To emble CD to utt,Uze-- tbe Services Of Satisfactory NIA RECEIPT Receipt is hereby ackrioiledged f6t-Titourer's Chec%- No* 182507,1 dated My-12, 1961, in the 6aouat Of $584.98, dxavn oa payab3.e to 4 May 1961 ME.MOP--U4DUM FOR: CHIEF- rINANCE DIVISION VIA TSD/Budget Officer SUBJECT -MKULT,'KkA. Subproject 53, invoice #16, AU*ttnent No. 9-2502-75?902 Lavoice No. 16 cover2ing the above sulproject is attached. Other invoices will fo'&Iow. It is requested that payment be made as fouows: Cashier's check la the arnount of $584.98. payable to "CIO 1-iiii@! drawn lo al b"k. Om a c 2. Theche@ckshoul2dbeforwaidedtoChiefo-TSO/Research Branch, through TSD/BudgWOfficer, no later than 15-May 1961. Chief TSD/Research D@lanch Attachment: Invoice gt-Certifications Distribution: 8 Orig Z - Addresstt TSD/ FASS 2 - TSD/At C H 0.'< T 13 F R E C 0: [V, ti% CP% OA 77 FEES FCzl ;5q@RVICF-,,Li AIN'D (15Julyl960-24AprII1961) Consultatio,-i for l-- days, 15 and 16 Dedbmber 1960 75-00 Consult-ation with teeb-nical-wriler (2 da2ys) and review of manuscript (Includthi@@llection of aterial, veri-L'ic,,-tionof 200 00 m Review of trotocols (including-telep4g@l@ongultations) 200.00 r.,xpenses L'or trip-of-15 and 16 Doe 1960, including 2 Airline ticket 9 58-o'O- oabs--to and from-#$&" t4 airport (@ 16.00; cab to off lee - - bill for one nig,@-@t - -C- 12.88-, 83 098 Miscellaneous su-plies-and materials-- 21.00-, 2 TOTAL 0584098-- ,Retpe7etfully submitted, 4P, 16932 DATE EXPLANATION ;,4,k P r,;-7 CRECITS 1 E! 2 4 ivvti -izl DEC 1 5 iA@ 8 3 I 0 2 141 171 191 22 23! '2-4 0 UST 13ALkNCZ is A'40UXT Dtic UNLESS l,'iDICATE,:) w 10 c; OL4 E-4 04 E- 0 0 2 ;It I 0 %O c I I go 1 10 -d 19 July 1960 ),IEMOR,,VNDUt-I FOR.--CHIEF-FLNANC,',;. DIVISION VIA TSD/Budget Officer SUBJECT UKULTRA;7$-Ubpz-loje@@t 53@-14@@ice 015 1. Invoice 115 covering the above subproject Is attached. Other invoices will follow. - It to reyiested that payme@At be mado as follows: sabler;a check in, the ainaiint of $1,950.60, payable to-- c 7 drawn on a loc-al baak. 2. The check2 should t47fot*@i"ed to Chief, TSD/R*iearch. Braach, through TSD/]3udget Officor, ao later thaa Z August 1960@-7- Cb AttacbLmeat: 22 lavoice & Certifications CERTI." THAT DS -ARE 'AVA'CA@LF4 Distributioa: ----------- Crig & 2 - Addressee TSD/FASS TSD AB #"MOW, Ll T OF C H EC Kir' R jaw INVOICV $1,950.60 For Services .......... --------------- --------------------- CERTIFICATIONS (1) it Is hereby certified that this Is invoice no. IS-*"lying to Subproject 53 of Project NIXULTRA2, that performance is satisfa@ctory; that the services are being accomplished In accordance with mutual agreements, that-a detailed -agenda of the payments anel receipts is on f!14-167TSDiRB, that the bill la just and correct and that 1;.trinent there-of has --not- yet -beem made, --Ch2i-ef,- -D7Resea ch Branch-;- Date-. (a) It I.9 hereby certified that this invoice applies to Subproject 51 