tv--a-r, i,,,, A r 1..O, ri@lce it %fill 2ba tlit,,i 1-iroixclv) @Ot be GIOG@-AT C)ii'ICER by ,,@d of the fol,lcivirig che@,k-. Ree-ipt is liere Treasurer's Check 110- 16 68. 1! drain le to the MEt4ORANDUM RECEIPT To: FROM: SU@JEC.T: I hereby a6knowledge receipt of tile following: A Please return-- signed C-@py(i.63) of this receipt To DATE- F@E-C E-1 V E 0- Fop,m P40- 752 PEPLACES FORM 36-66 33) I AUG 55 WHICH MAY BE USED. A 0 GFO #4170 In CCT%'FIDENTIAL FUNDS P6STING VOUCHER V,)UCHER NO, 7-12 DATE 2-6 2 HER NO. 7-12 7,ou,- D45CREPTICN-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 j 34-39 A3 4 7 - 52 58-67 1 61, 7 0 7 I- 82@' -- STATION AO-42 F @45-46 08@1G. 53 33 -7 12TA- CO E EXPEND, A F. NO. ACCT. N A No 2 1) P y RF 54-57 ALLOT. OR )C.OST D TE AMOL;NT U PER, GENERAL DESCFIIPTIO%- CODR N A, @2;@c F CA LEDGER 62.67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L I CK. NO ESIT C*EDIT . . . 2. . . . D YR ACCT. NO. L A S S 0. PROP. NO. ccT no BJECTI ADVANCE ACCIOU TS 13-27 2 No. :FY' s CODE c V.1p No icT . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... . ... .. 2 EXPLANA7!CN OF ENTRY- TOTALS IED FOR PAYTAEN- OR. CREDIT 2 DATE @REVIEWED By CEPR t F EKE I DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER FORM 2 10-52 C-C)fl USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. For Sei-vic,,o (3-) it I-r. ,)ereby cir-ti-fif4d tt..,it t-his :Lfi 3,'rAc,,ica )-Yirg to ,c,'vb- tl,,@it tlitj bJ.1' iFj ju!@t o? L--as r@ot y,,t Is lier@,,by e-z?rtirif-,@A tti@@c@t tl) i to' su','o ject of 3 e,.at-d 1,1 cpl eL a att-t@,iority ENE. Nc-. Cost Account Object Class Obligations Obligations U.Yt@liqij7idated Date -Remarks biid References IneAi-,recl Liquidatied Balance i6 At; l@6G At)G 26 ju3-y 3.9( )o FOil: CUVfl'.IlOU.ER F4-nar-,ce ]Di-visio,.i SUP@T project 66, Adclitiolia.'L 2 Y,&-OLMA., SLib Au-khorizatiot-i Ilo. 4 Under t;lie -.uthorl.ty grant(-,d In the lic-mor.,@riduta dated j-3 Afiril 1953 froni the DCI to the DD/A, and tbe extenc,.2ion of thi.s atithority in subseqvent w-mor&ndal Su"@-)pro3ect (,6 has been c@ppr@y,,r,@.-d., lk2,6C-0.87 of the o,%,,era-31 Project l@Wjlq,'RA fv-ndr. have been ol)"-igatr--d to covar th-l@S s2Libl.)-toject's expenses and sYo-Lild be to A)-lotmc-nt 1525-1009-1902. T- APPRO.'r-i'D PO.R OBTacllkTioili I CE&TFFY THAT FU2'4')S ARE AVAILABI@ti or, CTIARC-E TO Itt-OTM. liecoarch Dir-:.,ctor Date OrJ,t,, 2 ;i)/OC T D 1: 1'1'56 I,' -Amami ol j @il 977 DRAFT 9 septe or 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: THI,' RECORD SUBJECT 2Contiiiuation of MKULTRA, Subproject 66 1. The pvxrpose of Project MKU.LTRA, Subproject No. 66 i,3 to -i the d,-terminants of al i. support the research prograw@ ot coholinto cation uatiertakc. 2 d associates. The pro'gr,alll 'Will-c@6D@tinup@ for one year starting 16 Septetal),er 1958 through 16 Septfz-nber 1959. 2. The scope of the project will include: (a) _Continuation of double-blind 6kj@erilnental stud2ic,3 of drug effects, employing various "alcohol placebos" and chernical e--,teriderg develoi)-ed by TSS/CD; (b) -C6i@dparing alcohol eff6@6" on@a @aiiiall sample of sub- jecto on whom ropetted observations can be made 2 during periods of rxatlirally induced stress, mood de. pression and fatigue; (c) Obaevvation and p-redictioti of the behavioral changes accompanying alcohol coiisu@.