of j, wA wA oboum be 4*lisat@" to ^.O",r to2 Divisiod w rum# AmonD Di"erlor F. A U Distributimi 2 orig 0 it - A4&v4*" I -TSS/FAn TW/9,RB 2 - Twzr-p 33 tn co 'IO -ba 2 7i ell 4'. y 4 I,W or MEMORANJDVM C Budget ottke VW TitA @'@SUWECT-- 2 cot $1, Invoice 4,' Allotratat 7-2502-10-001 -ad covering the ab4vt suhproje 2 o.- 4 is@attach et 1-n@oloo n pazmtnt should be ntade as f*lld*lit ek ti@ th a ount of $610.00, dr-awn 0-11 2 e of $15.t5o.00. c;irawn on the amount wde payable to th 7 -7:, 2 d tbF4 f. TSS/Chomteal 2.@ Pleate@ forwar a checks to Divis on t through TSS/Budget Offietr by Prid-a 5 July 1957. Is 2 'A total of $23 190.00 was ob- 3 _tmi fiti@il tnvotc-4. t et However since it 3 lipted und tbt$ subproject durbig PY 37 -iddittonal tu lids- v Ls prolect Lp , -?. ' - 2 anttolpated that ie obligated for -th tb,6 I 'T k3 TSS/Chom teirl Division frivotee 4certifteall6w 2 Dist-ribnt tont Orig 2 - Addre3see comptroller ID 0 O#Jll oo P7 7, 9 C OR CTZER)IT dom lug IN voicic 1 so S, CERTIFICATION b -4 applying to at this is invoice No. i2s t,,ere'y''citiftea th that:performance-has been-satis- Subpzo,',Glct 51-A of MKULTRA, services have been accomplished in accordance faclor-v. that the nts, that a detailed agenda of the Pay2rnents with mutual agreeme and receipts is on file In TSS/CD, -that this bill is Just and correct nd that has -not yet been rnade.- a at thereof f,M Chemical Divtsioa 2 Acting @@to Date, (2) It Is bereby'cert, tfied-th-a-Fthis7 Invoice applies to Subproject 51 -@A under MkViA@A@@@@pooved and tlaat the I?ro-,, carrie@i@@accordance w2ith the meniorayidu?D jeet has been -1933 from the DCI dated 13 April to the DD/A, and the extensto orf this authorlty lnsubsequent memoranda* Rete6roth-Director Date. 04 @00 RECEIPT ip@t is hereby ickn6wledged of the following two ece checks: rawn on the -qtpei lqpnt-'17- a s __Ibjgr8_,qheek No 05. 00, PaLy-i@ole to@@- Cas e r 1956 d awn on th $79 625. OD,.-pij@a ti7 Date: 7:@ ANCE DlVtSION,:- MEmo*;@A'NDUM TOks @CHIE-r* Fr@,4 Officer SUBJ*,CTT Allotment 7-2302@10. @t., lice 1,00yertng the above subproloot 1#-at It is rtquested that pa ot bthtt tA"Ieos will follow ym a be made by caab2ler6s th4oks *a-tottow*.- Chtek foir $7, 623 00, dr-&*,at)a nk, Ch"-k for ISO$. 0 drawn on be 0-to-the iia44 @pava:bl 2 wtk-rd @thO /Cberntcal Divi- _Ooeks-to Ch@tet, TS3, th ro,4ih--T 14,4gtoMic*r by Friday, 21 S*ptember 1050. HEC R,EG E I SIDNEY G- OFTTLIE B Cbtet T@SS/Chemital Divisloa CO Atton .-))Istrtbutton- ortg 4 2 - Tss/co Cor-O ptroiier I - TSS/FASB 2 @TSS/CD (11 Septeniber 1956) c P. Kill -.14 TVIE, -A"M[iL]N-ir a F i -s - 7 E IV R -,2iL 31 r or servic, W77777 A t is le invoice No--- 3 aoplytn (1) t ts 2h' by cor ore Su proleat -5 -ant* is satisfactory, th 1,@A of MIWLTRA af perform b bet g- -a- c-c -o- -m-plitshed tit aC 2 @@tbatthetervtices,are n cordince with t @'tbat a detailed &tend& ents and of the paym mutuill agreamen St that th rec*tpts is on file in TSSICD.' la bill is I st and corrett and nt th reof hai'iaot yet been made. that, payme 'Y' /Cb*mtcal. Division Chit f,: TSS. 2 Date:, 4@ereb-v'Ottified that tbis@in tc4 vo 51 ty appro-ired and that the pro -A under MKULTRA, which wa's do Is being eatried 2 -init66tdahci,,.wtththemeroorandum to t -6-the DCf he DD A.'and the ext ton-'@"' dated 13 April 1953 fro. ens of this authoi-Ity-14@&t@kbsequent roe--!ooranda,'-' Restatch Director .MoM&' - V- Y'i.