under Project MKULTRA7*hicti-@uly approved, and that the project Is being-carried out in accordance with the memorandum -DWA;@@4c extension dated 13 April 1953. frbih-the DCI to the of this authority in subsequent mernoranda. asearch Date: CLASI.' SAS-S -VIA FE 15 July 1960 ixy fees for-professional@@vi-ces rendered your orzanization, and c--r*uai-n travel experses-are-as-follows: Professional services -fro4-,=@16-,@Febraury -1960 through @2C. 19 June 1 'O inalt,,ding sgqqlp,@port of - 3 Yay-1966:-;T=@@2@@daYr@Ca@,50@00-Pi@t-daY $1100@oo- Professio--qal--- services from 20-June 1960L. thro vASh 24-june-l,.060@--o.-oject@@visit:-4"ya Ca, 450.00 per-day 225-00 ProfessionalL7det-vi6d@d@ftd,-n 25-june 1960 through------- 15 July 1960;7itidludin.S special reDor'4 of 15--2July: 24@hou re-12@-110@-00-p-er hour - --240.00 .Air to and return-(4370.6o)--and ea fares-fi,om home-to---'@,V-urn-(115@00)-@@20-24 June 1960 0 385-.60 TOT,AL S1950.60 Yours-very sircerely- t@.ave examined and ap;roved e su'3m!"ed Di7ision RE-CEIPT-- Receipt is hereby acknowledged for -Treasurer's -check - 50 No. 24805Z, dated March 11, 1960, in the arnount of $671, drawn on IVMIW!IM D. payable.toil----.---.,-- CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER -v-*tKHr4R MO. 7- 12 DATE 2-6 iVOUC14ER NO. 7-12 A3 47-522 50-67 66-701 7[1- 60 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 3 4;39. 11 AS )t STA . AO-A2i F ONLIG. 53 54-57 A2LLOY. OR COST )F. AMOUNT 20.33 CODE PAY I/A 00. EXPEND]. v RCF. NO. GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE ...............2. PER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OF:SCRIPTION- -*,, ... CODE @' N L @A@@WA W CA LL@DOER OZ-67 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 2 OBJECT ofely CREDly CLASS OD@ YR ACCT. 40. 2 PAOJE r POO. -fr@ s c emp. '40, ;REV. N;; ... ....... > EXPLANATION OF ENTRY 2 TOTALS DA'TE PREPARED my DATE REVOEWED ey CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CPEDIT DATE so Ijoe t@)F c FO8RM 606vilt PNEVOOUS COITIOP#S. 26 February 1960 MEMOITANDUM FORI@ Clilzro FLNANRZ DIVISION -LA TSD/Budget Officer V SUBJECT bdRULT.,*,.4,, Subproj"t 53 Invoice 014 2AI"40tmemt 49-2502-75.902. 1. lavalce 414 covering the above subprojc4;t Is attached. Other lavoices will follo%v. It Is requested that pailment ba raide as follows:- Ca*Mor's check La the aro"nt of2 $671, 50, payable to loW baDaR. 2. The check 3boald be forwarded to Chief. TSD/Chomical Branch, througbl TSD/BudSot Officer-# -no later than 11 February 1960. Chief 4 TSD/Chomical Branch Attachment-. & C"fications Orlg 7. Nddressee -RASS 2 - TSO/CB TSD/CBJIIIIMI CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2.0 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 @34;39 49 4 7- 5 2 50-67 68-76 721-60 TA )ON AO-42 45-40 013L I G. 53 54-57 ALLOY. OR COST DUE AMOUNT F PAY R GENERAL CODE XPEND u EF. NO. ACCT. NO. DATE 2 DESCRIPTION- ........ ... PER . ......... ...... No, CODE N CA LEDGER 62 6 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 LOO. A'lc'PP YR ,%CCT. NO. 2 CR :Nlo, .essor@cv CRFDIT 0 CODE -i ....... ;;;r. c s Mr. "D. X LA 9 3 Ila 2 20 7:5 2/: '6 71 :so EXPLAP4ATION OF ENTRY 2 TOTALS 17F 4,11 DATE PREPARED BY DATE ftlEvIEWED ey LUWWLFD FO!-PAYMEr4T OR CR 9 DATE FORM -A*) 10- 5, 606 use Pne'lous co,yeems. Ilk Z6 Tebr-Aairy 1960 -4ANCZ DIVISIOM MMMORANDUM FO]3, CHIVF, 1'14 VLA KULTRA, So2bpsoject 53, Invotc*-PI4 SUBJECT :-M .75 Allotmeat 19-2502 -902. 1. tavolc* 114 cov artag the above subproject Is Other Invoices-wiu fo2llow. It Is rolqueetod that-pay@@ bi mxdo as follow$-. C-ashlo.,tls check la the amoura of $671.50 payabld to drawa on a local baak. 2.@ Tho check should-be forwarded to Chief, TSD/Chomical Bran2ch. thiough TSD/B-udot-Oftic-"-$-dd later th3a U February 1960. 14 Chief TSD/Chomlc&l Bramcb @avoice Certmcatlon8g-- DlatxLbution: Orig Addresitee TSD/CB*gw A 671. 50 For services WA**a* ea see ea a as ow am@@lp a am**@v CER'TIFICATIONS (1) It is herab@y-tertired that this is Invoice no. 14 a lying to 2 pp Subproject 53 -of Project-MKULTRA#- that performance to-tattisfactory; that the oervic*3 are being acco@mplishod La accordance with mutual agreemeate, that a detajled agenda of thel@p"ents and-rectipts-is 2 on file irt TSD/ CB, -that the bUl Is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made* Chief. TSD/catrni@41 Branch--- Date: (Z). It is-hereby certified that thle lctvoice applies to Subproject 53 2 under Project MKULTRA@-*hlch was duly approved, -aad that the - Project lii being carried out In accordance vilth the-moraorandum - dated 11 AprllA953, from the DCI to the DD/A, and the **tension of this author'tty In suv@@ent-ti@@raiida-,- Dlr"tor- Date: FOR -4ND 15 JU'.NTE 1959 TO 15 19600----- Research and Drevaration of report-and--orotocol on-ae-ollatories 275.00 Research on !,De.-sonnel and conference wi-*yh sponsor on 1"D- @rolee-am'2oer-1:959 75-00 Consultation lyl -Dffice, 13-6r-d 14 JulY-1959'0 100 00 Hotel bill, 12@-i-id -Air--trans-oovt 12 and 14-july 1959 60-72 rarkir;g --Lee, lili-,ousine @ind cab -fare 12 and 14 Jul--1959@@ -5.50 2 Y-- 193,00 193 .00- li@onitorir-.S of luoxicity stu-di_es 100.00 .@"al'Ierials and miscellaneous expenses- 28-50 ilo-Up'l @e671,50- 1 .Re 1,,-,e o t fii@@ bm i t te d, (,h i 46 28743 O"k I I.- LXI2@LANA) 10r,' Cl C@ii L; L-. LJE 0000 u 1 * 1 .00 2 9 L12-59 TAX * 039 5 13-59 13.00 L13-59 039 Z6.7 8 RECEIPT ReceiDt is hereby acknowledged for Treasurer's chec No. 167568, dated 2 July 1959, in the amount .19, drawn on 0 Date: CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER ,yOtJC04ER NO. 7- 1 2 DATE 2-6 VOU04ER Pdo. 7- 12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 47- 52 59-67 68-7 2 28-33 STATION IG. I ALLOT. LENGER DUE 71-80 No ........ @?!" :. 'C NO. DATE AMOUNT OL$cRlpTl2Of4-ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 PVR. ORDER NO, PROP. WO@.' 