-ned in such "natxiral" social settii2igs as bars and clubs. (d) Speci-Al advisory services and consultations b (fort-nerly reimbursed Ltnder MKUI.TRA, Sub No. 63, which has-been disconti-.xued), 3. The project will coritinue to be financed through lie oh A116-Kets in tile capacity of a cover orgtnization. The cost of tile prograin for this year ,Yill be 1977 lw $30,475. 00. Charge should be rnade against All.otn-ie 5-9oz. nt 9-z5oz-l 4 request 2 subynit to then-A a su-t,-@unary accounting of I" L: inonien received if-OM ttA L ta ill r.@-,quest, retlirn of any unexpended funds received 11 2 r]9 th t the cort- clusion of the program. S. R eqll@-tremet,.t fo.- a oix month inforroat acc@oxintitig on the part of the principal invest!A@.gator 6. Title to any p@@anent equipnient purchased by2 fund Rl-i.fbe- ritained by@@ti n licir o higher overhead rates. 7. It was agreed that t echnical reports reflecting the progress of the research pio-rtre. will I)e--@ubrLiit2ted at inutually acceptable is C eared through TOP SEC"RET and is aware oi the true nature of the-project. TSS/Chemical Division A Di-loved for Obligation of Ftinds: 2 or !Ood to* Date.- rf Dii5tribittion,.- Original Only lmd 197 Atttc,'-traent- Propo4sal 4L 4-' kill 4-@ cc u-% C) co %,@) C-i Z. r4@ 6 C6 rZ4 'c@ co ;.4 iz Al& 41L May 13. 1960 or,-r,di)fti t Aftev caiel'tll considerat,ian an-4-negotiatton witli boif)i.tal autl-@oritie4 and th incip-al inve.@stigator, it-was-agr(-,od-thctt the project at rt()t,. be renewed. It "s officially closed S--pte,Ttl.)or 30, 1959, the end of th e,%r. In view of ror-)orting costs, it was @@greed ti@at expenses for closing out the project would be 2 reimbursed Vf Attic,-bt@d is tb@t,-@ f iiial a.ecouriting on this bas--t@een e--A r.) i n c d by -me and to the best of rrj knowledge, is a-true statcirti%t of_expenses accrued. clue for 2 Not ]'-ndlude-din the attached accolnting is the I)roparatio-.1 for-an Alcohol Conferf.@nce which wlis pl.@iiiied for October-1960.--As agrec@-,d, the conferenc6 has been canecll.ed. - Costs for trsv I co, telephone etc. acei,ued'di.triiig the I)Ipnn-Lng Kivt,- bec-ii Faylielits to re accotui@tw for in tb sultantsl.aocount.. The ea-1. rel,)ort is2 I)ei@ng fini.,-,hDd now an(.A sl)oixld bc in the lian(is o witl)in two weeks. After possible editoi,i,al chan,-es I-ave be,cin ma(le it mil@l be to you* Tha' items of eqttil)x,6nt f4rom funds of ti@tis are listed on the a+.tachce, slieets in(I are beinf,, coiivc-,,yed to the project acecrd-i.ngl to v,,,,rbal agreci@i@,-Yit y@r(,@violl-41Y iliade. October 1, 1958 @tlir-oum ,h Septc;@r4bcr 30. 1959 Accountino:,,, covers Oett3ber 1, 1938 throllgh Fc.-'bx-uary 29, 1960 2 Re,cel-pts: e Oct. 1, 1953 1,000.06 $)1,473.06 231 *86 Eqtvipt SxppUes---4.Z82.29 Travel 753-)48 Te,lephotio 342.40 2 Trarispcortation 75.00 Deficit---- ---$2,680-87 The above. @-,coo@miting was acoc@pted as a. toi-i-iii-i-al acecuiiting on Y@av-vh 3-L. 1960. I bave examlrod ,t,,,d @;0@pro@,re4 ibo submitted cxpenditures. TSS/Chenical Division @9 4 . -- @- . 14 2 C4 Co 2,Fl Z A "IO Lo cz, A- r off Tzs al..4.3lZ7t FZR.ZC V 2 Cc.4 r C. f z -7 -M x -? o or"- LzP.or Lzr7z;!.-zzr,; a'Z7 ?f Z 0 .,Tri . CdA'-ZZrZsl Fort Yr.-COA 2 .. ... ... . .... . ......... ......... . . YrAr'c ztlrzrz "T- z 0- 76 4'i 3 r (a r ;24 y (2ro mz ZZpr A :.,g r#ZA.