@--.- lot '1956 Dr Di -Mar Dr Enclosed Olesse no a ling $5.7 e2riod Se lch C r,l to ptembe Noveiber.30 qu- t -f ittb As soon as the Au s I st4t4ments ai* available to this' of f ice ii4 will-,Dive youafinancial-statement-,- $or the rst,year's research expendituxes. -If therv Is an un- a oug -subtvect It spent b nc at that tim est -- that you, from the next'payment,- one&" Y956. 2 --Univ-6tait---i-l d ficora. y- s p ease pletely satisfied with the tontract and that is Con ducting such a splendid-researcn programs ruY yours ry 3 ve t 1 Administrator Enclosure cci Di.. JL%)ri EMAW- DAV-O lo -CF-P 12 2 Una-, =OR got tvm ib3@ WI to %bo As VA, ts Ona--*U Pro. I*- to r 2 (MO, C@-riFY T@!,T A TSO/00 Tstftm TSS7 W;s@ICD- 27 AuVwt '@'L956) DRM/do 27 August 1956 WXMWOM IROR TE3 PMORD SUBJECT: KMTRA- Subproject 51-K -the vork- V. se of Subproject 51-A@/is to contii.aue on Dotanical material's having a psy@hochemical Dr. dbd--@t th and to Di e -able to- a offecti pe ide pos t ly a 2s'-cies of care mahro(>m vb promises to yield a completely new cremic -is iluite possible that the precise identity of this material.,-if the vork can be successfully carried out can remain an Agency secret., -program is--ou 2. The s2cope@:pf this research tlitled in detail in the accompanyingli@@ be@*@sized that item@#3') therein, providing synthetic faciliti";@bas proven to be-very valuable in the past year*'@- Ifit6@@@et5and tvo-yery 2 useful--- intermediates vere securel"roduced-at very lcny co@jt and In a--fev_- days time by this arrangement. The cost of this am is estimated to be r .875 fo a period of one-year,@@To this s'lm mu 00-'repres-enting a four rereent service charge totb 'P-Ierefore) the total coat vill not exceed against Allotment 7-2502-10-001ei-k)@-lo-oo 4 The has reeuested the Uni.versity to i;ubm-i 2 monies received from the tund Als to the; a s they reqiviested the return of-any unexperded funds received under a grant from the Fund b"onclusion of the -proai@q@ ent e4tuipment purchasei by funds granted 5. Title to any perman 1 the University shall be retaieel by the University,in-lieu of bigber overbeaa rates.-'- 60 It vas mutua3-ly Weed that documentation and accounting for travel expenses which-are-reimbursable by the UniV6r6ity shall conform vith the accepted practices of that Institution. A 7. DriA to comply vith the retuirements of the Memorandum -Ctief.- cal Divistoa APPROM FOR OBLIGATION Ol.? FUNW: arcj2 Date, 4 Distribution: 5 TSS (27 Auvat 1,956) 1956 June 13 a KROEO§AL- f--chief investigator to I proposes in the capaCitY-O I 9 pursue in the period Sept, 1, 1956 to Sept 1,.-1937 a progra2m, of research.comprising ihe-f6ilowiiig- activities@- orialsi including 1. lue procurement of various plant mat , hich-have some rather difficultly Accessibf6@@tb@ftgal@g@cies,.w been i-.upiicated in reports to contain subttances causing dis- turbances or changes in-the-contral nervous system n and fra 2, -The processing of these materials by extractio --c tionation procedures with the purpose of obtaining extracts. and eventually pure compounds responsibl-6--f2or the-biological activity* and of furnishing such-extract--S--fo-r-pharlitacological--- evaluation. 