'o Cc ............... .......... y "DJ'E'CT 2 3 2@v3.3 -F p, 0. C 2 CLASS DEBIT CREDIT t I I I I I 4 7' t I T I gag EX LW IDF# OF EN TRY 2 TOTALS DATE p7 REPARIED BY DATE rtevoewED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE fi!;En FORM z. 606usiE Po5eysou. tow (10-49) 19 Juno 1939 Mrb,,IORANDUM FOR: Chief, Fl"a"Divialoa TSS/Budget Offices VIA SUBJ.ECT Projttt MKULTRAD -Subproject 53,-Invoice No. 13 -subptpjoct, 1. Invoice No. 13 Is attached covering the Above Payment should be made as follows: Cashier's -check to-the-u-nount of $ZS3--1-9. payable - C, drawn on a, under Allotment-9-ZSOZ-75a9O2. 2. Tk*@@th@@tk"hould be forwarded-M-Chle.f. TSS/Chomical Division, through T.,@S/BadtWOfilcor. no later than Z9 Jtid-6 1959. A 2 TS3/Chem"l Division Attachments: Invoice & Certificatlon,-%- I C,;@TIFY uA7' Alc AVAiLA,-'LE. Distributionk Addrossoe Orli. & 2 A t.@ i 4"- TSS/FASB 2- -- TSS/CD AM19 June 59 INVOICE For Seriff@"O' 8"" $253019 ------------------ ............... . .... ------------------------ CERTIFICATIONS (1) It is hereby cartliled that this is Invoice No. 13 applying to Subproject 2 53 of P'roject MKULTRA, that performance is. satisfactory, that the services are being accomplished In accord-it6"lth hiutual agreements that a detailed agenda of the payments and recelpts is-on file in TSS/@l>,-Ahat this bill is just and correct and-that ayia@ent thereof has -not yet been made. 2 U/T-SS/ CheLmical Division Date. (2) it it hereby certifled that this Invoice applies to Subproject 53 under Project MKULTR-A which-i@@As duly a proved and that-the-project p is being carried out la accordaii9te with the memorandum dated -13 Apill 1953 from the DCI to-the DD/At and the extension-of this-authorlty in subsequeat memoranda. Research Director Date; Expenses and fees for-professional @@rvices: 22 March to- 15 June - 1959 - 29 March 1959 181@5 Cab: home-to airpor-t 4.75 2000 Lee-ve 60-72 2115 Arriv --2130 Limousine to ho-te 1.50 29 and 3P '4'@larch -Hotel 24*72---- --30 and 31 March Consultatloff--fee 100.00 31 March 1 75 1600 Cab: office to airport----- 1705 Leave ' Cfo wi2n$ 1900 Arriired 0 home 1910 Cab: airport t 4.75 Conference with 20.CO Nay 1959) Library research-result-@@@@p"t:@@d-by tel6ph6ne 35.00 Total8 -@e253-.19-k/ Respeo'u-fully submitted, 0- r3 3 B8463 3/ B RI 6.7 K MF%10. DAT--- 4:ii 2 RGES C. E ITS .1 L@@Ikl Tx 31 TAX 2 2;4 5 10 16 17 20; 4 21 221, 23; 24i- LAST BA'-A?iCE is Am3L;%T Due UNLESS R E C E I P T Receipt iis hereby acknowledc,-,ea for T,--easku*rls check No. 2352,@,0. in the amoitnt.of U7§-@2i dra,,,qn on the payable to Date.,@ 9 R s-c E-1 P T Receipt is hereby ackno-,riedged for ca8hier's chec% 1NO4 M45995 in the amoLL@At of-$641-73,?-drawn on Date; 4 oot 55 & 27 mar 59 To use -the C.1pp!@@@at the Satisfactory 1) Expired 2) Mar 60 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER AG. 7- 12 DATE 2. 