- - x (ro zz Lzpr A .4L-,co=Apz sz 23, 5 2,S.) As,2,,rz 2112 R- Ile eel 9 C- :@' .4 AT 4121i;4Z 01 7*410 2 x 2 Ay -71 T C pl@z vz At vow Z W/ndr.,Ooa CZA,2zv. Icz @p,-,gcrzr E,,-- o i, L-Azo 5zmzo@. SLzzz D6-Z.2"r SrAzo x 4 Kz;fra. R?". jl C'@ @ @,4, - '- i,; t 2 t4 f4 2 ti ti Oa ti h 6 ti el"A VT ON .47 z;,c= .6 ra I.- 0 OA.V r Pr.. 2 0.,.,rp D.-, v/ urooo Fix. sr;r2.rox-4p.r !O.Allf;l LAD a ;;g 0 AV 243L.:Z LA;-.-PC S" CZ LA A -7N. WZ?ZC7r AMOS Z z;r v/4RKS 2 0:11a*voz L4i@ ua R@ng; t?D. AND L.,,D. Ry cz T42"5,RD* ;raat-to 1P.27. 2 A cro s- D LA P-ZZZ, mlle czz ri 2 LA.D'O Rmo Zz,sc. Fxrzwo xcx 8 3 'S "I xr..M r-711.1 Is LAS. Rme ,r,-z Sacrzr Ot 3 ZAr LABO Rk 00, Noveii)ber 6, 1959 f'nanci,,tr report liclosi@ I fo- the past year-. yoa w2ill notice that the-'oalatic-c brought fdrward fi,ot-i-) tl-,P- previous :ear is t,.ot the san-)e as reported in-last yearts report. y Certain expenditures were not ri)ade and the troney was broug@it forward. In order that your records may be- correct, the report for the year et-iding Sep0teT-j)ber 30, 1958 lias been revised and a copy is Yoi-@rfi-s-Iticerely, FUNDS AVAILABLE $31,4 5 06 7 Received 10/l/58 9/30/59 $30,475.00 ,13;@.lance fron) previous year 1, 000. 06 EXPENDIT'URES Sala-ries "2., $20,204.26 Equi-pii)etit ari(-@ Supplies 3, 240. 70 Travel 666.80 Telephotic 218.85 4,571.26- 28,901.87 BALANCE (aE of 9/30/59) $2-573-.-19- See correc.ted report (attached) I bive exami.ned and approvcd -tlc oubmittei c-xpo-idituye3. liss/clicalical Divisioxi tober 1959 28 O@. SUBJ-,CT: @DJLTRA, Subl)roject 66 today tos at she hrid checked the or the period IL7,14L7 to 9/30/57- She had no rqcorcl o -n - - - -- -- i - - - - fo,-c, this acwinti.i-ia. Slie will sf--nd us acopy of this for ords cns soon as possible. xxx -.6666 ll,.irch 2, 1959 t e.; r 5 siyll- 'LYP 00, cr@ts oii 2 'k), lie yo"A 3 Z3 tell% REVISED REPORT I-'OR PEltlOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1958 FUNDS AVAILABLE $29,254.99 Received 10/l/57 - 9/30/58 $29,052.88 Bala@ice fr2ot-ii previoijs year 198.72 Ref,tind on previous year's purchase 3. 39 k',XPF,NDITURY-S S,tl,aries $19,123. z6 F-quip,@neut and Siil)plies 5#091.88 2 Miscellaneous: Travel-, rr)eals, postage, etc. 250. 28- 28,254.93 CORRECTED BALANCE (as of 9/30158) $1, 000. 06 trot-' 2 $19(,. 61 ;,r -)00. 00 (iiot spent) -400. 00 (orders cancel).C(I) $ 7 1) 1 bave ub itt 4 M ed FLYLQDS AVAUADI-F, $29,254.99 Received 10/l/57 9/30/58 $zg,052 88 B--air.D-r,o frot-n ptcvious "-@ir 19 8: 7 Z Re'4'@2@ad on provio-.i,-q year's -purcbase - -3 39 r i a a $19,319.87 5,091.88 3,789.51-- Tr&vel, n-!eals, 2 etc. 25O.Z8 F,a.rulark^-d for ptiblicati-onp. - ZOO.00 Encv-irbared firiid@3 (,aaiting for delivery tx bills) 400. 00 7 Z9,051.54 (as of 9/30/58) @203.45 I b,%vo examtnod anti "P--OVO.ll Ical Diviolon C;) REC',EIPT R eceipt is hereby acknowledged of the following check. Treasurer's Check No. ZZ8786, dated ei-aber Z9, 1958, in the arrioutit of $30,475. 00, drqlwn on tti fL 8 ayable 4t 95e 24 3 .. .. ...... ;Irk -le 2 4r@, hf 2 Ice 9 rA e5 ZZ stpteiilbcv 1958 VIA T,Clf-1'13uflzet Officer to att,@ch-odo 1475.000 L y I* f) cl,,15i,IIQTIG vl C--A% 1-@t tt.0 of $30 zo Tt'-&o et'-tir,,ck i,@-.ould be forv.,iNri3cd to TS,'i/Cli(,i-nteat 2 30 3, Tt'-Ip, La a It-tv(>Lcc. A of $30,475. 