3-. Detertaination-of-tho--Stucture of the-pharma4cologically-'------' tituents-of plants obtained as,described above important cons or other 2natural tacts In -products obtained from various con the field which are being cultivated And LU&intained,. 4, Investigations on the-synthesis and pro.Qorties of new jiy ocyclio compounds,, using as one point of'depart- _pga of tister ure the new diazopine ring syst l(@h. 0 - s UL&g ia zoac etylpyrft zol. in e 11955)) and as anothe ure roac OPNow0wr suitably substituted d'iazoketones, with the purpose of exploring both the chemistry and possible pharmacoldgical--@@ usefulness of th6e novel substances which can be expected to arise, Provision of facilities for-the-synthesis# on short not- ice, of sel,ected compounds of pirticular pharmacological inter- ests It it expected that the following budget will be required for the program outlined above: T777777777 -2- 13UDGET Salaries Principal Invest. 16,, 5oo Post-doctorate- fo3-lows 2 (2) Pre-doctorate fellow (1) -- Total Salaries 615.,500 Overl-.ead (25% of- salaries) 3#875 500 qervices (Analytical etc*) 1 000 supplies and Equipment' -_2 000 W)875 -LS61 aVaN rlVDSI,a k I hereby it receiptg. fl. th2e fouoving two ellio- SI Cashier a bmble 19560- 8 DeLto . ...... .. Cali 2 LO,> W)i 4W db 2 irA do 4mo 7 LLJ L3 4 195 it io hereby a -satiofaqtoryl tbat Subooloot 51 of- NKULTRA@ that yer orum vith lmttlil 2 looo re being aoooinpl-tali6d it ao@oor@4&n" the "rvl g- aC WA a On& c intal tbolt a dst&il@ed h4 -p-a-yaoute &M 2 -in TSS/CD. -is just ilnd a is on,- f tb&t Ws blU orrsot and tmt: p"=m t thereof bA$ Acting Miers TSS/Chaaictl DLyioio Dat4i@@ co applies to -this irmol (2) certified tb@t MLTU vbi4b @ft" aPON*04'wd that tbO PrOJ$Ot 51 undir LIY b-oing: carriot o%A in@ vith tb* ilaidoa@@ -dAt64 13- from the-- -U- U*- DV/A. wA the ejunsion of We author giis&0roh Director@ Da t@ abrua y 28, 1966 4i Doer age find triplicate copies of the FinaA4oial Repo he period SdotOmber-l-i@.1955 to-January 31v 1956. This financial Report is for the __grant @which suppo rts fundamental r#440ro@"6 th4-f-i-4-ld of centrally active substanceso@@ 2 @Very truly yours, e$44ic t R Administrator -"7 E-n-C ro sures I cprtify that th4 listpd Axppnditurps are j1ust and rr@asonable and that thq work hA sb.@kosn psrformed Eard$factorllye Chi@f TSS/Chpmic,al Division February o 95 Ora C*v a n t(>t Salaries and Viiial-8 Piincipa Investigator Re so arcrrfamllonotsh 750,100 per month,' 2 -0p 600. O@C. $30mloo month (Octobe 050 962 r 26% of-6418'itli rag#* -E-xpeadao mate C 1-12-56c 73 Co*- Lmet -- - - 19@055 00 lw 54,o _t&A 1,1.&14-51v c An aftit 0 Univergity tolophono 6,60i 12-30-55 6660 lw3l-56 AS or-. JAWARY 31,*- 19561 $100910*35 31. c el IDr Or RAW AL REPORT ly_ $166000400,' from Gr*nt to t EXP a;. 