59 A-t 1 3 Cf CERTII@'ICATION (3) It is fcreby cc-rtif'cd that the p:.-o,?,rarti tinuler oubnrcjecto 49 an,) 59 1,-avt- l@ccn 2 retur-icd unused funds. !-!owcvor. ",ic% il'-,.'@tiil cc,;itiptiiii,@ ref-,i-iclciLi i-i,,oncy. T@iercio:ro, it at; c-hoviti balov.-i ort Ifiv,-,icc ;,Zo. 10 ct stlb. project il-B be-crecjite(i to @.lie su$zprojects P.9 stio-,va rlro-icct--Airount q 2 $1, 703. 57 505 @i49 3,ZZ4.87--- 15-14- -6-25OZ-10-001 59 63. 73 1914 6-Z502-io-oc@l9 -Pato: Resez-.rcii 1)i 31 C.: P. t I C-r-. ell St Fira). FJn-"c-ial Report ytiir cr,@@,nt-- 0 to the Dr. of 163.?3 .,,Iich the St--te -tre-istir@--r @-,-s 'r-een Ci.,i 3; ,7 n aL - Pi-riere -a I --- :,@arort Cp-sb Reecipts 3s750-CIO 7 ConsLr,-ble -LiLL@@2U;. 26 L,3j686.27 @41 Cash Bzlt-nce 63.73 @u cr 3@ l@@57 Sept" re, -.tl Re,-crt coverirtf@ yo,,)r 1 to tl--@o rrl to re,&'@ind to @you. C h ef-!ccountr@nt e r April Cash Fceelpts t 3,750-00 ccj-n5@@-@3ble Sulpli 3 2C2.26 Ov 63*73 or $NNW io It 4-3 ipt of the follovidg tva tha -il 19 9 19@16 VIA# t cf ir, t',,.o 2 ".W wa, 51" ",WI to t'ri t, 2. to 2 !13 ]@Qt( tv J, Wi 0C 1. "k,t 1 10. Cy,) 4 F -1 CIF 4t ',i4 C4 C ri For C"00 (10 S7iio -Te IC LT iv.1'..3 2 lot Da tr, t S<,% 2 t'iiio all- 7t D AP! tv 0 I I /V/.rip 23 ZIA--ch -1956 liR40PAI @Ui'-l FOR: --THE n,@,'ORD c.ub,,@rojeot 59 1 Sub oji%ot 59 is being initipted to Pn@,ible Dr. #mid" the phar f cprtat-n ma terial3-of-inte,-estA 2 - Th"@@of -tV-Wj@@6V:will primarily et@brace the cologi;p@l ttsting and the eval,.iation of-certai-n-che-.@aical:icompounds-- tbat-poesib'L -mizlt HF@NA pr pert'eo-of-,Interest to TSS/CD y . !I - -I.Ve -- 0 3. Th@@-@. §'L@4L'T obool A-nd Dr e completel@@itting eoa)p'pte' -ney -I.2ntt-reat in this-propose p@@@gra,,u,@@Therefore, in order to of Agi herefore. malntain-cover- (a) requirpment-fo,--a-!4emorandu.,!k of Aereement with th@-, principal- investigator-will bt@:wsived; (b) the2 will rc.,ru Dr. 420fto obtain an ae- cotliting Iro-,i the Uliiversity upon co:npletioi of the -Program ytar. 4. ThO cost of -thl@@Wott@@-for a periol of - ore year-is esti- matt-d-to be Z3,750.00. To this sibi i&tat be addtd $150.00;-TOfeg*@itirk-u-., a four ptt6ent s6tvic@,-eharg6 by total co3t-wi,ll-not-exceed $31900.00i C"Yges Ehould be Allotment-6@@M 5. Title-to ftny permanent eqi2iipmf,,nt purchased by furltis granted the University shall be retained bv the University in-lieu of higher- 6. DocxL!ientition--an(l accoant-ing for any travel e-@XP6-,@LeA w'iich are rk.@imbureable-b.,; thi Univers-Lt2y shall corxorta with the. ccppted practices of that instittation. 14- Acting Chi f tSS/Cheuacal Divisio-n APMrjVFD FC.R OBLIGATIO',I OF FUI,';D$.- ,ixe Di1rector Di-.gtril.-tition: Gi-IF.7!ral O@ily PR04'L'OSAL- It is proposc-d to undert-ake@-Lthe pharitacolog:ical stu4y during the ne@xt yt,-qr of eprtain- chtm.Lical co@T@p.@,unds. T@4e @,,atilre Of tbe'se will be deter.-alinitd )y the i @ni will -- bt- con-- sisttnt@,W@L'-th L!z,aited a-3 to niiibe-r- -of compounds ai,,l CO.Tiplfxity Of t t F@ropope-d Salaries; Labbratory--Assist-ant 2 Matprial and Tt@iVel 150.00 Over),,-ad 220.00 To-ta 03,750.00 1 WON All 3 .10 c O/ 00. 00