00 obli- sirticir t,iia cLbi-3rojeict iY -S9. since it ir. --tntici- p,-Itce,i edil8itic..nil ftli-ade for tliir, project, tt-Le files bo -Invoice tt Z - ACi@ire:itieo TS.13!FASB T L-) I-- r@ INVOICE For servkccs $300475.60 ------------------------------------------------------ -------------- - (1) it is hereby cortif led tlozt ttils la Iti@v@31ce P, 5 to ,3tlbi,)Toject, tio. 6(-. of perforrjaarice lr@ thp--t services are bc-intr P@ccerr,,i)lished in @-tecordarce z!,CIreern2ente, that a ec-taii@-,(A of ii--Nyriieiita rc-ccipts io oi file itA '@CSS/CD, that tt-kis 'o-ill j-,ifjt ccrrect a-.,iOt ti,.creof l@xac P-ot yet2 boon (?@ll 'it li 1-.E-reby ce-L@tified tt,,@at tl,.is lnvoicci @ipplica to Subproject -IZo. 66 of NiKUL@'Y@TtA was d%-,Iy ztplarovc,-d, tb-,-At t'tle project is being carrit,cl out iti acoi,@--rdan-ce v-,Pit.4ttlic- iren.@orzndut-i'l of 13 April 19i3 fro.@',n t[in rcl to the L),D/A. and tlic extension of ttiia in siab,.equent 6 1,eacerch I)irector C~ p rc.1 to: (I"tc,: Ji 19t7 'DRAFT @@-7-A-tiSuat 1958 PROPOS.KL PTXOHOL ',@@TUDY 1958-59 Introduction After 11 years of expei@ime ittal work with alcohol oonsixned in e. setting of social drinking we find thr-it we are far less acquainted with th6 nature ctnd coni.itions of alcohol reactions than we havebcon 2 with L.S.D.-re-actions. There ould be a nuinber of reasons for this. One is -that the blind study of alcohol with L.S.D. was a pilot stu(ly-add that-this past year was an ejcperi- iriental -study, an(I we havc@n't. ,-.p2eiit enough-ti,me vith'alcohol to sort out the detei-thining factore,-.- The other possibility is that alcohol is less sliecific in its actioii, inore dependent on the l,irmiediate e-.notionil mood and recent set of the subject as well an the toiie and 2setting. As of the vioutent we tend-to favor the latter-in@-- terpretation. NA-vertheless both stipl)osition8 lead to a some,@,rhat differ- en@L. app-.@-oach or emphasis in the future study of alcohol th6nwe udod iiith L.S.D. Thi@ee apprceches ai-e proposea2. Part i. Coriti.niiatioii of dotfole-blind "lab2@rato,,r3@l tu -J:LLinou-r s@oe@ai-21c lesiujip-d observati.on roorq. The first apl)rcw@ch proposed is to take raaxtmlxn advantage of 1 opportunities to obserxre interaction effects of alcohol anl specific en,,otional zuoods and eete. DLiring- the past year we have eiiiphasizeki Di @lf,.ki to., I)y "Ity of O,ito: 11)77 fill j i977 eviiw, and broad personality and siturtional determinants by intervi testing qele-cted subjects and then observina and predicting behavior whil.e dr-'2@nking vnd soci.ali.zing in a series of cocktail parties conducted in var spe(,,ificallv desig-aed t;arro,-w@i. A certain degree c):,f predictability was achidved consideririg just these variables, but orii,, of the main fixid- ings was that the mooa2 ariirector ttN@ t 1.7, 195? 1.s ch,?C)c ill the of s3x yiloxl@3" r4 Doll@irs on @ii.@c s of op-3r@it2toi-i iip to tblr, h p to x@aka the folluf-ntp re,,ric@t;t. ho-.-f Yotir fxa tilere r;crit of tbo itili-cii vi-1.1 b-,) --erit c-ii or j@L-10 lit. ,114 on of tl,@i overl ,i cbarra te- n abo 1 J@nr,t,-Prj int in-licatqs that the final to @4,975,. (O wlicb for thc@ in foiii.Trd to socii-ig yoii sooii. RECF.IPT wing check Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the follo Cashier's check No. IZ1877, dated October 4, 1957* Ln 4, SZ6.44, drav@in on the tile ZLI@,ii,ount of $1 p -iiam I to th at CONFlOr--N@i:AL FUNDS POST@NG VOUCHER DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO- 7- 12 2 4 7 - 5 2 53 54- 5 5 7 a - 0 PTI')N ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS OBLIG. ALLOT. LEDGER D P AY UE DATE 2 AMOUNT f@-E CLO @-0 GEN. ACCT. NO. F LEDGER 2-67 -33 2 34-39 'CODE' LIQ. ADVANCE y ACCT. No. DESCRIPTION - A/P ITEMS 13 T,IANS PAYABLE CODE ACCT. NO. OBJECT 2 I NO. CA. DESCRI?TION - ADVANCE ACCOUNTS '@3-24 VOU. NOi rl< -vou.