41 -ft me--4i@n A Waqf)l or MRW-$2,@,500.00 $150 ASS per month 50 too P* !Research Followp (Ntober s3l85OoOO -month2 25% of Slari 962.50 ate r4 6-1-t 1-4-*O, @@C 8,p7 1-12-56 tane 073 T6 @,;14.12-19@,55 Cko 40 coo 55 Cko - $4056 _to 12-14-5 115*44 11-30-5 thiversilty-tolophone 16,60 6 60:11. 12-30-55 1-31-56 1935 "7. ity of slot9lo 35 ENDED EG-NW AS OF JAWARY 31- 1956, 31 MEMORANDU-?4 CF AGRE&YM,'T o set forth The purpose of this yiemorand=-of Agreement is t the mutlial6admini-streitive responsibiUt2ies-of-thi--@ftdipal-- research investigator and the sponsor, Therefore, it is mutslally--- agreed thatp -to-t A. The principal invealigator aliall submit he sponsor, -Winforml statemente2, of @ exoonditures of monies advanced for research activities.- It Is requesta@@hat the statdmenv be submitted in essentially the following- lox-I'. Personal-coVensation fees) Equipmeh't Sup,.olies and Services 2 Oontingencies- Overhead B. It is understood that any travel expenses Incurred in the furtherance of the research program--wi.11 be accounted to- University in a manner consistent with its e6 rshdd-practices and policies. 2 C The Jneipal investigator shall submit to the0 sponsor pr reports-on-the technical------of the research progress covered by theae funai-.--\- 19 Septe;,nber 1955 MoLk@MU,14 FCR: THE RECCFTD S'UBJEGT Talaphone conversation with morntngt D to inform us that 1, This- on or he will b6 leavin about 30 SePtemc-er, 26 Fe as'jcod that-I contact Di@@vmprefer@ably before he leaves area of:@6@future-rtlatic i@Uh lines that Dr had and 2 along the -MR. th 8 i-o@Lid be He sheady c w -me. -,@ms assured-that done. Dr Iklas-instructed to get :in touch with b oncern-ing wv.4@ail6 about the new me at OTTLIEB Distribution: Orig & 2 TSS/CD T, (ig September 1955) RECEIPT ceipt of the following: I hereby acknowledgig re 7 &AI@-d 10 tober 195 ,am -Ca -tlf Illirli II ble@ paya 7 unt in the amo d_ ted 10 Oct,Dber 1955,__ii awns"- Of f iq-alctl payable to th in 9 amo 1 @14 fck tT@ r- 3 is 2@ tWp DROI ]YickTION --tbat ---Wol*&M* is 34tlgf&O Pe 2 torys &emlpu" in "Oord-sLneo with au agroozo2its that a de ed 7i4itn&- of thi@@@s 4md, -rtcailpts is on fue in tiat thi o bM to just and correot 2and ;,'tbat_ ptvmt thmsof,, h&a not'yet 4itn rA ids adof TW/Chomical Divisi tifi*4-that this i@vol 2 kpplies to Subproj *at (2)" La b@-ro'oy cor 0* I it 51 waor HKU= whioh vas daly a,,pproy*d azd that the projoot Is boing calrried 2 6ordance vith tb* @zo"r"dga Utod 13 April -out in ae o W/A -this sxt*usion of 1953 fr" the DOI iim s3ubsequent Dirootor Dat*t rN - H nb M!R* CLVI WO ti DPAF 9w @54 15 September 1955 yD4MA NDUM F CB THF, RFCCRD SUBJWT NKULTPA subproject 51- 2 -to-76ohtiniie wor f s b k on - 1. The purpose o aterials by fomerly of the ly relocated at arch prpg2ran will be to parsue---- 2, The rc6pt@@ the rese isolation and-ememical characteri- studies on the detection, zation of new compounds having--central-nervou6 system Offects which may occur in various plants - am will-als2(> The progr study new types of hater6eye a compoundb-Vhi-ch may, be useful-- in preparing centrally active agents# f this prograrq is estimated to be The cost o for a period of-ona year. To this oum must be-ad(led- enting a four percent service charge to the t6fore the total cost will-not exceed The 3 should be made ag4inst Allotment-6-2502-10-001.