0% VOUCHER too. 7- 12 .I- 12 56. 67 70 233 54- 57 DUE DESCfti PTO ON- ALL OTH ER ACCOUNTS 1 3- 33 34- 39 STATION 40- 4 2 ORL I 0. ALLOT. LEDGER 7 I. 80 CODE EXPEND PAY 2 REF. NO. I AMOUNT T A 51 ACCT. NO. DATE /..MO ................ CODE PER . .......... 1 CA GENERAL DESCRIPTION-ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 PUR. ORDER NO. PROP, NO. L 0 %VVAMCC YR LEDGER 2 ...... " "7 3........... ACCI c .09,OECT DEBIT CREDIT 2 .... Accr. No PIIOJCCT NO. ry C;oi imp. ;0. X mtr. No. CLASS r r""4, O' $ON OF ENTRY TOTAL$ DATE REPARED BY DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOFT PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE 6 SIGNATURE or cEpty0fylmo OFFICER FORM 2-58 6069se Pptvvous colitoms. 31 Ku-oh 1959 MMO;VMM FOR CUWP MUM DTV19102 VIA i TSS/bA@,-et Officar SUB= Pm,4oct-@SWLTRA St@@t Invace No* 12 1. lwi@Ace ft.- 22 is atteebed covarirg the above aoproject, Pay.-Ant, abould be rzaa follova Casbier3 cbec:i payola ca a local tark@@ urider C&$Merle check In the 2 'C, to draom on a lwal ttzk - under 2 OW7d@- @@--t6@-Cblef --Lcs/chemical - Divis.icn$ TOO/ZAI,@at OM*e-.,* to lat*r U%za 10 April 19590 2 t4 Ch:Lof Divisica invoice cor=catiom--- I cfxrfy @AT F, c 0;@k" T,)3 A" Dlotritution., W,& al 2- 'Cl 2 - TSS/CD -)4lo3l @t,'ch 59 OF; A 1 i\l T 0 r-I For senices csmTnCATIM -(l) It Is hereby certified-that this is Invoice N*o 12-apPlying to &ftroJ,--at 53 of PtO-Xct @M=Uj, tbat I*rfomance 2 -t4)dd)aocwpliahed in -baa-,be-,n satie,-actoryv that the services l@610 a&nements that a detail" avr4a -or the &ceovdanoe vith mutual .9 ai4- fi )i6-TWICD@7@t this bill is jwt pay.-amto wA receipt on - la and c-ormet and that t tbereof b" not rt Won made,, C7'Aw7cU;'dcal Division Date: (2) It-is hereby certifi6d-tbat this invoice applies to Stibproj"t 53@ w)der Pmject XWLM wbich vu duV apyroved @UA that the project is- beiitg carried out vith the ciewrandum dated 13-Alir-53---- tbt-DCIAOLtbo@ IA, wid the oxtewion of-this-authority in sub"ouent memoranda. Riit;dUth- Director--- Date: F'EES FOR c;ERVICES- 11 JANUA.RY 19L9 to 20-@MCH 1959: 12 JanuAry 0 .700 Cab: home to airport 4,25 6o 0800 410ow-th -72 2 ca',OOO ca:o to off ice- 1-25 13 January 1630 cab;.office,'to-airport---.------------ 1-50 1730 calgOO Cab: airport to home 4s25- Professional services 2 100,00 171 -97 171-097 8 March 1200 '.ab: home to aiq2EL-@ 4025-- i24o 158.4o 9 March 1300 Cabi. to limous ne-- 1450 Limousine to-airdort 3025- 1650 11 March 0945 *VDJWW to 1615 Cab: airp;brtToTome 4-25 Professional se&ices - 150600-- 2 -30-- Housing; twonights-- 15. 337765 33773 Preparation of reports--- 103-38 Phone call (14-Octdber 1958) 2-023 @@taterials 26-70 TOTAL $641-73 Respectfu -4t"itt6d I have e-:-am4-cA sni tug submit--ed e x:, e -n u:7 z@ a 2 Date: -Ms FOR 21 IURCH 1952..