- CLASS. 2 lp-MF. NO. No. 7-il 0 BY AG E!,! -F CA@H I ER 8 Tr* AI-$ b'@ll 3 3- 1 0 -Ay BE USEil. VI& Allot. ztt-.Qvc otibi,)r(@-ject is invo@ic@C-3 v-iiil It- is tt-tal. p@-iyiaiertt ba 2 a.-i follows: C.-t,-,hiorla ctieck L-1.1110 -.ty of p.-,Ayal)lo to titi Imam i,@-t6u!d bo to Ctiief, 2 I:it-@av tti-6trA 14 Octobcr 1957. $14, 5Z6.44 For :ioi-viccs ----------------- ....... It, is fir-ir@iby certifie@@l tf"is i,3 Itivoice No. 3 to Subproject 2 is c--,Crvicoo t'r.-.,ita of t@Ae@, file l@,-x ti-tit@ bill l@2.,i c,,tid ac@t yet boe.-t Dite-. (Z) It is I-zerc",%y cert-;.fied thio c%,Y)Plics t,,) &.uborojec@t No. 66 2 e@ild tz,',i@-it@ project is 136ill,3 carriIL3,'i c@t@it ia rcf-orliarice the of 13 April IC)53 frorn tbo DC-1 to ti-Ae ))])/A. art@@l of this it-4 sul)soquent )3ircctor R(@ccipts 9/15/56 1/25/5i $8, 000, 00 Disbur set-tients: Sala r ie,; 3 I 0 Supp'2@ies and 49 3. 08 Miscellaneous: f'osttge, ireals, travel, etc, 1 38.-36 7, 97 7. 54 1 Balance transferred to 1 22. 46 2 Momppmw@ Receipts 1/26/57 1 5/ 57. - 16,5G2.40 Disbi-irservents: Salaries 12, 4 08. --,7 Sti,ppl@ie s and equiprient 2 1. 3-13. 1 6 Miscellaticous: Post-age, roeal-k, travel, etc. 1,328.Z&- Overtiead 1,243.75 2 10,323.-74 Balance on hand 9/15/57 198.7Z ----------- S 13 MMAR Y $@-2t, ;oo. L Receipts wz 47 Disbursenients: Salaries 19,764.t)-i Supplies and Equipt-i-)ent 1, 826. 24 2 Mi,3CCItatleOlIS 1. 466. 6Z Ove i, ),,'ead 1, Z,13. 75 '90allITPUOdXO ID',IL PDAO,',(ffd'Ll P7II-C POUIWVXO eavq I lialatice on iiird 9/15/5-, 198. '72 Prepare(I froiit books of mpg FUIIIDS RECEIVFD FROM Septp,mber 15, --1956 -to jarLtiary-2-5, 1957 Total Peceipts: Total Disbursom-,ents: S-@Nlar ic a $7,356.10 2 -Supplies 483.08 ep-t of (ie@& 1,4i,-,,zollaneous (Postatle, meals,-- travel.- 138.36 -transferred-tO---- B.@latice of fu4tidi@ ZZ. 46 8,000. initted, Respectfully sub T I-,,(-ve L'.xeminod and @trprovpd the oubmitto(I 1957 lio. i@,-v tize 13 Al,,ril 19.,i3 t't-te 17@C-1 to tl;2@@-e@ 1),I@@iA, @jui elic exteiistori of thi9 66 Itri@ been iD5'@ . cil@ the yr)'@ ect A\,Il@ L.11,TIIA iu3@d-9 have 1 to covzr t!io -@ubi.)rojecklv atid be cf.-argod Acting 49 Atif,,@@ CT@ z den t;i wp r-iioi[CTEL) r 0 0 -,q.4 I 9 513.12 1 4,1 ck5 1*@,23.e4 25..263.37 3,,7t,9.51 of C-1 RAf T D Z8 August 1957 c L B y itwo NIF-1\4012@@?,AI\IDUM EC)@"x: Ttik-, RECORD SUBJP-CR Coritii-tua*io.Yi of MI@ULTRA, Subproject No. 66 1. it is requested th,@.t I.,.'t"L@ULTRA Subproject No. 66 be continued to support the research progrtm on the (leterri-iiiiarits 0 Alcohol intoxication tnd@ertaken at by and asso will be coritin-, ued for one year starting 16 Septeniber 1(57 throul-rii 16 Septel-nber 19'aS. Z. The sc2ope of the project will include (a) contiii- uation of blii-id exi.