- johas requested the University to 2 '&dq@6unting of monies rtceived-from e-queste-d the return of why unexpended Title-to-any pemarlent equipment-purchasecl by funds gr-anted tfii-'Uni4'0,re II-- b- 2 by th - University it@ ii@a 4 e in I-iel-i of higl4er overhead rates, 6.- It was mutaally agreed that dooa)nentation a-nd accounting for travel expenses 6,hich are reimbursable by the University shall confon0r. with the accepted practices of that lnstitution ed to comply with the req@airements of the 14emorarid@Cua of Agree:ment.- on - a of, TSWChemica APPROVU FOR OBLIC-ATION --OF FUNDS: 8 e I)ate: Dis@tribution'. OrigirLal Only TSS/CD 5 September 19 55) 44W 4L alp A PROPOSAL It is proposed to-ptirsiie-studies on the detection, isolation and chemical-characterization of new compounds having central-neryous-Vatem ef ots oh may occUt@71n 2 various plants. It is further-pfoposei-to-stiidy new-types of heteroeyello compounds uh.ioh-may be-useful in preparing central-ly-active agents, It is expected that--the following expenses will be incurred in the-course-of-t4hi.9 prog@"-during-a one-year period- Salaries l@%teriala & v*upplies-, 2.000- Travel Expenses @@500 Overhead----, Miscellaneous Total- $16,000 DISBuRStMENT Che $I B- I Sept biai 139 oo,-- IDece -Z32V-00' I 00, 2 h l@ Sp Mart 'I SC 0 z3z5 0 'Chetk riaber 1959--- $600.00 I Septe December 1959-@. - 600.00 I 9M a -r'ch 19 0 ::7600.00- 600.00 I June 190 -CL MMA PubxoJec OV@6r@,A ,Iigatic A)Itbor- zgt on - 77--@ 0 _r -Invoice li't-%,nber Dat4 Am .71P .4v AUo .37.@ lit PTOJ @t -MKULTRA,51 16 Septembor 1955 Data Wtiatcd: Dat-a )DxAres. 16 septomber 1962 n,,,as @ current year: $10,712. 00 I-,,arpose., To 6provide by oynthosts compo=d3 of phari3@,ac activity. continuing one on the prepar,-Uca of cOmPOunds act is a Status: This proj ew hoterocycuc serieflo related to LSD and on a n (A rn DI 7-IV io tA Iz, i(o c:p LA -41 f4 41 0,4 Old 4J' U%4 oil ecernber 18, 1964 Dear Dr A report of exoeniitures for Dr. project is as follows: $ 6,688-88 Salaries Expendable Supolies and @quipfn2ent 1,656-35 Telephone 32.55 Indirect Costs __1,722.@ Total Expenditures The period covpred--is Sooteinber 1, 1962 to Aug.ust 31, 1963. 2 Very truly-yours, 3 Administrator CSrtif:7 tiia4- nr sati,gf.ac+ L @uie3 8 were incurred a FINAL Date 5 Sep-teynber 1963 BEHAVIORAL ACTIVITIES SU-I)PORT BB 1 "Materials Vla Branch-- Category__@@ehoLvio@@al Control Iate,@__ 2 (forriierly Ilb) Pr-oj'ect §Y@ th@esis@ Iterii Classification.,-None HIKULTR.A 51B None Project Crypto..----- Crypto Branch Project No.. R-97 Project Engiiiee Contractor- Contract No2.---- N.A. Task No. N.A, T@,pe of Con tractC70vern.raent Sterile Date Initiated 11 July 1962 Cost__$_10 712-00@ 31 August 1963 Coriip'iet;@0,,i-Date- Purpose: General organic chemical synthetic facilities for drtt,2-,Is and other complex'compouiids are maintained under this project. Satisfactorily completed. Requ're-p-ent- Research was n6,@ded to make new CNS active corl-0ou ds that are related to I,SD. REVISF.D 8 AI)i@il 1"6 Date- offensive CW, Fd -personnel) Branch---kB- Category-@@---@,-IAA-li--ti None Chemical. Synthesis item Classification- Project Title-- None LTRA Crypto ClassifiCat!On Project Crypto_NqL_ 2 y Braiich Project NO.