l,eccipt- is lie-reby ae-knowledge(i of tllo suii) of $3, 000. 00, in casli. D Itecelpt is hereby acknowledged of the surti -of $3, 000. 00, in casti. Dat'e5: 114AZ;Ci: VL%: ,-ivoi4,-e f,-Ir tile ove @st:13prcvjc,@e L a 2 t@e v-3 1-2 ter. ik-tan 'I'vesday, 3. Tl,.is Is a ftral invoicc,. A tot -al of $3, 000. Otl i@-tws 56. st nc;e o L o el tiiis reject (Ittritit;- I '@., 2 it I-s t@-t-3,t al ftzi-ikls v;ill k,-e for ti-iis tilo filea not i Invoicc- Certifica"iL2in.3 "ASB 2 TSS/CD (31 July 1.956) TSS/CD &EmmhomimL@ 5El F 12 INVOICE $3, 000.00 For services ------------------- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I 2 It is heret-)y certified that this is Invoice No. I applying to ,@vlf@C",JLT.tiA Stibproject 64, that perforniance is satisfactory, that! the services are beintt accorfiplistied in accr-,t,d,-@,@rsee with inuti.@al -its, t-ti,-.t a detitted agenda of t,-ie pa, agreerfjei I @yrrierits and receipts is c-n file in TSS/CD, that this bill is just and correct ,ind that p-,xyrnent thereof has riot Yet beeti niade. Acting Ciiie niical Divisi2on Da-te: (2) It in hereby certified tl-,,at tttis invoice applies to All@,Ul,"PliA Subl@roject 64, which was dtily apl)roved, aiid thq-t the project is carried out in accorda-tice vvitli the ri)ei',norancA'tiyt) date(i3 13 April 1(,,153, frort) the Dr'l to the 1),c)IA, ,And ti-ia extensioi-i of this -tut' -iority in subsequent inenioranda. lieseareli Dix-ecto.- D@it 0: N P, t; M T I I t; C t 64 "0. 2 Ailli )It'-' 't. Li 'IN, 1) I Cl,Ti@Y T@IAT I"; A'.'P,'.Al.;, Clif,.RGE Ti ALLCI;.Ytt4i r,, A!,Ilf:OckiZit@IG OFFICER ILI 3 0 C 1.@i - rss/f@'ASB .1 - Tr.)SIS13 13 2 TSS/CD ay Arpoit-imcKy Ju-ne 30, 1956 FCR FROFEOSIQNAL SERVICER,-- -$3.0002-.-00 2 6. Dr has been cleared by'ttie Agency tl)rougli TOP SFCR ET. Acting TSS/ Cli--e-n--i i'ca 1 D ivis ion APPROVED-FOR OBLIGATIOLN OF FUNW: 7 Res rector e. Dat -,7 Distri3/ution: Original only 3 ilv It .1'