@eriiiaental studies of drug effects, err.,ploying various "alcohol placebos'! @@iid clieriical extenders developed by TSS/GD; (b) co-itiliuation of studies or predictors of intoxic,3Ltiol-L; (c) exploration 2 of the f--asibility ol'6 obtaitiina 3ignificaiit observations in natural social- dritikina situations as a basis for assesk;ina personality, (d) develc)pitient'of checklists and other types of fori@nal predictioi-x scales. A detailed proposal is attached 2 aticed through 3 The'project', o@e fill --awc7s-,-n--tUe c@apSc-ify- over orgai-tizat,',onmw"T7"e"-cw6"-@i of-the prograrn---- 2 for this year will be $29, 05Z. 88. Charges st----ould be irade a.oa.i.iist allotn-ient 8-Z50Z-10-001. request ubriiit to thern a sumniary accounting f nioniles receive They request2 return of any iiex,oended fi-itids rec(l, ved und f rbrn S. ReqLiireinei)Lt for a six n-iontli infori-nal accounting on the part of the principal investigator is waived, 6. Title to anvperrn.2--nent c uik)ix-ient pii rehased by will be retaitiod b 11 I I'll Ili ill lieu of tiig d rate3. 7. It was @igreed t[i,-it technical reports reflecting the ptocress of the research pro-raii-i will be6 s,,tbj@iitted at ri-i-Littially acceptable intervals. to: of: -glow BY 8 cleared through TOP SFCRET and is aware of the t-xue nature of the project. 'kSS/Cliernical'13ivision AP-@c'@:-',OVED "Z'OR OBI.-IGATION Approved: OF f,'UNDS: 0 Research Director tii- Divi.-ioii Date, Att'achtnent: Prorosal D;Istribution- Origina.1 only 1957-1958 PROSPT,,CTU-3 OUTLINP-' OF Plx'O!IOSFD PitOJi!.CTS 1. SP.TICIFIGATION OF INF)IVIDUAL DIFFERFNCES IN CUE UTILIZATION A. Sou2rces Currer@tllr Available as Basis for Detern-iining Cues Used 1. Recorded, Pre-experircetital Predictio@i Discussions. Z. Interviews With Observers. 3. Data of Naive Observers. 4. Bockoven's Notes on Repression-Suppressioti Theory. 2 B. IVork With New Fxperimental Subjects 1. In,depe@n.den.111- Predictions krom Different Types of Material Used Separately a. Test Results (iticluding C@.rtoons) b. Visual Cdaatt (using one-wa-y--w- it--).low oi viewinc, froiii a clista,nce) c. Verbal IfLaterial (listening to recorded interviews). d. Casual face-to-face-contact (visual and verba.1 exchange). 2 Z. Predi,--tioii Froixi Conibinati,o.ri of Any of the Above 11, PRj',DICTICN OF' surij.@,,c,rs' REACTION TO DRUG IN VARIOUS SITUAI'loNS USING MATER"AL 1'.'\T I-B AS BK.@SIS FOR PRF!;DICTION 2 A. Pltcing Different Personalities in Different Structured Situatioiis 1. Making L,-trEo Groups Available to E>,,terital.izer by Using Total Culture of the liospital. 2. Make Solitude Available to Interlializer. 7 -.II IV 1;.i I D PROJ@4@CT PO-R 1957 1958 (.'3epter-aber) Payroll Staff 12, 646, 32 Clericn.1 (I 1/2 secretaries) 6, 03Z. 84 I-'ive percent raises 833. 96 2 19, 513. 1Z Payroll Taxes 439. 05 Coxisultar.t - Professional Services 1, 9Z3. 04 l-@qiiip-@iient, Books and Supplies 1, 888.16 Co.-Lferciic2e E?Cpenses 11 000, 00 Trp,vel Vxpense Soo. 00 25, 263. 37 Overhead 151o 3, 789. 51 Z9,05?..88 i,4/A I? iq 01-icr:l Vt- WORM Febru,-Ar.N, 4, 1957 the second (,,ii yc@ 1-:e seri@14 bes-L for succcer. In yo,.xr n5l@i ii0n,,4erluaking a As$ iyvt Trea$larer Erc-. 2, 1957 -irount- zof oo Li3e) I" T I T T of 1,@3tcr, oil Woi:,c ',@i'th V C;c-itnot or v 1 ill @,e! 2 contact Nviczu*l ano -voizi,,@@@l- 2, Preei-otio 14oai ot A@-iy of t-@e 0 -V c- Tt,) N4i T T, fi,.roupt,@ Availeblti t@:, Total C,,ilt a A-vrailt@bl.i) tc) 1 .)rco I-,"" '@T l@"T IFS AS E@ttidics I-avri to 'L@@,i tb-,@ rplotiv,,i of the recent fil@lkii!,Vv- b@i2ife to V's tl-,,@t i,.,l u@;a of thc,y 1,,iso tl-.cir predictjonte iYes,7e redin ai@o relatr;o. 't-,o tl-e obrer-, E.,.