--- 21 March 1959 Prepar4tion of reports @276.62 TgrAl@@@t276-.62 Ri@-@@ submitted 6 SUCMittad ex,oa TSS/Chemil@al Divisio,-, Date--, Druc,@ 'Lo.;@-"U-ity 4.95 1 Poisons 11025 ,z7 16.2@O 1 -soor possibla. as as @ul 13131 .. ........ Do --Ref. No.@Code@Amount tip T x 0. C@ 0 .9. 1 5 2 9 9 1 0. 0 0 7.@)T ryl 0 0 4.5 4o D ri Cd 0.0: LAST BALANCE IS 9 I 1",,R I C c@@ 0 7 10 0 AMOUNT DUE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED CIO% no* I ANO RAGGArt CSKX ., C,- e RCIJT;NG OF 2 A@,@Uto IN MA &A FATE CLAg@Silk$,l UbtliL 9 YO T-A -Iva Jo wimrim ME GSA-MMY TOM oil o-@, pa.-"tp eq V-Lw",* smoa-0 4xtrz JO2ACO in MuOnqo uo.-q r--q rpa.-4 V.,MLW 4---alb@oAd Tro-ae-@o oqz xo oo*ooot-gt rtm Irwwz-z uooq Lvq E5 ,,Voo;ozom -"VP=.Xwm qt!-PA%-oovw UT 0 lyjlz"t CT Vl:nvp tv@ _r@- UOIIDTAI(R touv7u RD L U@"__q WV 9z DPAIT RUT @040PANVJM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT @%ULTRA@-7Subproject 53 1. subproject 53 has been initiated to enable TSS/CD@ conti2nue to utilize the services 0 0 ---is presently located at-the -awl @@50ro--gr includ4a the following:--@ 2. The score-of- am (a) Rp-vie2@,e of overt Russian -obarmacological literature and submission-of riodic-evalxiatior,. (b) Review of-overt American ol,@armacological-literature wt-tb-- rl!,spect to the oblems o -reqiiest-of-TS 2 (e) At the s"cifio S/CD, the reli@bility-and-@v&lidity of-,,oroposed--and comD'Attp-d--research projects. --scien-'V-ific,- f,d) Report on ger-eral meetings attended. 2 Ac-l-as-a-medical-advi@@-L6)@@TSS/CD'ope-cations-and support- Ametioa.--- -the -estimated at -of -program-for on,? year 4a 3. The cost 6 2 Charges sboald-be made-agalnst Allotment-9-2502-75-902. en ro ee 4. AU travel shall-te docLmentp.,ivwith-transportation-stubs, hotel billi,, ete.-- Supplies shall--be-of tbe-e-2,c,--ondable tyoa ne^eSSALry-- to the -.onduct-of tb,--,Droeram,-".d-hence-not considered as pro@eot property. A-PPROVED: Ditector e Date: -5 a?) -I 4 Distribution: O-L-is 9;rfy TSS-G-9 co, ct CONFIDEMTIA@ FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO.-7--12 DATE 2-6 P. 12 OF.SCRI L OT"ER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34- 319 47 52 1 59-67 @68-70 2 I OP$l AL S TA-r I ON 40' 42 45- 46 OBLIG. ALLOT. LEDGER DUE 71-NO Z -33 EXPEND PAY 5 3 GEN RAL ACCT. NO. DATE A NO. CODE REF. NO. 2 AMOUP47 .................... PER . .......... CA DESCAIPT GE-ACCOVNTS 13-27 PUP, ORDER NO. PROP. NO. ACIVANCF LEDGER AN L.O. ACTT. 4@. YR BJF.CT2 ........... .. .......... CCT. NO. DEBIT CREDIT CODE CL44ss PROJECT REP@ 74/ @3 2 79 17,6 to 1 40 1 1 '41' 4.j -7-:14 19- r -4 TRY 2 T(ITAI PREPARIED BY DATE REVIEWED Sy CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE SIC44ATURE OF CE.TIIYIMG OFti@@ FORM So 606 use PREVIOUS W.01710"3. 