-- R-97 Project F-tigincer- ljniversi+sr Contractor--@@---- NeAs N.A. TqsK No.-- Coiltract No.---- 2 c)62 Type of Contract,-C@Ov-eK-n-g-@e-n@@ St-p-rtl-e Date Initiated.--.@- $10,-112.00 31 August 1963 COMI)Ietion Date Purpose; General organic chemical synthetic facilities for drugs and other complex Zompdunds are maintained under this -fbject. p Status: ynt@hertic step has been achieved in model compounds so ttiat A critical s the total route is one-h,-tlf-completed.-- Mr@UIRE,%V.I,'4T SOURCF,: Researeli was npeded to Take new CNS active ccnpovnds that are rel.ated to I.SD. Ytarch 4, 19 3 Di&l -06 Dear Dr. report of expenditures.for.Dr, -project is as follows: Salaries $ 6,527.42 2 Expen,,iable Supplies and Equiprren'Ll 1,660.12 Che.,nical Analysis 291.00 Travel 160.00 Telephone 29.60 1 631-@6 Indirect Costs Tot-al-. $10,300.00 The period covered is September 1, 1961 to August 31, 1962. Very truly yours, I.-ify that s a lu- Aye--Pe irc@:,rred 2 Assistant Research Ad,,ni-nistra-,or cc: tlarch 4, 1963 Dear Dr-.;@ A report of-expenditures for Dr. project is as follows: Salaries $ 4t246.11 Expendable'Supplies and E-quipment 2,425.81 Chen,ical Analysis 316.00 2 T.@-avel Telephone .55 Indire@.t Costs 11061.53 Total: $ 8,050.00 -The period covered is Septernber 1, 1960 to August 31, 1961. -ty rec@,iv(,fl tilcl i'@7 0 Very truly yours, were incurred o-@i ch Administ)7ator CC, i Dr Dr. March 4i 1963 Dear A report of-expenditures for Dr@. project is as Salaries S 6o527.42 Expendable Che@@ical rknalysis2 291.00 Travel 160.00 Telephone '29o6O Indiroct Costs'@' 1. 631.86 Totalt--- ------$10,300.00 The period covered9-is Septepiber--I--1961 to -August-a@l-, 1962. Very truly yours# @Assi3tant Research kdfinistrator cc t L)r Dr ..arch 4, 1963 Dear A report of expenditures for project Is as followst S 4t246.11- Salaries Expendable Suoplies and EquipK"t--,2@142,5&81 Che,-iical Analysis 2 316.00@, Travel Telephone .55 061.53 Indirect Costs Total#. s 80050.00 The period covered is Septei;@ber 11 1960 to ?August 31* 1961. Very truly yours, 9 iktgist,,ni ,a$6 ch Ndministrator cel D RECEIPT -Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following checks: Treasurer's Check No. dated Novei-nb 'DZ, n the -the anvri on PaL able t Treasurer's Check No, 62, p@ v dated b 7, 19 I2. 0 payai)le NAME OF Aiii& DATE AMOUNT; VOUCHER N . (Fxnanee use REQUEST FOR ADVANCE BUILDING @IE TO ROOM OF FUNDS f2:oo PURFO$T 'co -or fuivec-:i loy o , ! 7 il@ugu,.,;t Accouriting,, 2to L@,? in he a will fully account for this advance by submiss; on oi v C ,nd refund of any unexpended balance 2 to the reporting point stated and by the due date chocked below. 1. h. vent ofay failure to me account And refund STATUS OF OVTSTANDING ADVANCES any unexpended balance, I authorize deduction from my salary to off-et settlement. AMOUNT 7U.A.COVNIED.