- El 2 valuos ny-d hi-s y@,;sth@!Dds of ha u.Eos J,n IIXB ever,@, day 6 re oted of I'l@,e @.rab@ect iTho,,,,e p di 2 C-iicce-sa of tILte predictio,-i* isp Lo:,-@o Ei:ib,locto h,,,4ve pat,',erai,,; of bc@l-ir-1,-viorp ti@oitap or 'Ly re 2 --a c i-z by rq.1 e F; hari@c'eristic.9 1, 51;0 not L,:@ b@,it thzit ttl-!ry o exi,-@t -,s 2 @z- --@%vero -ro to t,6%,crity o,' roro fire a"")Ie to p@rt-(ilet e, cvtiliy of ti@.@5 r-,@fact,lon I,; e cci r t y -Io to 2 of i@e-3otior@ e(r,:Ially @ns or of ,,re I'lore cub 'c@etc.1 of rc,@,ciion 1.s ,-,irjro 5 clo;;ely 10.e l@@ie to@) Pi-DJEr,TEID M -P 19 7 1958 (Sc@ptember) Payroll Staff 12.,6116 -32 Clerical (1 1/2 secretaries) 6,032.84 Five 1.)orcent raises 2 833.96 19.,513.12 Pa,yi-vll Taxes 439-05 co,ii6.llt&iit - professional Services 1,923-04 Fouivmc-,-tt, Books and Supplies 1,888.16 r-IL Ul"" Travel Expense ,263-37 ovei@head --15%------ RECPIPT Receil,,t is liereby ackrowledaed of the following check: Cishier's check No. D@,11 40131, dat4@d Febriiary 4, 1957, in tli6 ayr, ount of $16. 3 3 3. 3 -1, drawti ort tl, 2 f)-,tyo@,ble to tho, 13 E-CEIPT :.@'iece!Ft is hereb neknowletJued of tlif., followin(-r hec,-k: y Cashier's1 clieck No. -DM 40131, dated Febi-ui-i,i-Y 1, 1957 in ic)unt (11--awn on. ayable to the C- C PT of ttio followinf,! check: Rocc!il--.t is hereby 101'-I, ted Y-' 27@. ......... .... Check [,,-'&Ven to t Febrvarv 1957 16 itintiary C. t A 17,i j@j U l@;f F 'L 2 f a u 2 t f I 0, O'A )10 t.) L@y vott-,c@. A 2t4!@tpL si-@ice it i t @i t t '-ve 6-511g@tcd for tl-ais 4 I',_ ivivioii I TSS/ii-ASB 2 D 57) (18 J- MIVOYICL@, $16, 333.34 ---------- ---------------------- ....................... CIt@@ ii TIF,ICA'flONS 2(1) it is horo'k@y cerlifie@-,d ti at tl-iis is It-ivoice No. 2 to (;tj cf L)cen Witli 1-2-lutLial of ttaie ijiayi.,tients and r(;c II ts is 1 filo in ti-its bill is jtiqt eci.,rect atid tliat 1,,ayi-nevit t'@-1--Veof liz:ts i@ot yi@t I)CO@I iiiade. (2, I%-, Is ti-iat tlii,;@ irvoice PpL@llos to Subl)roject 66 v@,hicti dtily aiid ttiat ttio I)roject is 2carri@-,cl ciiit in a,@corclai-ice v-,-Itti itie of 13 April 1953 frc@,txi J-':Cl to tti,,; DI-)/iN, the extensioit ()A' t!iis autliority Dii-ector 4 D,,k t e: R@REIPT I '.iereby acknowlf-,d&-% m-ceipt of Co,shier's Check kTo. datel-- 5 mber 1956., in the airiotint of.$8,166.66., payabic to the 6 La e:, 1L Li I-"u Noe--- t t 5 'IV -"L' 4.8,p 1(6.(,6 to it3 v@ct--Li@3f!. t t-h-it 2 O.C i,,i Oil :@ilid 1,11 i-, 1--orL-tiy tliiu il%,roicia to F,@,,LttNproir,,ct C-6 c;ut li@L2. of 13 ti@rll 3.953 frm... !.""I to i-,hft 1-h-to t@,utlicrl-ty in ty Al'; (rA Ij 00ell. .29 Av, Aist'17F@6 02-, BY MMORLTqL@'@-iM FO',i 'I'F"E rf-TORD SUB.JEVT @attLTPk 2 Ftitbproject 66 :L. Subproject 66 is being initiated as a iacal-A 0 OuPPOrt a ogveju in the general efforts to rose,-.rd-'a pr fiel@l- Pt, tin 2 be--,ir,ti- -nkau-at-U-- I- -limil r the direction V.L Proc,,X.--,m '%,,ill b.4'70w'r"ffl&""P'wcr-i. of one ye--a-r starting- 15 Septeynb--r -L95 thr 16 Septc.-mt-@,-r@95V--- 2. L".Ie Scope o-,C the-i-sroject to SysteL"Atical-ly test a r-urlt@@-r of teelknieklies for liredi@,.ti,ng a g'ven'ir-@dividi.@alls maction to 1.1:;D 25,' other Psycliochemicals &-ad alcohol, (b) to deterv-.ine the extent t7n,at those can be er3ioloyed to pree@.iot rea,@tion,s to stress 2 sit,j,e-t-i,--ins otl,-,,,r tli.