2<) Jaruarj 1-959 MXZ44-Wt4 FO'@ll CUU FnWC3 DIVISIO?I $Uzi= I PrOJOc+- SubP,-OJ"t 53, Invol@W No-*-- II- Allotnipnt 0-2502-75-9a," 1. lnvoic47 Nd@711 attaebe4 covering -tJAa abovo ou'oproject,, PaYwnt should be made as fonovs: casmtes ebeek-in the amount-of $266.oo, p"ble- to dmva (>n a ioca 2. The ebe,@k shoula be forvurdea -to C@aief, TS;3/Cb@-.odcal DlyisiOrk,p thTOugh TS$/D.Idget Officer,, no later than 2 Febivary 1959- Othe@- involcea--viu 2 4 Chief TSS/Chamical Division Atte4bwnt3i invoice & Certitidiitions Di$tritk.tiCOI Orig Addmseee 6 CoMt-i-ollor CHC. C; K"'-!2 I N -P E A M o Li,\' T 0 1--. RECE,IVED. r c, LWOICZ lor aer7icst (1) It Is hereby c*rtified-that this is Ilavoice-iton applying -to Subproject 53 of Project NM2PA that toebaleal .;;rfox=nte h" teen satisfactory, that the services bays baea accompliishm-in a,.,Im cordwee with atutuai agxvomntsp that a dowled aonda of the pay. ments and receipts an on fue-in TW/CD, that this bin is -jwt - mA =-mat w4 that poVVO@@@2not Yet teen-made. -d7m7 Le@mical@Div-1s@im@ Date: (2) It is hereby certified that this invoics aPPUSS-tO Subproject 53 under Pmjeot X@OM@,vA-which Vs$ duly-approved aod that the project la 2 beine carried out-in-aocordaage-with the memoran&m dated 13,APril 53 from the DU@:W@DD/A,, -&W the ext*nsicl of this a,,Ithority- in sub- oequent mmorandas Dii re,@-t@@ 5 Date., k,--ofessional services from 26 Vay 1958 to 11 January 19-9. t Telephona consulatatlons with sponsor- n-19--tirune and 24 June 19:;8: 10.00 0 Review of monthly reports-of co2ntractor f or- e i:-ht :r@on the: 120.00 postaze, phore calls'. 18.00 For 2-R August 10,58: 0600; -iome to 0-725: 57 -.75--:i 2 0925: Ar 00,35: Cab to oL 1.25- 2000'. L 've 6r 2202: Arrive 2210: Airport to-home h ..50 tbis-date -5-0,-OQ 6 Total 118.CO :266.c Total ENGE VALIZATZ FORM SP-PAYM EN 92ZO 2 S.23 Tat A@P S7.7S -ROU RES. 7 STATUS r rv Fzceipt is hereby acknc-,rledged for Cashier's Check No. M39167., in the amount of $356.00,--draw-r. o!i the payable trl all ruvolc2 For wxvioes $W.00 CZnlnCATrOZE (1) Xt lip berew corUfle4 t3@,at this is invo-,c-o 1;0* .11 ayplyin2g to SutPM4e-.t 53 of Pro.'@e4t VAU=T, that teobnical partorvneo 1= beta tatistactory@ tbo-corvicto havo be-;@n acccopli3ba, In ae. c4u@ vith mutual eampm"j, that a datailod asenda of the pa2y. Mato and receipts am on file in TSS/CD.. that tbi3 'oi.U is jwt aa CWWCT arA tl'.at M=t 'tber0a )-.44 not Vot bm MDZS C/ Data i (2) Tt 13 kftvby ce2rutiod that this invOiCO 8MIieg to-$4bPrOJ*ct-53 -MaW.%% umelk iMS dul@@ wA that -the proj,.sct is w:der Pmject 'bolas en.-ried -out in acoordAn,.*-vith the dated 133 A@4@ 53 from the ECI-to-tho DD/A_s end tbO extmsion of this authority in sub. Datet -u-0a; CM?i FlrNX3 DI'MI03 VIA t I Project t=TPAt Subrmo,,toct 531 lnvoic* 1;0* 10,o Allotmeut- coverio.- tho Ctryj that tb* sorticeo bave bson acqar,-rlished in ac- satiei',%,Qt cordar-co With mutual e.4,-ree=tap tha+. a det@aic-A i6enda - of @ the - Wats ud rocelpto am on file in US/CD2.. that this '0111-is- just d con-eet, and that PaW& t thOrOOf hA3-rOt Yet 'oeen rzdet aL n DaW; (2) It is -@mby certified that-:;tbis invoice a2ixUod to SVoprojeat- 53 2 undor Pro.-,oot-K