@AU 2 REPORTING POINT DUE DATE DIVISION HEADOUARTERS N ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION 2 ON OR ABOUT MONTHLY - ON THE LAST REQUESTING OFFICER APPROVED RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED 2 in the amoun stated here. DATE SIGNATURE A DAT.E SIGNATIJRE OF APPROV IG OFFICER under to be used for t rpo4we stated and accounted for 2 DATE AMOUNT I @Y FUND CE I R CHARGE ALLOYME CERTIFIEI) FOR PAY&4,ENT @EDIT NT NO. OBLIGATION EFERE6 @N212 1-1) DATI AUTHORIZED CER IFYING OFFICER SIGNATURE OF ADVANCEE DATE SIGNATURE SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION PREPI%RED BY REVIEWED BY --2-@7@VIO.C.Eln No. 7- S 2 71-80 47 - 5 2 58 67 b$- 70 OESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS -33 STATION 45.46 OBLIG. 53 54-57 ALLOT. OR cosr DUE 2el CODE PAY AMOUNT r/A No u 2 REF. NO. GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE ...... CODE N PER. - .. .... DESCRIPTION- ...... I C6,F;,;6 CA' @ LEIDGER onitc L O' ACCT- Pi(!... C@,CT ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 CODE ..... YR A NO. CLASS Dest CftEo 1 r 3 TOTALS (38-A9) ,@PSE PREVIOUS totylo.,@s. I -August -1962-,-. Tr' Additional AUtboriZatiOn NO 10 2 1-3 a-@ -$@Oj,71? 00@- c 2 --);-a C a - 3125-135!q@!399? p ate C41e 4A 2 Date AUG 1962 DiLte 4 RTIFY TilAT FL44t)t MIORANDW@ FOR: TFM RECORD SUBMT MKULTRA Subproject 51-B 1. The purpose-of 0 eat 51-B is to continue a program of research on the synthesis and properties-of organic compounds- having pharmeological activitii@@a2-nd--of -potential interest. '2. The scope of the-research-program is-concerned studies directed to synthesis-of hit@@yelti@-@-otber organic CO(-mounds of potential pharmacologt@@ntereat and the chemical characterization of such compounds. New types o heterocyclic 2 f compounds which may be-useful@ln@elu-cidating'the-action of known ebemicalstavingcentral-nervotts systp-av-effects will be studied. 3. The cost -of the- j@@@@Lrated to be $10) 300.00 for a Pe riocl of-one-year. -To-this-sum-m2xi representing a four per cent service ebarg"OF:th- WF The total m m ad de cost 2will not-exceed $10,712-00-- Cha Allotment No. 3125@1390-3902------------- 0 4 e ted the University f - s mques 'ill@@o subml -td- them a suourary 2accounting c)t-t an annual basis-- A O" monies received from the Fund.- Also.-it has been requeste, that any unexpended funds be returned at the -close of the grant vear. -for a six months' inforwal 5. The requirements on the lart of the 2 6. Title to any p@Z@ent equiprent purchased by funds granted the University Eball be-retaiiii@d-by7ttW University in lieu of higher- over-head rates. I-b@@@-m-utually@@d-that-dddWuentation and accounting for tcavel expenses vhich-are reimbursable by the Universit9y sball conform with the accepted pr4pti-ces-of-that Institution. Dr. agreed to c6mply vith the requirements of the YemorandAirt o@rTlgxrWeement - TSD/Research Branch APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Attachokat: Proposal Distribution: 6 Orieinal only 1962 JuAe -CONTLKUATION OF ORANT A PROPOSAL FOR Iro TM I propose, In the capacity of-cht-Of ihv"tigatorp to pWt@@0-- In the period September 1,, 1962 to--August 31# 1963,, a Program Of research on the synthes