-" -those pr,-,(ILiced by psyeboche[Acalsp (a) to test out tbc feasib-Li,ity of training non-p@ro,'Lessional o@Dse-r-vers in t-lie use of theee rx@d prediatio,@x technic,,ti@@s ani (d) to stu&y the intoxic;xtion p-coivccd by a,)Pohol ecynsuniptioii in a "BCR"ial dxi@l%.I@)LIg situation" el@id re!,Atiyig 0,,is to 12.13D iiitoxice"ici-a. A detailed rroposal is att,-@ched. -.tlxrouph- low Vill oot in a con,,er organitatib,-i. The -the program for a 1,@e-riod -of one year will t-e $21@,500-00- -Charges shoxild be madcx rgai,..Iot Allo'o",Ment 7-250?--IO--001. 44 2 Vill re6 t to them a sm-ia-a-ry of of L,.onies receiv I return @ of any vu;,-x-peiided forids rece r 5- Pieqtiiiewent fo2r a six mo,@ith infc)riaal accounting on tlae part of t-he'lrincip-le. ir-kvf-.,stl,gator ig %@ai-ved. 6. Title to a-viy periwtient eq:a rebased by fm-Lds @will be ret- 2 b@ in lieu of hipber overheeld rates. 7- It was t,,,kttttially agreod that docuttic-ntatic)n ond accounting for tra-%rel ex_Tense.5 -w)iieli are i-eit-,iburkablr- by 3 ill coiiforra with tlie,@ accepted praf-,tices of t.)_Ia + on 0 CL BYIww -rT It vrar, a 0 -.greed ttjat technical repoi-ts reflecting the prot3r@!s.s of the research program will b,- rubmitted at nmtxially acceptable intervals. 9. a cleared t-h2rotioi TOP SECRF@'T aiid la aware of tb^@ t).-ue natiix-e !of"ei-p-t-oject. 11,SS/Chentea'T b!Vision APPRUIFD: 2 4ef hem-ical DiviLiioii APPil0lif,'.3 FOR OBLIGIAI't-ION-OF- FUNW: - A se D Date: 9/,C,@@ Prooo-sal 3 Distribution: original Only 7r@ Prediction Studies: In our t.'-tree years of resea.reii with LSD-25 t@iis research gro-tip h-- been coti(--eri-ied with the effects ol@' LSD-25,- accotzii,4itig for tlic r@ttiier wide in@-,iividLi@il differences ob-@erved, and identifying tiie determinants ol@' the drug effects. Sufficient progress lias be.&.i! made to g-lve promise to t'ce developirent of inetiio(Is for predicting the reaction to LSD-25 of a V,,iven ind2ividual in a -uveii social sittiation.-If, tipon furtiic-r atia'ysis of our data, o,,ir te,.itative prediction n-ietl,.od proves reliable, it n)ay be generalized to prerl,.ct-ing reactions to (a)'ot'tier druos and (b) other specific envirc.n,@-@iciital events or ageiits. C)tir particular interest is in refiyiiii@,f -xnd gen(-!r,-tlizing the ii@ettiod to i)redict an ill(,Iividualls reaction to sl-,s@-,cified social situations i@,i his environment. Our ii2-iiiiiediate objectives for the initial pliases of this stu(l- wi".1 be: (a) To systematically aeteriiiiiie the extent to which the ob@;orv.-xtio!is made priOL' to ad@,i:iiiiistration of LSD to ipi-)roxiiy)ately 100 stil)jccts studic-ci in ilie past can be c-ii)ployed to preciiet ti,.e itidivi(.Itialls re- ,Action to LSD-25. 110 1,4VOI-Vrt) (2) (b) To detex,i-i-iirie wliat ad(A'@&tional observations would be requix-ed to mal-@c reliable predictions. That is, to deter2ii-.'ne what data is essetitial and wh.,At data is redundaiit. (c) To deterix-jine the e,,,,,tent ti-lai these observations can be eri,.,ployed to predict reactionc, to situations other 2 than t',Lie :tdi-riinistration oA' LSD-25. Such "ottier situatioiis" rrjiglit incl,.,de: reacticln to alcohol, especially where consunied in a "social drinl,@ing" 2 s;.tuatioii; rei-iabilitatio,.t of hospitalized patiexits; reactiot'i to various situ@itioii,,-. of "naiiii-al" socigl I s,tress. Budget: I-lersorial 2cor,)peiis,-4tiori (salaries) 22, 000 Supplies, and services 1, 500 Continget-,ties, ti-avel 1, 000 'ROTAL 9$24, 500. 00 !3 Al D