Is on4-properties of heterocyclic c6ftpounds---- of potential pharmacological Interest.' it is expe4ted that-the following budget will be required for this purpose t salaries: 2 Principal InVtstigator (sumer) $2000 Predoctoral fellows (two) k§20 Total Salaries 68oo Overhead (25% of Salaries) 1700 Supplies and Equipment 1000 Services (analytical, secretarial) 6 500 Travel 200 Total $10,300 4' page junt 5;,-1962 stigator Approved,., hem $try p tick 5 'Provo$ a Research DaiL@ Category--OffaK4V.O=Cwt-nw(AS*4*vomww---(wb roicet Titi ficatioti---, Item Class! 2 rypto project Crypta- C Project Enginee - Branch 1roject No- Contracto Task No.- Contract i4o--M.-A, -D4t@@-initiated Type of Coi-it-2ract-GOVC4=. Completion Date_ purkose: cmaa@rat orewo tha-m@ eyameac uctuti4s for amso 044 other T*MPIM @COMPO=49 are Status: Syn*Wlo 0..l opedal Aimm 13 ab,-mt coa C*MPM" R-ECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following checks. Cashierlg Check NO. irL the arqioulit Df $412. 00 Treasurer's Check No. dated Avg ftiount of ayeb e- t 4 Date.. 250 NO. Cost Account. 312 -"90--3902 Object Class 2 Obligations Obligations Unliquidated IAcurred Date Reniarks and Referen@4Es laquidated Balakce 'is', FG2 mrUliTM Sn'c-'.IroJec-t q-11 010,712.00 10 2 9 losc6',aF NAME DATE AMOVf&,.), VOUCHER NO. (Finfinc* use only) R,FAUE'NT FOR 4DVANCE 24 Oct.)bor 196Z 4,', . (F ROOM 2 L=LD I NG PAY EP$40NE EXT. OF FUNBS Attached 121 -- PURPOSE' fundi In, @AICULTRASubproject 51 In@oice V13, which activity was approve2d by C I'@'SD on 7 August 296?.. Accounting to be in accordance with the Fiscal Annex Attachrnent C. -at I Will FUIJY SC06unt 16r this advance oy suomksfaon et vouchers and revund of any@@@!.n45f STATUS OF OLR@STANDING ADVANCES t:-,A: *"Porting Point stated and by the due dote chocked below. rn the event ofory f&A'qur& any unexpended balance, Z outhorice,doduction from my salary to effect settlement. PEP2ORTONG DARE AMOUNT UNACCOUtl.'f ED BALANCE POINT DUE OA.-- RINANCE DIVISION 14EADQUARTERS ON ARRIVA2L AT DESTINATION ON OR ABOUT MONTHLY - ON THE LAST WORKDAY OF EACH MONTH 2 REOUESTING OFFICER APPROVED RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED DATE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER I acknowledge receipt of funds in the amount ftsted here- under to be 2used for the purpose stated and accounted for as shown ob"e. OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO- @CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT OA E I CEF?T I FY TTITS- ARE AVAILABLE 2 T DATE 1AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICER $1 GNATURE OF ADVANCEE SL(;NATURE :off t; 9 2 SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DOVISION P"-@NARED BY REVIEWED BY VOUCHER NO. -12 DESCOIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS IS-33 34 - 3-9 40-A2 4$ 49.46 47-62 58-67 492- 71 71-80 STATION F OeLp ALLOT. 00 C ST DUE 54;57 PAY AMOUNT 2 CODE F-XpEi4o u GEN RAL NO. DAY PER DESCR@PTION- .0. LIO LEDGER ADVANCE ACCO U,4 Ts 13-27 ........ 1. ......... 0 2 ACCT. NO ...... epic 0 v PROJECT "0. s V. 17,17, coo CLASS 6 -T- -7- TOTALS 15--o R Om 281 use P-i-evoovs CDITIQNS. SECRET